
A. Original Reports:

1. Zilles K, Armstrong E, Schlaug G, Schleicher A. Quantitative cytoarchitectonics of the posterior cingulate cortex in primates. J Comp Neurol 1986;253:514-524.

2. Armstrong E, Zilles K, Schlaug G, Schleicher A. Comparative aspects of the primate posterior cingulate cortex. J Comp Neurol 1986;253:539-548.

3. Steinmetz H, Huang Y, Seitz RJ, Knorr U, Schlaug G, Herzog H, Hackländer T, Freund H-J. Individual integration of positron emission tomography and high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1992;12:919-926.

4. Steinmetz H, Jäncke L, Kleinschmidt A, Schlaug G, Volkmann J, Huang Y. Sex but no hand difference in the isthmus of the corpus callosum. Neurology 1992;42:749-752.

5. Walter H, Kristeva R, Knorr U, Schlaug G, Huang Y, Steinmetz H, Nebeling B, Herzog H, Seitz RJ. Individual somatotopy of primary sensorimotor cortex revealed by intermodal matching of MEG, PET, and MRI. Brain Topography 1992;5:183-187.

6. Schlaug G, Armstrong E, Schleicher A, Zilles K. Layer V pyramidal cells in the adult human cingulate cortex. A quantitative Golgi-study. Anat Embryol 1993;187:515-522.

7. Herzog H, Seitz, RJ, Tellmann L, Schlaug G, Kleinschmidt A, Nebeling B, Stöcklin G, Müller-Gärtner HW. Pharmacokinetics and radiation dose of oxygen-15 labeled butanol in rCBF studies in humans. Eur J Nucl Med 1993;21:138-143.

8. Seitz RJ, Schlaug G, Witte OW. Funktionelle Bildgebung in der Epilepsiediagnostik. EEG-Labor 1993;15:188-196.

9. Seitz RJ, Schlaug G, Kleinschmidt A, Knorr U, Nebeling B, Wirrwar A, Steinmetz H, Benecke R, Freund H-J. Remote depressions of cerebral metabolism in hemiparetic stroke: Topography and relation to motor and somatosensory functions. Human Brain Mapping 1994;1:81-101.

10. von Giesen HJ, Schlaug G, Steinmetz H, Benecke R, Freund H-J, Seitz RJ. Cerebral network underlying unilateral motor neglect: evidence from positron emission tomography. J Neurol Sci 1994;125:29-38.

11. Schlaug G, Knorr U, Seitz RJ. Inter-subject variability of cerebral activations in acquiring a motor skill. A study with positron emission tomography. Exp Brain Res 1994;98:523-534.

12. Schlaug G, Hefter H, Nebeling B, Engelbrecht V, Weiss P, Stöcklin G, Seitz RJ. Dopamine D2 receptor binding and cerebral glucose metabolism recover after D-penicillamine-therapy in Wilson's disease. J Neurol 1994;241:577-584.

13. Witte OW, Brühl C, Schlaug G, Tuxhorn I, Lahl R, Villagran R, Seitz, RJ. Dynamic changes of focal hypometabolism in relation to epileptic activity. J Neurol Sci 1994;124:188-197.

14. Jäncke L, Schlaug G, Huang Y, Steinmetz H. Asymmetry of the planum parietale. NeuroReport 1994;5:1161-1163.

15. Schlaug G, Schleicher A, Zilles K. Quantitative analysis of the columnar arrangement of neurons in the human cingulate cortex. J Comp Neurol 1995;351:441-452.

16. Steinmetz H, Herzog A, Schlaug G, Huang Y, Jäncke L. Brain (a)symmetry in monozygotic twins. Cerebral Cortex 1995;5:296-300.

17. Classen, Witte OW, Schlaug G, Seitz RJ, Holthausen H, Benecke R. Epileptic seizures triggered directly by focal transcranial magnetic stimulation. EEG Clin Neurophysiol 1995;94:19-25.

18. Schlaug G, Jäncke L, Huang Y, Steinmetz H. In vivo evidence of structural brain asymmetry in musicians. Science 1995;267:699-671.

