THE NAME MORAN - Euskaltel

Información ofrecida por Oisin Breatnack


The name Moran is used by several septs not necessarily related. There are many Moran families in Ireland. None of them were originally called Moran. They each go back to different names, more than 33 different variations in all.

The name Moran can be traced backwards to include: MacMurrone, MacMouran, MacMoran, MacMorin, MacMorran, McMorran, M'Morran, Morahan, Morayne, Moeran, Murran, Morren, Murren, Murrin, Mochan, Morin, Moarn, Moghrain, Moraign, Moraine, Morane, Mourn, Muran, Mughron, Morrin, Muiren, O'Moran, O'Morahan, O'Moghrain, O'Moirin, O'Mughron, O'Mughroin, O'Muireain, O'Murchadhains, MacMorine, O'Morone, Morran, and Moran.

More than half the Morans in Ireland live in Connacht.

The name "MORAN" has been translated most as meaning "descendant of the great one" indicating, most probably, an important and powerful warrior chieftain from an ancient time. The word `mor' is usually translated as meaning "great", but it has also been translated as meaning "big" and "multitude." There is concensus on the meaning of `an' in Moran. It means "of the", it would appear the initial translation is more to the meaning than any other.

In the Census of 1659, there are 139 families of Moran, Morran, Morin or Morren in the Counties of Donegal, Dublin, Kildare, Meath, Westmeath, Leitrim and Roscommon (the other names are included because people weren't particular how they spelled their name back then, and the fact that many were changed to Moran as discussed in the first paragraph above. This has caused problems for some families today in researching their families). There was no information of the Moran families in the other counties particularly Mayo and Sligo.


The O'Moráins were a large family throughout Connacht, though centered in Ardnaree, families could be found either side of a band from the shores of Clew Bay to Ardnaree. In Burrishoole parish there is an old archeological ruin of a circular fort known as Raith Ui Mhorain (Moran's Fort). In the Annals of the Four Masters there is written an account of an event in 1208 when O'Moran slew Amhaoibh O'Rothlain, Chief of Calruidhe Cuile Cearnadha. In Killeen, not far from Carrowkeel, the parish priest in 1440 was Ruaid hri O'Morain. A Donald O'Morain is listed in documents as being in Carrowkeel in February of 1486.


Arms- Az. on a mount ppr. two lions or. supporting a flag staff all ppr., therefrom a flag ar.

Crest- Out of a mural crown a demi Saracen head in profile all ppr.

Motto- Fides non timet.

Family- County Mayo (Ballina) Morans

Source- Chief Herald of Ireland






Differenced Versions-

A. 1893 a cadet branch with different motto, Malo mori quam foedari.

B. 1816 a cadet branch shown in Kennedy's Book of Arms, lions combatant are regardant, flagstaff is argent, flag gules and no mount.

C. 1959, descendants of Thomas Moran of Ballina, vert in place of azure, Chief Herald of Ireland.




1856 to Patrick O'Rourke Moran of Ballinamore, County Leitrim the arms are quartered with the O'Rourke's. Another, personal coat of arms was issued to him that has his wife's arms impaled with his own, Burke's General Armory. Arms: Quarterly, 1st and 4th, az. on a mount ppr. two lions combatant or, supporting a flag staff also ppr. therefrom a flag ar., for MORAN; 2nd and 3rd, or, two lions pass. in in pale sa. on a canton gu. an ancient Irish crown or, a cubit arm in armour holding a scymitar all ppr.

Crest: Out of a mural crown a demi saracen, head in profile all proper.

Moto: Fides Non Timet








The following represent Moran Coats of Arms with five pointed stars.



There is a five pointed star on the Coat of Arms for a Morren family of Peer, Belgium. An example of which was painted in 1699.


The Morren family connection provided by Dr. Peter Meurrens in correspondence with myself and Patrick E. Moran has revealed a Moran Coat of Arms with stars with nine points. This coat is said to have been awarded Egide Moran in 1542 by King Henry VIII.




It is found on the monument to Petrus Morren found in the cemetery of the church in Heythuysen, Belgium. It is dated 1727.The same Moran motto Lucent in Tenebris, though you can not see it clearly in this illustration, is found at the bottom. Besides the nine-pointed star, of interest is the treatment at the top of the shield which features a helmet winged with a swan's wings and topped by a nine-pointed star.

The next illustration is an attempt by me to copy the one on the grave at Heythuysen:










Branches of this family were known to have been in the Brabant area of Belgium, Limbourg Province in Belgium, in France and in the area of Brechin, Scotland.

According to the Irish historian O'Hart in his book, Irish Pedigrees, the Morans go back to Ir the fifth son of Milesius. O'Hart describes this family's crest and it is the same as ours. He states the family line of the Moran's began with the brother of the 97th son of sons of Ir.

It begins with Ir's son Heber Donn who was born in Spain and his son Atra and so on for 95 sons. The 97th son of son from Ir was Fiobrann whose father was Finghin. Fiobrann's brother was Mochan whose son was Moran, his son was Fiachra. The 121nd son of sons in this line, according to O'Hart, was Conor whose son was Tirlach O'Moran. T. Whitley Moran dismisses this genealogy as mythical. I am a bit reluctant to do that because O'Hart was a famous genealogist in his day AND he was from Crossmolina AND had Morans in his family. T. Whitley on the other hand had more modern methods and the advantage of doing his research after sources not available to O'Hart became available.

A related published genealogy written in the 1800's shows the Morans descended from Eochaidh Breac, the son of Dathi, and then through the male line as:

Cuboirne - Cathal - Flann - Conchobhar - Ailghneanach - Tadgh - Tighearnach - Treagach - Aongus - Mochan a quo O Mochains, Gregory O'Mochain (who after his family life entered the priesthood and became ArchBishop of Tuam). He died in 1392.


The name Moran, as explained in the text, actually represents a number of genealogies of families with different names. The name Moran in Ireland is

pronounced as if it were Morin. For that reason some Moran families used that spelling in America. For these reasons and the fact that many people

just could not spell you will find variant spellings of the name in this chronology.

1 A. D. - Morann, he was the son of the 101st ruler of Ireland, Carbri Cinn Cait. Morann was from Connacht. During his father's reign he became

known as a great Brehon (lawgiver) eventually serving as the Chief Justice of Ireland. This was in direct contrast to his father's brutal and harsh rule.

When his father died, Morann refused the crown repudiating the brutal reign of his father in deference to the civilized rule of the Milesians, whom his

father had deposed. Feradach succeeded Carbri as Ireland's 102nd ruler in about 36 A. D.

Morann continued under Feradach in his position as the Chief Justice of Ireland. Known as the "Just Judge", Morann was reknowned for the wisdom

in his judgements. He wore something known as the Iodhan Moran (Moran's Collar). It was an ornamental collar made of gold. Chief Justices through

the ages wore the collar which it was said would choke the wearer if were about to give an unjust decision. Morann was also known in Irish history as

the first to believe in a single all-powerful god, before the arrival of Christianity. When Saint Patrick codified Irish law in about 400 AD in a work

known as the Senchus Mor (The Great Law), Morann is mentioned very favorably.

600 In Burrishoole parish there is an old archeological ruin of a circular fort known as Raith Ui Mhorain (Moran's Fort). It was said to have been built

about 600 AD.

707 Indrechtach MacMuiredaig ruled Connacht until 723. He was of the family known as Ui Fiachrach. His great-grandmother was called Muirenn,

daughter of Dubhthach, King of Hy Many.

800 Muiren, also called Moran-Mor, and his family were originally, in about 800 AD, located on the shore of Clew Bay in west County Mayo in the

parish of Burrishoole.

Muiren's son, Maolduin, began the eastward movement of the Morans when he took his family inland and settled in a glen known as Glean Maoiduin

along the Owneninny River somewhere north of Bellacorick (about ten miles east on the main road from Crossmolina). Over the years, the family

extended eastward to and across the River Moy where they settled at Ardnaree (on the eastern shore of the River Moy, opposite Ballina which was

on the western shore) and south along the River Moy to Tuaim da Bhodhar, now called Toomore near Foxford. By the twelfth century the family was

known as the O'Moráins of Ardnaree and were vassal chiefs to the O'Dowdas, lords of Hy Fiachra Moy. The O'Moráins were hereditary proprietors

of Ardnaree and held the stategic fords of the Moy at Ardnaree and Foxford.

Another son of Morann Mor, using the `Mac', migrated into Roscommon and later elements of that family into Fermanagh. The families were known as

the MacMorainn then MacMorran and later Moran.

841 Mughron, progenitor of five chiefs named O'Mughroin, was born. This name was later anglocized as Moran. Lough Moran near Elphin, Ireland is

named for this family.

