Members present (Officers and Committee):

Mr J A Baldock BEM - Chairman

Mr G C R Woodman-Simmons - Honorary Secretary

Mr H Marshall - Committee

Participating members Present:

Mr A D Luton and Mr I N Smith. . (5 present).



Col B S T Archer GC OBE ERD, Mr R F Harris, Mr M I Collarbone MBE, Mrs J Collarbone, Mr K Bryant Mr P Markham, Mr J A Allerhead BEM, Major (Retd) D Harrington MBE, Mr A Dixon and Mr J Swanborough.


12:00 HRS.

The silence for fallen and lost comrades was observed.

The Chairman asked members present to also keep in their thoughts Mrs Joan Harris


The Branch Chairman asked whether everybody had read their copy of the minutes of the previous Branch meeting. Members present were then given time to read through the minutes of the previous Branch meeting held at the House of Parliament, London on Friday the 18th of April 2008. These minutes were proposed as being a true and correct record of that meeting by Mr Gary Woodman-Simmons and the proposal was seconded by Mr Hugh Marshall

Matters Arising:

Mr Ivor Smith wanted to know what bell it was that was being mentioned in the previous minutes. Hugh Marshall then explained that it was a bell from the front of one of the old 4 Ton Trucks used by BD and it had been intended to be a presentation. The bell had been left with the regiment (33) and had gone missing some time ago. Jeff stated that once the new RSM had settled into post that he would make enquiries.

The Branch Chairman spoke re the enquiry by Ade Dixon regarding the branch minutes going on-line. Jeff continued that the minutes were précised in BD News and that they appeared on-line. He continued that we would not be putting any financial details on the web.

The branch secretary explained the information that he was required by HQ REA to put into his report.

Jeff Baldock outlined the proposed visit to the Royal Hospital Chelsea on the 24th of September 2008.

Gary Woodman-Simmons informed members that the cheques for the two charity events organised by 101 Engr Regt had been sent along with a cheque for the Red Cross type parcels and that the cheques had been received. Gary went on to say the there had been a slight alteration to the menu for the annual lunch in that the minted potatoes had been deleted. Gary also informed members that having sent back

the membership paper work for missing member Robert Knock, that Robert had since been traced and re-instated as a member of the branch.

Jeff Baldock stated that he would speak with the new CO and or the RSM with a view to having the main silver centre piece made available for the annual lunch, as it was our Diamond Jubilee, but that we could not make demands but only to enquire as to its availability.


Gary began his report by stating that HQ REA. Circular No 130 was available for those who wished to peruse them, as were the Minutes of the 52nd meeting of the REA Council, the minutes of the 99th meeting of the REA Finance Committee the REA Annual Report and Financial Statement

Field of Remembrance. This ceremony will be held at Westminster Abbey on Thursday the 6th of November and starts at 11:00. The Corps Plot is number 57, which is located close to the West gate. Those who wish to attend should assemble at the rear of Plot 57 by no later than 10:50 hours

West London Branch would be celebrating their 25th Anniversary in 2009 and are organising a Beating Retreat Ceremony at the Royal Star and Garter Home in Richmond. This will be the last event being held in the RS & G Home before it is closed for good prior to being sold for private development. Members will be kept informed of this progress of this event which will be open to all.

London Group Dinner 2009. This event would once again be held in February. It is hoped that it will take place in the Honorary Artillery Company Mess in the City of London. More details as and when they become available.

Next Meeting of the London Group is on Thursday 27th of November 2008 at 11:30 hours in the Burns Room of the Union Jack Club.

Gary continued by informing the meeting that the latest issue of BD News has now been dispatched and included with this issue were the application forms for the Branch Lunch.

The secretary had placed an order, at his own expense, for 10 Blazer Badges and 10 Pennants, which hopefully will arrive shortly. It was a trial order to see how well they would sell. All profits would go to the branch.

The branch secretary informed members that the GSM Kuwait The General Service Medal (1962) with clasp Kuwait, or clasp only if the medal has previously been awarded, is issued to those who served for at least 30 days continuous service in Kuwait following the first Gulf War between 8 March 1991 and 30 September 1991. This information had been placed into the latest issue of BD News.


Deceased Members:

Arthur Leslie STOKES of Abergele Conway who died on the 29th of February 2008 aged 89 years. 1991524 Corporal 156 BD Section 15 BD Company

Ernest E OAKLAND of Beeston, Notts' who died on the 12th of May 2008 aged 91 years. 1914426 Sapper 62 BD Platoon.

New Members:

Lt Col David Southall MBE RE of Carver Barracks

Major (Retd) David Hough TD of London.


Annual Member

Captain Robert Ridley RE of Carver Barracks.

Mr Gary Nash of Maidstone

William James Loughlin of Gwynedd

Robert Firkin of Abu Dhabi

Gavin Townsend of Cambridge

Missing Members:

George William ROCHFORD (missing cards returned to HQ REA).

Membership figures: As at 18 July 08

261Life Members 10Honoray Member 5Associate Members 31Friends of the Branch 298TOTAL MEMBERSHIP


The Branch Chairman, Jeff Baldock, began his report by informing members present of the 101 Engr Regt (EOD) (V) Cocktail Party at the Imperial War Museum. Jeff stated that it had been an excellent function. Hugh Marshall enquired as to who was invited and Jeff informed him that it was by invitation of 101 Regiment, and that it was normally limited top the branch president, chairman and secretary.