19. Schlaug G, Jäncke L, Huang Y, Steinmetz H. Musical ability [letter]. Science 1995;268:621-622.

20. Steinmetz H, Staiger JF, Schlaug G, Huang Y, Jäncke L. Corpus callosum and brain volume in women and men. NeuroReport 1995;6:1002-1004.

21. Schlaug G, Jäncke L, Huang Y, Staiger JF, Steinmetz H. Increased corpus callosum size in musicians. Neuropsychologia 1995;33:1047-1055.

22. Zilles K, Schlaug G, Matelli M, Luppino G, Schleicher A, Qü M, Dabringhaus A, Seitz R, Roland PE. Mapping of human and macaque sensorimotor areas by integrating architectonic, transmitter receptor, MRI, and PET data. J Anat 187: 515-537, 1995

23. Classen J, Kunesch E, Binkofski F, Hilperath F, Schlaug G, Seitz RJ, Glickstein M, Freund H-J. Subcortical origin of visuomotor ataxia. Brain 1995;118:1365-1374

24. Engelbrecht V, Schlaug G, Hefter H, Kahn T, Mödder U. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain in Wilson's disease: T2 signal loss under therapy. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1995;19:635-638

25. Herzog H, Seitz RJ, Tellmann L, Rota Kops E, Jülicher F, Schlaug G, Müller-Gärtner HW. Quantitation of regional cerebral blood flow with 15O-butanol and positron emission tomography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1996;16:645-649

26. Arnold S, Schlaug G, Niemann H, Ebner A, Lüders H, Witte OW, Seitz RJ. Topography of interictal glucose hypometabolism in unilateral mesiotemporal epilepsy. Neurology 1996;46:1422-1430

27. Schlaug G, Hefter H, Engelbrecht V, Kuwert T, Arnold S, Stöcklin G, Seitz RJ. Neurological impairment and recovery in Wilson's disease: evidence from PET and MRI. J Neurol Sci 1996;136:129-139.

28. Hanemann CO, Hefter H, Schlaug G, Seitz RJ, Freund H-J, Benecke R. Characterization of basal ganglia dysfunction in a Leber 'plus' disease. J Neurol 1996; 297-300.

29. Seitz RJ, Piel S, Arnold S, Schlaug G, Ebner A, Witte OW. Cerebellar hypometabolism in focal epilepsy is related to age of onset and drug intoxication. Epilepsia 1996;37:1194-1199.

30. Warach S, Ives J R, Schlaug G, Patel M, Darby DG, Thangaraj V, Edelman RR, Schomer DL. EEG triggered echo planar functional MRI for localization of epileptic discharges. Neurology 1996; 47:89-93.

31. Schlaug G, Sanes JN, Thangaraj V, Darby DG, Jäncke L, Edelman RR, Warach S. Cortical activation covaries with movement rate. NeuroReport 1996;7:879-883.

32. Steinmetz H, Staiger JF, Schlaug G, Huang Y. Inverse relationship between brain size and callosal connectivity. Naturwissenschaften 83:221.

33. Wunderlich G, Schlaug G, Jäncke L, Benecke R, Seitz RJ. Adult-onset complex partial seizures as presenting sign in colpocephaly. J Neuroimaging 1996: 192-195.

34. Siewert B, Martin Bly B, Schlaug G, Darby D, Thangaraj V, Warach S, Edelman RR. Comparison of two functional magnetic resonance imaging methods using signal detection theory. Magn Reson Med 1996;36:249-255.

35. Manoach DS, Schlaug G, Siewert B, Darby DG, Bly BM, Benfield A, Edelman RR, Warach S. Prefrontal cortex fMRI signal changes are correlated with working memory load. NeuroReport 1997;8:545-549.

36. Jäncke L, Schlaug G, Steinmetz H. Hand skill asymmetry in professional musicians. Brain and Cognition 1997;34:424-432.

37. Amunts K, Schlaug G, Schleicher A, Steinmetz H, Dabringhaus A, Roland PE, Zilles K. Asymmetry in the human motor cortex and handedness. NeuroImage 1996;4:216-222.

38. Zilles K, Dabringhaus A, Geyer S, Amunts K, Qü M, Schleicher A, Gilissen E, Schlaug G, Steinmetz H. Structural asymmetries in the human forebrain and the forebrain of non-human primates and rats. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 1996;20:593-605.

