Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | SIUE
SIUE Preparation Checklist for Employees Who Have Accepted a Position in another
Department on the Alton, E. St. Louis or Edwardsville Campuses
The purpose of this form is to assist departments and employees who are moving to another position in another department at SIUE. This checklist is available to facilitate the process and plan, allowing for uninterrupted employee access, employee pay and up-to-date information.
|Employee’s Last Name: |First Name: |Banner ID: |
|Previous Department: |Employee’s last work date: |
|Supervisor Name/Phone #: | |
|Job Classification: Faculty A/P Staff Civil Service |
|New Department: |Employee’s first work date: |
|Supervisor Name/Phone #: | |
|Job Classification: Faculty A/P Staff Civil Service |
| |Dept Duties – Previous Dept |Employee Duties |Dept Duties – New Dept |
|1. | | Sign and date required HR forms to transfer to | Prepare required HR forms to hire employee into|
| | |new position and receive your next paycheck for |new position, in conjunction with payroll |
| | |responsibilities completed in your new department,|processing cutoff dates, as well as update the |
| | |as well as update your Campus location and phone |employee’s new Campus location and new phone |
| | |number |number |
|2. | Update Vacation/Sick Leave Taken fields on | Turn in any final vacation and sick leave slips | |
| |the Banner PEALEAV screen to report time taken|for time that will be taken during your employment| |
| |while employee worked in the department. |in your current department | |
|3. | Enter final hours to be paid through the | Hourly paid employees – complete and review your| |
| |department time entry/approval process if |final timesheet to be submitted for your final | |
| |employee is paid hourly |payroll process within the department | |
|4. | | Sign your PDQ when you begin your new position | Have PDQ prepared for new employee’s review and|
| | | |signature |
|5. | Collect any SIUE keys the employee had | Acquire key(s) to your new work space location | Confirm a key is available for the incoming |
| |assigned while working in the department. |and turn in key(s) from your previous work |employee (previous incumbent should have returned|
| | |location. |assigned key(s) to employing department). |
| | | |Prepare the Key Request form to transfer the |
| | | |assigned key to the new employee. |
| | | | |
| | | | |
|6. |If the employee had Keyless Entry access in | Keyless access using your University ID card | Please see the Keyless Access Facilities |
| |conjunction with completing their job |will need to be activated and/or deactivated, |Management web page for information from Key |
| |responsibilities, contact Key Control to |based on previous and current job locations. Your|Control to authorize Keyless entry to the new |
| |remove they access when they transfer to their|supervisor will provide the necessary form for you|employee. |
| |new department. |to sign if Keyless entry access is applicable to | |
| | |your new position. |Entry to an office requiring a security code will|
| |Access provided through an internal office | |also need to be assigned directly within the |
| |security code will need to be removed directly| |employing department by the employee’s |
| |within the employing department. | |supervisor. |
|7. | Update the employee’s ITS information | Sign the Systems Access Request Form which | Complete the Systems Access Request Form is |
| |systems access, if the employee will no longer|authorizes the creation of your user’s account for|available from ITS to assign access to the new |
| |need the same access. The Systems Access |the various information systems you will be |employee. |
| |Request Form is available at: |required to access in in your new position. You | |
| | |may also need to complete the Confidentiality |Please also submit authorization forms (linked |
| | |Form, as specified on the ITS web site regarding |below) to HR to assign access if the employee |
| |Please also submit authorization forms (linked|access |will assigned Payroll Department Time Entry or |
| |below) to HR to remove access if the employee| |Approval responsibilities |
| |was assigned Payroll Department Time Entry or|Sign the forms provided by your supervisor if you | |
| |Approval responsibilities for the department |will be completing department time entry or |•Time Entry Authorization Form |
| | |approver responsibilities. |•Time Approver Authorization Form |
| |•Time Entry Authorization Form | | |
| |•Time Approver Authorization Form | | |
|8. | Disconnect access to networked | | Request access to networked |
| |copiers/printers/pcs | |copiers/printers/pcs |
|9. | Remove the assignment of AIS Fiscal Officer| If you will have AIS Fiscal Officer or Fiscal | If the new employee will have AIS Fiscal |
| |and Fiscal Officer Delegate responsibilities l|Officer Delegate responsibilities in your new |Officer or Fiscal Officer Delegate |