979 Mugron, comharb of Columcille in Ireland and Scotland died. This name, and thus his decendants became Morans.

1152 MacRaith Ua Morain installed as Bishop of Ardagh. He served until 1166.

1208 O'Moran slew Ambhlaoibh O'Rothlain, Chief of Calruide Cuile Cearnaha.

1298 Gillecolm O'Moran was taken as a spy and robber and hung at a jail in Kildare.

1344 John McMoryne witnessed a charter in Kyle, Scotland.

1376 William M'Moryne was tenant under the Douglas in the barony of Buittle. Maurice Macmoryn was rector there.

1395 William MacMorin was Papal Nuncio to the King of Scotland.

1440 The parish priest in Killen, in what is now County Mayo, was Ruaid hri O'Morain.

1486 A Donald O'Morain is listed in documents as being in Carrowkeel in February of 1486.

1495 Alexander McMoren in Galloway is charged with "tressonable intercommonying with Inglismen."

1500 Pierre Morin was Mayor of Tours, France. The family was from Touraine and had a registered coat of arms which features three spear heads.

(There are many French families named Morin, Moiran, Morand, Morant, and Moraigne who were later called Moran.

1552 A Moran in foreign service fled to the lowlands and founded a family.

1559 A Viceroy O'Moran refused to convert to a Protestant and was beheaded by Queen Elizabeth I. Three of O'Moran's sons fled to Spain.

1562 Juan Moran is Mayor of Honduras.

Morin family living in Brie, France registers a coat of Arms featuring three Croix ancrees.

1589 Pedro Morn was an administrator at Monterrey for the Governor of Nuevo Reino De Leon in Neuva España.

1598 Juan Morn was in Mora del Toro in what is today New Mexcio with Oñates. Morn has a chestnut beard and was 27 years old.

1640 Santiago Moran was a famous Spanish painter. He died in 1670.

The Reverend Patrick F. Moran, D.D. wrote an M.S.S. at Saint Isidors College in Rome, "Spicilegium Ossorieuse". He later wrote "Relatio Quarundum Notabilium & C."

1641 William Moran left Ireland to live in France and was the progenitor of a French family of Morans who were later called Hugenots when they arrived with Thomas Henry Moran in Virginia in 1735.

1642 Jeronimo Moran is in Santa Fe in what is now present day New Mexico.

1650 Juan Morn was the jailer at Santa Fe, New Mexico.

1654 Maria Morin was one of the first settlers on Staten Island. She was classified a Hugenot.

1650 MS of Duald Mac Firbus quotes a poem written in the Book Of Lecan in about 1417 that tells of O' Moran of Arnaree.

1664 Bartom Moran was born, he became a famous Spanish painter.

1667 Nathaniel Morren was Minister of North Church in Greenock, Scotland. The Scottish names Morren, Morran, Morane, and MacMorran are all seen later as Moran.

1667 Murrains, a family known as the Black Irish of Monserrat.

1670 Michael Moran, who came over from Ireland to the United States as a servant, arrived in Sewee Bay, South Carolina on March 17th of this year aboard the Carolina captained by Florence O'Sullivan. After landing, Moran worked as a laborer. After a long rising career, he eventually became a representative to the South Carolina Parliament. His wife was said to be the first 'white' female born in South Carolina.

1675 Patrick Moran fought in King Philips War against the Indians of New England as a member of the Boston Militia. He was in the "Great Swamp Fight" that saw 300 Indians killed, 300 captured against 38 colonists killed.

1679 Maurice Moran, of a Morand family, settled in Fort Detroit, Michigan. There were several other Morans at the fort: Charles, Louis and Isidore.

There is a family of Morins in Niort, France in the Pitou area. There is a family of Morans in Soissons, France.

1698 William Moran a soldier in the French Army married Mary Brennan in Saint Germain-en-Laye, France. They were identified as Jacobites.

1700 Jean Morand is the first postman for the city of Quebec

1702 Antoine Gonzales Trauna Morin, the son of Jean Pierre Trouna Morin and Angelique de Silva Morin, is born as were his parents, in Portugal. Antoine was born in Conde, Portugal.

1712 Patrick Moran was with Count Mahoney's Regiment of the French Irish Brigade, he married a Spanish lady this year in Madrid.

1714 Gabriel Moran leased property from Lord Baltimore's Estate in Maryland.

1722 James Moran witnessed the deeding of land by George Clarke, Secretary of His Majesty's Colony of New York, to James Richey, a merchant. The land was in Cherry Valley on the south side of the Mowhawk River.

1726 William Moran, a Jesuit missionary priest, visits San Augustine, Florida America's oldest city.

1730 John Moran is listed in the Delaware Militia. He participated in the French and Indian War.

1735 Thomas Henry Moran, born in Paris, France, arrived in Virginia. He became a circuit riding Baptist Minister in North Carolina and the progenitor of Moran families located in northern Arkansas and north Mississippi.

1739 James O'Moran joined the French Irish Brigade. He came to the United States with the unit serving under General Dillon when the unit was attached to Rochambeau and Lafayette during the American Revolution. O'Moran rose to the rank of General in the French Army and was the hero of Dunkirk (Dunkerque) in 1793. He died a victim of politics and the guillotine in 1794. He is known to be of the Moran family originally named Mughron.

1740 An Ensign Morin of the French Navy is sent back to France for fighting with some local prominent men in New Orleans.

1748 Theodore Morrin together with Lord Kemare and others of Kerry formed the Linnen Company.

1753 Carle Moran signed a petition to the commander at Fort Detroit that a mill not allowed to be torn down.

Dominick Moran was enlisted in Captain H. Woodward's company which was in the regiment commanded by George Washington. Dominick fought in the Battle of Meadows.

1757 James Moran served as the Clerk of the Court in Wilmington, North Carolina. He was earlier the Deputy Clerk of the Court in New Hanover County, North Carolina. He returned in 1772 to become Justice of The Peace in that county. During the revolution he was a member of the Sons of Liberty.

1758 Captain de Moran is killed in the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga on July 8th. He was a member of the Second Battalion, La Sarre Regiment, French Infantry

1760 Michael Moran of the New Hampshire militia participated in the attack on Crown Point and perhaps on Montreal.

1761 A family of Morins who were merchants in La Rochelle, France begin a new life in Nova Scotia but are then caught up in the Arcadians move to Louisiana. They founded a Moran family in St. Martin's Parish in Louisiana.

1764 John Moran was a famous painter in Ireland.

1767 Nicholas Moran sold his land in Buena Vista, Neuva España.

1770 A Moran family was among the pioneer families that settled Rensselear, New York.

1773 Francis Moran born in Ballina, County Mayo. He lived in Down Hill House. He later earned the title, Captain.

1775 Joseph Moran is granted a tract of land west of the Mississippi River in the city of Arcadia in Orleans Territory.

1776 There were several Morans in the American Revolution. Among them were Lieutenant Edmond Moran, Aquila, William, Charles, John and Gabriel Moran of the Maryland militia; Pierce Moran of Boston, who was sworn in at Valley Forge, John Moran of the Massachusetts militia: Morris, William and John Moran in the North Carolina militia; Peter, Dominick and Casper Moran of the Virginia militia; and Thomas Moran in New Jersey, he participated in General Sullivan's raid on Staten Island and several other battles; Charles Moran and Francis Moran served with Livingston's Battalion in New York and Alexander Moran fought as a member of New York's fabled Continental Line at Sarasota; William Morran served in the U. S. Navy aboard the U. S. S. Hornet. John Moran is listed on the prize list of the Alliance, and the Bon Homme Richard.

Serving in the British Navy in and during the American Revolution were: Stephan Moran aboard H.M.S. Strombolo, Thomas Moran aboard H. M. S. Windsor

Serving in the French Army in the American revolution were: James O'Moran, Sous Lieutenant Charles O' Moran, Jacques O'Moran, Of Dillon's regiment of the Irish Brigade was the only French Major in the American Revolution. A Captain Moran died in the French Irish Brigade's action at Savannah, Georgia.

There were Morans during the American Revolution who were Loyalists: James Moran was a superintendent of a department in New York when it was under Lord William Howe. Charles Moran of Southwark, Pennsylvania; William Moran was a Private in the British Volunteers of Ireland; Andrew, Matthais and William Moran all served in the King's Orange Regiment in New Brunswick.

1778 Edward Morin was one of the early pioneers that settled in Bourbon County, Kentucky.

1779 Maria Morin is shown in a Census taken at the Spanish settlement at Nacogdoches Texas. It shows she was born in the capital of Texas, Los Adaes in 1767.

1785 Catalina Moran is living in San Augustine, Florida and is seen regularly with officers of the Spanish Irish Brigade stationed there.

1786 Joseph Moran, a famous Canadian painter.

1794 Michael Moran, a balladeer of note who was blinded from a childhood illness, is known as "Zozimus" in Dublin, Ireland. The ballad he was most famous for singing, though he had quite many in his repertoire was "Finding Of Moses." The first portion of this ballad has been preserved and it went something like this:

In Aygipt's land, contagious to the Nile

Ould Pharo's daughter went to bathe in style

She took a dip and came into the land,

And for dry her royal pelt she ran along the strand.