39. Jäncke L, Staiger JF, Schlaug G, Huang Y, Steinmetz H. The relationship between corpus callosum size and forebrain volume. Cerebral Cortex 1997;7:48-56.

40. Schlaug G, Siewert B, Benfield A, Edelman RR, Warach S. Time course of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) abnormality in human stroke. Neurology 1997;49:113-119.

41. Schlaug G, Antke C, Holthausen H, Arnold S, Ebner A, Tuxhorn I, Lüders H, Witte OW, Seitz RJ. Ictal motor signs and interictal regional cerebral hypometabolism. Neurology 1997;49: 341-350.

42. Siewert B, Schlaug G, Edelman RR, Warach S. Comparison of EPISTAR and Gadolinium-enhanced perfusion imaging in patients with cerebrovascular disease. Neurology 1997;48:673-679.

43. Baird AE, Benfield, A, Schlaug G, Siewert B, Lovblad KO, Edelman RR, Warach S. Enlargement of human cerebral ischemic lesions measured by diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Ann Neurol 1997;41:581-589.

44. Lovblad KO, Baird AE, Schlaug G, Siewert B, Benfield A, Siewert B, Voetsch B, Connor A, Burzynski C, Edelman RR, Warach S. Ischemic lesion volumes in acute stroke by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging correlate with clinical outcome. Ann Neurol 1997;42: 164-170.

45. Siewert B, Wielopolski PA, Schlaug G, Edelman RR, Warach S. STAR MR angiography for rapid detection of vascular abnormalities in patients with acute cerebrovascular disease. Stroke 1997;28:1211-1215.

46. Amunts K, Schlaug G, Jäncke L, Steinmetz H, Schleicher A, Dabringhaus A, Zilles K. Motor cortex and hand motor skills: structural compliance in the human brain. Human Brain Mapping 1997;5: 206-215.

47. Jäncke L, Wunderlich G, Schlaug G, Steinmetz H. A case of callosal agenesis with strong anatomical and functional asymmetries. Neuropsychologia 1997;35:1389-1394.

48. Zilles K, Schleicher A, Langemann C, Amunts K, Morosan P, Palomero-Gallagher N, Schormann T, Mohlberg H, Bürgel U, Steinmetz H, Schlaug G, Roland PE. A quantitative analysis of sulci in the human cerebral cortex: Development, regional heterogeneity, gender difference, asymmetry, intersubject variability and cortical architecture. Human Brain Mapping 1997;5:218-221.

49. Peters M, Jäncke L, Staiger JF, Schlaug G, Huang Y, Steinmetz H. Unsolved problems in comparing brain sizes in homo sapiens. Brain Cogn 1998;37:254-285.

50. Lövblad KO, Jakob PM, Chen Q, Baird AE, Schlaug G, Warach S, Edelman RR. Turbo spin-echo diffusion-weighted MR of ischemic stroke. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1998;19: 201-208.

51. Jäncke L, Peters M, Schlaug G, Posse S, Steinmetz H, Mueller-Gaertner H. Differential magnetic resonance signal change in human sensorimotor cortex to finger movements of different rate of the dominant and subdominant hand. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res 1998;6:279-284.

52. Lovblad KO, Laubach HJ, Baird AE, Curtini F, Schlaug G, Edelman RR, Warach S. Clinical experience with diffusion-weighted MR in patients with acute stroke. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1998;19:1061-1066.

53. Jakob PM, Schlaug G, Griswold M, Lovblad KO, Thomas R, Ives JR, Matheson JK, Edelman RR. Functional burst imaging. Magn Reson Med 1998;40:614-621.

54. Classen J, Knorr U, Werhahn KJ, Schlaug G, Kunesch E, Cohen LG, Seitz RJ, Benecke R. Multimodal output mapping of human central motor representation on different spatial scales. J Physiol 1998;512:163-179.

55. Schlaug G, Benfield A, Baird AE, Siewert B, Lovblad KO, Parker RA, Edelman RR, Warach S. The ischemic penumbra: defining brain tissue at risk for infarction using diffusion and perfusion MRI. Neurology 1999;53:1528-1537.

