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Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program

Application for Construction Funds


February 2015

Minnesota Public Facilities Authority

First National Bank Building, Suite W820

332 Minnesota Street

Saint Paul, MN 55101-1378

Minnesota Public Facilities Authority

Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program

Construction Application


General Information

The Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program was established under Minn. Statutes 446A.075. The program was designed to provide financing to small communities to address problems with failing individual septic systems also known as subsurface sewage treatment systems (SSTS). This would also include individual or community straight-pipe discharges. The process requires that the applicant set up a team of professional advisors (legal, financial, SSTS design, and engineer) to successfully implement the project.

Construction of a publicly owned community wastewater system requires compliance with the state Uniform Municipal Contracting Law (MN Statutes, Section 471.345) as well as other legal requirements. In most cases, a professional engineer and a certified SSTS designer will be needed.

Establishing a small community based system is a complex process that requires applicants to set up a legal framework for the operation and financial management of the wastewater system. Before the MN Public Facilities Authority (PFA) approves a financing request, applicants must establish the legal framework for the system and establish a dedicated source of revenue sufficient to cover all costs of the system (i.e. debt service and annual operation costs). Coordination and communication between all parties is critical as the financial, managerial, operational and technical tools are put in place to build, operate and maintain the system.

The PFA recommends that applicants carefully consider the costs and responsibilities to construct, operate and maintain a publicly owned wastewater treatment system before submitting this application.

Application Process

Applicants submit Forms 1 through 5, project schedule, estimated costs, an Application Resolution (see example attached), and all checklist items under “to be submitted with application.” As the project progresses, additional information will be required as noted on the checklist or requested by the PFA. If you have any questions please contact the PFA loan officer.

Basic Program Information

A Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program applicant must be included on the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Project Priority List (PPL) prior to submitting an application to the PFA. Please contact Bill Dunn, MPCA, at 651-757-2324 for more information on the PPL.

Eligible applicants are governmental units (cities, counties, townships, sanitary districts) that have the authority to issue general obligation debt.

This is a voluntary program; governmental units cannot require homeowners to participate in the project.

Each property owner wishing to participate in the program must provide a utility easement to the applicant to allow access to the system for management and repairs, where applicable.

The PFA will not approve funding until the legal framework is in place, a comprehensive financial plan is adopted by the governing body, the MPCA has certified the project to the PFA and as-bid costs are submitted to the PFA.

After funding is approved, the borrower must provide to the PFA, for the term of the loan, a copy of its independent audit or a copy of the required financial report provided to the Office of the State Auditor.


Grantees must display a sign with the Clean Water Legacy logo at the project site or other public location identifying that the project was built with assistance from the Clean Water, Land, & Legacy Amendment. An example sign is contained in this application that can be printed and displayed along with a photograph of the project.

Technical Requirements

All facilities (individual SSTS under MN Rules 7080 or community SSTS systems under MN Rules 7080 or 7081) built under the program must be publicly owned. The Small Community Wastewater Program can only pay for publicly owned components of the system. Privately owned components are not eligible.

Only unsewered areas with existing SSTS or community SSTS systems are eligible for the program, not new developments addressing community growth.

All systems built under this program must comply with state and local STSS permit requirements. A copy of the complete permit application and the approved permit must be submitted to the PFA prior to award of funds.

The applicant must contact the MPCA to ensure that the proper permitting entity is identified and involved in the process. The applicant, designer and/or engineer and the permitting entity should work closely with MPCA during the design process to make sure that program requirements are being addressed.

A certified SSTS Designer will be needed to design SSTS projects proposing to construct individual subsurface sewage treatment systems (ISTS or systems with design flows of 5000 gallons per day or less). An Advanced Certified SSTS Designer will be needed to design SSTS projects proposing to construct midsized subsurface treatment systems (MSTS or systems with a design flow of 5000 to 10000 gallons per day). A professional engineer will be needed to design projects proposing to construct community large subsurface sewage treatment systems (LSTS or systems with a design of greater than 10000 gallons per day.

The MPCA must provide a Certification to the PFA for the project before the project financing is approved.

