Residence Hall Association

Residence Hall Association

Monday, October 11, 2004

CUB Cascade Room 123-125

I. Call to Order

A. Rules of Order

i. Reinstatement of Voting Rights

1. Stephenson North moves to reinstate voting rights for Stephenson North, Duncan Dunn, and McCroskey. Community Hall Seconds the motion. No discussion occurs, motion carries. Voting next week: Stephenson South

B. Roll Call/Programming Round Table

i. Community 2

ii. Duncan Dunn 2

iii. Gannon Goldsworthy 2

iv. Honors 2

v. McCroskey 2

vi. McEachern 2

1. During this last week open mic went great, and two debate forums.

2. Tomorrow open mic will be coordinating with GLBTA pride week and so beheld in the CUB lair.

vii. Orton 2

1. This last week the lip sync was good, safe sex ed program went on, movie night was a success, and debate night went well.

viii. Regents 2

ix. Rogers 2

x. Scott-Coman 2

1. This last week Scott Coman had a poker night and half the hall showed up

xi. Stephenson East

xii. Stephenson North 2

xiii. Stephenson South 2

xiv. Stevens 2

xv. Stimson 2

1. This last week Stimson made it into the finals for lip sync.

2. The President of Stimson, Jeff Gates showed up.

xvi. Streit-Perham 2

xvii. Waller 2

xviii. Wilmer-Davis 2

C. Additions/Changes to the Agenda

i. Stephenson East was removed from the agenda while Kim was added under guests and Trumble Trivia was also added after Open Forum.

D. Approval the Minutes

i. Regents amends price to $7 to Morgan program. Scott Coman seconds the movement. After call to question consent is called and approved.

E. Media Introductions

F. Guests

i. Residence Life

1. Mike the RED of Dunkin Dunn and Community showed up to say hi.

2. Star Sherman, REA at Streit Perham presented for the Paraprofessional selection committee. Applications to be a RA (paraprofessional) are sue Nov 1st and can be found at

3. Marsh Smith the RED of Rogers, is proud of his hall for making the finals in the lip synch.


1. Executives

a. Brad Liebricht—Homecoming fliers are given to the represenatives to hand out.

b. The eventual redoing the SEB selection committee is being considered, please tell Marc if you have any interest interest. Forward application to district 7, 10, 1.

c. A proposal for the creation of a student foundation, designed to help alumni raise money for student groups is being considered by ASWSU.

d. ASWUS is also currently trying to fill J board seats.

2. Senate

a. Residence Hall Senators—The Senators have had a busy week.

b. Some will be meeting with City Council to discuss recruiting business to the Pullman area.

3. SEB

a. No speaker

4. GLBTA—This is pride week for GLBTA, please post the fliers for your hall.

a. Open Mic in the CUB Lair tommarow.

b. Ribbons were passed out.

5. Kim Finley, Hillside Dining Services

a. Did not show up.

6. Chinook Yearbook

a. No speaker present.

II. Public Testimony

A. Dan Schafer—Thank all of us for signing up the housing options for Pullman. Sign up sheet was passed around.

III. On the Ball Award

A. Stephenson North recived the award for setting the bar high for the lip sync competition. All nominations for future awards should be sent to wsunrhh@.

IV. Open Forum

A. Programming Chair—Asked RHA to think of record breaking ideas for fall hall week, please send them to her by the end of the meeting.

B. Vice President—Requested calendar in the spring, from the Homecoming Committee for next years events. Appologie was made to the Homecoming Committee for the way she stated her feelings last week. All three top banner awards went to Residence halls, way to go us!

V. Trumble Trivia

A. Damien from Stimson won last weeks question, with T-3 and 30 million dollars

B. This weeks question: What will the title be to the 6th Harry Potter book?

C. Send your responces to: Erictrumble@.

VI. Old Business

A. International Education Week Funding Proposal

i. Jennifer and Alison—The presenters were very excited that their program is coming together, tons of events are going to happen. A few changes to dates handed out last week: fashion show is now on 23 from 3-5pm. Advertisments on the upcoming lecture series were passed out.

1. Public Relations Chair asked, Will our logo go on any further advertising?

a. The lecture series and cultural fair addvertisments will have our logo present.

2. Finance Recommendation: Full funding: a majority of international students live on campus and are deserving of RHA support

ii. Honors—Motion for full funding is made with a yield. McEachern seconds the motion. The justification was that it’s a good program, something that matters.

iii. McEachern calls the motion to question.

iv. Motion passes.

VII. New Business

A. Chinook Spread Funding Proposal

i. The Chinook came last week and gave us until Wednesday to pay for a spread. Two messages have been left asking for extension but no repsonce has come as of yet. Although the interactions have not been profession RHA should be represented in the year book.