She tripped upon a bulrush and she saw

An infant lying in a wad of straw,

She gazed upon it, and in accents mild

Said, "Tar an' ages, gerrils, which of yiz owns the child?"

1810 Benjamin Moran was born in Pennsylvania. He wrote travel books and poems and sketched. He became Secretary to James Buchanan (later President), George Miflin Dallas (later Vice-President) and Charles Francis Adams (son of John Quincey Adams) when each was U. S. Minister to England. Benjamin Moran served as the legation secretary from 1853 - 1875. The London Times called him, "the ablest and most honest representative the United States ever had." He next served as the Charge de Affairs and was appointd U. S. Minister to Portugal.

Edward Barber Moran married Letitia Clay, a relative of statesman Henry Clay.

1812 Morans known to have served in the war of 1812 include: John Benjamin Moran from Georgia, Charles Moran of Michigan and Philip Moran of New Jersey.

1817 Peter K. Moran wrote President Monroe's inaugural march.

1818 Marmaduke Young Moran was born this year. He became a Baptist Minister who was very active in Arkansas and was the progenitor Moran families in Arkansas, Tennessee and Texas. Other Moran families, not related, are centered in Michigan, Millidgeville, Georgia; North and South Carolina, Louisiana, Virginia, New Jersey, Texas, New Hampshire and New York.

1819 A Captain Moran served Simon Bolivar in Apure, New Granada through the year 1822. He participated in the engagements at: Bonza, Pántanode de Vargas, Boyacá, Riobamba and Pichincha.

1822 Daniel Edward Moran is a partner in a bank in New York known as Moran Brothers Bank.

1823 There is a large Moran family centered in Dresden, Tennessee.

1825 Catherine Moran marries Martin O'Hart of Glenhest near Crossmolina, Ireland.

Charles Moran of Nashville, Tennessee a life long friend of Sam Houston and Andrew Jackson names a newly born son Samuel Houston Moran.

1826 Robert Moran immigrated to Seattle. He found work as an iron worker. Later, as a successful businessman he owned the company. The company built the U.S.S. Nebraska and other U. S. Navy ships. He became Mayor of Seattle. A national park, Moran National Park on the San Juan Island is named for him. Moran's estate on San Juan Island was called Rosario and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

1827 The Reverend Patrick Moran arrives in Buenos Aires to serve as chaplain for the large Irish community there and in the rural areas.

A General Moran is in the Spanish Army. His sister is known as the Marchioness di Vivanco Anita Noriego y Vicario.

The Chief of the Potowatamie tribe of Indians in Michigan is named Moran.

1829 Edward Moran, a famous English painter, was born.

1830 Patrick Francis Moran was born in Leighlinbridge, County Carlow, Ireland. His mother's brother was Cardinal Cullen. He took Patrick to to Rome at age 12. Patrick was ordained when he was 19. Thirty-five years later, he was appointed Archbishop of Sydney, Australia in 1884. In 1885, he was made a Cardinal.

Seven Moran families are listed in the North Carolina Census.

1831 Peter K. Moran, who wrote President Monroe's inaugural march, died in New York.

1832 Charles Moran represented the 1st District in the Michigan Territory Council. He served until 1845.

1835 There were Morans in the Texas Revolution: John Moran, Martin Moran and Morris Moran.

There is a restaurant in the French Quarter in New Orleans owned by a Moran family that was established this year by a famous French chef. Emperor Jose Iturbide of Mexico, Napoleon's General Bertrand and William Makepiece Thackery were among its more famous customers. James Moran bought it in the 1930's. His sons, Jimmy and Tony ran for a time after James was no longer able. Today, 1999, it is called Tony Morans. They are Italian Morans.

1837 Thomas Moran was born in Bolton, England. Regarded as the foremost painter of panoramic landscapes of the American West. Several of his painting hang in the U.S Congress. His paintings so inspired the nation that he is known as the "Father of the National Parks." Moran Mountain, Moran, Wyoming, Moran Bay and Moran Canyon were all named for him. The town, Moran, is in Wyoming. There are four other states with towns named Moran: Texas, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Kansas.

Thomas Moran's brother Edward became famous as a marine painter and his brother Peter was a famous artist. Brother John helped develop stereoscopic pictures. Edward published the first illustrated catalog in the United States. He painted the dedication of the Statue of Liberty. The painting hangs in the Museum of New York City. Both his sons, Edward Percy Moran and John Leon Moran also became painters of note. The extended, talented family that included Thomas Moran's wife, Mary Nimmo, and the wives of his brothers was known as the "Twelve Apostles."

1840's There are a lot of Morans in the city of Cammer, Kentucky.

1847 John Moran his wife Winifred, sons, Francis and John, and daughter, Catherine, arrive in New York City aboard the Metoka. Their passage was paid for by the Crown it included provisions, cooking utensils and landing money. They came from Bally Kicline in County Roscommon where they were expelled from their homes with others They filed an appeal through legal channels resulting in the assistance.

1848 James Moran of Maysville, Kentucky died fighting in the War with Mexico. He fell at the Battle for Mexico City.

1849 John J. Moran, the resident physician at Washington University Hospital in Baltimore, treated Edgar Allen Poe when he was brought into the hospital and during his last days. Doctor Moran paid for Poe's funeral. Twenty-six years after Poes death, Doctor Moran wrote a book saying Poe did not die of drug abuse but of exposure and other conditions caused by his having been robbed, beaten and left, passed out, over a cold, wet night, in an alley.

One hundred and forty seven years later, Dr. R. Michael Benitez, wrote in the September, 1996 issue of the Maryland Medical Journal, his diagnosis of how Poe died. He wrote that Poe exhibited all the classic symptoms of encephalitic rabies. Dr. Benitez frequently treats rabies in his work at Chulalongkorn University Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. Dr. Benitez, a cardiologist and Assistant professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland Medical Center, read Dr. Moran's reports and other hospital information. He noted that Poe was comatose when he entered the hospital, awoke the next day perspiring heavily, hallucinating and shouting at imaginary companions. The next day, Poe seemed better and did not recall falling ill. He refused alcohol and drank water with great difficulty, all of which was very consistent with the cases he had seen in Thailand. Poe could have been bitten up to as much as a year earlier, but once the symptoms appear, rabies is a swift and brutal killer. Dr. Benitz diagnosis is being hailed as the first "scientifically valid assessment of Poe's death."

1851 John L. Moran of Picayune, Mississippi, in an accident, had a short piece of timber driven into and through his chest so hard it protruded out his back. He lived.

Billie Moran of Red River County, Texas had a beard that touched the ground. He usually wore it stuffed in his coat pocket

1852 J. Moran sailed on February 1 from Panama aboard the Amphrite with 190 fellow passengers (131 more than the ship was certified to carry) The situation aboard the ship became intolerable. When the ship docked at San Carlos, Salvador, the Captain of the ship walked away. The passengers organized and set sail for their destination, San Francisco on March 12th. On April 23rd they beached the vessel 300 miles south of Acapulco and walked to San Francisco. They arrived 18 days later.

Anna Marie Moran was born deaf and dumb. She cared for the children of her sister Grace. One of the children fell into a fireplace from a rocker and was burned to death. Anna Marie had to live with that scene for most of her 83 years, until she herself burned to death when she was set afire by a gas stove accident.

Peter Moran was one of the original settlers of the Arafat district of Australia.

1853 A Julia Moran is in Oregon Territory.

1856 Patrick Moran, who was born at Rathdrum, County Wicklow in 1820, and was ordained a priest in 1847. He was designated by Pope Pius IX to be Vicar - Apostalic to the Eastern Province of Cape Colony, South Africa. He became a Bishop in New Zealand in 1871.

1860 Michael Moran, who came from Ireland, took his earnings from doing labor work on the Eirie Canal, $2700, and founded Moran Towing & Transportation Company with two tugboats. Today it is the biggest tugboat company in the world.

1861 Robert Moran of Monangalia County, Virginia, a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army was a delegate to the state convention that formed the State of West Virginia to keep that portion of the state with the Union.

Many Morans served on both sides of the Civil War. There are too many to list.

However, there are some stories to tell. Three sons of William "Buck" Moran, George W., A. J. and Samuel Mitchell Moran of Company G, 26th North Carolina Regiment that were captured during the Battle of Gettysburg. Samuel was injured and the wound never healed. He died 23 years later, making him possibly the last casualty of Gettysburg.

Jesse Moran of Georgia served in the War of 1812. He had five sons serve in the Civil War, Washington B., Seaborn G., Samuel J., John Milner and Joshua C. served with Alabama troops in a regiment of 1,000 that had only 100 survive the war. James Moran of Baldwin County Georgia lost three sons in the war: William B., Jesse and James W. II. They served in the "Baldwin Blues."