Applicants are responsible for all operation, maintenance, inspections and repairs to the systems. If a municipality is contracting for operation and maintenance with a private vendor, a draft agreement with the service provider must be submitted to the PFA for review.

Legal Requirements

The applicant must have the authority to issue general obligation debt. A city, county, township or sanitary sewer district is an eligible applicant. Either a township or county could sponsor a project if they are willing to issue debt for a project service area (subordinate service district) that does not have the legal authority to issue debt but would like to develop a small community wastewater treatment system.

The applicant must establish the legal framework and generate sufficient revenues which include the development of a sewer ordinance and a user rate system. The ordinance and user rate system provide the framework for operation of the system, and a method for collection of revenues to pay debt and operate and maintain the system. The applicant must provide details on who will bill the customers, collect the revenues and pay the bills and the process for collecting delinquent payments.

The PFA will require, prior to issuing the financing, that the governing body adopt a Sewer Ordinance which regulates and operates a sewer system within the project area, establishes a process for sewer service charges and penalties for violation of the ordinance. A resolution(s) must be submitted establishing the revenue stream for debt service payments and operation and maintenance costs of the system.


Information must be provided detailing the process for allocation of Equivalent Residential Unit’s (ERU) for the properties (residential and non-residential) in the project service area. The information must address the calculation of capital costs for those properties connecting to the wastewater system when completed and operational as well as those properties connecting at a later date.

Financial Plan

The PFA can approve project financing up to $2,000,000. All project financing will include a loan with a 1% interest rate and a term up to 20 years, but not to exceed the expected design life of the system being financed. Principal and interest payments must begin no later than two years after the loan is awarded. Semiannual payments will be due on February 20 and August 20, and may be structured in equal payments.

Project financing may include a grant if the estimated average annual residential wastewater system costs exceed 1.4 percent of the median household income of the project service area per MN Statute 446A.075, Subdivision 2. An applicant may do an income survey for the project service area if the applicant feels the Census Data is not accurate.

Applicants must establish a dedicated source of revenue for repayment of debt service on the loan (i.e. special assessments, connection charges, tax levy, etc.) and for the operation costs of the system. The applicant must provide a cash flow analysis with detailed assumptions. Applicants will need to utilize the services of their legal, financial and technical consultants.

The cash flow analysis must include detailed project costs (i.e. design, engineering, construction, legal and financing costs, and land costs, if required) and estimated operation, maintenance and replacement costs. It should identify how revenues will be collected (i.e. assessments, tax levy, connection charge, monthly or quarterly user charges, etc.) and a timetable for implementation of the financing tools. The PFA financing is approved when as-bid costs are received, application requirements have been met and the MPCA has certified the project. Project costs incurred may be eligible for reimbursement after the financing is approved by the PFA but applicants will need revenues to cover expenses until financing is available.

The operation, maintenance and replacement fund analysis must include adequate revenues to cover the system costs, including replacement of components with short life spans. Estimates will be provided by the project engineer and should be supported by quotes from private service providers, feedback from systems of a similar size, and/or input from Minnesota Rural Water Association or Midwest Assistance Program. Pay close attention to the estimated operation and maintenance costs for your system.

Land and Easement Requirements

The MPCA will assist the PFA to determine whether certain land and easement costs are eligible for reimbursement for the publicly owned system. Applicants must follow state requirements for land and easement acquisitions and must submit an attorney’s opinion and copy of the appraisal, if applicable.

The MN Department of Commerce has an on-line look-up tool to search for licensed appraisers:

Contact the PFA loan officer to discuss prior to making any purchase.

Bidding/Construction Requirements

Applicants must follow the state Uniform Municipal Contracting Law and other applicable requirements in the bidding and construction of the project (special requirements for out-of-state contractors, workers compensation, bonding, insurance, responsible contractors, etc.).


State prevailing wage rates apply to the project. Applicants must contact the Department of Labor and Industry, Labor Standards Division at 651-284-5005 regarding state prevailing wages for the project (see M.S. 177.41-177.43). See Appendix A of the application.

A full time resident inspector knowledgeable and experienced with SSTS systems must be onsite for all major construction events.

Copies of signed monthly summary construction inspection reports must be retained by the applicant and a copy must be submitted to the MPCA and the PFA, if requested.

