Janet Tenreiro, District Governor Rotary International ...

Rotary International - District 7120

August 2021

Janet Tenreiro, District Governor

Issue 2

Membership and New Club Development Month

from RVing and Camping to Beer, Wine, and Whiskey Fellowships, LGBT+, Birdwatching, Bees, and a host of others. Find a topic that interests you and invite some of your friends to join you in one of their events. They have members from all around the world, so there's always something to talk about! Just Google "Rotary Fellowships ? Make Friends Around the World." And now that more people are familiar with Zoom, it's easier than ever to connect. Look outside the box for opportunities to give the gift of Rotary.

On a completely different note, so far I have visited 17 clubs from Cal-Mum to Canandaigua, Gananda to Prattsburg, Geneva and Honeoye Lake to Rochester and Rochester Deaf Rotary, as part of my role as District Governor, and I have been so pleased with the activities and camaraderie exhibited at every club I have been to. Every club has something different to offer, and the smallest clubs seem to have the biggest projects. Plus, you all seem to really like each other! It's really a credit to each and every one of you that you have managed to stay connected over this very difficult period. Bravo! I raise a glass to you.

One of RI President Shekhar Mehta's messages this year is Each One Bring One. Sounds easy. But maybe not for everybody. How about trying something completely different? Did you know that there are over 90 Rotary Fellowships? And that you don't have to be a Rotarian to join one? Rotary Fellowships are international groups that share a common passion. Being part of a fellowship is a fun way to make friends around the world, explore a hobby or profession, and enhance your Rotary experience. They range in topics

Janet Tenreiro 585-721-5721 Rotary International District 7120 DG 2021-2022

August 2021


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Hear ye! Hear ye!

What is the Rotary Foundation's Endowment Fund?

Gifts to the Rotary Foundation's Endowment Fund ensure that future Rotarians will have the resources they need to design and implement sustainable projects year after year. Donations to the Endowment Fund can be made as an outright gift or a planned gift, such as a bequest in your estate plan. As of the 2018-2019 year, Rotary's Endowment totals $374.5 million, with $828.9 million in commitments.

Contributions to this fund are invested for the future. Only earnings on investments are used to support Rotary programs so that your generosity goes on to do good in the world in perpetuity.

What is YOUR Rotary legacy? Our Endowment Fund committee can help you make your lasting impact and we are just a phone call away! (Submitted by PDG Jeff Krans)

Beth Cross, 585-737-0579

Jeff Krans, 315-536-7180

Nancy Loughlin, 607-425-4530

Chuck Turner, 585-271-8597

Peter Winnett, 607-936-3720

August 2021


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August 2021


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The 2021 District 7120 Literacy Seminar will be held September 18 ,2021 The theme: How Can Rotary Energize Literacy??

The seminar will be returning as a live event!! Registration information can be found below. The session will be from 9am -11:00am. The Bloomfield Rotary Club has graciously offered to host the seminar at their meeting location in Veterans Park. The address is 6910 State Rd 5&20 in East Bloomfield.

Our format will be two speakers followed by a question & answer session. The speakers are: Suzanne Pettifer Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction in the Greece School District and Stacy Wicksall Director of the Macedon NY Library.

Registration: Please email the name of your club and all attendees to Tracy Wooden @ tmw042@ by Wednesday September 15th

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.

Submitted by Pam Dean (mesunshine1@)


August 2021


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Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is coming back to District 7120!

Due to COVID-19 and other challenges, our district did not hold RLI in 2020; however, we are having it this year!!! Save the date of Saturday, October 16, 2021. RLI will be virtual this year due to challenges in securing location. Registration fee is $25.00 per Rotarian and $10.00 per Rotaractor. Registration instructions will be published soon. For now, I am asking all Club Presidents to promote attendance to RLI in their clubs! Inform and encourage members to register. There are 4 Class Parts: Parts 1, 2, 3 and Graduate. If you have never been to any of Rotary Leadership Institute classes before, register for Part 1. If you have attended RLI classes before but you could not remember which class or classes you have attended, call me at 585-451-6822 and I will find out for you.

Want to know more about Rotary Leadership Institute classes, please contact me. The following are my contact information: 585-452-6822 or madayag.reillyn@.

I look forward to seeing most of you in the various RLI classes. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Yours in Rotary Service, Norma Madayag-Reilly, PDG RLI District Site Chair District Trainer


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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