56. Budson AE, Schlaug G, Briemberg HR. Perfusion- and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in transient global amnesia. Neurology 1999;53:239-240.

57. Baird AE, Lovblad KO, Schlaug G, Edelman RR, Warach S. Multiple acute stroke syndrome: Marker of embolic disease? Neurology 2000;54:674-678.

58. Baird AE, Dashe JF, Connor A, Burzynski C, Schlaug G, Warach S. Comparison of retrospective and prospective measurements of the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. Cerebrovasc Dis 2000;10:80-81.

59. Chaves CJ, Silver B, Schlaug G, Dashe J, Caplan LR, Warach S. Diffusion- and perfusion-weighted MRI patterns in borderzone infarcts. Stroke 2000;31:1090-1096.

60. Baird AE, Lovblad KO, Dashe JF, Connor A, Burzynski C, Schlaug G, Staroselskaya I, Edelman RR, Warach S. Clinical correlations of diffusion and perfusion lesion volumes in acute ischemic stroke. Cerebrovasc Dis 2000;10:441-448.

61. Sanger TD, Pascual-Leone A, Tarsy D, Schlaug G. fMRI evidence of sensory receptive fields spanning multiple fingers in Writer’s cramp. Movement Disorders 2002;17:105-111.

62. Linfante I, Llinas R, Schlaug G, Chaves C, Warach S, Caplan LR. Diffusion Weighted Imaging and NIH stroke scale in the acute phase of posterior circulation stroke. Arch Neurol 2001;58:621-628.

63. Keenan JP, Halpern AR, Thangaraj V, Chen C, Edelman RR, Schlaug G. Absolute pitch and planum temporale. Neuroimage 2001;14:1402-1408.

64. Fink JN, Selim MH, Kumar S, Schlaug G. Why are stroke patients excluded from tPA therapy? An analysis of patient eligibility. Neurology 2001; 57:1739-40.

65. Fink JN, Selim MH, Kumar S, Silver B, Linfante I, Caplan LR, Schlaug G. Is the association of NIH stroke scale scores and acute MRI stroke volume equal for patients with right and left hemisphere stroke? Stroke 2002;33:954-958.

66. Fink JN, Kumar S, Horkan C, Linfante I, Selim M, Caplan LR, Schlaug G. The stroke patient who woke up: clinical and radiological features, including diffusion and perfusion MRI. Stroke 2002;33:988-993

67. Linfante I, Llinas R, Selim M, Chaves C, Caplan LR, Schlaug G. Clinical and vascular outcome in internal carotid artery versus middle cerebral artery occlusions after intravenous tissue plasminogen activator. Stroke 2002;33:2066-2071.

68. Selim M, Fink JN, Kumar S, Caplan LR, Horkan C, Chen Y, Linfante I, Schlaug G. Predictors of Hemorrhagic Transformation after intravenous rt-PA: Prognostic Value of The Initial Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Diffusion-Weighted Lesion Volume. Stroke 2002;33:2047-2052.

69. Selim MH, Fink JN, Kumar S, Horkan C, Linfante I, Schlaug G, Caplan LR. Diagnosis of cerebral venous thrombosis with T2*/susceptibility weighted MRI. Arch Neurol 2002;59:1021-1026.

70. Selim M, Kumar S, Fink J, Schlaug G, Caplan LR, Linfante I. Seizure at stroke onset: should it be an absolute contraindication to thrombolysis? Cerebrovasc Dis 2002;14:54-57.

71. Hutchinson S, Lee LHL, Gaab N, Schlaug G. Cerebellar volume: gender and musicianship effects, submitted

72. Gaser C, Schlaug G. Brain structures differ between musicians and non-musicians, submitted

73. Hutchinson S, Kobayashi M, Horkan C, Pascual-Leone A, Alexander M, Schlaug G. Age-related differences in movement representation. Neuroimage, accepted

74. Kobayashi M, Takayama H, Mihara B, Sugishita M, Schlaug G. Initial motor impairment influences activation pattern of motor recovery, submitted

75. Kobayashi M, Hutchinson S, Schlaug G, Pascual-Leone A. Ipsilateral motor cortex activation on functional MRI during unilateral hand movements is related to interhemispheric interactions, submitted