Financing Security/Payments

After all program requirements have been met, the PFA will issue a financing agreement to be signed by the borrower and the PFA. The borrower will be required to issue a General Obligation Note to the PFA to secure the financing. The borrower’s bond counsel will draft an authorizing resolution prior to executing the agreement and issuing the Note. A nationally recognized Bond Attorney must be used for the transaction (see attached list).

Once the agreements are fully executed and the closing has been completed on the General Obligation Note, the borrower may submit pay requests (form provided by the PFA) for reimbursement of eligible costs. The PFA disburses funds once a month. Pay requests must be submitted by the 15th of the month and include invoices documenting amount requested.

Eligible Project Costs include but are not limited to:

• Design, construction management, inspection and start-up services

• Construction costs for eligible items identified in the MPCA project certification

• MPCA or Local SSTS permits

• Legal costs associated with recording of easements or other property required for system. Easements must be provided on a voluntary basis

• Appraisal and legal costs for eligible land and/or easements required to comply with State requirements.

• Reasonable costs associated with establishing the financial, managerial and technical capacity to manage the system (i.e. sewer ordinance, connection charges, assessments, etc.)

• Financing costs directly associated with the PFA loan, such as bond counsel costs for preparation of the General Obligation Note and related documents and limited financial advisor fees for establishing the dedicated source of revenue

• Reasonable costs to establish a district and set up and implement financial and asset management tools

Ineligible Project Costs include but are not limited to:

• Costs associated with seeking, coordinating or securing other financing for the project

• Privately owned components, such as lateral service connections, not covered by an easement to the applicant

• Operation and maintenance costs of the sewer system

• Purchase of spare parts or components for the system

• Administrative costs of a board, sanitary district or governmental unit



Minnesota Rural Water Association provides assistance and training to municipalities on a wide variety of topics. Their website contains a numerous sample documents that can be used by municipalities.

Midwest Assistance Program provides assistance and training to municipalities on a wide variety of subjects.

League of Minnesota Cities has information available in their online resource library and provides tools for municipalities.

University of Minnesota Extension Office provides research-based education and outreach for homeowners, small communities, professionals and policy-makers.

MN Department of Agriculture administers the Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMP) Loan Program which provides low interest loans to prevent or reduce runoff from pollution problems identified by the County in local water plans. The website provides a link to the financing programs which can be used in conjunction with or separate from the Small Community Wastewater Program funds.

Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources provide funding to local units of government to deliver soil and water conservation services to their communities. The website provides information on the financing requirements and can be used in conjunction with or separate from the Small Community Wastewater Program.

Submitted information is incorporated as a part of the financing agreement once executed. Please submit one copy of all forms, supporting documents, information, etc. to:

Minnesota Public Facilities Authority

First National Bank Building, Suite W820

332 Minnesota Street

Saint Paul, MN 55101-1378

Phone 651-259-7469

1-800-657-3858 (Outside Metro Area)

TTY/TDD: 651-296-3900

Minnesota Public Facilities Authority

Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program


The following items must be submitted to the PFA with the application

Forms 1 through 5

Resolution of Application (see example)

Project schedule

A list of all existing residential and non-residential systems and the systems proposed to be replaced, by parcel number. The list must identify whether the parcel is classified as a residential or non-residential parcel and the number of ERU’s assigned to each parcel

Feasibility Study or Community Assessment Report

Income survey results, if applicable

Draft financing plan detailing all estimated project costs, statutory authority for debt issuance, identification of source(s) of revenue sufficient for loan repayment and ongoing operation and maintenance of the system.

The following items are to be submitted to the PFA prior to loan/grant award

Revised Forms 3 a and b, 4 and Cash Flow Projection with Contractor Quotes or As-bid Costs, as required. Include cost estimate(s) from service provider for operation and maintenance contract.

Draft manual for operation, maintenance, and repair of the system, and a draft management plan including procedures for billing and collections, a schedule of all planned maintenance activities including equipment replacement, estimated costs, and annual replacement fund deposits needed, and responsible parties identified for all major tasks. The operation and maintenance manual and the management plan may be two separate documents or may be combined into one document.

