Pneumonia cronică - USMF

Chronic lung diseases in children

Simple choice

1. Finger clubbing is not characteristic for:

a) Diffuse bronchiectasis

b) Cystic fibrosis

c) Bronchiolitis obliterans

d) Complicated acquired pneumonia

e) Primary ciliary dyskinesia

2. Mark the pathogenic mechanism that is not specific for bronchopulmonary dysplasia

a) Morphological immaturity of the lungs

b) The toxicity of oxygen therapy

c) Bronchial hyperreactivity

d) Respiratory distress syndrome in neonates

e) Increased lung ventilation with positive pressure

3. Which sign on X-ray is characteristic for bronchiectasis?

a) Focal pneumosclerosis

b) Lobar consolidation

c) “Honeycomb” pattern

d) “Tenting” of the diafphragm 

e) Increased density with undefined borders

4. The workup of a child with chronic cough does not include:

a) CT pulmonary angiography

b) Chest X-ray

c) Bronchoscopy

d) Sputum bacteriology

e) Lung function test

5. Mark pathology that is not a chronic bronchopulmonary disease:

a) Marfan syndrome

b) Unilateral lobar pulmonary agenesis

c) Pulmonary hypoplasia

d) Bronchiolitis obliterans

e) Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations

6. What clinical sign characterize chronic bronchopulmonary pathology?

a) Splayfoot

b) Finger clubbing

c) Arachnodactylia

d) Brachydactyly

e) Rachitic rosary

7. The method of choice for diagnosis of bronchiectasis is:

a) Lung scintigraphy

b) Bronchography

c) Chest X-ray

d) Bronchoscopy

e) Computed tomography

8. Select the sign that is not characteristic for cystic fibrosis

a) Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency

b) Increased weight gain

c) Chronic cough

d) Low weight gain

e) Viscous sputum

9. The method of choice for diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesia is

a) Bronchography

b) Sputum bacteriology

c) Bronchial and nasal brush biopsy

d) Lung scintigraphy

e) Paranasal sinus radiography

10. The method of choice for diagnosis of cystic fibrosis is:

a) Complete blood count

b) Coprological examination

c) Sweat test

d) Chest X-ray

e) Abdominal ultrasound

11. Which clinical sign is cardinal for chronic bronchopulmonary diseases:

a) Sore throat

b) Wheezing

c) Fever

d) Chest pain

e) Chronic cough

12. Which statement is not characteristic for pulmonary hemosiderosis?

a) Is a rare disorder

b) Abnormal accumulation of iron as hemosiderin in alveolar macrophages

c) Occurs almost exclusively in premature infants

d) Subsequent development of pulmonary fibrosis

e) Severe anemia

13. Neonatal onset of cystic fibrosis is not characterized by:

a) Chronic productive cough

b) Meconium ileus

c) Prolonged jaundice

d) Diarrhea with steatorrhea

e) Failure to thrive

14. Pulmonary atelectasis can be confirmed by one of the following methods:

a) Chest computed tomography

b) Upper gastrointestinal tract radiography

c) Chest X-ray

d) Pulmonary ultrasound

e) Lung function test

15. Which statement does not characterize the bronchoscopy purposes:

a) Remove a foreign body from the lungs

b) Remove excessive secretions

c) Collect the biopsy specimens

d) Local therapy with antiseptic and antibacterial solutions

e) Remove bronchiectasis

16. Immotile ciliary syndrome is characteristic for:

a) Cystic fibrosis

b) Postinfectious obliterative bronchiolitis

c) Kartagener syndrome

d) Polycystic lung

e) Pulmonary hemosiderosis

17. Which statement is characteristic for pulmonary emphysema in children:

a) Decrease in vital capacity

b) Increased residual lung volume

c) Increased expiratory reserve volume

d) Increased the one-second forced expiratory volume

e) Increased inspiratory reserve volume

18. Select the hallmark for chronic inflammation in children with bronchiectasis:

a) Stridor

b) Chronic cough with mucopurulent sputum

c) Pleural friction rub

d) Localized wheezing on auscultation

e) Diffuse wheezing on auscultation

19. Which of the following sign is characteristic for pulmonary hemosiderosis:

a) Presence of hemosiderin-laden macrophages in sputum

b) High level of serum iron

c) Pulmonary hyperinflation

d) Lobar consolidation

e) Low immunoglobulin E level

20. Mark the method of choice for diagnosis of bronchiectatic disease in children:

a) Chest computed tomography

b) Pneumotachometry

c) Chest X-ray

d) Lung function test

e) Peakflowmetry

21. Select the radiological feature that is characteristic for pulmonary hemosiderosis in children:

a) Lobar consolidation

b) Pulmonary hyperinflation

c) Reticular interstitial opacities

d) Patchy alveolar infiltrates

e) Solitary pulmonary nodule

22. Which of the following diseases for diagnostic requires sweat test:

