Megan Banka & Natalie Griffith

Megan Banka & Natalie Griffith

English 280

The Theatre and Movies of Chicago

For this web project, our group has elected to explore an extremely prevalent and influential art form that has been present in the three novels and one movie this class has discussed thus far: entertainment, specifically in theatre and movies. Within the time periods during which these books and movie take place, as well as being especially common in the city of Chicago, many people of all different lifestyles and economic backgrounds frequented these sources of entertainment. In Sister Carrie, the life of the theatre plays a major role in Carrie’s life, and eventually helps to transform her from a poverty stricken housewife into a wealthy star. Through Studs Lonigan and Native Son, the theatre and movies are the source common people can use to escape from their difficult realities. In Chicago, the life in the theatre offers a glamorous dream that many people pursued or visited often.

Through our project, we hope to both give an overview of the history of theatre and movies throughout the course of time the literature we have studied covers, as well as delving into more specific theatrical productions and movies that are mentioned in the books. The more generalized overview will discuss how theatrical productions/movies came to be on the frontier of entertainment, their various advances (such as developing sound and color), and the impact they had on their varied audiences. After establishing a basis of information, we plan to investigate the styles and types of movies that achieved the most popularity as well as what rules or practices – such as ratings - were implemented to regulate subject matter. To tie in with specifics in the books, mention will be made of the particular movies discussed in Studs Lonigan, as well as a profile of the lifestyles of entertainers like in Sister Carrie.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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