
Assignment 8:8255 PPIProblem Definition:(a) Write 8086 ALP to interface DAC and generate following waveforms on oscilloscope, (i) Square wave - Variable Duty Cycle and Frequency.(ii) Ramp wave - Variable direction, (iii) Trapezoidal wave, (iv) Stair case waveTheory:The 82C55 is a popular interfacing component, that can interface any TTL-compatible I/O device to a microprocessor. It is used to interface to the keyboard and a parallel printer port in PCs (usually as part of an integrated chipset). Requires insertion of wait states if used with a microprocessor using higher that an 8 MHz clock. PPI has 24 pins for I/O that are programmable in groups of 12 pins and has three distinct modes of operation. Block diagram of 8255:Operating Modes Of 8255:It has two basic operating modes:BSR Mode (Bit Set- Reset Mode)I/O Modes (Input/Output Modes )Mode 0 – Basic Input/Output ModeMode 1 – StrobedInput/Output Mode Mode 2 – Bi-directional Bus ModeTo control the operations of 8255, it has provided programmable control word register (CWR), using which user can program the configuration of 8255 according to requirements.BSR Mode of 8255 Control WordI/O Modes of 8255 Control WordConnections for waveform generation:Connect 8255 to DAC PIO-card through FRC and connect OUT of DAC-PIO-card to CRO and observe the output waveforms on CRO.Connections for stepper motor rotation:Connect 8255 to STP PIO-card through FRC and connect STP-PIO-card to stepper motor and observe the rotation of shaft rotation.Conclusion:Assignment 9:8253 PITProblem Definition:Write 8086 ALP to program 8253 in Mode 0, modify the program for hardware retrigger able Hardware Triggered and software triggered strobe mode. Observe the waveform at GATE Mono shot mode. Generate a square wave with a pulse of 1 ms. Comment on the difference between & out pin of 1C 8254 on CRO.Theory:Features:Three Independent 16-Bit Counters,Clock input upto 10 MHz,Status Read-Back Command,Six Programmable Counter Modes,Binary or BCD Counting,Single +5V Supply,8254 is superset of PIT-8253.Block Diagram Of 8253:Control Word Format:Modes Of 8254:Mode 0: Interrupt On Terminal CountMode 1: Hardware Retriggerable One-shot Mode 2: Rate GeneratorMode 3: Square Wave ModeMode 4: Software Triggered StrobeMode 5: Hardware Triggered Strobe (Retriggerable)Mode 0: Interrupt On Terminal CountSet Output Bit when timer done.The output will start off zero. The count is loaded and the timer will start to count down. When the count has reached zero the output will be set high, and remain high until the next count has been reloaded.Mode 1: Hardware Retriggerable One-shotProgrammable One-Shot. The output will go low following the rising edge of the gate input. The counter will count and the output will go high once the counter has reached zero.Mode 2: Rate GeneratorThe counter will continually count down, when the count reaches zero, the output will pulse low and the counter will be reloaded.Mode 3: Square Wave ModeThis mode is similar to Mode 2 except the output remains low for half of the timer period and high for the other half of the period.Mode 4: Software Triggered StrobeThe output will remain high untill the timer has counted to zero, at which point the output will pulse low and then go high again.Mode 5: Hardware Triggered Strobe (Retriggerable)The counter will start counting once the gate input goes high, when the counter reaches zero the output will pulse low and then go high again.Connections And Execution Steps:?Mode 0: Interrupt On Terminal CountConnect clk0 to pulser key0Connect GATE to Vcc.Give counter value+2 clicks.Connect OUT0 to RST 7.5.See output Dynalog-86.?Mode 1: Hardware Retriggerable One-shotConnect clk0 to pulser key0Connect GATE to ground.Give counter value clicks.Connect GATE to Vcc.Give 1 click.Connect GATE to ground.Give 1 click.Give counter value clicks.Mode 3: Square Wave ModeConnect clk0 to pulser key0Connect GATE to Vcc.Give Counter value clicks.For half clicks OUT will glow and for remaining half clicks OUT will be off.Conclusion:Assignment 10:8251 USARTProblem Definition:Perform an experiment to establish communication between two 8251 systems A and B. Program 8251 system A in asynchronous transmitter mode and 8251 system B in asynchronous receiver mode. Write an ALP to transmit the data from system A and receive the data at system B. The requirements are as follows:Transmission:? message is stored as ASCII characters in the memory.? message specifies the number of characters to be transmitted as the first byte.Reception:? Message is retrieved and stored in the memory.? Successful reception should be indicatedTheory:Features:Synchronous and Asynchronous operationSynchronous 5 – 8 bit character; Internal & External Character Synchronization; Automatic Sync insertion.Asynchronous 5 – 8 bit character; clock rate 1, 16 or 64 times baud rate; Break character generation; 1, 1.5 or 2 stop bits; False start bit detection; Automatic break Detect and handling.Synchronous Baud Rate: DC to 64K BaudAsynchronous Baud Rate: DC to 19.2K BaudFull duplex, double-buffered transmitter and receiverError detection- Parity, overrun and framingCompatible with an extended range of Intel microprocessors28 pin DIP packageTTL Compatible Available in EXPRESS and Military versions.Block diagram:Mode instruction formatCommand instruction format:Status word format:Connections:Connect DSRA# to ground.Connect CTSA# to ground.Connect RTSB# to ground.Connect DTRB# to ground.Connect TXDA# to RXDB#.Conclusion:Assignment 11:8279 Keyboard and Display controllerProblem Definition:Write 8086 ALP to initialize 8279 and to display characters in right entry mode.Provide also the facility to display? Character in left entry mode.? Rolling display.? Flashing displayTheoryFeatures:Simultaneous Keyboard Display OperationsScanned Keyboard ModeScanned Sensor ModeStrobed Input Entry Mode8-Character Keyboard FIFO2-Key Lockout or N-key Rollover with Contact DebounceDual 8- or 16-Numerical DisplaySingle 16-Character DisplayRight or Left Entry 16-Byte Display RAMMode Programmable from CPUProgrammable Scan TimingInterrupt output