1930-1939The Daily NewsEntertainmentThe Top Movies of the 1930s0143510City Lights, this came out in 1931. This movie is about, The Tramp struggles to help a blind flower girl he has fallen in love with. 148590091440The next movie is Mutiny on the Bounty. This came in 1935. It’s about Fletcher Christian leads a revolt against the ruthless Captain Bligh on the HMS Bounty. 097790Modern Times came out in 1936. All about The Tramp struggles to live in modern industrial society with the help of a young homeless woman. 457200-4572004572000-457200The famous Wizard of Oz, released in 1939. It’s all about Dorothy is swept away to a magical land and she goes on a voyage to see the Wizard of Oz to help get home. Gone With the Wind also came out in 1939. A manipulative woman and a roguish man carry on a turbulent love affair in the American south during the Civil War and Reconstruction.Music06350The Top Music of the 1930s are…Billie Holiday “Strange Fruit”Robert Johnson “Cross Road Blues”Judy Garland “Over the Rainbow”Cab Calloway & His Orchestra “Minnie the Moocher”Robert Johnson “Hellhound On My Trail”Glenn Miller “In the Mood”Robert Johnson “Love in Vain”Gene Autry “Back in the Saddle Again”The Carter Family “Can the Circle be Unbroken”Duke Ellington “Mood Indigo”The Top Literature between the years 1930 and 1939 are…Cimarron by Enda Ferber254007620The Good Earth by Pearl S Buck, both 1931 and 1932Anthony Adverse by Hervey Allen, both 1933 and 1934Green Light by Lloyd C DouglassGone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, both 1936 and 1937The Yearlings by Marjorie Kinnan RawlingsThe Grapes of Wrath by John SteinbeckSports4572000208915The Top Sport Stories in the 1930s are…Green Bay Packers won NFL Championship with a record of 10-3-1. Alabama Crimson Tide and Notre Dame Fighting Irish shared the title of the national championship. Philadelphia Athletics defeated the St. Louis Cardinals won the 1930s World Cup Series. Then the Montreal Canadiens won the 1930s Stanley Cup finals.RadioThe Impact of Radio began at the beginning of the 1930s. At the beginning, 12 million households owned a radio, then by 1939, the total came out to be more than 28 million. The radio became the central piece of furniture in homes. Parents and children gathered around to listen to their favorite shows. -228600-228600The radio marked the advent of soap operas. They also gave a source of inspiration with heroes like “The Lone Ranger and The Shadow”. The radio also broadcasts news and influenced the way people experienced current affairs. Most importantly, the radio provided a way to communicate, Franklin D Roosevelt’s “fireside chats” helped 38862002514600the people feel closer to their president. The radio also influenced advertisers on the radio, the idea of “sponsors” came to be. Surprisingly, the radio established the national broadcasting networks such as NBC and CBS, still preset to this day. Although, after the 1930s, the radio began to decline, because of newer, more visual technologies.PoliticsHoover V.S. FDRPresident Herbert Hoover favors a Laze Fare policy. He thinks the people themselves can heal the economy once people start spending more money. He is worried if the government steppes in it could cause the government to go into debt. Franklin Roosevelt feels different. His policies are more liberal and he appeals to the voters in poverty. His plan is to help people during this time of depression using government funding. New Deal V.S. Second New DealThe New deal will increase government expenditure and promote economic recovery. Americans will get back to work through federal activism. The new deal has three goals: recovery from the depression, relief for victims, and reform of the economic system. The second new deal will create the National Labor Relations Act. This will give workers the right to bargain collectively through unions. The Security Act will also be created. This is a government insurance program for aged, unemployed, and disabled persons. The second new deal will also create the Works progress Administration that will give many people jobs. Over time this administration should help build hundreds of buildings, bridges, roads, airports, schools, and post offices. OpinionThe 1930’sIs the future getting better? Many would like to hope so but the Great Depression is stretching out still. The Great Depression lasted from about 1929 until the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. It is now known as “the longest, most widespread, and deepest depression of the 1920’s.” it has affected the rich and poor. The stock market has crashed and people are starving! People believe that the future is going to get worse before it gets better.The Great Depression was even harder on the minority groups (black Americans, Mexican Americans, American Indians, and Asian Americans) than it was on the white Americans. Many minorities could not tell the difference between the Great Depression and the “normal” times because racial discrimination was so known, minority workers are usually the first to los a job, and were often denied employment in public programs. Particularly to blacks in the South, some charities would not give them food. Also, violence increased because whites and minorities were fighting for the same jobs.“Trickle-down economies are terms used in the United States politics to refer to the idea that tax breaks or other economic benefits provided by government to businesses and the wealthy will benefit poorer members of society by improving the economy as a whole.” In simpler words, money that the government gives to the wealthy and businesses will eventually get to the poor and help them. It will help the entire economy as one.U.S/World News The Dust Bowl The Dust Bowl is terrorizing the United States! It is the result of the worst drought in U.S. history. The Dust Bowl is causing massive droughts in 27 states and is affecting more than 75 percent of the country. Millions of people have already moved from the Dust Bowl states into the states of California and Oregon. This has caused mass unemployment because there are just not enough jobs for all those people. On one case a Dust cloud traveled all the way to Washington. When that occurred, the President made a statement for the nation to hear where he reminded the United States citizens of his earlier warning, stating, “This is what I was talking about!” Hopefully, this will be a warning heeded by others to do something about it and to do it fast.World DepressionDepression has hit the United States with nearly 12000 people are made unemployed every day. There are a total of 12 million people out of work and it doesn’t seem like it will be going up any time soon. But that is that the only thing that’s going wrong in the United States. Banks are failing left and right. There are 1,616 banks that have gone bankrupt during this depression and over 20,000 companies that have gone bankrupt. But I haven’t even told you the worst of it. As we all know these are tough times and there is no doubt that it is hard to even make it through the day and because of that 23,000 people committed suicide in just one year. Bank Failures Banks have not done well at all during these hard times. As the economic depression deepens, and as farmers have less and less money to spend in town, banks have begun to fail at an alarming rate. To get money the banks bought stocks and most of those failed which resulted in the banks loosing a lot of money. Depositors saw $140 billion disappear through bank failures. In all 9,000 banks are failing during these trouble times. There was an average of 70 banks failing each year nationally. 744 banks failed in the first couple of months of 1930, that’s 10 times as much! Life of the Average American During this Depression life of the average American is not the same as how it has been in previous years. Kids found jobs at a much younger age when their parents couldn’t and had to comfort their parents, this made them have a much bigger roll in the family and would change their life dramatically. Most people have to get their food by standing line, which could be hours for some coffee and donuts. Most people didn’t have a home which to live in which made things that much harder. Some people couldn’t even take it, living in this time and took their own life. The morale of the United States is very low and it will take a long time or a miracle to get things back together and put this in the past. ................

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