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WIOA Performance Indicator Calculation Specifications PD 19-03On August 17, 2017, RSA and its Federal partners reissued the joint policy guidance (TAC-17-01) related to the performance accountability provisions in section 116 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), including calculations for the WIOA performance indicators. For the VR program, these calculations were based upon Case Service Report (RSA-911) (OMB Control # 1820-0508) Data Elements required by PD 16-04 that RSA issued on June 14, 2017. On May 6, 2019, RSA revised the RSA-911 with the issuance of PD 19-03 and VR agencies began collecting and reporting this data in Program Year (PY) 2020. This technical assistance tool outlines how RSA will calculate the following WIOA performance indicators using the RSA-911 Data Elements required by PD 19-03 for PYs 2020 and 2021: Employment Rate – Second Quarter after Exit (page 2) Employment Rate – Fourth Quarter after Exit (page 3) Median Earnings – Second Quarter after Exit (page 4-5)Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) Rate (pages 6-7)Credential Attainment Rate (pages 8-11) To view the WIOA Annual Reports (ETA-9169) for the State VR programs, including national summaries and accessible Excel files, please visit RSA’s website. For more information related to the ETA-9169 (OMB Control # 1205-0526), please review the?WIOA?Statewide Performance Report Specifications:?PDF?and?Excel.?Employment Rate – Second Quarter After Exit DefinitionThe percentage of participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program.RSA-911 Data Element RequirementsMust be participants who exited during the reporting periodDE 7: Date of ApplicationDE 38: Date of Eligibility DeterminationDE 398: Date of Initial IPE DE 127: Start Date of Initial VR Service on or after IPEDE 353: Date of Exit DE 353: Date of Exit must be during the reporting period DE 355: Reason for Program Exit must be reportedDE 383: Employment Second Quarter After Exit Quarter must be reportedReporting TimeframeParticipants who exited the VR program in the Program Year immediately preceding the current Program Year. For example, participants who exited during PY 2019 are the cohort for PY 2020 reporting. In this example, DE 353 would have been reported as occurring in PY 2019. Calculation( A B )*100Numerator AOf all participants in the denominator, the number of participants who exited during the reporting period who were employed in the second quarter after exit (DE 383: codes 1, 2, 3, or 4).Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ((DE 7 <> null) and (DE 38 <> null) and (DE 398 <> null) and (DE 127 <= end of report period) and (DE 353 within the report period) and (DE 355 = 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 or 19)) and (DE 383 = 1, or 2 or 3 or 4)Denominator B Total number of participants who exited (DE 353) during the reporting period with reasons for exit (DE 355: codes 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, or 19).Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ((DE 7 <> null) and (DE 38 <> null) and (DE 398 <> null) and (DE 127 <= end of report period) and (DE 353 within the report period) and (DE 355 = 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 or 19)) Employment Rate – Fourth Quarter After ExitDefinitionThe percentage of participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the fourth quarter after exit from the program.RSA-911 Data Element RequirementsMust be participants who exited during the reporting periodDE 7: Date of ApplicationDE 38: Date of Eligibility DeterminationDE 398: Date of Initial IPE DE 127: Start Date of Initial VR Service on or after IPEDE 353: Date of Exit DE 353: Date of Exit must be during the reporting period DE 355: Reason for Program Exit must be reportedDE 389: Employment Fourth Quarter After Exit Quarter must be reportedReporting TimeframeParticipants who exited the VR program in the calendar year immediately preceding the current Program Year. For example, participants who exited from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 are the cohort for PY 2020 reporting. In this example, DE 353 would have been reported as occurring in calendar year 2019. Calculation ( A B )*100Numerator AOf all participants in the denominator, the number of participants who exited during the reporting period who were employed in the fourth quarter after exit (DE 389: codes 1, 2, 3, or 4).Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ((DE 7 <> null) and (DE 38 <> null) and (DE 398 <> null) and (DE 127 <= end of report period) and (DE 353 within the report period) and (DE 355 = 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 or 19)) and (DE 389 = 1 or 2 or 3 or 4)Denominator BTotal number of participants who exited (DE 353) during the reporting period with reasons for exit (DE 355: codes 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, or 19).Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ((DE 7 <> null) and (DE 38 <> null) and (DE 398 <> null) and (DE 127 <= end of report period) and (DE 353 within the report period) and (DE 355 = 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 or 19)) Median Earnings – Second Quarter After ExitDefinition The median earnings of participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program.RSA-911 Data Element RequirementsMust be participants who exited during the reporting periodDE 7: Date of ApplicationDE 38: Date of Eligibility DeterminationDE 398: Date of Initial IPE DE 127: Start Date of Initial VR Service on or after IPEDE 353: Date of Exit DE 353: Date of Exit must be during the reporting period DE 355: Reason for Program Exit must be reportedDE 385: Quarterly Wages Second Quarter After Exit Quarter must be reportedReporting TimeframeParticipants who exited the VR program in the Program Year immediately preceding the current Program Year. For example, participants who exited during PY 2019 are the cohort for PY 2020 reporting. In this example, DE 353 would have been reported as occuring in PY 2019. CalculationThe median