76. Northoff G, Heinzel A, Niese R, Pfennig A, Pascual-Leone A, Schlaug G. Opposite pattern of neural activity in prefrontal cortex during emotional and cognitive processing: an fMRI study, submitted

77. Schlaug G, Picone M, Jancke L, Hetland L, Winner E. Visual-spatial reasoning in adult musicians, submitted

78. Gaab N, Keenan J, Schlaug G. The effects of gender on the neural substrates of musical functions, submitted

79. Gaab N, Gaser C, Zaehle T, Chen Y, Schlaug G. Functional anatomy of pitch memory – a fMRI study with sparse temporal sampling, submitted

80. Mottaghy F, Gangitano, M, Horkan C, Chen Y, Pascual-Leone A, Schlaug G. Repetitive TMS temporarily alters brain diffusion, submitted

81. Lee DJ, Chen Y, Schlaug G. Corpus callosum: musician and gender effects, submitted

82. Lueders E, Gaser C, Schlaug G. Assessing hemispheric asymmetry with voxel-based morphometry, submitted

83. Meidell K, Halpern A, Gaab N, Schlaug G. Functional anatomy of motor imagery, submitted.

B. Proceedings of Meetings

1. Knorr U, Huang Y, Schlaug G, Seitz RJ, Steinmetz H. High resolution PET images through REDISTRIBUTION. In: Lemke HU et al., eds. Computer Assisted Radiology. Berlin: Springer, 1993:517-523.

2. Huang Y, Knorr U, Schlaug G, Steinmetz H, Seitz RJ. Accurate alignment and reslicing of PET images. In: Lemke HU et al., eds. Computer Assisted Radiology. Berlin: Springer, 1993:785.

3. Schlaug G, Witte OW, Arnold S, Ebner A, Holthausen H, Lüders H, Seitz, RJ. Bedeutung der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) für die Herdlokalisation fokaler Epilepsien. Berichtsband des 2. Symposiums "Epilepsiechirurgie in Deutschland" der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für prächirurgische Epilepsiediagnostik und operative Epilepsietherapie, Berlin, 1994.

4. Schlaug G, Jäncke L, Huang Y, Steinmetz H. In vivo morphometry of interhemispheric asymmetry and connectivity in musicians. In: Deliege, I. (ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (pp. 250-254), Brussels, ESCOM Publications, 1994.

5. Classen JF, Schlaug G, Werhahn KJ, Schnitzler A, Witte OW, Seitz RJ, Benecke R, Holthausen H. Seitenzuordnung des epileptischen Herdes mittels transkranieller Magnetstimulation bei Patienten mit Frontallappenepilepsie. Berichtsband Epilepsie '94 der 34. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Liga gegen Epilepsie, 1994.

6. Schlaug G, Arnold S, Witte OW, Holthausen, Antke C, Steinmetz H, Ebner A, Seitz RJ. Assoziation von Hypometabolismus und motorischer Manifestation bei fokalen Epilepsien extratemporalen Ursprungs. Berichtsband Epilepsie '94 der 34. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Liga gegen Epilepsie, 1994.

7. Arnold S, Schlaug G, Ebner A, Niemann H, Lüders H, Witte, OW, Seitz RJ. Topographie der interiktalen Suppression des regionalen Hirnstoffwechsels bei mesialen Temporallappen-Epilepsien. Berichtsband Epilepsie '94 der 34. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Liga gegen Epilepsie, 1994.

8. Classen J, Knorr U, Werhahn KJ, Schlaug G, Schnitzler A, Steinmetz H, Seitz RJ, Benecke R. Integration of neurophysiological, anatomical, and metabolic brain information on cortical motor representation. Human Brain Mapping 1995, Suppl 1:282.

9. Zilles K, Schlaug G, Geyer S, Roland PE. Mapping of human supplementary and cingulate motor areas. Human Brain Mapping 1995, Suppl 1:285.

10. Schlaug G, Sanes JN, Seitz RJ, Thangaraj V, Knorr U, Darby D, Herzog H, Edelman RR, Warach S. Pattern and magnitude of cerebral blood flow changes are determined by movement rate. Human Brain Mapping 1995, Suppl 1:296.