Copy of draft or final agreement with service provider for operation and maintenance of system, with costs based on the tasks and responsibilities described in the operation and maintenance manual and management plan.

Final financing plan based on as-bid costs including identification, documentation and establishment of source(s) of revenue sufficient for loan repayment and ongoing annual operation and maintenance costs of the system. Documentation should include governing body resolutions and minutes establishing the revenue source.

Evidence that all financing is in place for the project (copies of grant awards, loan closing, etc.)

Copy of adopted sewer ordinance and user charge structure

Copy of adopted resolutions and meeting minutes relating to the project

Copy of State or Local SSTS permit(s)

Documentation that the land purchase(s) has been completed and recorded. A legal opinion and appraisal, if applicable, must be submitted with the recorded document(s).

Documentation of recorded utility easements

The following items are to be submitted to the PFA prior to disbursement of funds

Loan Closing Documents and Bond Counsel Opinion (prepared by Bond Attorney)

A Disbursement Request Form with supporting documentation such as invoices for legal work on easements, contractor invoices, etc.

The following items are to be submitted to the PFA prior to final disbursement of funds

Final operation and maintenance manual and management plan

Documentation that a Clean Water Legacy sign has been posted (may use the attached example sign, printed in color)

Submit MPCA Final Project Requirements form

The following items are to be submitted to the PFA after final disbursement of funds

Signed copy of Certification of Final Project Completion and Acceptance by the Borrower (See Appendix B)

|Minnesota Public Facilities Authority |

|Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program |

|General Information |

|Form 1 |

| |

|1. Applicant Name:       |

|Project Name (if different):       |County:       |

|Primary Contact Person:       |Phone:       |

|Contact Person Title:       |Email:       |

|Address:       |Fax:       |

|City, State, Zip:       | |

|Authorized Official:       |Title:       |

| |

|2. Other Applicant Contact: |

|Contact Name:       |Phone:       |

|Organization Name:       |E-mail:       |

|Address:       |Fax:       |

|City, State, Zip:       | |

| |

|3. Professional Engineer: |

|Contact Name:       |Phone:       |

|Company Name:       |E-mail:       |

|Address:       |Fax:       |

|City, State, Zip:       | |

| |

|4. Certified SSTS Designer: |

|Contact Name:       |Phone:       |

|Company Name:       |E-mail:       |

|Address:       |Fax:       |

|City, State, Zip:       | |

|5. Construction Project Manager/Resident Inspector: |

|Contact Name:       |Phone:       |

|Company Name:       |E-mail:       |

|Address:       |Fax:       |

|City, State, Zip:       | |

|6. State or Local Permitting Entity: | |

| | |

|Contact Name:       |Phone:       |

|Organization Name:       |E-mail:       |

|Address:       |Fax:       |

|City, State, Zip:       | |

| |

|7. Applicant Attorney: |

|Contact Name:       |Phone:       |

|Company Name:       |E-mail:       |

| |

|8. Bond Attorney: (see attached list) |

|Bond Counsel Name:       |Phone:       |

|Firm:       |E-mail:       |

|Paralegal Name:       |Phone:       |

| |E-mail:       |

|9. Financial Consultant: |Phone:       |

|Contact Name:       |Email:       |

|Company Name:       |Fax:       |

| |

|10. Other Contact: (Role   ) |

|Contact Name:       |Phone:       |

|Company Name:       |E-mail:       |

|Address:       |Fax:       |

|City, State, Zip:       | |

|Minnesota Public Facilities Authority |

|Small Communities Wastewater Treatment Program |

|Form 2 Project Information |

|(Attach additional sheets if necessary.) |

|PROJECT SERVICE AREA (Publicly Owned SSTS System): |

|Provide the following information for the project service area using data provided to the Pollution Control Agency on the Project Priority List |

|(PPL) Community Assessment Report, or alternative planning documents or reports. |

| |

|Describe the project service area and include a brief description of residential and non-residential properties (owner occupied, rental, vacant or|

|abandoned):       |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Discuss the proposed SSTS system(s) to be financed:       |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|What are the total number of properties expected to connect voluntarily to the system:       |

|Residential:       Non-Residential:       |

| |

| |

| |

|Will the treatment system be designed with capacity for future connections?       If yes, describe.       |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Provide a map of the project service area that identifies the existing residential and non-residential systems that may be participating in the |

|wastewater treatment project.       |

| |

| |

Minnesota Public Facilities Authority

Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program

Form 3a, 3b, 4 and Cash Flow Projection – Instructions


Forms 3a, 3b, 4 and Cash Flow Projection are Excel spreadsheets with built-in formulas. Information on Form 3a and 3b should initially be based on estimated system costs and estimated users.