Sam Houston Moran, mentioned earlier, and his sons: Sam Houston, Jr. and Thomas Jefferson Moran along with their mother all fought the Yankees in Tennessee.

James Barnes Moran ofg Georgia had three horses shot out from him while serving the Confederacy without injury to himself during the war.

James Thomas Moran was born in North Haven, Connecticut. He became the President of Southern New england Telephone Company.

Patrick Moran was a member of the Dick Dowling Davis Guards of Houston, Texas

1866 John Moran who was in the United States Army, went to Newport in County Mayo, Ireland where together with his brothers, Patrick and John they were arrested for Fenian activities and placed in the Castlebar jail.

1869 John E. Moran, Irish born, won the Medal of Honor serving with the United States Calvary.

Four Moran brothers were arrested in Castlebar, Ireland for the murder of an Englishman. They were John, James, Martin and Patrick Moran. Patrick was released.

1870 Three Morans are in the Texas Rangers: Martin, Juan and Marcelino.

Zada Elizabeth Moran is the Post Mistress at La Crosse, Wisconsin.

1871 Reverend Marmaduke Young Moran of Arkansas is elected to be President of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention in Monticello, Arkansas. An honor given to him at succeeding state conventions in Huston, Arkansas in 1872 and Little Rock, Arkansas. in 1873.

1874 Samuel and Thomas Morrin settled the area called Lockerbie in New Zealand, after they purchased 30,000 acres from the Maoris. Morrinsville, New Zealand is named for them.

1881 Mary Nimms Moran, the wife of painter Thomas Moran, is the first woman ever elected to the Royal Society of Painter Etchers in London.

1887 John Valee Moran, a merchant and financier in Detroit, founded Moran, Fitzimmons & Co. in Detroit.

Thomas Francis Moran is Superintendent of Schools for Elk River, Michigan.

1888 "Chappie" B. Moran was the British Bantamweight boxing champion.

Robert Moran of Seattle, Washington was elected Mayor of Seattle. He served until 1890.

1890 Joseph Moran was born in St. Antoine, Canada on January 13, 1824. He travelled to the area of what is now Spokane, Washington where he was a trapper and lived on the prairie before there was a town. Moran Prairie is named for him as is Moran Cemetery both located in Spokane County, Washington.

1892 George E. Moran published, Moran's Dictionary of Chicago and its Vicinity with Maps. The booklet had 326 pages.

1893 Earl Steffa Moran an American illustrator of note was born. He drew pastel paintings of beautiful women of the day (1934-1959) for the Brown & Bigelow Company that were hung in lockers and garages all over America. He was later a successful photographer.

William H. Moran of Portsmouth, New Hampshire was elected a memeber of the New Hampshire House of Reprsentatives.

1894 The "Moran Air Lock" is invented by Daniel Edward Moran. Moran was an engineer who founded the engineering firm of Moran, Proctor, Maiser & Rutledge Engineering. The firm worked on the United Nations Building, Yankee Stadium, the George Washington Bridge, Triborough, Golden Gate and San Francisco-Oakland bridges. The air lock was used in moving in and out of pressurized air chambers. Moran's father was from Belgium.

1895 Fred T. Moran of Detroit Michigan worked his way up in the Peninsula Stove Co. to become President. Later he was President of the Michigan Telephone Company.

1896 E. C. Carleton, an insurance executive founded the E. C. Moran Company, his son E. C. Jr. became President in 1928.

Patrick Francis Moran, the Archbishop of Sidney Australiais made a Cardinal of the Catholic Church.

1897 Otha Selby Moran is elected to the Nebraska legislature, and again in 1899.

1898 William H. Morin, who was born in England in 1869, was awarded the Medal Of Honor for heroism during the Battle of Guantanamo Bay in July of 1898.

Moses Moran arrives from Lebanon and settled in Buffalo, New York. He starts a horsedrawn wagon business, M. Moran & Sons Carting. Michael Moses Moran, the son of Moses Moran, developed the company into M. Moran Transportation Lines, Inc. with the help of his brothers; Bedied, John and Norman J. Moran.

Moran Of The Lady Letty was a novel written by Frank Norris.

1900 David Patrick Moran, who was born in Waterford, Ireland, founded The Leader, a newspaper which was published in Ireland from 1900 - 1910 and had a strong influence on the Irish - Ireland movement. Moran went on to write the novel Tom O'Kelly in 1905.

Moran's Arithmetic, a school textbook written by William Joseph Moran was published.

John E. Moran won the Medal of Honor while serving with the United States Infantry in the 37th Infantry, U. S. Volunteers in Luzon, Phillipines..

1901 John P. Moran a noted Irish painter died.

Horace S. Moran elected as State Representative from Fort Worth, Texas.

1905 In Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes story, The Return of Sherlock Holmes, the chief assistant to arch enemy Moriarty is Colonel Sebastian Moran.

1906 Charles Moran, Jr. is President of Francis I. Dupont Company.

1907 Thomas Francis Moran a professor of History and Economics at Purdue University and later at the University of Illinois wrote several books that were used as textbooks for the study of American history.

1908 Herbie Moran played professional baseball in the outfield for seven seasons on five different teams: the Athletics, Braves, Doves, Dodgers and Reds.

1909 Owen "The Fearless" Moran was a heavyweight boxer in England who is a member of the International Boxing Hall of Fame. Earlier, in 1905, as a featherweight, he fought the American Champion, Abe Atell for 23 rounds to a draw.

1910 Daniel Edward Moran founded the firm of Moran, Proctor and Freeman with his partners. Moran, a civil engineer, helped design the Woolworth Building in New York City.

P. J. Moran, who as a fourteen year old, landed in Baltimore on his own. He moved on to Cincinatti where he learned steam fitting and moved West to Chicago and Omaha working in the trade. When he go to Salt Lake city in 1887 he stopped travelling and founded a business. He prospered in a number of areas including heating and ventilation projects, waterworks construction and asphalt paving. He progressed to owning a concrete manufacturing company and a construction company specializing in concrete buildings. Still more sucess saw him enter the fields of coal production realty and banking. His many companies celebrated his success annually on a day called "Moran Day" when his employees would be given the day off to take family and friends on outings and picnics.

1911 Bernard James Moran was born in Davenport Iowa, he became the Associate Editor of the Georgetown Universtiy Law Journal. His son, Dennis Moran, became co-editor of the Black Hawk College Chieftain in Moline, Illinois.

A G. Moran is building a monoplane in St. Louis, he planes to keep it in a hanger at Kinloch.

Paddy Moran was the goalie for the Quebec Bulldogs when they won the Stanley Cup. They repeated again in 1913.He is in the Hockey Hall of Fame.

1912 Miss Bertha Moran boarded the R.M. S. Titanic in Queenstown, Ireland. She served as a nanny. A survivor of the fateful events of April 12, she was rescued by the Carpathia. Miss Moran lived out her life in Brooklyn, New York.

William Moran of Fall River, Massachusetts was elected to be a delegate to the Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts.

1913 John Mary Morin was elected to the United States Congress from Pittsburgh. He served until 1929.

1914 Moran Junior College was founded by Frank Moran on Bainbridge Island in Puget Sound. The school closed in 1934. It was later re-opened as the Puget Sound Naval Academy and still later as the Hill Naval Academy. Today the buildings are still in use as a retirement center called the Messenger House.

1915 Film star Pauline "Polly" Theresa Moran of Chicago stars in a Max Sennett film. She went on to a successful career in films, vaudeville, radio and stage. Among her films were Dangerous Females with Marie Dressler, Alice In Wonderland, Adam's Rib with Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn.

1916 The right Reverend J. B. Morin was Pastor of the St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church in Martinsville, Louisiana until 1941.

Charles Wesley Moran was elected Superintendent of Education, Hancock County, Georgia. a position he held until 1932.

Hugh Anderson Moran, a Presbyterian Minister, Rhodes Scholar and author, is appointed to oversee POW relief in Siberia. He became a part of the U. S. Mission in Russia. Moran was a missionary who spent many years in China. In 1912 he founded the YMCA at Hangkow, China. His books were all religious in nature.

1918 Russel Aurbrey Moran is the County Attorney of Palo Pinto County in Texas.

Frank Goding Moran was founder of the Moran School for Boys in Atascadero, California.

William Herman Moran is named the Chief of the United States Secret Service.

Frances Marie Moran was born November 3 in Alma, Texas. She later married Reuben Acton. She worked in Washington D.C. during WW II.

1919 Patrick J. Moran, who played baseball for the Chicago cubs, Boston Braves and Philadelphia Phillies appearing in three world series, won the world series as the Manager of the Cinicinatti Reds against the White "Black" Sox in the 1919 World Series. In the 1915 season he managed the Phillies to a National Leagtue Pennant. P.J. Moran was the first manager in the 20th Century to win two pennants for two different teams.


