Premiere #1 - Duq

Premiere1.doc rev 04/12/2015

Basics of creating a video

• Develop a script (Premiere has a built-in script function, which we won’t use)

• Assemble assets: music (watch copyright), still images

• Shoot the live video or (best) import the video after taping

• Decide on the title, ending credits

• Assemble the elements on the time line (according to SMPTE time code)

• Add transitions (between clips), and effects

• Export the movie in the desired format (AVI, FLV, MOV, MP4, MPEG-2)

• Create a DVD with/without menus. You actually do this in a separate program called Adobe Encore.)

• Create Flash Videos for the Web

• Or create MP4 videos for the Web, HTML 5

• Insert the videos into a Web page

Start Premiere

• Open your Cats Movie Project 2 project from last module (Or whatever you last named it)

Delete everything on the timeline (from previous session). Set time code 00:00:00:00, or press Home key

Source Window:

Editing video and audio clips

• Double-click on pic1.avi in the Project bin to open it in the Source window


As you will see, clips can have a start/In point/marker, and an end/Out marker. Together they define a sub-clip

• Use gold slider (play head) and move it to time code 00:00:00:00 …or press the Home key on the keyboard


Use the Source window to:

1. Edit a clip; (audio and video) and copy it to the timeline and or save it

2. copy audio only to the timeline

3. Copy video only to the time line

Using the video and audio only options

Suppose we want only the video portion of a clip, but don’t want to go through the unlinking process, or conversely we just want the audio.

• Clear timeline

• Be sure pic1.avi is in the Source window

• Click the Drag Video Only (Or audio only) tool:




• And, drag the video only to the timeline

• Zoom by clicking + sign several times

Also, use these to zoom:


Let’s show frame first and last frames of a video clip

• On the timeline, near upper right corner, click here:


Or, depending on which version you’re using, click here


• Choose


• Then click the wrench button/tool on the timeline and select Expand all Tracks




Editing/trimming audio (music) in Source window

• Open Cat Scratch Fever

o Double-click the music clip in the Project window, it will open in the Source window)

• We want to extract a clip (called a subclip) about 90 seconds long, from about the middle of the song.

Here is one method:

• Start the song, listen and press I (In) at the desired clip’s beginning, (around 00:02:26:17 ) (Of course, you could enter the start time code directly… )

• Continue playing/listening until get to desired end (around 00:04:00:11), then press O(ut)

Won’t work! Song is only a bit over 3 minutes

• Clear in/out marks, want these new values:

Start at 00:02:30:00

End at 00:03:40:06

Note: To clear in, out markers, right-click on the clip and choose Clear In and Out

You can also enter the time code values directly:

• Enter start SMPTE value (00:02:30:00)

• Tab

• Press I

• Enter end SMTPE code (00:03:40:06)

• Tab

• Press “O”


• Note the duration on the right upper box. To lengthen the duration, slide the } to the right

• You can use it now by dragging it to the timeline, and/or save it…do both…drag to audio 2 track

• To save your (sub) clip, Choose Clip>Make subclip


• Name it cats scratch fever clip


You can test your clip(sub) using the braces: (Go to In/Out)


The subclip should now be in the Project window:


• Drag the subclip from the Project window to the Audio 1 time line

Working with Stills (photos) and Effects Controls

• Add 4 or 5 images to the timeline

• As you drag, pull the last image to the right to lengthen its duration


Recall we have to reduce the image size to fit the frame size. To do so, right-click the clip and choose set to frame size


• Try one

• To delete a set frame size option, right click on the clip and select remove effects:


Using Effect Controls tab to resize images


• This method is more flexible than fit to frame…


• Position the playhead over any image:


• Click on the desired clip on the timeline

• Move the playhead over the image

• Open the Effect Controls tab:


• Expand the Motion tool and look for Scale


• Adjust the Scale value until the image is “safe”…recall/show safe areas (Right-click the image in the Program window and choose Safe Margins

• You can also move the image (change the position x,y values…see below


• You can also use Effects Control to Move the image

o Click the word Motion, then move the image:


• Later, we’ll see how to pan across an image and to zoom in

Changing the Still-Image Duration

• The default duration for a still image is 5 seconds

How do we change the duration?

Method # 1: Works for last image only

• To change the duration of the last image:

o Position the cursor at the end of the last clip

o Will see a new cursor shape, drag to the right to change the duration:


• Make the duration last about 7 seconds

Method # 2 Use a Menu option

• Right-click a picture on the timeline and choose Speed/Duration


Will see:


• Change the duration to say 7 seconds

• Try changing the second clip from the right and attempt to change the duration. Doesn’t work

• Try again, but this time check the Ripple Edit box


Method #3: Use Ripple Edit tool

For changing the duration of any clip on the timeline


We will use Ripple Edit Tool in the toolbox to change the duration of any clip

• Example:

• Select a picture…click it and move playhead over the clip


• Click the Ripple Edit tool


• Drag the cursor one way or the other

Note the new cursor shape:


• Lengthen the clip to the 12 second mark


• It WORKS!!

• Ctrl-Z

Lock the audio track: If you don’t, it gets messed up!


Slow Motion: Video clip at end

• Can also change the speed of a video clip:

o Drag the original pic1.avi to the end of the timeline, Video 2

• Select the avi file on the timeline, right click and choose Speed/Duration, Enter 25% as the speed) (4 x the time, plays slow motion)

Slow motion for videos NOT at the end

• Make sure pic.avi is on the timeline; check to see if there is an image after pic.avi:


• Now, try to lengthen pic1, can’t. Must click the Ripple Edit box


• Save the project as cats Movie 3

Playing the movie

• Play by hitting the space bar (fast display, low quality)

• Hit Enter – Renders the movie…makes higher quality

• At the top of your timeline, there is a red or green bar. If it is red, that section is not rendered. A green bar indicates rendered areas. Want all green before exporting to other formats

Locking a track

You can guard against accidentally changing a track (audio or video) content by clicking Toggle Lock Track .. A padlock will appear


And you should see:


• Unlock the audio track

• Save your project as CatsProjectV3

Next Class: More editing, Transitions, Effects[pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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