11. Darby DG, Siewert B, Schlaug G, Thangaraj V, Edelman RR, Warach S. Comparison of BOLD and EPISTAR for functional localization of cerebral activity. Human Brain Mapping 1995, Suppl 1:137.

12. Thangaraj V, Darby D, Schlaug G, Edelman RR, Warach S. Interactive fMRI experimental design using on-line 3D image processing. Human Brain Mapping 1995, Suppl 1:127.

13. Arnold S, Schlaug G, Niemann H, Ebner A, Lüders H, Witte OW, Seitz RJ. Identification of language areas by mapping regional cerebral metabolism in left mesiotemporal lobe epilepsy. Human Brain Mapping 1995, Suppl 1:379.

C. Reviews, Chapters, Editorials

1. Seitz, RJ, Knorr U, Schlaug G, Huang Y, Weder B, Herzog H. Comparison of intersubject averaging and individual response identification for mapping of motor function in the human brain with positron emission tomography (PET). In: Uemura K et al., eds., Quantification of Brain Function. Tracer Kinetics and Image Analysis in Brain PET. Cambridge: Elsevier, 1993:561-568.

2. Herzog H, Seitz, RJ, Tellmann L, Rota Kops E, Schlaug G, Jülicher F, Jostes C, Nebeling B, Feinendegen LE. Measurement of cerebral blood flow with PET and 15O-butanol using a combined dynamic-single-scan approach. In: Uemura K et al., eds., Quantification of Brain Function. Tracer Kinetics and Image Analysis in Brain PET. Cambridge: Elsevier, 1993:161-169.

3. Seitz, RJ, Schlaug G, Knorr U, Tellmann L. Neurophysiology of the human supplementary motor area: positron emission tomography. In: Lüders H, The supplementary somatosensory area, Adv. Neurol. 70, 1996, pp

4. Seitz RJ, Schlaug G, Arnold S, Witte OW, Holthausen H. Epilepsy of the supplementary motor area: positron emission tomography. In: Lüders HO, ed., Adv. Neurol., vol 70: Supplementary sensorimotor area. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1996:353-362.

5. Zilles K, Schlaug G, Geyer S, Luppino G, Matelli M, Qü M, Schleicher A, Schormann T. Anatomy and transmitter receptors of the supplementary motor areas in the human and non-human primate brain. In: Lüders H, The supplementary somatosensory area, Adv. Neurol. 70, 1996, pp 29-43.

6. Missimer G, Knorr U, Seitz RJ, Maguire RP, Schlaug G, Leenders KL. Comparative analysis of rCBF increases in voluntary index flexion movements. In: Jones T, Cunningham V, Meyers R, Bailey D (eds), Quantification of brain function using PET, Academic Press 76, 1996, 393-397.

7. Schlaug G, Patel M. Radiographic Assessment in Epilepsy. In: The Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment of Epilepsy: A Practical Guide, Academic Press, 1997

8. Seitz RJ, Schlaug G, Schüller MF. The human motor system: Principles versus plasticity. In: PET - a critical assessment of recent trends. Gulyas B, Müller-Gärtner HW (eds.), NATO ASI series, 1996.

9. Arnold S, Schlaug G, Holthausen H, Tuxhorn I, Huang Y, Witte OW, Seitz RJ. FDG-PET in temporal lobe epilepsy of childhood and adolescence. In: Holthausen H, Tuxhorn I (eds), Pediatric epilepsy surgery, pp 321-333.

10. Seitz RJ, Schlaug G, Arnold S, Antke C, Steinmetz H, Witte OW. PET in focal cortical epilepsy. In: Holthausen H, Tuxhorn I (eds), Pediatric epilepsy surgery, pp 155-160.

11. Schlaug G. The brain of musicians: A model for functional and structural plasticity. Ann NY Acad Sci 2001;930: 281-299.

D. Thesis

Schlaug G. Quantitative Zytoarchitektonik des Gyrus cinguli des Menschen [Dissertation]. Cologne, Germany: University of Cologne, 1993. 163 pp.

