Booking Confi rm ation - Fake Flight Tickets

Booking Confi rm ation

B oo k ing: 7361516773313 |

| B ooked on Sat, Aug 29, 2020

Flight Details

Depa r t ing Flight

Jet st ar Air w ays Flight JQ116

N onstop | Coach B aggage Fees | Visa & Passpor t Info

Thu, Apr 4, 2019


DPS - 09:05 pm

Singapor e

SIN - 12:10 am

Fri, Apr 5, 2019

Travel Time: 3 h 5 m

Seats Selected: Air por t Check In

+ Exc lusive Sa vings! Add a Hotel and Save up to 25%

Check air line Far e R ules. Most air lines char ge baggage fees, check the B aggage Fees for complete details.

Traveler Inform ation

Please ver ify tr aveler names below. R u les r equir e tr aveler full names match exactly with their Passpor t or G over nment issued photo ID. If you need to make a name change, please call 1-888-760-9101

E-Ticket Number

Tr aveler Name

1 7361516773313

Peter Pen

Special Ser vice

Meal Pr efer ence

No Special Ser vice R equested Any meal

R equests



Disclaim er : Special r equests ar e not guar anteed. Contact your air line to confir m they have r eceived and confir med your r equests.

Flight W a t cher

Flight Monitoring and Notification Service

Flight W a t c he r can send yo u info rmatio n abo ut yo ur fl ight including delays, cancellatio ns and gate o r terminal changes. The messages are auto matically sent via email, but It can be sent via SM S so yo u do n't have to wo rry abo ut haying an Internet connection.

Billing Details (USD)

M eth o d : Email:

Credit Card ending in 4242

Flight P r ic e De t a ils

1 Adult Ticket Su b tota l Taxes and Agency Fees Flight To t al

Total Charge:

$65.00 $65.00

$4.88 $69. 88


Ple a se N ote :

All fares are quoted in USD Your credit card may be billed in multiple charges to taling the abo ve amount. Some airlines may charge B aggage Fees.

Privacy Policy We'r e committed to pr otecting your pr ivacy. See our Pr ivacy Policy for details.

Contact Us if you have any questions please email us at or wr ite to u s at:, 131 W 10th Str eet, Suite 201, N ew Yor k, N Y 10020

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