1. Finance Committee— We encourage you to not pass funding as the Chinook came late and did not show today.

B. Rogers Hall CA Program Funding Proposal

i. The CA’s from Rogers are putting on a dance on the 23rd of October called the Pumpkin Patch Bash. This is the only program from the CA’s that will need money for the entire year. Fliers and table tents with RHA on them have been distributed. This seems like a good way to get our name out there. The CA’s will be showing movies as well. Door prizes and among other things will be there.

1. South—What time is it?

a. 9-1am

2. Scott Coman—Is this dance free?

a. Yes

3. Stevens—Where are you getting funding?

a. Funding is being derived from people live in residence hall, as well as using all of their budget.

4. Scott Coman- What is the $250 for, buying new decorations?

a. Want to have our own decorations so we can use them again.

5. Public Relations Chair—Are you aware that you are a good man?

a. Yes, yes I am.

6. Finance Committee recomendation—full funding

C. Pacific Islanders Club Funding Proposal

i. The event will be called the Journey Through Paridise, and will display culture and food. The event is open to entire student body, and is a dad’s weekend programming tradition. It will take place Oct 29th at Lighty and will cost $8 pre-pay or $10 at door. They had a rehersal last night which went really well.

1. Vice President—Where do the proceeds go?

a. Dad’s Weekend event is the biggest fundraising event, use proceeds to recruit students on the west side.

2. McEachern—Will the ads have RHA’s name on them?

a. Yes, more ads to come.

3. Finance—Recommends pass full funding for great event during Dad’s Weekend.

D. LGBTA Funding Proposal

i. The proposal is to help fund a Conference for networking, out in the middle of the wheat field. They will discuss issues facing LGBTA groups. $360 for registration for 8 students. This event was fully funded last year.

1. Vice President—How many students from residince halls?

a. 8.

ii. Finance Committee Recommendation—Since all members are coming from residence halls, they recommend passing full funding.

E. S.H.A.P.I.N.G. Funding Proposal

i. This is the APASC, recruitment conference for high school juniors and seniors, happending in October 21 22 23. The goal is to promote higher education in general. The hope is to recruit more students to college.

1. McEachern—For us, or high school students?

a. High School Students

2. Finance Committee Recommendation—Full funding, 2 yes, 1 no, 1 abstention. Concerns about price came up.


A. NRHH can induct 26 members, but will most likely induct around 10. Please nominate people for NRHH Of the Month awards (OTM) for categories including person, program, etc. To do this go to the NRHH website. Nominations are due Thursday at noon. No nominations for Liter of the Week were sent in this week. NRHH is currently working on induction, letters will be going out soon. Applications are due at the social next Thursday.

i. McEachern—Could Smokey link the NRHH web site to the RHA site?

IX. Position/Committee Reports

A. President—Way to go short meetings. Proposed cable lineup from BT. INCLUDES HBO AND SHOWTIME!! Two people are needed for SEB selection.

B. Vice President—Rate setting started on Wednesday, and will have a total of three meetings. The next meeting will be in two weeks. Housing knows that we need to renovate the Hill Halls and build a new hall but don’t have a exact plan yeat. Please give Brad or Diana input on renovations and building if you have any. A walk through tour of Hill Halls to see what we want in the halls will be taking place. Please be able to have your room open during that time, so we can check them out. This will occur on Oct 20 from 5-6:30. Diana. Brad, Terry, Lamar, and Jerry will take a look. Just as a side note WSU has the lowest rates in the state (state colleges).

i. RAC—Survey has been discussed about cable channels. A forum with Brea and Nate is in the works so we can have a question and answer time with our ASWSU executives. RAC required to go this forum. Lights that are weird and turn on and off at weird times are a major concern to the committee. Scott Coman has a smoking problem. If you are having a smoking issue, let Diana know. Also, can we fasten garbage cans to the ground? They work better sideways.

C. DAA—Everyone make sure your constitutions are submitted and show up to the meetings.

D. Finance—Received budget, $28 taken out for network access. Finance is currently working with Steve Kohler to get the computers up and running. Conferences hasn’t been moved, expensed will happen tomorrow morning. Fianance committee, stipend review for execs happens this week

E. NCC—Airline tickets were purchased at a really good deal, $307/piece.

F. Programming—The committee will be meeting next week at 6, email Sam by Friday with your fall hall week information. If all halls and organizations could email her with their programs Sam will be able to complete a programming calendar.

G. Director of PR—The only papers who want our info is Evergreen and Moscow/Pullman Daily News. London Times is still a work in progress. Chinook spread really should go through, we should be in the yearbook.

H. DSCR—Nothing to report.

i. Stevens—Shirts?

1. At the exececutive meeting we decided with RHA: we know where you live, and on the back: we live there too. They will be long sleeved and in black. Britta will Email everyone with more details.

ii. Stimson—color?

1. Black

iii. Stimson—Cost?

1. No idea

iv. Scott Coman—readership program?

1. No more information, I was sick, lay off you friggen bums.

X. Advisor’s Moment

A. Free money through the philosophy department.

XI. Announcements

A. NCC—Don’t rush out behind exec table.

B. McE—Open Mic

XII. Adjournment 8:08


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