E. Abstracts (incomplete)

1. Huang Y, Knorr U, Schlaug G, Seitz RJ, Steinmetz H. Segmentation of MR images for partial-volume-effect correction and individual integration with PET images of the human brain [Abstract]. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1993;13:S 315

2. Knorr U, Huang Y, Schlaug G, Seitz RJ, Steinmetz H. Redistribution - A new approach towards high resolution PET images. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1993;13: S841.

3. Warach S, Benfield A, Schlaug G, Siewert B, Li W, Gamzu E, Edelman RR. Stroke therapy evaluated by diffusion weighted imaging: a pilot study of the neuroprotective effect of CERESTAT, a noncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist, in human stroke. Proc International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1996: 90.

4. Warach S, Benfield A, Schlaug G, Siewert B, Edelman RR. Reduction of lesion volume in human stroke by Citicoline detected by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI): a pilot study. Ann Neurol 1996;40:527-528A.

5. Picone M, Goldberger Z, Schlaug G, Bly BM, Thangaraj V, Edelman RR, Warach S. Neuroanatomical correlates of absolute pitch. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 4th annual meeting, 1997

6. Schlaug G. Cerebral correlates of musical abilities. 4th European Congress on Performing Arts Medicine and Physiology of Music, Hannover, 1997.

7. Schlaug G, Baird AE, Picone M, Edelman RR, Warach S. Early normalization of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) after reperfusion. Stroke 1998;29:280.

8. Ives JR, Pascual-Leone A, Chen Q, Schlaug G, Keenan J, Edelman RR. Experience and early findings using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) during functional magnetic resonance imaging in humans. NeuroImage 1998;7:33.

9. Schlaug G, Lee LHL, Thangaraj V, Edelman RR, Warach S. Macrostructural adaptation of the cerebellum in musicians. Soc Neurosci 1998;24:842.7.

10. Chen Q, Keenan J, Ives J, Kauffman T, Edelman R, Schlaug G, Pascual-Leone A. Technical problems and safety of applying transcranial magnetic stimulation within the MRI environment. NeuroImage 1999

11. Keenan J, Ives J, Chen Q, Schlaug G, Kauffman T, Bartres-Faz D, Pascual-Leone A. Fronto-caudate connectivity studies with functional magnetic resonance imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation. NeuroImage 1999

12. Schlaug G, Halpern AR, Press DZ, Baker J, Edelman RR, Pascual-Leone A. Changes in cortical auditory processing after blindfolding. Soc Neuroscience 1999;25: 651.2

13. Sanger TD, Pascual-Leone A, Tarsy D, Schlaug G. fMRI evidence of sensory receptive fields spanning multiple fingers in writer’s cramp. Neurology 2000;54:A2000

14. Llinas RH, Linfante I, Staroselskaya I, Chaves C, Silver B, Caplan LR, Baird AE, Warach S, Schlaug G. Evolution of diffusion-perfusion mismatch patterns in acute stroke. Neurology 2000;54:A95-96.

15. Charness ME, Schlaug G. Cortical activation during finger movements in concert pianists, dystonic pianists, and non-musicians. Neurology 2000;54:A221.

16. Schlaug G, Chen C, Press D, Halpern A, Warde A, Chen Q, Pascual-Leone A. Hearing with the minds eye. NeuroImage 2000;11:S57

17. Llinas R, Linfante I, Choi G, Chaves C, Caplan LR, Warach S, Schlaug G. Diffusion-Perfusion lesion patterns in the hyperacute stroke. Ann Neurol 2000.

18. Schlaug G, Lueders E, Schulze K, Jaencke L, Lee L, Chen C. Macrostructural adaptations of the brain in musicians. Ann Neurol 2000

19. Chen C, Schlaug G. Identifying arterial input from perfusion MRI time series. ANA 2000.

20. Charness M, Chen C, Lueders E, Schulze K, Schlaug G. Cortical motor activation in pianists, dystonic pianists, and non-musicians. Soc Neurosci 2000

21. Hamilton R, Pascual-Leone A, Rodriguez D, Schlaug G. Increased incidence of absolute pitch in congenitally blind subjects. Soc Neurosci 2000

22. Chen C, Schlaug G. Dynamic evaluation of cerebral perfusion. Soc Neurosci 2000


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