Summary of Changes

Summary of Changes

The changes made for this patch are primarily user interface improvements associated with the Progress OpenEdge upgrade performed in February. During the conversion effort we used any free time we had to tackle small projects such as:

• Improving help functionality

• Using Help buttons, Menu Options and Pressing F1 throughout the application should now launch a web browser to the appropriate page at our website . Please report any screens without access to help to win-202@. Also improved the launching of Internet Explorer so that it should work more reliably.

• Improving access to lookup tables

• When your cursor is in a code (NAICS, County, MSA) field pressing F5 should launch a window to help you select an appropriate code. Please report any screens which could be enhanced with this feature to win-202@.

• Improving UI account navigation

• See ‘Main Screens’ Below for more detail.

• Adding administrative features

• See ‘Main Menu’ and ‘Administrative’ below for more detail.

Main Menu

• Window Behavior

• This window will now ‘disappear’ when you enter any of the screen options. It will ‘reappear’ when you’re done using that option. This should solve the frequently reported issue of being unable to minimize the menu without minimizing the main screens. It also prevents a few database locking issues that were occurring when user’s opened one screen without closing another.

• Backup Alert System

• When a Win-202 Administrator logs into the application and the most recent backup is more than 24 hours old (s)he will be warned with a dialog box.

• DB Status

• This menu item will display the date of the most recent full backup.

• Change Password Screen

• Users will now be able to change their own database passwords from the main menu by using this menu option.

Data Entry

• Removed outdated options

• Removed NAICS Code Entry and Address Entry screens which had been disabled, and updated the look and feel of the menu.

• Multi Site Data Entry Screen

• The display issue for the site wages was addressed.

• Updated the look and feel to be more in line with the rest of the application.

Main Screens

• ‘Bookmark’ button

• The bookmark is a session variable that lets you easily work with one account throughout the day. To set your bookmark move to the account you would like to select and right click the bookmark button. To return to your bookmarked account, left click the bookmark button at any time.

• ‘Return’ button

• The return button returns you to the last account you were on. This will let you easily flip back and forth between two accounts by continually clicking the return button.

• ‘Favorites’ button

• The favorites button allows you to build a list of favorite or frequently visited accounts without memorizing their UI account numbers. When you are on an account you will need to frequently visit over several sessions just right click the favorites button to add the account to your favorites. To return to a favorite account click the favorites button and select the account in your list of favorites.

• ‘Search’ button

• In addition to the existing ‘EIN Search Screen’ we have added a new ‘Admin Search Screen’ which can be accessed by right clicking the search button, or pressing F4 in the ‘unum’ field instead of F5. The new search screen allows you to search by Address, as well as EIN and Name. This window can also be kept open throughout your session.

• Look and Feel

• Several screens were expanded to fill the window. Added gray boxes and white lettering to screens that had not yet been updated with the new look and feel.

• Micro Screen

• Added graphing capability similar to the macro screens for individual employers.

• Added AME and AQW fields to employment & wage browser.

• Added comments to micro screen so they can be seen without flipping back and forth.

• Added update comments button to screen.

• Removed the “aux” and “sic” fields from the browser.

• Comments / Notes Screen

• Condensed these screens into one tab.

• Corrected a bug when updating back quarter comments. The comments browser will now refresh properly.

• Address Screen

• Improved the method used to call the web browser. Should now properly launch Internet Explorer on all systems with Internet Explorer installed and registered as a com-object.

• State Use Screen

• A bug which caused the data on this screen not to refresh properly when changing accounts has been resolved.

• County and MSA Macro Screens

• Corrected bugs with the graphing functions.

Quarterly Processing

• Admin Load

• Will now assign Pred/Succ rnum = 0 when given ? value in those fields

• Will now reject UI number = 0 extract records.

Lookup Tables

• Added F5 screen

• We are adding quick access to the lookup tables through out the application by pressing F5 whenever you need to lookup a code. This screen has been put in several locations but we know there are more places it could be useful. Provide feedback on this feature at win-202@.


• Security Tab Enhancements

• ‘New’ button

The new button allows administrators to add a new user to the database. Once added be sure to set the proper permissions.

• ‘Reset Password’ button

The reset password button will allow administrators to set a user’s password back to ‘Default1’. Once the user logs back into the database they will be prompted to set their password to one of their choosing.

• ‘Delete’ button

The delete button allows administrators to remove a user from the database as well as delete all of that user’s permissions. Please note this will not disconnect a user from the database.


• SIC clean up

• SIC based reports have been removed from the reports menu.

• ARS Management Report

• The “array subscript 6 out of range” bug has been corrected.

• MLS Report

• Added the residence code in place of county code for New England states.


Please provide feedback on any of the changes introduced in this patch, or any recommendations you have to improve the WIN-202 application by emailing the team at win-202@.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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