on Key EntryBlock diagram of 8279:Keyboard/Display Mode Set:D D0 0 : Eight 8-bit character display – left entry0 1 : Sixteen 8-bit character display – left entry 1 0 : Eight 8-bit character display – right entry1 1 : Sixteen 8-bit character display – right entry.K KK000: Encoded Scan Keyboard- 2 Key Lock-out 001: Decoded Scan Keyboard- 2 Key Lock-out010: Encoded Scan Keyboard- N Key Roll=over011: Decoded Scan Keyboard- N Key Roll=over100: Encoded Scan Sensor Matrix101: Decoded Scan Sensor Matrix110: Strobed Input, Encoded Display Scan111: Strobed Input, Encoded Display ScanConnections:Connect SL0-SL3 to BSL0-BSL3.I/O address selection 1-ON,other offConclusion:Assignment 12:Terminate-but-Stay-Resident ProgramsProblem Definition:Write TSR program to change the color of screen of DOS shell of c after some interval of time.Theory:Most MS-DOS applications are transient. They load into memory, execute, terminate, and DOS uses the memory allocated to the application for the next program the user executes. Resident programs follow these same rules, except for the last. A resident program, upon termination, does not return all memory back to DOS. Instead, a portion of the program remains Resident, ready to be reactivated by some other program at a future time. Resident programs also known as terminate and stay resident programs or TSRs, provide a tiny amount of multitasking to an otherwise single tasking operating system. Until Microsoft Windows became popular, resident programs were the most popular way to allow multiple applications to coexist in memory at one time. Although Windows has diminished the need for TSRs for background processing, TSRs are still valuable for writing device drivers, antiviral tools, and program patches. This chapter will discuss the issues you must deal with when writing resident programs.MS-DOS maintains a pointer to the beginning of unused memory. Programs load into memory at this position and terminate execution by returning control to MS-DOS. Normally, the pointer remains unchanged, allowing MS-DOS to reuse the same memory when loading other programs.A terminating program can, however, prevent other programs from loading on top of it. These programs exit to MS-DOS through the terminate-and-stay-resident function, which resets the free-memory pointer to a higher position. This leaves the program resident in a protected block of memory, even though it is no longer running.The terminate-and-stay-resident function (Function 31h) is one of the MS-DOS services invoked through Interrupt 21h.Algorithm:StartDeclare interrupt handler function.Declare for type of pointer variable for screen and pass graphic mode address.Define integer data type ticks for counting time delay.Declare chara. Data type for color.Get vector address of TSR.Set vector address of TSR.Keep program resident.Stop.Conclusion:Assignment 13:Problem Definition:Study of i5 motherboard Basic Features Of Intel I5 Processor:As i5 processors are more advanced as compared to the i3 or all the previous versions of the processors. It has lot of features that deals the advanced technologies in a very respectable way. Some of the basic key Intel i5 features are as follows: 1. Basically i5 processors are introduces to do the intelligent networking and enhance the performance of the working for the sake of different purposes such as for gaming, faster procession, reliable data transmission etc.2. One of the important feature of the i5 processors is that it automatically manages the power supply where needed and does not break the speed and the performance of the system.3. i5 processors also allow the user to enjoy the heavy applications with the higher rate such as HD video composing, composing a music and many more.4. i5 also provide the opportunity to the users to use the system with multi tasking.5. i5 processor are also able to increase the memory of the system and help users to work with the high bandwidth and great performance.6. A big feature of the i5 processors is that they have ability to run two multitasking processors together that are generally called as dual processors and can increase the working performance of the system efficiently.7. Turbo boost technology of i5 processors is the key beneficial feature of the i5 processors that allow the users to do their regular and important working with the help of heavy applications8. An i5 processor also consists of Hyper Threading technology that enables the users for multitasking and improves their business or working by working on the two different tasks at the same time.Technical Specifications Of I5 Processors:i5 processors basically introduced to mange the different strategies between the low and the advanced working. Some of the technical specifications of the i5 processors that deal with the performing or working capacity and the technicalities of operation of the i5 processors in the computer system are listed below.1. i5 processors have ability to work with integrated memory and can enhance the performance of the applications. The increase the memory up to 1333 MHz.2. As i5 processors have high speed performing rate so they are able to perform at the maximum CPU rate of 3.6 GHz3. Turbo technology is present in the device that boost up the working speed of the computational systems.4. It also provides the 64 bit architecture for the users for the reliable and much more faster working.5. Micro architecture for the i5 processors was presented by the Nehalem and these processors have a cache rate up to 8 MB.More Advantages Of I5 Processors:There are many more benefits of the i5 processors because they are advanced form of the processing units. Some more important benefits of the i5 processors are given below1. Providing high quality visualization for advanced applications2. High performance with the help of dual processor technology3. HD graphics enhance the video graphing and applications related to the same architecture Block Diagram Of Intel Core I5 Motherboard With Intel P55 Express Chipset:Conclusion: ................

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