After final project costs are determined, please submit a revised Form 3a, 3b and 4 and final Cash Flow. Include actual start and end dates on Form 4.


Complete all items marked in yellow. The form requests information on estimated costs when the project begins operation. Show estimated annual operation/maintenance costs, including capital outlays for short lived asset reserves. Do not include non-cash depreciation. Attach an explanation for how estimated capital outlays were determined.


Complete all items marked in yellow. Information should be provided in the yellow highlighted areas: Estimated When Project Begins Operation.

Section 1 – Estimated Cost Breakdown and Estimated Useful Life of Major System Components

Complete all yellow highlighted areas. Other areas will fill in or calculate automatically.

Section 2 – Estimated Annual System Costs

A. Operation and maintenance costs will automatically fill in from Form 3a.

B. Annual system debt service is estimated debt for this project. Fill in the estimated loan amount for the proposed project.

C. Total annual system costs are calculated on the form.

Section 3 – Residential and Non-Residential Users

Complete all items marked in yellow. If your system is based on a calculation of Equivalent Residential Connections (ERCs) or Equivalent Residential Units (ERUs) where one household equals one ERC/ERU, the residential percentage would be equal to the residential ERCs (households) divided by the total ERCs.

Section 4 – Average System Cost per Household – these numbers are automatically calculated on the form.


Identify source and amount of all funds. Form 4 will calculate totals.


The Cash Flow Projection provides documentation that the applicant has the financial resources to cover the cost of the sewer fund when looking at new debt and the operation of the system. If the applicant has an alternative format available, provide that information with the application.

Minnesota Public Facilities Authority

Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program

Form 5 Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations


Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program projects must have a public purpose. The system components must be publicly owned and the expenditures paid by program funds must constitute qualified capital costs. Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program recipients are required to comply and ensure their contractor (s) comply with certain state laws, rules and regulations including but not limited to those described below which will be invoked as a condition of the project financing agreement.

1. Minnesota Statutes 16B.31, subdivision 2 requires that all project funding be in place prior to execution of the agreement.

2. Minnesota Statute 181.59 prohibits discrimination on account of race, creed, or color in contracts.

3. Minnesota Statute 363A.08 prohibits unfair discrimination practices related to employment or unfair employment practices.

4. Minnesota Statute 471.345 Uniform Municipal Contracting Law.

5. Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 16C.285, Responsible Contractor Requirements .

6. Minn. Statutes 1990, Chapter 363 Minnesota Human Rights Act. Requires that all public spaces and programs be designed and constructed to be accessible to the physically handicapped.

7. Minnesota Statutes sections 176.181 - 176.182. Requires recipients and subcontractors to have worker's compensation insurance coverage.

8. The prevailing wage rate law M.S. 177.41-177.43. Requires that contractors pay laborers and mechanics prevailing wages established by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry for public works projects.

9. Minnesota Statutes 290.9705 as amended or supplemented from time to time. Requires that eight (8) percent of payments made to out-of-state contractors be withheld once cumulative payments made to the contractor for work done in Minnesota exceed $50,000 in a calendar year, unless an exemption is granted by the Department of Revenue. Withheld amounts are required to be deposited with the Minnesota Department of Revenue.

10. Minnesota Executive Order 08-01 requiring use of E-verify for Newly Hired Employees in the Executive Branch and Requiring Certification of Compliance with Federal Immigration Laws for State Contract Vendors and Employers Receiving Business Subsidies.

11. Laws of Minnesota 2010 Chapter 361, article 3, section 5(b). Clean Water Fund sign posting requirements.

The certifies that it has or will comply with the above requirements.