is the number that is in the middle of the series of numbers; there is the same quantity of numbers above the median as there is below the median. For this indicator, wages of $0.00 cannot be reported if DE 385 is reported. If 9999999.99 is reported in DE 385, this is also excluded. For all participants who exited, report the wage that is at the midpoint (of all the wages) between the highest and lowest wage earned in the second quarter after exit. To determine the midpoint, these wages should be sorted from lowest to highest. If an odd number of unique records have been reported, the mid-point value is defined as the value of the (n+1)/2 record where n is the total unique records with 2nd quarter after exit wages. Thus if 99 wage records are reported in the second quarter after exit, the midpoint is the 50th record [(99+1)/2=50]. If an even number of unique records has been reported, then the mid-point is the arithmetic mean of the two midmost wage values. Thus if 100 wage records are reported in the second quarter after exit, the mid-point is (100+1)/2 = 50.5 and the median is the mean of the two midmost values is defined as the value of the sum of the 50th and 51st record divided by 2. Step 1: Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where ((DE 7 <> null) and (DE 38 <> null) and (DE 398 <> null) and (DE 127 <= end of report period) and (DE 353 within the report period) and (DE 355 = 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 or 19))Step 2: For those individuals obtained in Step 1, rank DE 385 from lowest to highest (sorted in ascending order) excluding values of 0 and 999999.99Step 3: The median earnings value is the wage in the middle of the rank order listed from Step 2. Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) RateDefinition Percentage of participants who, during a program year, are in an education or training program that leads to a recognized post-secondary credential or employment and who are achieving documented academic, technical, occupational, or other forms of progress, towards such a credential or employment.RSA-911 Data Element RequirementsMust be participantDE 7: Date of ApplicationDE 38: Date of Eligibility DeterminationDE 398: Date of Initial IPE DE 127: Start Date of Initial VR Service on or after IPEDE 353: Date of ExitDE 85 and/or DE 401 must be reportedDE 85: Date Enrolled adds the participant in the MSG DenominatorDE 85 applies to both secondary and postsecondary enrollment. Secondary school diplomas and recognized equivalencies count as MSG toward employment.Note: If the participant was enrolled in an education or training program leading toward a postsecondary credential or employment PRIOR to the development of the IPE, the VR agency should report the IPE date as the “enrollment” date in DE 85. DE 401: Date Completed/Disenrolled removes the participant from the MSG DenominatorAt least one MSG must be reported within the Program YearDE 343: Educational Functional Level DE 344: Secondary (secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent) DE 345: Secondary or Postsecondary Transcript/Report Card DE 346: Training Milestone DE 347: Skills Progression Reporting TimeframeParticipants who earn one of the five types of MSGs during the Program Year. For example, the gains of participants, who are enrolled in an education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment, in PY 2020 are reported during PY 2020. Calculation ( A B )*100Numerator AThe unique count (all the participants in the denominator) of the most recent date on which participants achieved a MSG in the reporting period, via one of the following: DEs 343, 344, 345, 346, or 347. Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (((DE 7 <> null) and (DE 38 <> null) and (DE 398 <> null) and (DE 127 <= end of report period) and (DE 353 is null or within the report period) and (DE 355 = 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 or 19)) and (DE 85 >= DE 398) and (DE 401=null or with reporting period) and (DE 343 or DE 344 or DE 345 or DE 346 or DE 347 within the reporting period)Denominator BAll participants enrolled in an education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment (DE 85) or (DE 401)Participants in the reporting period with DE 355 codes 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 or 19DE 85 >= DE 398 and DE 401 is blank or within the report periodCount of UNIQUE RECORDS where ((DE 7 <> null) and (DE 38 <> null) and (DE 398 <> null) and (DE 127 <= end of report period) and (DE 353 is null or within the report period) and (DE 355 = 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 or 19)) and (DE 85 >= DE 398) and (DE 401=null or within the report period) Credential Attainment RateDefinition The percentage of those participants enrolled in an education or training program (excluding those in on-the-job training (OJT) and customized training) who attain a recognized postsecondary credential or a secondary school diploma, or its recognized equivalent, during participation in or within one year after exit from the program. A participant who has attained a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent is included in the percentage of participants who have attained a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent only if the participant also is employed or is enrolled in an education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential within one year after exit from the program;RSA-911 Data Element Requirements Participants who Exited within Reporting PeriodDE 7: Date of ApplicationDE 38: Date of Eligibility DeterminationDE 398: Date of Initial IPE DE 127: Start Date of Initial VR Service on or after IPEDE 353: Date of Exit within Reporting PeriodDE 355: Reason for Program Exit (codes 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 or 19)Secondary EducationPostsecondary Education/TrainingEnrollmentDE 78: Enrolled in Secondary Education DE 400: Enrolled in a Recognized Secondary School Equivalency ProgramDE 84: Enrolled in Postsecondary Education or career or technical trainingAttainment DE 81: Date Attained Secondary School