Jeff spoke of his concerns with regard to the number of people able to attend meetings at Carver Barracks, and asked members to consider moving the January meeting either in to London or to the Medway area, but that the branch should keep its July meeting at Carver Barracks and also keep the April meeting and AGM and the October meeting in London. This would be discussed again at the next branch meeting. Alan Luton enquired whether Ron Harris, Reg Journet and those who used to attend Carver Barracks were still intending to attend meetings in the future. Gary Woodman-Simmons replied that he new that Ron Harris intended to, once his concerns over his wife’s health had been resolved, but that he was not sure with regards to any others.

Jeff continued by reminding members of the costs previously incurred by using the Union Jack Club for meetings.

Jeff reiterated that the priority of the branch with regard to expenditure was the BD News distribution and the Branch Annual Lunch. This was echoed by the members present.

Jeff Baldock informed members of the hope for an improvement in the relationship between the branch and 33 Engr Regt (EOD), especially as there was not only a new Commanding Officer but also a new RSM to work with. Jeff also informed members that the new CO David Southall, having previously joined the branch, had gone out of his way to locate Gary and himself at the cocktail party and had expressed his wish to forge a tighter bond between the regiment and branch as he had felt the regiment had neglected the branch of late. A meeting was going to be held between the branch secretary, chairman and David after the branch meeting, all being well.


Lastly Jeff said that he felt the latest issue of BD News had moved on again since its re-launch at the beginning of the year. Alan Luton agreed and stated that the inclusion of the many photos with the articles had made a terrific improvement.


The Branch Secretary gave the Hon Treasurer’s financial statement: from 19 April to 15 July 2008.


There were no welfare issues to consider.


The Branch Secretary Gary Woodman-Simmons gave the report sent in by Peter Markham.

Peter informed members that although the Army web site had vast amounts of space, submitting items for inclusion was a drawn out process and there was not scope for individual members to add to the site as it had strict access conditions. Peter proposed keeping the branch’s official site for meeting dates and contacts and basic information and using space within the 33 MSN site for news, events and an area for members to add to along with a message board. This was heartily agreed with.

The Roll of Honour was progressing at a pace. Peter said that the majority of the research was now complete and that the bulk of the photographs had now been taken, leaving just 77 to be done. His report continued that Woodfield Publishing was still interested in printing and selling for us as and when we get to this stage and that he would be contacting the Mick Collarbone with a view to sorting out the arrangements for any profits to go to the branch. Jeff Baldock then asked for it to be minuted that Peter was doing an excellent job with this task which was very time consuming, but also very worthwhile. This view was agreed with by all in attendance.

Peters report also informed us that the Whitey Local History group was given a grant to have a plaque mounted on a boulder placed at the spot where seven members of 9BD Coy were killed on the 18th of October 1940. Peter had also been asked to write a 300 word piece for the WLHG magazine. Also The Pembroke Dock Dockyard Trust has been in contact as they wish to honour the 18 men killed during an exercise on the 28th of April 1942. They are hopeful that both the branch and the regiment are interested in helping with this project. We are also waiting on further developments with regard to the proposed memorial in the parish church in Hook, Hampshire.

Peter is also busy putting together a complete contact list for all serving and ex serving BD guys from the various web sites and notice boards. He is collating the list to include names, dates squadrons etc along with their email details. This can then be used to publicise EOD events to a much wider audience.

Lastly Pete brought to our attention the proposed re-union for ex members of 49 (EOD) Sqn/49 Fd Sqn (EOD), being arranged by him in conjunction with John Phillips, John Green and Emu Hull. Further information on this event will be out at September time.


Annual Lunch.

Gary gave an up-date on the progress of the Annual Lunch. The Deputy Controller of the REA, Lt Col Neil Jordan and his wife Pam have accepted the branch invitation to the annual lunch, as had WO1 (RSM) I G Mackintosh RE and his wife Andrea of 101 Engr Regt and Lt Col David Southall MBE RE CO 33 and his wife Jo. Gary informed us that he had written to the new RSM of 33 Engr Regt (EOD), Justin Spreadborough to invite him and his wife to the lunch. Justin has only just assumed post so a reply has yet to be received. Gary has written to the RSM 101 Engr Regt (EOD) to request transport for the annual lunch. 1010 Regiment is in Cyprus at present and have yet to confirm.

Adrian Dixon is in the process of getting a stand made for the Branch Standard, as it would be appropriate to have it at this years lunch. A list will be produced for the items in the auction and handed out after the speeches and prior to auction. Chits for wine had been completed as all members attending would be required to buy there own wine this year. The only exceptions are those sat on the top table and the Honoured Guests. Ivor Smith asked whether the branch could ensure that there were alcohol free wines available. Alan Luton also suggested that it would be a good idea to ensure that wine was also available by the glass for those who are not heavy drinkers and who would find a full bottle wasteful. Gary said that he would speak to Kim Halls regarding these issues.

Special commemorative stamps have been made and would be used to dispatch the formal invitations/tickets as in previous years. All necessary lunch admin had been completed due to the seven week holiday Gary was taking in Canada.

Lastly Gary reminded Jeff that he is required to send the Loyal Greetings to HM the Queen on the 5th of September 2008.

Hugh Marshall raised the issue that he had repeatedly been promised copies of Redwing Magazine. Gary replied that is he was sent any he would be only to pleased to pass them on, but as he was not sent any. He said that he hoped to bring up this and other issues when he and Jeff met with the CO.



Mr Gary Woodman-Simmons submitted full acounts for expenses. Proposed by Mr J Baldock BEM that these expenses are accepted and the proposal was seconded by

Mr A D Luton.

There being no further business, the meeting was officially closed by the Chairman at 13:49 hrs.

Date and Location of next Branch Meeting.

Friday 10th of October 2008 at the Houses of Parliament.


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