Transcript: Trustee or delegate? - Education Scotland

Pupil 1: Should we discuss it? MPs should vote the way the public want them to as this will most likely get them re-elected, so

Pupil 2: Well if they, I think that is kind of delegate because they are taking in the views of the public and they are acting on them because they are doing what the public are saying so I think that should be put in here

Public 3: Leave that one in the middle so

Public 4: Well, what do you think the qualities of an MP should be, do you think delegate or trustee?

Pupil 2: Well I think delegate because if they are getting elected by the people then they should get their views on things and what they think about it and like, if they’re going to get along and everything and want people to vote for them again and stuff like that then they should have opinions that are from the public

Pupil 4: Yes, I think so

Pupil 3: I disagree because when the public vote for an MP they know what they are voting for so they know what they are going to get from the person so shouldn’t the MP just be allowed to get on with their work and do what they feel is right for the country?

Pupil 1: I agree with Hannah because if the MP gets elected by the people then he needs to take the public’s vote and opinions into account so yes, I agree with Hannah

Pupil 2: But I also agree with Alfie, I mean like if they already put down what they are saying and they are saying that they are going to do something then the public should also let them get on with some of the things that they said they are going to do because that’s who they voted for and they already knew that’s what they were going to do so I think it should be an element of both

(All agree)


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