National Organic Program Handbook - Agricultural …

[Pages:7]National Organic Program Handbook: Guidance and Instructions for Accredited Certifying Agents and Certified Operations

Title Manual del Programa Nacional Org?nico (NOP Handbook in Spanish) Introduction NOP Organization Chart and Stakeholder Map

Document NOP 1001

Date 9/16/2015

3/9/2011 5/28/2020

Section A. Standards

Processed Animal Manure in Organic Crop Production

Reassessed Inert Ingredients | Notice to Petitioners

Approval of Liquid Fertilizers for Use in Organic Production

Certification of Organic Yeast

Dry Matter Intake Information for Access to Pasture

Calculating Dry Matter Intake from Pasture

Dry Matter Demand Tables for Classes of Dairy Cattle

Dry Matter Demand Tables for Classes of Beef Cattle

Dry Matter Intake Calculation Worksheet & Example Using National Research Council (NRC) Values

Dry Matter Intake Calculation Worksheet using Body Weight Values

Pasture Worksheet: Rotational/Stocking Grazing Systems

Dry Matter Demand Tables for Classes of Dairy Goats

Guidance: Natural Resources and Biodiversity Conservation | Response to Comments

Compost and Vermicompost in Organic Crop Production | Response to Comments

Wild Crop Harvesting | Response to Comments

Guidance: Substances Used in Post-Harvest Handling of Organic Products | Response to Comments

Commingling and Contamination Prevention in Organic Production and Handling | Response to Comments

Document NOP 5006 NOP 5008 NOP 5012 NOP 5014

NOP 5017-1 NOP 5017-2 NOP 5017-3 NOP 5017-4

NOP 5017-5

NOP 5017-6

NOP 5017-7 NOP 5020

NOP 5021

NOP 5022 NOP 5023

NOP 5025

Date 7/22/2011 7/22/2011 7/22/2011 7/22/2011

7/22/2011 7/22/2011 7/22/2011 7/22/2011



7/22/2011 1/15/2016


7/22/2011 1/15/2016



Section A. Standards


The Use of Chlorine Materials in Organic Production & Handling | Response to Comments

NOP 5026

The Use of Kelp in Organic Livestock Feed | Response to Comments

NOP 5027, NOP 5027-1

Seeds, Annual Seedlings, and Planting Stock in Organic Crop NOP 5029,

Production | Response to Comments

NOP 5029-1

Evaluating Allowed Ingredients and Sources of Vitamins and NOP 5030,

Minerals For Organic Livestock Feed | Response to

NOP 5030-1


Certification Requirements for Handling Unpackaged Organic NOP 5031,

Products | Response to Comments

NOP 5031-1

Products in the "Made With Organic ***" Labeling Category | NOP 5032,

Response to Comments | "Made With" Organic Labeling

NOP 5032-1


Classification of Materials | Decision Tree for Classification of Materials as Synthetic or Non-Synthetic | Decision Tree for Classification of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Materials for Organic Livestock Production or Handling | Response to Comments

NOP 5033, NOP 5033-1, NOP 5033-2 NOP 5033-3

Materials for Organic Crop Production | Materials for Organic Crop Production | Appendix of Prohibited Materials for Organic Crop Production | Response to Comments

NOP 5034, NOP 5034-1, NOP 5034-2 NOP 5034-3

Date 7/22/2011 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 2/28/2013 1/22/2014 5/2/2014 12/2/2016


Section B. Certification

The Organic Certification Process

Recordkeeping of Certified Operations

Organic Certificates

Responsibilities of Certified Operations Changing Accredited Certifying Agents

Reinstating Suspended Organic Operations

Processing Requests for Temporary Variances

Disclosure of Information: USDA-Accredited Certifying Agents and Certified Operations to the National Organic Program

