Anatomy News - Deer Valley Unified School District

Science News 55 points each month - Due on the 25th of each month.

Find a current newspaper (within the last year), magazine, or internet article on the current topic in this class. Read the article all the way through to make sure it does relate to the current topic in class.

Type a two paragraph summary of the news article that includes the specific relation to the current chapter in Science class and 1-2 pieces of evidence that support this. (20 points)

Cite the source using APA formatting: (10 points) collect as much of the information as possible for your citations. You can use the References Tab at the top of your WORD document. Click References, Insert Citation, Add New Source then choose the appropriate source and fill in the blanks. Then click OK. Once you are ready to place your citations click Bibliography and choose Works Cited. If no author listed type n.a.; if no date listed type n.d.

Save your paper to My Server Documents as:

Bio ‘Last name’ date, Ex: Bio Stuart 9.25/14

Exchange your article with a neighbor who researched a different topic. (If this means you have to switch computers or email then do so). Then write a paragraph reaction to their paper. You can include your thoughts on the topic, how it affects you, if you agree or disagree with any of their statements and why/why not. Then you will need to critique their SPECIFIC RELATION statement. Your critique should include (1) if they have correctly found a topic that relates to our class and (2) list one more way that their article relates to our current topic in class. (10 points)

Turn in your work electronically to the website, you do NOT need to print the article. (5 points) To do this go to and log in. You should use the same username and password as you do for your English Language Arts class. The information for Biology is listed below in terms of Class ID and Password.

Class ID

p.3- 8758464


p6. 8758480

p.7 8758482

Password- HonorsBio

You may access your work from home by signing into the following website:

Good sites to use:

Science Daily:

CNN Science and Space:

BBC Science and Nature:

MSNBC Science and Technology:

Science News:

Elements 4 Health:

Science News




2 paragraph summary in your own words

Works Cited (APA format):

Exchanged with:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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