

Johns Hopkins Hospital

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Safety Exam

Please hand deliver this test to the MAIN MRI suite, Nelson Basement

Employee Name ______________________________

Hospital Badge Number________________________

Department/ Division _______________________________

1. True / False: The Magnetic Field is only at full power when the scanner is actively in use.

2. There are two real safety concerns with regard to the magnetic forces and how they interact with ferrous objects. They can be described as which of the following:

a. Translation and Mutation of the object

b. Translation and Nutrition of the object

c. Translation and Torque of the object

d. Transverse and Rotation of the object

e. Translation and Magnetization of the object

3. True / False: All Magnetic fields have generally the same field strength and thus the same “pull” on ferrous materials toward the magnet.

4. TORQUE of ferrous materials is greatest: when?

a. In the center of the magnet

b. Just outside the door of the magnet

c. Torque forces are not demonstrated within a magnetic field

d. Walking next to the magnet

5. True / False: All MRI scanners are “shielded” to reduce the fringe field, thus making it safe to bring ferrous objects into the scanning room.

6. True / False: It is safe to scan patients with pacemakers as long as they are not pacer dependent.

7. True / False: All stainless steel implants are absolutely safe to put within the MRI scanner.

8. True / False: To date we do not know of any long or short term biological effects associated with MRI scanning.

9. True / False: looped coil wires or ECG cables can cause focal heating to a patient that may cause 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree burns.

10. What object is not a conductor of electricity within a magnetic field?

a. The human body

b. Blood pressure cuff

c. Pacemaker leads

d. ECG leads

11. What is a Quench?

a. A rapid boil off of cryogens and ultimate loss of a magnetic field.

b. A ramping up of the magnetic field in which all of the cryogens are put into a cryostat thus making the scanner super conductive.

c. Total power down of the computer system.

d. How the staff shuts the magnet down after hours, to ensure maximum safety.

12. In the event your patient is in some type of medical distress. What is the first thing you should do?

a. Run the system down

b. Remove the patient from the scanning room immediately, call the code team, and begin CPR.

c. Call the code team first and then pull the patient out of the scan room.

d. Nothing

e. Run to the break room

13. If there is ever a rapid boil off of the cryogens (Quench) into the scan room instead of the outside environment, you must remove the patient and all staff from the room immediately. What is the safety concern in this situation?

a. Asphyxiation and frost bite

b. Fire

c. Explosion

d. Convulsion

14. True / false: Whenever there is a safety question about an implant that a patient may have, there are resources available to check MR compatibility PRIOR TO IMAGING within each MRI scanning area.

15. True/False: Employees can take items such as ankle weights into an MR scanner area because they are “affixed” to the employee, thus reducing any hazards to patients.


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