1920 Daniel P. Moran of Lyons, New York was selected as an Alternate delegate to the Democratic National Convention to represent the state of New York.

1921 Charles Bartell "Uncle Charley" Moran was the Coach of the Praying Colonels of Centre College when they upset a highly regarded Harvard football team. There record gave them a little respect of their own. He later would coach Texas A&M. The University of Texas would not schedules games with the school while he was the coach. Moran is a member of the Texas A&M Hall of Fame.

Patrick Moran, a Captain in the I.R.A.'s Dublin Brigade, is execued by the British for his alleged participation with Michael Collins in the killing of British Secret Service men in Dublin. Patrick Moran was also the President of the Dublin area National Union of Vintners, Grocers Allied Trade Assistants. There is a park in the Dublin area at Dun Laoghaire named Moran Park in his honor.

1924 (Richard) John McMoran Wilson, Baron Moran was born in England. He was the British Ambassador to: Chad 1970 - 1973, Hungary 1973 - 1976, Portugal 1976 - 1981. In 1981 he was made High Commisioner to Canada. Today he is Lord Moran of the British House of Lords. Lord Moran lives in Wales.

Richard and John Moran found Moran Brothers Oil Energy Company in Houston, Texas. The company is now known as Moran Brother's Inc. A subsidiary is the Moran Utility Company in Conroe, Texas.

1925 George H. Moran built and operated the famous New York Coney Island roller coaster, the nation's first major roller coaster. Called, Thunderbolt, the ride was an important part of Coney Island for 60 years. His son Fred operated the ride during most of its existence. The family lived in a house located directly under the roller coaster that would shake everytime the cars passed. Scenes from Woody Allen's movie Annie Hall were shot in the house.

1926 Lois Moran was a love of F. Scott fitzgerald and said to be the prototype for the character, Rosemary Hoyt, in his book, Tender Is The Night.

Peter "Fraidy" Moran was the hero of a novel, Moran Beats Back, that was written by William MacLeod Raine. The story also appeared in "Argosy" magazine.

1927 James Thomas Moran was President of Telephone Pioneers of America, he later was President of Southern New England Telephone Company.

1928 Edward Carleton Moran, Jr. ran unsuccessfully for Governor of Maine and again in 1932. He was successfully elected to the U. S. Congress in 1933. He served until 1937. He was, in 1945, the Second Assistant Secretary of Labor.

A movie, Moran of the Marines was produced by Paramount, originally a story by Linton Wells.

1929 Gangster George "Bugsy" Moran was supposed to be killed in the Saint Valentine's Massacre ordered by Al Capone in Chicago. He missed the "meeting."

1933 Edward Carleton Moran, Jr. of Rockland, Maine (cited above in 1928)was elected to represent Maine's 2nd District in the U.S. House of Representatives. He served until 1937.

1935 Diamond Jim Moran was an entrepeneur before the name was in modern usage. He was very successful and believed in wearing his success in the form of diamonds. He is the Italian Moran who bought the restaurant described in 1835.

1937 Gerard James Moran is the Associate Editor of the Georgetown University Law Journal.

1939 Francis P. Moran was leader of the New England Christian Front, an organization associated with "Radio Priest" Father Coughlin.

John J. Moran was President of the Long Line Telephone Workers. He attempted, unsuccessfully in 1947, to lead a nationwide telephone strike.

W. H. Moran has his original story, "Code of the Secret Service" made into a movie by Warner Brothers.

1940 Delores Moran was a screen actress, she appeared in the James Cagney movie, Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Another screen star of the period was Peggy Moran who began with Warner Brothers. She appeared in films with Gene Autry, Bela Logosi, Melvyn Douglas. She also appeared in several Universal Studio films. There she was in films with Deanna Durbin, Victor MacLaglen, Jackie Cooper, Johnny Mack Brown, Broderick Crawford, Wallace Ford, Dick Foran, Johnny Mack Brown, Bob Cummings, William Frawley, Elizabeth Taylor, Eddie Albert, Roy Rogers and the first Abbot and Costello movie.

Patsy Moran was another Moran in the movies. Her husband was stuntman Pat Moran.

Lois Moran made the bridge from films to television, starring with Robert Preston in Water Front a television series in 1957.

The best known of the Moran women in movies was Polly Moran mentioned earlier .whose career began with "silent films" and stretched into the modern era.

Men named Moran in the movies include: Frank Charles Moran, who was formerly a heavyweight boxer, his best film was Captain Fury; George Moran was part of a comedy team called "Moran & Mack", they used to work vaudeville before appearing in movie shorts. Lee Moran also was part of a comedy team. Their act was known as Lyons and Moran. He was seen in many films 1912-1936.

1941 Myrna Madolyn Moran who lived six blocks from the Navy yard and three blocks from Hickham Field in Honolulu, Hawaii, went outside to see what the noise was on December 7th. She found herself having to grab her daughter into her arms and run from a plane that was attempting to strafe them. As they ran, planes fell out of the sky and bombs exploded all about. She and her daughter survived unscathed.

Ruby (Merrick) Moran is Superintendent of Schools in Hunt County, Texas.

1942 Gertrude Augusta "Gussie" Moran was an American Tennis star. She also starred in a movie with Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn, Pat and Mike.

1943 Edward Joseph Moran commanded the U. S. S. Boise and sank two enemy cruisers during the Battle of Cape Esperance. Moran became an Admiral.

William H. Moran was Deputy Chief of the Secret Service. He later became Chief.

1945 The Peter Moran (hull # 2584, EC2-S-C1 type) is the last Liberty ship built by the Oregon Shipbuilding Corporation

1948 Paddy Moran is in the Bowery Boys movie, Trouble Makers.

George C. Moran served as the Adjutant General of Michigan 1948-1959.

1949 Robert Breck Moran founded Moran Instrument Corporation of Pasadena, California. He served as President and Chief Engineer.

A Mexcan made movie, Don Quixote De La Mancha had Manolo Moran as a cast member.

1950 James "Jim" Sterling Moran was President of Jim Moran Associates. He was a musician, he wrote Sophocles, The Hyena which he performed at Carnegie Hall and Vienna in 1954. He was a movie actor appearing in The Body Snatchers and Spectre of the Rose. He was an author writing: Miserable, Miff the Mole , and The Frustrations Of The Irish. He was a publicist pulling publicity pranks and appearing on television and radio shows.

Brigadier General Richard Bartholomew Moran wore medals issued by the United States, Britain, France, Italy and Brazil. He became the General Manager of Telecommunications for Ethiopia.

Eddie Moran appeared in the RKO movie, Treasure Island.

A Moran representing Spain in an international chess tournament placed only 3.5 points behind the winner.

1952 Walter Brian Moran was President of E. F. Moran, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma.

George Relman Morin was an author, editor and reporter. He won two Pulitzer prizes. The first in 1951 for covering the Korean War and the second in 1955 for stories he write about the racial strife in the Little Rock, Arkansas schools. His books included East WindRising, Circus of Conquest, and books on Kennedy, Churchill and Eisenhower.

1953 Eugene Francis Moran, President of Moran Towing and Transportation Company, Commissioner of the New York Port Authority, Chairman of the Rivers, Harbors and Piers Committee of the Maritime Association of the Port of New York, wrote Famous Harbors which was published by Random House.

William Penn Moran was awarded the Conservation Farmer of the Month Award in Columbia County, Arkansas.

1954 Fernando Lopez Moran is appointed to a number of foreign ministry assignments in South America and Africa for the government of Spain. In 1982 he is the Minister of Foreign Affairs until 1985 when he accepts the position as Spanish Ambassador to the United Nations.

J. Edward Moran of Burlington, Vermont was elected Mayor of Burlington. In 1948, he was candidate for the Vermont State Treasurer.

Eugene Moran was a candidate in the Democratic primary for the Michigan State Senate from the 5th District.

Julia Porcelli Moran was a sculptor. She was a lecturer and judge in her field.

1955 Robert Martin Moran is President of The Moran Company and was elected in 1979 as a New Mexico State Representative.

A show on BBS2 radio was Amongst Women which ran through most of the 1950's and was about a stern father and his five Moran children.

1956 Anthony Moran appeared in the the Paramount Studios movie, The Proud And The Profane, with Deborah Kerr and William Holden.

1957 John E. Moran elected as a State Senator in Providence, Rhode Island. He is a past president of the Sons Of Irish Kings of Manville, Rhode Island.

Reid Venable Moran is the Curator and Botanist of the San Diego Nautral Museum.

Michael Moran, who was born in Castlebar, Ireland, is named as a minister in the Irish government.

Herbert Owen Moran, A Canadian corporation Lawyer, is appointed High Commissioner to Pakistan. In 1960 he was appointed as Canadian Ambassador to Japan.

