Doing a Mail Merge for label printing in Charms, for ...

Doing a Mail Merge for label printing in Charms, for Microsoft Word

For Microsoft Word 2007 / 2010 / Office365

1. Open Microsoft Word 2. Start option (round Microsoft icon) 3. Mailings option (toolbar) 4. Start Mail Merge 5. Step by Step Mail Merge option 6. Select a document type (Labels) 7. Press "Next: Starting Document" 8. Select a starting document (Change Document Layout) 9. Select "Label Options" 10. Select the type of labels you will be using (it will remember this for your next usage) 11. Press "Next: Select Recipients" 12. Select "Select Recipients" (Use an existing list, the lbl file you have) 13. Select "Use an existing list" (Select browse and find your lbl file) 14. A box will come up that says "Mail Merge Recipients" press the OK button 15. Press the "Next: Arrange your labels" 16. Select "Arrange you labels" (Select more items) 17. A box will come up that says "Insert Merge Fields" 18. Highlight and press insert for any fields from your lbl file you want on the label (Press close

when done) 19. Put your mouse between the >> select the barcode font from the font drop down 22. If you want to adjust the size of fields (font) this is the time to do it. High light the Field in

box one, select your font size. 23. Click update all labels 24. Press Next: Preview your labels 25. Select Next: Complete the merge 26. Press "Edit Individual Labels" 27. Select OK when the box pops up 28. You are now in Microsoft Word and can adjust or add anything you would like to the labels.

For Microsoft Word 2013

1. Open a Microsoft Word Document 2. Select "Mailings" 3. Select "Start Mail Merge" 4. Select "Mail Merge Wizard" 5. Make sure labels are marked on the upper right side of the screen 6. Press next 7. Select "Use the Current Document and select Label Options" to select your label type 8. Press next 9. Select "Use an Existing List" 10. Press "Browse" 11. Select your file (make sure you are searching for all files) 12. Select OK

(Continued on next page)

13. Press next 14. Select "More Items" 15. Select what you want on your label, press insert, repeat until you have selected all items you

would like on the label 16. Press close 17. Align the items you selected how you want them on the label 18. Highlight the barcode number (*123456*) 19. Select "Home "on the toolbar 20. Select the barcode font from the font drop down list 21. Your barcode is now in barcode font 22. Press the "Update All Labels" button 23. Press next 24. Press next again 25. Select "edit individual label" 26. Press the OK button on the pop up box 27. Adjust any labels as you need 28. Save your labels now. They are in printable format

J Gipson, Charms ? Oct 2015


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