| |by completing the revocation form available |position, complete a request form and an |responsibilities, complete the forms required to |
| |at: |attestation statement available at |authorize the access- |
| | | and forward it to | |
| | |Administrative Accounting, Box 1002. A link to | |
| | |training is also available at this site. | |
|10. | Remove P-card access if the employee P-card | If you will have P-card transaction | Complete the necessary form to provide the new |
| |responsibilities. Go to this site for more |responsibilities, complete the form for P-card |employee with P-cad access if such access is |
| |information: |access and acquire training; information is |required to complete their new job |
| | at: |responsibilities; more information regarding |
| |x.shtml | access is available at: |
| |The P-card Administrator can be reached at: |tml |
| |650-3257 |The P-card quick reference with P-card |html |
| | |administrator contact information is available at:| |
| | | |
| | |eference.shtml | |
|11. | Confirm final Transportation Services | If your new responsibilities will require use of| If the employee will be required to use a |
| |charges the incumbent may have incurred during|a Campus vehicle from time to time, be sure to |Campus vehicle, sign the form available on the |
| |their employment within the department and |visit the Transportation Services website, where |Transportation Services website, to authorize |
| |review transactions, which may be forthcoming |the Driver Approval form is available. |vehicle usage by the employee. |
| |at the time the employee moves to their new | | |
| |position. | | |
|12. | | Contact Parking Services if a different permit | Inform employee of parking permit needed for |
| | |is required for your new job. The Parking |position. |
| | |Services web site is located at: | |
| | | | |
|13. | Ask the employee to return their name badge | Your department may order a new name badge | Order a name badge and/or business cards for |
| |assigned while employed in the department. |and/or business cards for you to show your title |the new department employee. Purchasing will |
| | |in your new department. |assist with the process; the main number is |
| | | |650-3255. |
|14. | Let ITS know that the employee’s | Submit Telecommunications Service Requisition to| Prepare Telecommunications Service Requisition |
| |authorization code is no longer valid for the |obtain a new telephone authorization code, change |to authorize a new telephone authorization code, |
| |department as of the last date of employment |the name on your phone display, and reset the |change the name on the employee’s phone display, |
| |within the department. Update the voice |voice mail password, if necessary. Record new |and reset the voice mail password, if necessary. |
| |message and phone display and reset the voice |greetings on phone. |Forms and telephone usage information are |
| |mail password, if necessary. Record a new |Forms and telephone usage information are |available at: |
| |greeting, if necessary. |available at: | |
| | | | |
| |Forms and telephone usage information are | | |
| |available at: | | |
| | | | |
|15. | | If your new work location needs an ergonomic | Adjust existing work stations, as needed. |
| | |assessment to evaluate what may impact | |
| | |productivity, quality and safety on the job, | |
| | |please contact Emergency Management and Safety at | |
| | |650-3584 or refer to the website: | |
| | |. | |
| | | | |
| | |Contact the Equal Opportunity, Access and Title IX| |
| | |Coordination Office to discuss necessary | |
| | |accommodations; the website is: | |
| | |. | |
|16. | Ask the employee to return any SIUE property| Return any other SIUE property assigned during | |
| |they may have been assigned to do their job |your employment in your current department, such | |
| |while employed in the department, such as a |as a radio, cell phone, etc. Clean out | |
| |radio or cell phone, etc. |desk/locker before moving to new department . | |
|17. | | Flex time schedules which were in place at your | |
| | |previous location will need to be requested for | |
| | |your new position, if a flex time schedule is | |
| | |still necessary. | |
|17. | Remove access to required listserves, shared| | Provide access to required listserves , shared |
| |drives, sharepoints, etc, the employee will no| |drives, sharepoints, etc. the employee will need |
| |longer need access to for the department. | |to do their new job. |
|18. | | Complete Identity Protection Plan Training, | Have the new employee complete the Identity |
| | |which is found on the HR website under ‘Training’.|Protection Plan Training available on HR’s |
| | | |website under ‘Training’. |
|19. | Provide employee with an evaluation upon | | Complete Phase 1 of the Employee Excellence |
| |their departure from the department. | |Process upon the new employee’s arrival to the |
| | | |department |
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