
E- CommunicationOverall task :- to effectively use email and effectively use and understand other forms of E-communication Bronze 1 – Task 1 –Email You need to log into your EmailMake a Plan of what you will do to log in to Your email. The first one has been done for you. Put them in correct orderTurn on computer15468732Login to the school network by using your username and passwordClick on StartClick on Internet Explorer Go to .ukClick on resourcesClick FROG VLELogin to Frog using your upper school username and password Find my E-mail9Log in to you email account using your upper school username and Password10BRONZE 2 –Task 2You need to write an email to Miss Page about the new plans for the English department. Fill in the box below, saying what things you have to do before you email or post the letter:You need the internet-29845338455Sending an Email to Miss PageYou need the house address1861185263525Writing a Letter to Miss PageYou don’t need a stampYou need a computerYou need an envelopeYou need the email addressWhich statement applies to the above:Task 3Now answer which one is better and why?Email because its instant and your guaranteed it will get there.Bronze 3.2 Task 4PaintMicrosoft WordPick out all the ways in which people can communicate to each other online and place them inside circle.Microsoft PowerpointWinzipYahooYoutube websiteEmailFacebook Adobe ReaderMobile PhonecalculatorChatroomsGoogleMozilla FirefoxGmailSkypeMSN MessengerMicrosoft ExcelBeboPhotoshopRecycle BinVLC PlayerTask 5– Forumsis an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.What is an internet forum? (Choose the correct statement from below and drag to top)Is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser.Is an online dictionary and encyclopedia with pictures, facts, and videos.Task 6– ForumsBecause some websites anybody can add information to them and it may be incorrect.Why shouldn’t information taken from an internet forum be trusted? Task 7– ForumsOn a Forum:- search and copy and paste your findings of people opinions about the following in the box below:Which is better, iPhone or Blackberry?One Person Said: ‘Apple has made a mark in the society. Apple is more user friendly thanks to IOS. It has brilliant features and does a price for the same. However in the business world Blackberry seems to dominate. The qwerty keypad and the look all seem classy and business like. But it lacks in features pertaining to common people demand. So the environment were you are using the phone will aptly decide which is best and most suitable to you’.Another Person Said: ‘Very debatable topic indeed, this is one of those questions which can have endless replies. In my perspective I am always in for an I phone, not because I like touch phones (very few people do) but because I respect Steve Job. This man not only gave technology a new look but also made it affordable. Alright it’s time to talk against bb. BB became famous only because of its BBM, the messenger is smooth. But now it’s losing its charms. People have moved on. In my view, this phone is only popular among teens and those who do not like touch typing.I phone is definitely faster and easier to use, looks way better and has a greater rep in our society’!Task 8– Mailing ListsA school needs to send newsletters to parents who have subscribed to the School’s newsletter. The school uses a mailing list.Is a collection of names and addresses used by an individual or an organization to send material to multiple recipients/people?What is a Mailing list? (select the correct statement from below and drag to the top)Is an online dictionary and encyclopedia with pictures, facts, and videos.is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. Task 9– Mailing ListsWhat is the benefit of having a mailing list?Because you can send a message to a number of people at once instead of doing it individually.Task 10– Discussion groupsA discussion group is an online forum for individuals to discuss various topics amongst each other. What is the benefit of this?The benefits of this are that you can find out stuff from people who know what they are talking about. Task 11What does the exclamation mark (!) mean in an email?It means it’s an urgent message.Task 12– SpamIs also known as junk mail or unsolicited email and could include a virus and is sent to many people at once.What statement below describes what Spam is? (drag the correct statement to underneath this sentence)Is when your emails are not being sent.Is where you can see all your deleted emails.Task 13– Email accountsWhich of the following are examples of where email accounts can be created? (say YES or NO next to each one below)GmailYesMicrosoft ExcelNoHotmailYesOutlook ExpressYesPhotoshopNoYahooYesYoutubeNoPowerpointNoYahoo MailYesFacebookNoPaintNoTwitterNoTask 14– Email accountsMatch each communication service to its logo:958215269240Yahoo 1019175282575Hotmail1171575457200Facebook1171575255905Google Mail1076325283210You Tube1552575374650Outlook Express1008380335280TwitterTask 15– AttachmentsBecause they could contain malicious content, which could damage the data in the computer.Why shouldn’t attachments in an email be opened which you aren’t expecting to receive? (Drag the correct text box below, underneath this sentence).Because they can cause fire.Because they use too much electricity.Task 16– Creating a new messageCircle the button that is used to compose a new message: use this circle Task 17– Send an emailCreate a word document and save it as ‘Importance of ICT’In the document write a paragraph explaining the importance of ICT skills in today’s society. Go to your emailAttach the documentIn the message of your email write ’Dear ‘partners name’, I have attached the document ‘Importance of ICT’, please read and give feedback. Yours Sincerely, ‘your name’In the subject of the email write ‘importance of ICT’Write your partners email address in ‘To’ (ask your partner for his/her email address’Send the emailPrint screen the email you sent, in the box below:Task 18– Sending a link in an emailSend a website link to your partner about an issue in the NEWS. You may use BBC, CNN or FOX news.Show a print screen below of the email you sent: ................

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