Name of Borrower

Signature of Authorized Official, Title Date


Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program Resolution




WHEREAS, the Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program, established in Minnesota Statutes, Section 446A. 075, provides funds for construction projects, and;

WHEREAS the (name of applicant) is hereby applying to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority for a funds to be used for eligible costs for the described project (describe project) , and;

WHEREAS, the (name of applicant) has the legal authority to apply for the funds, and the financial, technical, and managerial capacity to ensure proper construction, operation and maintenance of the project for its design life.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that (name of applicant) certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in all contract agreements described in the Compliance listing of the program application.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that (name of applicant) is hereby authorized to submit such application to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority.

NOW, THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Agreement shall be executed on behalf of (name of applicant) by the signature of its (title of authorized signer)_ and its __ (title of second authorized signer) In the event of disability or resignation or other absence of either such officer, the Agreement may be signed by the manual signature of that officer who may act on behalf of such absent or disabled officer. In case either such officer whose signature shall appear on the Agreement shall cease to be such officer before delivery of the Agreement, such signature shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if he or she had remained in office until delivery.

I CERTIFY THAT the above resolution was adopted by the (Governing Body) on (month/day/year) .


Date: Date:


Minnesota Public Facilities Authority

Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program

Appendix A


State of Minnesota Prevailing Wages

Include this language in all construction contracts:

Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 177.41 to 177.44 and corresponding Rules 5200.1000 to 5200.1120, this contract is subject to the prevailing wages as established by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry.  Specifically, all contractors and subcontractors must pay all laborers and mechanics the established prevailing wages for work performed under the contract. Failure to comply with the aforementioned may result in civil or criminal penalties.  The applicable wage determination must be incorporated into proposals and all contracts.


The contractor and subcontractor shall furnish to the OWNER copies of any or all payrolls not more than 14 days after the end of each pay period.  The payrolls must contain all of the data required by Minnesota Statutes Section 177.30.  Subcontractors must furnish payrolls to the contractor. The OWNER may examine all records relating to wages paid laborers or mechanics on work to which Minnesota Statutes Sections 177.41 to 177.44 apply.

Posting of Wage Rates/Required Posters

Each contractor and subcontractor performing work on a public project shall post on the project the applicable prevailing wage rates and hourly basic rates of pay for the county or area within which the project is being performed, including the effective date of any changes thereof, in at least one conspicuous place for the information of the employees working on the project.  The information so posted shall include a breakdown of contributions for health and welfare benefits, vacation benefits, pension benefits, and any other economic benefits required to be paid.

For more information regarding prevailing wage and its application, contact:

Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry

Prevailing Wage Unit

443 Lafayette Road N

St. Paul, MN  55155

Phone:  (651) 284-5091

E-mail:  dli.prevwage@state.mn.us

Web:  DOLI.state.mn.us



This community wastewater project for

Name of Municipality

has been financed by the

Minnesota Public Facilities Authority

through funding provided by the

Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment



Minnesota Public Facilities Authority

Small Community Wastewater Treatment Program

Appendix B



I certify that the (name of project) project for the (name of borrower) has been satisfactorily completed and that all work has been accepted by the (name of borrower).

I further certify that the following items have been acknowledged and/or received by the (name of borrower):

1. The contractor has acknowledged receipt of final payment; and,

2. All lien waivers have been received for the contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers;

SIGNED: ______________________ WITNESSED: ____________________


Date: Date:

This form must be signed by the authorized officials for the borrower »Å[pic]¾Å[pic]ÒÅ[pic]ÓÅ[pic]–Æ[pic]—Æ[pic]±Æ[pic]³Æ[pic]ºÆ[pic]»Æ[pic]ÃÆ[pic]ÍÆ[pic]ÒÆ[pic]?Ç[pic]‚Ç[pic]ŸÇ[pic]¤Ç[pic]·Ç[pic]È[pic]GÈ[pic]fÈ[pic]gÈ[pic]ïÞÏÀ¯À ?Þ?Þ~À¯À?m^SH=and sent to the PFA after the final disbursement has been made. Lien waivers and all other project files and documents must be retained by the borrower.



Picture of facility


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