
1210491-6966900Click here to watch my Youtube explanation: some places you could find information?about the creative arts industry. Describe some places you could find information?about the creative arts industry. -444529210What are some unique features about the creative arts industry?What are some unique features about the creative arts industry?-838943873List three creative arts organisations and briefly explain what they do.0List three creative arts organisations and briefly explain what they do.-685760325List three ways technology is changing the Creative Arts Industry. List three ways technology is changing the Creative Arts Industry. INFORMATION ON NEXT PAGE-5096912001500Creative Victoria give information about creative events and opportunities for people in Victoria. You can sign up to their news letter for regular updates. Here’s a quick video that shows projects Creative Victoria are involved in, including; Melbourne Fashion Week, The Ballet and Music events. Australian Council of the Arts provides information on ‘grants’ for artists. ‘Grants’ are a sum of money that the government give to an artist to help them complete an artistic project. Artists have to ‘apply’ for these grants. Lots of artists apply, but only some are successful. Australia is a government organisation that help in funding and making new Australian TV shows and movies. Australian Arts industry includes; publishing, performing arts, visual arts, screen production, game development, music, radio and more. The Australian Arts Industry plays an important role in the Australian economy. Lots of Australians work in the Arts industry as actors, musicians, game developers, advertisers, painters and more! One important thing to recognise about the arts industry is that it promotes tourism, for example; people might travel to Melbourne to see ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’. These people would then stay in hotels, eat at restaurants use public transport and shop in local shops. This shows that arts industry actually helps other industries, like retail, hospitality and transport.100148615249000The Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance The Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) is an organisation that actors, film workers, writers, game developers and all creative industries workers can join. This organisation provide creative industries workers information about their rights and how much money they should get paid. Australian Communications and Media AuthorityThe Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is a government organisation who set the rules for what is allowed on TV, radio and the internet. Some things might not be allowed on TV at certain times, such as gambling advertisements during an ad break for a children’s television show. The ACMA make sure advertisers, tv and radio companies follow the rules.Musicians and songwritersThe Australian Performing Right Association (APRA) is an organisation for musicians and songwriters. This organisation helps musicians get paid if their songs are played on the radio, on television or in public (concerts, shops, restaurants). Musicians can contact APRA if they need any help or advice about the music industry. Watch this video for more information; works (books, ebooks, magazines).The Australian Publishers Association (APA) is an organisation responsible for ‘promoting the importance of the published word’. Publishers of pieces of writing can contact or become a member of this organisation if they would like information about copyright laws, advice on courses they could take to improve their skills in publishing or any other question relating to publishing. Technology is changing the way a lot of areas in the creative industries is run. Here are some examples;- Lots of people now use subscription streaming services like NETFLIX to watch TV shows and movies. This means that less people are watching ‘free to air’ TV and less people are watching advertisements. - Lots of people are now using music streaming services like ‘Spotify’. This means that musicians are selling less CDs and digital downloads. Musicians do not make as much money from streaming services as they would by selling a CD or download. - People are playing video games in different ways. People can now compete against each other while playing video games over the internet. ................

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