1958 Thomas Edward Morin is an American sculptor of note. He is from Malone, New York.

William Joseph Moran is Deputy Chief of Chaplains, he also earned a Bronze Star and the Distinguished Service Medal. He retired a Brigadier General and was later Bishop of Centuria, New York and Auxilliary Bishop Emeritus of the U. S. Military.

1959 Laurent Morin was appointed Bishop of Prince Albert, Sasketchawan.

Pat Moran is in the Gregory Peck Movie, On The Beach.

Russell Aubrey Moran, Jr. is the County Attorney for Palo Pinto County, Texas.

1960 Francisco Moran was in Cecil B. DeMille's King of Kings.

The first woman to attain the rank of E-9(Sergeant Major) in the United States Marine Corps is Master Gunnery Sergeant Geraldine M. Moran.

1961 William Edward Moran, a former FBI agent, is Dean of the Foreign Service School at Stanford University.

1962 Cyril J. Moran, former President of the Scranton School District, is elected a Pennsylvania State representative.

1963 Raul R. Morin's book, Among The Valiant, about Mexican-American heroes inuniform was published after a ten year effort. Raul R. Morin Memorial Square in East L.A. is named for him.

Monica Moran apeared with Jimmy Stewart and Sandra Dee in 20th Century Fox's movie, Take Her She's Mine.

1964 Edmund J. Moran, an automobile executive from Michigan, wrote The Moran Story. The book is his story and includes a genealogical account of his Morans who originated in France.

Charles Moran, Jr was President and Chairman of the Board of the Francis I. DuPont Company.

Arnold Patrick Moran was a Vice President of W. R. Grace Company and on the board of the White Motor Credit Company.

1965 John Joseph Moran is President of Sigma Instruments in Boston, Massachusetts.

Ronald Wesson Moran, Professor of English at Clemson University who was later Head of the Department, wrote several books beginning with his best known So Simply MeansThe Rain. Two more followed; Louis Simpson and Four Poets And The Emotive Imagination.

1966 Kevin Moran was a champion swimmer for Wales and in the next two years, then he moved to Canada and won swimming titles in the name of his new country in 1971 - 1973.

Brenda Rosalyn Moran manages a professional Scottish hockey team.

1967 Charles MacMoran Wilson Moran, Lord Moran wrote The Struggle For Survival, TheAnatomy of Courage, and Churchill. All based on his experiences as Winston Churchill's good friend and personal physician. He was in a position to meet first hand many of the world's leaders during an important time in world history.

James Byron Moran elected to the House of Representatives for the State of Illinois.

Sharon Moran was the Ladies Professional Golf Association's Rookie of the Year.

1968 Vice Admiral William Joseph Moran who previously commanded the U. S. S. Rainer and the U. S. S. Randolph, was Director of the U. S. Navy's Space Program.

Moran, Kansas made headlines when one of its own was crowned Miss America. Debbie Barnes was proud of her hometown and mentioned it often during her rule.

1969 Boston Patrolman, Thomas Moran, recieves a "Policeman Of The Year" award. Earlier he was interviewed on the front page of the Boston Globe.

Erin Moran is a television star on "Happy Days."

1970 Hector Charquero Moran, Head of Uruguay's Police Intelligence Branch, was assassinated.

Thomas Francis Moran, a professor of Chemistry at the Georgia Institute of Technology, is the recipient of the Ferst Research Award.

1971 William Edward Moran is Chancellor of the University of Michigan, Flint campus.

Robert Daniel Moran, a Washington D. C. lawyer, is Chairman of the Occupational Safety & Health Review Committee.

Charles A. Moran is a Senior Vice President of the Trust Division of Manufacturer's Hanover Trust Company.

The Moran Terminal of the Massachusetts Port Authority in Boston opened to receive ships.

Tony Moran is "Michael" in the movie Halloween.

1972 William Dean Moran was Deputy Assistant Sceretary of Commerce for Export Development.

Sister Angela Clare Moran of the Sister of Charity was the Director of the Santa Rosa Medical Center in San Antonio.

John Joseph Moran is a Vice President and Assistant to the Chairman of Hueblein, Inc.

Vickey Lee Morin is President of the Montana Young Democrats, she also was a delegate to th Democratic National Convention.

Mary Ellen Moran of Roseville, Michigan was selected as an Alternate Delegate to the Democratic National Convention from Michigan.

1973 Charles Francis Moran of Kansas City, Kansas, is Secretary - Treasurer of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Irion Shipbuilders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers.

Margarits Moran, Miss Phillipines, becomes Miss Universe.

1974 Terry Rodger Moran is President of the Territorial Board of Realtors and a broker for Moran Real Estate on St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.

Gabriel Moran, a religious writer, has his book, Religious Body published by the

Seabury Press.

1975 Melvin Robert Moran is Manager of the Moran Oil Enterprise in Seminole, Oklahoma. He is later Manager, of Moran Pipe & Supply Company and Mayor of Seminole, Oklahoma.

Margaret "Peggy" Moran who worked at the Audie Murphy Memorial Veterans Hospital in San Antonio was abducted. Five days later she was found alive with multiple stab wounds in the abdomen and neck. She had also been raped. She could not move and was lying in a bed of ants. She died in the hospital. Her murderer was convicted in three different trials in three different cities each time getting off because of technical legal issues. The case finally went to the Texas Supreme Court where he was convicted in 1981 and sentenced to die.

1976 Thomas Joseph Moran is a Supreme Court Justice for the State of Illinois.

Pat Moran is the Administrative Assistant to Senator Dale Bumpers of Arkansas.

Thomas J. Moran was elected, Justice of the Illinois State Supreme Court. He served until 1992.

1977 William Dean Moran is the United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Development.

Richie Moran the Cornell University Lacrosse coach for 29 years won national titles in 1971, 1976 and 1979. He was named to the Lacrossw Hall of Fame.

1978 James Corcoran Morin is a prize winning cartoonist for the Miami Herald.

Denis Moran is the Nicaraguan Bantamweight Boxing Champion.

Francis Joseph Moran is Mayor of Charlottetown, P. E. I.

Alfred Jay Moran is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Moran Industries in New Orleans and President of Moran International, Inc.

Tom Moran opened a shop that repaired logging equipment in Onaway, Michigan, now its called Moran Iron Works and he does major custom welding and fabrication.

1979 Ralph J. Moran was elected as a State Representative to the legislature of New Hampshire.

James Byron Moran is appointed, Judge United States District Court in Chicago, Illinois.

1980 Lauren Lester Morin is the Vice President, Manufacturing of the 3M Company.

1981 John C. Moran was an author of 40 novels, his father, John L. Moran, sculpted "Liberty" that stands atop the U. S. Capitol in Washington D. C.

Mary Moran is Mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut. She filed a bankruptcy petition for the city.

1983 Harold James Moran is Senior Vice Presient - Marketing for the Molson Breweries in Montreal, Canada.

Alfred Jay Moran, Jr. is Chairman and President of three Moran companies: the TJM Corp. of New Orleans, Moran Colorgraphic, Inc and Moran Group, Inc.

Edward Martin Moran is President of Moran Supply Company in Chicago.

J. A. Moran is President and a Director of Dyson-Kissner-Moran Corporation of New York City.

James D. Moran is Chairman and CEO of Flintkote Co. in Stamford, Connecticut.

Juliette Moran is a Director of GAF of New York City.

John Moran is the pilot of the Goodyear blimp America.

Gary Moran, a Florida University professor, offered a study of Dade county jurors in the Journal of personality and Social Psychology that has led to the science of selecting today's jurors in the vor dire phase of a trial.

Charlie Moran of the Young Devils is entered in the Stickball Hall of Fame

Richie Moran who coached the Cornell University lacrosse team through three undefeated seasons, three NCAA championships and 15 Ivy League titles is inducted into the Cornell University Sports Hall of Fame.

1984 John Vincent Moran, of Detroit, was Past President of the Catholic Lawyers Association.

James Brendon Morin was a Rear Admiral in the United States Navy, a naviator, he was awarded the Legion of Merit and the Bronze Star.

Jennifer Moran was awarded the Medal of Merit by President Ronald Reagan for her valor in a boating accident that saved her brother's life. Despite a crushed ankle, lacerations that required 60 stitches to close and a concussion, she swam, walked and crawled for help more than two miles away.

Chuck Moran, Supervising Sound Editor at Universal Studios, was killed in a plane crash. He worked in the following films: Grease, Meteor, Private Benjamin and Stripes.

A TV movie "Terrible Joe Moran" stars James Cagney as an old boxer.

Kelly Moran is an award winning motorcycle racer.

Megan Scott Moran entered the world as a miracle. Her mother, Mary Jane Moran had been diagnosed as being sterile. Doctor Bill Moran was the proud father.