a) Community acquired pneumonia

b) Cystic fibrosis

c) Chronic bronchitis

d) Bronchial asthma

e) Kartagener syndrome

Multiple choice

1. Diagnostic workup in bronchopulmonary dysplasia includes the following tests:

a) High-resolution CT

b) Pulse oximetry

c) Arterial blood gas (ABG) sampling

d) Chest X-ray

e) Sweat test

2. The characteristics that determine the unfavorable evolution of cystic fibrosis in children are:

a) Respiratory infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa

b) Broncho-obstructive syndrome

c) Cor pulmonale

d) Chronic respiratory failure

e) Growth failure

3. The treatment of a child with primary bronchopulmonary dysplasia will include:

a) Chest physiotherapy

b) Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy

c) Antibacterial treatment in exacerbation of respiratory infection

d) Inhaled antibiotics

e) Specific immunization (influenza and pneumococcal vaccination)

4. Kartagener syndrome is characterized by the following clinical signs?

a) Bronchoobstructive syndrome

b) Bronchiectasis

c) Chronic sinusitis

d) Chronic tonsillitis

e) Situs viscerum inversus

5. The computer tomography signs of bronchiectasis in children are:

Patchy alveolar infiltrates

a) Tram track opacities

Signet ring sign

b) Ground-glass opacity

c) Lobar volume loss

6. Clinical manifestations characteristic for chronic interstitial lung disease in children are:

a) Tachypnea and/or dyspnea

b) Localized lymphadenopathy

c) Dry and nonproductive cough

d) Growth retardation, signs of weight loss, and/or failure to thrive

e) Cough with foamy and pink colored sputum

7. The radiological features of pneumofibrosis in children are:

a) Pulmonary hyperinflation

b) Reticular opacities

c) Honeycomb appearance

d) Nodular opacities

e) Ground-glass opacities

8. Medical care in children with interstitial lung disease include:

a) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

b) Bronchodilators

c) Inhaled steroids

d) Symptomatic therapy (antibiotics, expectorants)

e) Oxygen therapy

9. Major indications for diagnostic bronchoscopy are:

a) Persistent abnormalities on chest radiograph

b) Atelectatic lung, lobe or segment

c) Suspected foreign body in tracheobronchial tree

d) Persistent unexplained cough or wheeze

e) Community acquired pneumonia

10. Medications used to treat patients with cystic fibrosis include the following:

a) Bronchodilators

b) Antitussives

c) Nebulized, inhaled, oral, or intravenous antibiotics

d) Pancreatic enzyme supplements

e) Mucolytics

11. The causes of respiratory failure in children are:

a) Cystic fibrosis

b) Bronchial asthma

c) Chronic interstitial lung disease

d) Primary bronchopulmonary dysplasia

e) Acute simple bronchitis

12. Clinical symptoms characteristic for respiratory failure in children are:

a) Tachypnea

b) Accessory muscle use and nasal flaring

c) High fever

d) Hacking cough

e) Paradoxical movement of the chest wall

13. Clinical symptoms characteristic for children with cystic fibrosis are:

a) Disproportionately long limbs

b) Wet cough

c) Rectal prolapse

d) Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency

e) Joint hypermobility

14. Associated antibiotic therapy is used in:

a) Tuberculosis

b) Lobar pneumonia

c) Sepsis

d) Pulmonary infection with Ps.aeruginosa

e) Acute obstructive bronchitis

15. Indirect signs of bronchiectasis on computed tomography are:

a) Bronchial wall thickening

b) Mucus plugging

c) Air-trapping

d) Lobar consolidation

e) Patchy alveolar infiltrates

16. Which systems are affected in cystic fibrosis:

a) Respiratory

b) Digestive

c) Nervous

d) Reproductive

e) Lymphatic

17. Medical nutrition therapy in cystic fibrosis involves:

a) High-fat diet

b) High-protein diet

c) Additional salt intake

d) Phenylalanine-free diet

e) Gluten-free diet

18. Which disorders are associated with male infertility:

a) Bronchiolitis obliterans

b) Bronchial asthma

c) Cystic fibrosis

d) Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

e) Kartagener syndrome

19. Interstitial lung diseases are characterized by:

a) Stridor

b) Breathlessness

c) Decreased exercise tolerance

d) Inspiratory crackles on auscultation

e) Finger clubbing

20. Management of lung problems in cystic fibrosis include:

a) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

b) Antibiotics

c) Antitussives

d) Inhaled hypertonic saline

e) Surgical treatment of bronchiectasis

Bronchopulmonary chronic disease in children

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|A |BD |

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|B | |


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