Document NOP 2601 NOP 2602 NOP 2603 NOP 2604

NOP 2605 NOP 2606 NOP 2607

Date 12/16/2013 7/22/2011 9/3/2013 9/25/2012

2/17/2015 11/20/2015 11/23/2011


Section B. Certification

Unannounced Inspections

Sampling Procedures for Residue Testing

Laboratory Selection Criteria for Pesticide Residue Testing

Prohibited Pesticides for NOP Residue Testing

Responding to Results from Pesticide Residue Testing | Response to Comments

Technical Assistance

Organic System Plans, Organic System Plan Updates, and Notification of Changes

Resource Inventory Supplements for Producers Participating in USDA NRCS Conservation Activity Plan 138

USDA NRCS Conservation Activity Plan 138 for Organic System Plans and Requirements for Certifying Agent Technical Service Providers

Organic Certification of Industrial Hemp Production

Document NOP 2609 NOP 2610 NOP 2611 NOP 2611-1 NOP 2613, NOP 2613-1 NOP 2614 NOP 2615

NOP 2616

NOP 2617

NOP 2040

Date 9/12/2012 11/8/2012 11/8/2012 7/22/2011 2/28/2013

4/8/2013 12/16/2013




Section C. Accreditation


Procedure ? Peer Review of National Organic Program (NOP) NOP 1031 Accreditation

General Accreditation Policies and Procedures

NOP 2000

Accreditation Assessment Checklist

NOP 2005

Certification File Review Checklist, Supplement for Grower Groups Witness Audit Checklist Witness Audit Checklist for Grower Groups Review Audit Checklist Separation of Duties in Certification Decisions Information Submission Requirements for Certifying Agents Annual Report Checklist (MS Word version) List of Certified Organic Operations Template Internal Program Review Requirements

NOP 2005-3

NOP 2005-4 NOP 2005-5 NOP 2005-6 NOP 2006 NOP 2024 NOP 2024-1 NOP 2024-2 NOP 2025

Date 5/12/2016

12/8/2015 10/29/2015 5/15/2013

8/25/2014 8/25/2014 5/29/2014 4/7/2014 5/29/2014 3/15/2018 11/22/2016 8/2/2013


Section C. Accreditation Submitting Annual Lists of Certified Operations

Personnel Performance Evaluations Auditor Criteria Evaluating Auditor Performance Instruction ? Responding to Noncompliances Material Review ? Interim Instruction

Document NOP 2026

NOP 2027 NOP 2500 NOP 2501 NOP 2608 NOP 3012

Date 12/13/2016

3/6/2017 5/22/2017 12/8/2015 1/13/2012 8/30/2016

Section D. International NOP Import Certificate | Instructions for Completing an NOP Import Certificate

General Recognition Procedures

Certifying Agent Acronyms for TM-11 Export Certificates

Document Date NOP 2110-1 1/18/2014

NOP 2200 NOP 2403

5/7/2015 9/9/2021

Section E. Compliance and Enforcement

Enforcement of USDA Organic Regulations: Penalty Matrix

Who Needs to be Certified? | Questions and Answers

Use of Brand or Company Names Containing the Word "Organic"

Maintaining the Integrity of Organic Imports - Interim Instruction

Document NOP 4002 NOP 4009 NOP 4012

NOP 4013

Date 1/20/2015 2/13/2014 8/14/2014


Section F. Appeals Adverse Action Appeal Process

Document NOP 4011

Date 12/23/2014

Section G. Policy Memos Accredited Certifying Agent Inspection Authority Sulfur Dioxide in Wine "Made With" Organic Fruit Use of Natural Flavors