Neysa Moran McMein was elected to the Society of Illustrators Hall of Fame an honor she shares with the likes of Norman Rockwell, N. C. Wyeth, Thomas Nast, and Winslow Homer.

1985 John Moran who runs a digital sound studio in Houston, Texas has done recordings for Barbara Streisand, Frank Zappa, Marty Robbins and many more.

1986 Malcolm Moran is a sportswriter for the New York Times.

Rich Moran of the Greenbay Packers played against his brother, Eric Moran who played for the Houston Oilers. Their father, Jim Moran, who played for the New York Giants and sold the Packers their scoreboard was in the stands. Both Moran brothers left the field due to injuries. The Oilers won.

Michael Moran is the Vice President of Marketing for Century Development Corporation in Houston, Texas.

1987 Rookie race car driver, Rocky Moran, was bumped out of the Indianapolis Race when his average speed of 199.157 was beaten by another driver.

Oscar Moran is re-elected to his third term as President of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the largest Hispanic organization in America.

The highest-elevation tornado in history left a destructive path two miles wide

and twenty miles long near Moran Junction, Wyoming.


James B. Moran, born in 1924, was appointed United States Ambassador to the Seychelles

1988 Judith Moran is President of the nine member Paterson, New Jersey Board of Education looking onto the tactics of principal Joe Clark who gained national attention for protecting his students at Eastside High School from drugs and dealers with a no-nonsense common sense approach.

Donald Keys Moran is a science fiction writer with at least three books published:

Emerald Eyes - 1988, The Long Run - 1988, The Armageddon Blues - 1988

The Ring - 1988. The last book was made into a movie.

Since, 1988, the Australian Academy of Science awards a medal every two years to recognize distinguished research in applied probability, biometrics, mathematical genetics, psychometrics and statistics. The medal is called The Moran Medal and is named to honor Patrick Alfred Pierce Moran, a professor emeritus of statistics at the Australian National University.

Ricardo Moran owns the Park Bar in Boquillas de Carmen in Coahuila, Mexico.

1989 Gerard P. Moran elected to be Texas State Historian of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, a position he held through 1994. Moran wrote The Celtic Connection and Aeroplanes Vought. The latter sold out as a hardcover book and was re-issued in a soft cover version entitled The Corsair and Other Aeroplanes Vought.

Jerry Moran of Hays, Kansas elected a member of the Kansas State Senate. He served until 1996. He was elected to United States Congress from Kansas to represent the 1st District in 1997.

Earl Moraninducted into Concordia College Hall of Fame for his exploits in basketball and football at the school in 1930-1931.

1990 James P. Moran is a U. S. Representative from Virginia.

Due to the efforts of his brother, Patrick Edward Moran, Felix Fenton Moran, Jr. is confirmed in the awarding of a family coat of arms from the Chief Herald of Ireland.

It is almost the same as the chiefly arms of O'Morain of Ui Failgi, the arms generally and wrongly distributed as the arms for all Morans, the arms features the six pointed gold stars on a black shield and the motto, Lucent in Tenebris. It differed only in that the stars were pierced.

1991 Bridgeport, Connecticut Mayor Mary Moran filed a Chapter 9 Bancruptcy petition for the city in U. S. Bancruptcy Court. She did so under direct orders from the Governor of Connecticut to not file the petition.

James Patrick Moran, Jr., former Mayor of Alexandria, Virginia is elected as the Representative of the Virginia 8th District to the United States House of Representatives. He was still serving as of 2000.

1992 Michael Moran is a spokesman for the Civil service Employees Association in Watkins Glen, New York.

Joseph Moran founded Moran Communications Group after serving in the United States Air Force.

Charles V. Moran Athletics Director and Basketball coach at Catholic University of America is inducted into the university's Athletic Hall of Fame.

1993 Houston Police Officer, Gerard G. Moran, emptied his pistol, reloaded and continued to fire a total of 33 shots at a highly intoxicated motorist and hit him 10 times, killing him. He was no-billed by a Grand Jury but was released from the police department.

U. S. District Court Judge James B. Moran ruled in Chicago that a rate increase for the Chicago "Skyway" was valid. The rate increase was seen by many as the last straw and saw a decline in the use of the toll road.

John Moran, Director of Occupational Safety and Health, Laborer's Health and Safety Fund of America, testified before a U. S. House of Representative's subcommittee on labor standards.

Robert Moran, Mark McGuire Moran and Brian C. Moran are all in the Washington D. C. management consulting firm of Moran Associates which specializes in occupational safety and health. The former two men wrote the OSHA Answer Book which the company markets.

1994 Julie Moran a sportscaster for ABC Television became the first female host of Wide World of Sports when it covered the U. S. Figure Skating Championships in Detroit where Nancy Kerrigan was attacked Tonya Harding. Julie later replaced Leeza Gibbons on Entertainment Tonight. Previously was a co-host of NBC's Inside Stuff and ESPN's Inside Focus.

Patrick Moran, believed to be, the youngest man in the United States Merchant Marine at 22-years old to hold the 2nd Assistant Engineers License, Steam and Motor.

Mike Moran was Director of Communications for the United States Olympic Committee as they tried to deal with the Tonya Harding incident at the Winter Olympics in Lillehamer, Norway.

John Moran, a former NIOSH director of safety research, led the Laborers Health and Safety Fund of America. Speaking at a professional conference, Moran bemoaned what industry downsizing has meant to American safety practices.

Ian Moran played hockey for the PittsburghPenguins.

William T. Moran, Sr. founded The Moran Corp., an oil and gas company; Moran Utilities, a natural gas supply company in Conroe Texas; and Morgas Pipeline Co. He died in 1983. Ann Moran, his grand-daughter, and several other family members including grand-daughter Susan Moran McDonough and grandson Patrick J. Moran successfully sued the famous Houston law firm of Vinson & Elkins for more than 17million dollars for mismanaging the family estate which was placed in its care.

In December the court ruled in favor of Ann Moran and other parties to the suit except Susan Moran McDonough. The plaintiffs were awarded the $17.7 million sought plus $3 million in punitive damages and another 6.9 million for attorney's fees. The law firm was ordered to pay more a total of $35.7 million dollars in the ruling.

1995 James Moran, a scientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts confirmed the finding of the largest black hole ever found. The black hole, with a mass equal to 40 million of our suns, is located in a galxy 21 million light-years from earth.

Joan Moran of In-Flight Phone Corporation located in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, helped roll out an in-flight computer system for Continental Airlines called Flight Link that provides passengers the use of a computer at their seat.

Stephane Morin won the International Hockey League scoring title for the 1994-1995 season. He played for Minnesota and scored 114 goals. He was traded to the Long Beach Ice Dogs and led them in scoring in 1996-1997. Stephane died playing hockey for Germany during the U.S. off season in 1998.

Terry Moran is a anchor person for Court TV, a company that provides television coverage of legal proceedings in courts. In important trials the Court TV cameras are used to feed national and international television operations. Terry appeared as an anchor in what was billed as the "trial of the century", the O. J. Simpson double murder trial in Los Angeles.

Brenda Moran, a Black South Central Los Angeles computer repair person, was on the long sequestered jury of the O. J. Simpson case. The case dominated media and public interest for six months. She vocally defended the jury's verdict in the media and on television talk shows. She denied race was an issue and said the murder was unproven.

Guy Paul Morin of Queensville, Ontario was acquitted of the brutal slaying of 9-year-old Christine Jessup through the use of DNA evidence. He was arrested in 1985, acquitted and then retried in 1992 in the longest trial in Canadian history, nine months, where he was found guilty.

Dr. Stephan Maran, an astronomer at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland is among the scientists analyzing the pictures being sent to earth by the Hubble Telescope.

Patrick Edward Moran, of Deer Park, Texas, publishes his book, Moran Exodus From Offaly.

Anna Nichole Smith a Playboy Playmate, model and movie actress married a Texas millionaire, Howard Marshall, many times her senior. When he died in 1995, there was quite a feud. between her and the Marshall family which included the handling of the remains. The family wanted Mr. Howard's body cremated while Anna Nichole wanted him buried in the traditional manner. Both sides also disagreed as to how to display the body and who could view it. This forced the funeral home of George E. Lewis & Sons to hire a lawyer. The lawyer was Thomas E. Moran.

1996 Chris Moran operated an e-mail network regarding the U. S. Gymnast Olympic Team member at the 1996 Olympics, Dominique Moceneau until the traffic inundated the computer and resources.

Lawyer Russell Moran offers his Moran Report on the Internet.

There is in New York, on one of the last cobblestone streets still in Manhattan at 103 Washington Street, a European style restaurant known as Moran's Townhouse. It is housed in a building originally built in 1897.

The Doug Moran National Portrait Prize is awarded annually in Australia.

Charlottesville, Virginia is home to Burney/Moran Elementary School.

Kelly Blake Moran designs golf courses through out the world.