DiplomaDE 82: Date Attained Recognized Secondary School EquivalencyDE 87: Date Attained Associate DegreeDE 88: Date Attained Bachelor's DegreeDE 89: Date Attained Master's DegreeDE 90: Date Attained Graduate Degree DE 93: Date Attained Vocational/Technical LicenseDE 94: Date Attained Vocational/Technical Certificate or CertificationDE 95: Date Attained Other Recognized CredentialPost-ExitDE 376: Date Enrolled in Post-Exit Education or Training Program Leading to a Recognized Postsecondary CredentialDE 379: Employment First Quarter After Exit QuarterDE 383: Employment Second Quarter After Exit QuarterDE 386: Employment Third Quarter After Exit QuarterDE 389: Employment Fourth Quarter After Exit QuarterDE 377: Date of Attainment of Post-Exit Recognized CredentialReporting TimeframeLike Employment Rate – Fourth Quarter After Exit, the reporting timeframe for Credential Attainment Rate includes participants who exited the VR program in the calendar year immediately preceding the current Program Year. For example, participants who exited from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 are the cohort for PY 2020 reporting. In this example, DE 353 would have been reported as occurring during calendar year 2019.Calculation ( A or CB or D )*100Numerator A Number of participants in the reporting period who earned a postsecondary credential during program participation or within one year of exitDenominator B Number of participants who exited in the reporting period who were enrolled in postsecondary education/training during program participation Numerator C Number of participants in the reporting period who earned a secondary diploma or recognized secondary school equivalency during program participation OR within one year of exit AND who either enrolled in post- exit education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential within one year of exit OR who obtained employment within one year of exitDenominator D Number of participants who exited in the reporting period who were pursuing a secondary credential during program participationNote: Participants are only included in the numerator and denominator once per period of participation. Participants who achieve multiple credentials are included based on the highest credential attained for that period of participation.Postsecondary Credential AttainmentNumerator A: Number of participants in the reporting period who earned a postsecondary credential during program participation or within one year of exit. Of all participants included in the denominator, the date on which a participant earns a credential occurs during program participation OR within one year of exit. The credential attained is a recognized postsecondary credential and matches each degree earned. (DE87-DE127>=0 and (DE87-DE353<=365) (DE88-DE127>=0 and (DE88-DE353<=365) (DE89-DE127>=0 and (DE89-DE353<=365) (DE90-DE127>=0 and (DE90-DE353<=365) (DE93-DE127>=0 and (DE93-DE353<=365) (DE94-DE127>=0 and (DE94-DE353<=365) (DE95-DE127>=0 and (DE95-DE353<=365) (DE377-DE353<=365) Of all participants included in the denominator, count the records that have at least one postsecondary degree earned, if an individual earned more than one type, only one postsecondary credential applies. Denominator B: Number of participants who exited in the reporting period who were enrolled in postsecondary education/training during program participation.Date of Exit is within the reporting period except those that exit for specified reasons: ((DE 7 <> null) and (DE 38 <> null) and (DE 398 <> null) and (DE 127 <= end of reporting period) and (DE 353 within the reporting period) and (DE 355 = 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 or 19)ANDEnrolled in postsecondary education or career or technical training during program participation(DE 84=1 or 2) If (1)=1 AND (2)=1 then Denominator B=1.Secondary Credential Attainment Numerator C: Number of participants in the reporting period who earned a secondary diploma or recognized secondary school equivalency during program participation OR within one year of exit AND who either enrolled in post- exit education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential within one year of exit OR who obtained employment within one year of exit. Of all participants included in the denominator: The date the participant earns a secondary credential occurs during participation in, or within one year after exit((DE81-DE127>=0 AND DE81-DE353 <= 365) ((DE82-DE127>=0 AND DE82-DE353 <= 365) ANDThe participant enrolls in a post-exit postsecondary education/training within one year after exit (DE376-DE353 <= 365) ORThe participant is employed in the First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter, OR Fourth Quarter after exit.((DE 379 codes 1, 2, 3 or 4) or (DE 383 codes 1, 2, 3 or 4) or (DE 386 codes 1, 2, 3 or 4) or (DE 389 codes 1, 2, 3 or 4))Numerator C is the count of unique records where ((1)=1 AND ((2)=1 OR (3)=1)). Note: To be counted in Numerator C for Secondary Credential Attainment, the participant’s IPE must include the goal of achieving a secondary diploma or equivalency AND the participant must earn the secondary education degree or equivalency AND the participant must be employed or enrolled in post-exit postsecondary education/training within one year of exit. Denominator D: Number of participants who exited in the reporting period who were pursuing a secondary credential during program participation.Number of participants who exited the program within the reporting period with reasons for exit in DE 355 coded as 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 ((DE 7 <> null) and (DE 38 <> null) and (DE 398 <> null) and (DE 127 <= end of report period) and (DE 353 within the report period) and (DE 355 codes 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 or 19))ANDEnrolled in secondary education or equivalency during program participation (achieving secondary diploma is IPE goal) ((DE 78=1) or (DE400=1))Denominator D is the total count of unique records with ((1)=1 AND (2)=1). ................

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