Document PM 10-1 PM 10-2 PM 11-1

Date 6/25/2010 10/31/2011 10/31/2011


Section G. Policy Memos Certification of Agricultural Products that Meet NOP Standards Labeling of Alcoholic Beverages Access to the Outdoors for Livestock Reporting Health and Safety Violations Private Label Certification California State Organic Program, Additional Requirements Granted Calculating the Percentage of Organically Produced Ingredients Grower Group Certification NOP Statements: Cloning and Organic Livestock Production Confinement of Poultry Flocks Clarification of Existing Regulations Regarding the Use of Genetically Modified Organisms in Organic Agriculture Labeling of Textiles that Contain Organic Ingredients Production and Certification of Aquatic Plants Placement of Certified Organic By *** Statement Cell Fusion Techniques Used in Seed Production Humic Acid Extraction Synthetic Algicides, Disinfectants, and Sanitizers Allowed in Organic Crop Production Aquatic Plant Extracts Chlorine Use in Egg Breaking Facilities Nanotechnology Electrolyzed Water Impact of Fumigation and Irradiation Requirements on Organic Imports Impact of Prohibited Grain Seed Regulations on Organic Imports

Document PM 11-2

PM 11-3 PM 11-5 PM 11-6 PM 11-7 PM 11-8

PM 11-9

PM 11-10 PM 11-11 PM 11-12 PM 11-13

PM 11-14 PM 12-1 PM 12-2 PM 13-1 PM 13-2 PM 13-3

PM 14-1 PM 14-2 PM 15-2 PM 15-4 PM 18-1

PM 18-2

Date 10/31/2011

12/10/2012 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 6/9/2020


10/31/2011 10/31/2011 4/3/2017 10/31/2011

10/31/2011 9/12/2012 1/9/2013 2/1/2013 12/16/2013 6/6/2014

3/12/2014 8/5/2014 3/24/2015 9/11/2015 7/31/2018



Section H. Notices to Certifying Agents Implementation of the Access to Pasture Rule Neotame Not Allowed in Organic Foods Corn Steep Liquor Petitions for Inert Ingredients under the National Organic Program Impact of U.S. - EU Organic Equivalency Arrangement Certification of Operations Based in Canada Criteria and Qualifications for Organic Inspectors Exporting European Union Organic Products to the United States Exporting USDA Organic Products to the European Union Sodium Nitrate Use in Organic Crop Production Periodic Residue Testing of Organic Products Use of Brand or Company Names Containing the Word "Organic" Organic INTEGRITY Database Launch (September 2015) Organic Integrity Learning Center Launch Certification of Organic Crop Container Systems

Document Notice 10-1 Notice 11-1 Notice 11-3 Notice 11-6

Date 10/4/2010 1/6/2011 1/31/2011 2/3/2011









N/A Notice 12-1


5/25/2012 9/11/2012 2/28/2013 8/22/2014







Section I. Other Archived NOP Documents OSP Template ? Organic Production OSP Templates ? Crop Production OSP Templates ? Livestock Production Documentation Forms Intro Crop Documentation Forms Livestock Documentation Forms Pasture for Organic Ruminant Livestock: Understanding and Implementing the Organic Pasture Rule National List Sunset Dates

Document Notice 11-4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

NOP 5611

Date 8/3/2020 4/16/2015 4/16/2015 4/16/2015 5/23/2011 5/23/2011 5/23/2011 5/23/2011



Section I. Other National List Petition Guidelines Guide for Organic Crop Producers Guide for Organic Livestock Producers Guide for Organic Processors Guide to Organic Certification CAP 138 Resource Inventory Supplement ? Crop Production CAP 138 Resource Inventory Supplement ? Livestock Production CAP 138 Resource Inventory Supplement ? Organic Production Noncompliance and Adverse Actions Flow Chart

Document NOP 3011 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A



Date 3/11/2016 12/10/2012 12/10/2012 12/10/2012 12/10/2012 4/16/2015 4/16/2015



Section J. Draft Guidance

Treated Lumber ? Draft Guidance

Calculating the Percentage of Organic Ingredients in MultiIngredient Products ? Draft Guidance | Sample Calculation Worksheet (xls)


NOP 5036

NOP 5037, NOP 5037-1

Date 8/31/2016 12/5/2016



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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