Rolando Moran, A Commander of the Guatemalan rebels announced a treaty had been signed with the government of Guatemala. The rebel struggle had been for the rights of indigenous Indians and had lasted 35 years.

Jim Moran is honored by the American Public Health Association by being placed in their Hall of Fame.

1997 Paris Lee Moran, an aspiring actor, is a 29 year old member of NRG a high energy dance troup that entertains crowds at half-time during the Houston, WNBA Comets.

Ancient Order of Hibernian, Division Eight in Glen Cove of Nassau County, New York was renamed the Mike Moran Division in a vote by acclamtion to honor the passing of Michael J. Moran. Mike Moran was born in County Carlow, Ireland, Moran was honored for his AOH ideals and service to AOH projects at Division, County and National levels.

Jerry Moran of Hays, Kansas represents the 66-county "Big First" Congressional District of Western and Central Kansas in the 105th U.S. House of Representatives. Previous to his election to the U.S. Congress, Jerry Moran served eight years in the Kansas State Senate, the last two as the Majority Leader.

Mike Moran is inducted into the U.S.Flag and Touch Football Association Hall of Fame.

1998 Mary Moran and her Dad, Joe Moran, are two marine artists of note in Biloxi, Mississippi.

From the Dominican Republic comes Moran cigars. One of their best selling cigars is the Moran Princess.

There is a Moran kibbutz in the Galilea area of Israel.

The Moran domain name is for sale at $185,000.00.

The John Moran Eye Center at the Utah Health Sciences Center is the largest facility of its type west of the Mississippi River.

Emilio F. Moran is Director of the Anthropological Center for Training and Research on Global Environmental Change at Indiana Univrsity.

1999 Katelin Elizabeth Moran was born on May 11. She weighed 1 pound, 2 ounces. She was dubbed the "Littlest Angel" by the staff at St. Peter's Hospital in Albany, New York. Her parents are Kelly and Shawn Moran. Though she went through operations to repair: a leaky heart valve, her retina in one eye, removal of a cataract, and a hernia operation, her long term prospects were said to be good.

William Francis Moran is a renowned blade smith known worldwide. A newly forged Moran knife sells for about $4,500.00. Knife World magazine sells a limited addition coffee table book about Moran for $85.00. An earlier book entitled Master of the Forge: William F, Moran and His Classic Blades sold for $175.00

There is a city hotel in Prague called The Moran.

Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship is at Florida State University. It honors Jim Moran founder and Chairman of J.M. Family Enterprises the 22 largest privately held company in the United States.

Moran's at the Bay is a bar and grocery in Galway.

Michael Moran is a reporter for MSNBC.

Moran Li is a Chinese actor

Jasmine Moran Children's Museum is located in Seminole, Oklahoma.

This project technically ended at the end of 1999, but since then I have put in many marriages, births and too many deaths. Though I do not plan to carry the project forward other than to continue to update what is here, I will post extraordinary Moran events in this Moran Chronology.

2000 Twice named New York Daily News Coach of the year, Ambrose Moran, a New York High School coach for 50 years is inducted into the Ithica College Hall of Fame where he played football, basketball and soccer during his school days.

Pat Moran is Chairwoman and CEO of the largest private Toyota dealership in the world and largest woman owned business.

2002 - Lee Morin is a 49 year old Navy Doctor and Astronaut. His first flight was aboard the Shuttle Atlantis flight in April in which the center girder beam was placed on the Space Station. During an EVA by Morin and fellow astronaut Jerry Ross, they finished bolting the beam to the space station begun by two other Atlantis astronauts earlier in the week. Both men are grandfathers and were dubbed the Silver Team by their colleagues. The EVA lasted 7.5 hours. The girder is the backbone of a system that will allow the space station to have a small rail car that will move the length of the Space Station as well as the Canadian built space arm. Eventually to be 356 feet long, the girders to come and the framework they will support will hold nearly an acre of solar panels and radiators that will power the laboratories of different countries performing experiments in space.

Donnie Moran is the only 4 time National Champion of the STARS National Dirt Car Racing League.

Susan Moran of Tullamore, Ireland played basketball for St. Joseph's University in the U. S. setting many school records. She was named Atlantic 10 Conference Women's Basketball Player of the year. She hopes to play for the New York Liberty of the WNBA.

2003- Blackfoot Tribal Court Judge in Montana is William Joseph Moran.

2004- There are many individuals with the last name, Moran, in the organization known as the United Liberation Front of Asom, (ULFA) which was organized in 1979 to liberate Assam from India and declare a seperate Republic of Assam.

2005- Daniel Thomas Moran was appointed by The Suffolk County, Long Island, New York Legislature as Poet Laureate, only the second in history. Dr. (Dentistry) Moran has had published several collections of his poems. He has been asked to read his poems at home and abroad. His writings have been published in several important publications. His accomplishments have earned him inclusion in Who' s Who in America, The Directory of American Poets and Fiction Writers, and The International Who's Who in Poetry.


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In a portion of a book entitled THE WORLD BOOK OF MORANS published by Halbert's Family Heritage, Bath, Ohio, 1995 there was a list labeled the International Register of Moran's. In the list which lists Moran's in every country, there is an unusually high number of Moran's in the following areas:

Spain - Madrid and Leon

England - London, West Yorkshire (Leeds), West Midlands, Tyne & Wear, Notts (Mansfield), Mersyside, Lancs, and Chesire (south Liverpool).

South Africa - Natal

France - Gironde (Bordeaux), Bouches Du Rhone (Marseille)

Canada - British Columbia, Ontario

Australia - New South Wales, Victoria,

Northern Ireland - County Antrim, County Londonderry

Ireland - Dublin, Galway, Mayo

Italy - Milano


The publication estimated the total number of Moran households in the following countries:

U. S. - 33,918

Great Britain - 10,429

Ireland - 4,390

Australia - 2,842

Canada - 2,024

Spain - 934

Northern Ireland - 333

France - 301

New Zealand - 280

Germany - 118

South Africa - 113

Switzerland - 42

Italy - 42

Austria - 29

Netherlands - 10


In the United States there were more Moran's listed as being from the state of New York than any other state. Other states which listed a large number of Moran families included:

Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Virginia


From different references to passenger lists the following early Moran arrivals in America are listed:

1526, Damian Moran arrived in the New World.

1534, Juan Moran is in Venezuela.

1535, Cristobol Moran arrived in Cartagena.

1536, Alonso Moran is in New Spain.

1538, Pedro Moran arrived in Florida.

1539, Juan Moran is in New Spain.

1553, Juan Moran is in New Spain.

1555, Gregorio Moran arrived in Chile.

1559, Gaspar Moran arrived in Guatemala.

Alonso Moran arrived in Peru

1562, Pedro Moran arrived in New Spain with wife, Isabelde Fonseca.

1567, Rodrigo Moran arrived in New Spain.

1579, Francisco Moran arrived in New Granada.

1588, Juan Moran arrived in Ecuador.

1590, Francisca Moran arrived in Honduras

1594, Luis Moran arrived in New Spain

1705, Tho. Moran arrived in Virginia

1723, Nich. Moran arrived in Virginia

1729 Robert Moran arrived in Virginia.

1746, Patrick Moran arrived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

1750, Margaret Moran came to New York.

1772, John Moran arrived in Delaware.

1775, Charles Moran arrived in New York City from Nova Scotia.

1792, Philip Moran was in the New World from England.

1795, Armand Moran arrived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

1797, Nicholas arrived in South Carolina.

1798, Charles Moran arrived in New York.

1804, Ralph Moran arrived in Maine.

1812, William Moran arrived in Nova Scotia

John Moran, age 5,; Michael, 46; Nicholas, age 46, and Richard, 22, arrived in New York

John, age 41, was in Virginia

1813, A. Moran was in New Orleans, Louisiana

1820, Daniel Moran arrived in New York City and was followed by several others in the same and next two years.

1821, a T. Moran age 23 arrived in Baltimore, Maryland. Several more followed each year through 1829.

Thomas, age 30, arrived in Barnstable, Massachusetts

Eliza, age 30, arrived in New York City with child.

1822, Christopher Moran, age 34, arrived in New Orleans, Louisiana

1826, Frances Moran arrived in New Brunswick.

1832, Owen Moran is in Quebec.

Ann Moran arrives in Nova Scotia.

Dennis Moran arrived in Philadelphia.

1833, George Moran arrived in St. John, New Brunswick.

1834, a large family of Morans including: Charles, 22; Hugh, 20; Jane, 20; Jas, 20; Lawrence, 22; and Thomas, age 20, arrive in St. John, New Brunswick. Another large group arrives in 1838: Dennis, 4; Margaret, 18; Margret, 6; Mary, 3; Nancy, 35; Patt, 2; Patt, 35.

There is a Moran township in Mackinac County, Upper Peninsula, Michigan. In 1992 the population was 838 people.



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