Tim Wai-keung Chan 陳偉強, Ph

CURRICULUM VITAEofTimothy Wai Keung Chan 陳偉強Ph.D.(updated 6 November 2019) Contents TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u I. Contact Information PAGEREF _Toc346182916 \h 1II. EDUCATION PAGEREF _Toc346182917 \h 1III. Language Proficiencies PAGEREF _Toc346182918 \h 1IV. IT SKILLS PAGEREF _Toc346182919 \h 1V. ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS PAGEREF _Toc346182920 \h 2V. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PAGEREF _Toc346182921 \h 7VI. GRANTS, FELLOWSHIPS, PRIZES, AFFILIATIONS PAGEREF _Toc346182922 \h 10VII. CERTIFICATES PAGEREF _Toc346182923 \h 11VIII. INVITED LECTURES PAGEREF _Toc346182924 \h 11IX. PRESENTATIONS AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS PAGEREF _Toc346182925 \h 11X. MEMBERSHIP IN SCHOLARLY ORGANIZATIONS PAGEREF _Toc346182926 \h 13XI. PUBLICATIONS PAGEREF _Toc346182927 \h 18XII. ON-GOING RESEARCH PROJECTS PAGEREF _Toc346182928 \h 23I. Contact InformationOffice: Department of Chinese Language and LiteratureHong Kong Baptist University 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon TongHong KongTel: (852) 3411 7163Fax: (852) 3411 7891Email: chant@hkbu.edu.hkII. EDUCATIONYearDegree, institution/school, thesis, certificate92–99Ph.D. Comparative Literature (Chinese Track). University of Colorado, Boulder, USA. Dissertation: “In Search of Jade: Studies of Early Tang Poetry.”89–92M.A. Chinese Language and Literature. Peking University, Beijing, PRC. Thesis: “Shilun Du Fu yi fu ru shi de lishi yuanyuan he yishu chengjiu” 試論杜甫以賦入詩的歷史淵源和藝術成就 (Du Fu’s application of the techniques of fu to his shi poetry).85–89B.A. Chinese Language and Literature. Ji’nan University, Guangzhou, PRC. Thesis: “Cao Zhi shi lun lue” 曹植詩論略 (On Cao Zhi’s poetry)83–84Certificate of Education (Higher Level). Ho Man Tin Government Middle School, Hong Kong. 77–83Certificate of Education. Yuan Long Lutheran Middle School, Hong Kong. III. Language ProficienciesLanguageListening/SpeakingReadingWritingMandarin ChineseNear nativen/an/aCantonese ChineseNativen/an/aShajing 沙井 dialectNativen/an/aSimplified Chinesen/aProfessionalProfessionalTraditional Chinesen/aProfessionalProfessionalClassical Chinesen/aProfessionalProfessionalEnglishNear nativeNear nativeProfessionalJapaneseFairGoodFairFrenchUnder averageFairUnder averageIV. IT SKILLSSoftware/ProgramPC EnvironmentMacintosh EnvironmentBlackboard√√Moodle√√Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook√√Photoshop√√V. ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTSJan 2006–PresAssistant Professor (06–08); Associate Professor (08–15); Professor (15–pres.); Substantiated (i.e., “tenured” in Northern American parlance) March 2012. Director of MA Programme (Sep 16–pres.). Department of Chinese and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University. Courses taughtCourse code and course titleSemester/YearUndergraduate/Graduate levelCHI 1150 “Selected Readings in Classical Chinese Poetry”S2, 05–06UCHI 2130 “Selected Readings in Classical Chinese Prose”S2, 12–13; S2, 11–12; S2, 10–11; S2, 07–08; S2, 06–07UCHI 2620 “Selected Readings in Western Literature in Chinese Translation”S2, 09–10UCHI 3120/7420 “Literary Criticism”S1, 10–11; S1, 11–12; S1, 12–13; S1, 13–14; S2, 14–15U & GCHI 3690 / CHIL 4060 “Chinese Rhetoric”S2, 13–14UCHI 3690/7320 “Chinese Rhetoric”S2, 12–13; S2, 11–12; S2, 10–11; S1, 09–10; S1, 08–09; S1, 07–08; S2, 06–07; S2, 05–06U & GCHI 3910/4230 “Special Topics in Chinese Literary Theory: Eastern Han to Southern Dynasties”S1, 06–07U & GCHI 3930/7250 “Special Topics in the History of Chinese Literature: Early & High Tang Poetry”S1, 13–14U & GCHI 3930/7930 “Special Topics in the History of Chinese Literature: Tang Poetry”S2, 08–09U & GCHI 3930/7930 “Special Topics in the History of Chinese Literature: Poetry of the Jin & Liu-Song Dynasties”S2, 07–08; S1, 12–13U & GCHI 7011 “Research Method and Seminar”S1, 09–10; S1, 08–09; S1, 07–08; S1, 06–07GCHI 4040 “Selected Masterpieces of Chinese Linguistics & Etymology: Chen Wangdao’s Xiucixue fafan”S2, 06–07GCHIL 1006 “Selected Readings in Classical Chinese Prose”S2, 12–13; S2, 15–16; S2, 16–17UCHIL 4005 “Literary Criticism”S2, 14–15; S2, 15–16; S2, 16–17; S2, 17–18; S2, 18–19UCHIL 4060 “Chinese Rhetoric”S2, 13–14UCHIL 4065 ChuciS2, 17–18; S2, 18–19UCHIL 4077 “Special Topic in Classic Chinese Literature: Tang Poetry”S1, 16–17; S1, 18–19UCHIL 4087 “Wenxin diaolong”S1, 15–16; S1, 17–18; S1, 19–20UCHIL 7720 “Guided Readings”S1, 13–14; S1, 17–18; S1, 19–20 GDegree Thesis SupervisionTitleSupervision periodDegreeThesis Topic/TitlePrincipal Supervisor (PS)Sep 19–PhDZhang Mengru 張夢如, early Daoist poetryPSSep 19–May 20BA (Hons)8 theses on Chinese literaturePSSep 18–May 19MA5 theses on Chinese literaturePSSep 18–May 19BA (Hons)4 theses on Chinese literaturePSSep 17–May 18MA5 theses on Chinese literaturePSSep 17–May 18BA (Hons)6 theses on Chinese literaturePSSep 16–May 17MA5 theses on Chinese literaturePSSep 16–May 17BA (Hons)5 theses on Chinese literaturePSSep 15–May 16MA6 theses on Chinese literaturePSSep 15–May 16BA (Hons)5 theses on Chinese literaturePSSep 14–Jun 15MA1 thesis on Chinese literaturePSSep 14–May 15BA (Hons)4 theses on Chinese literatureCo-supervisor (Co)Sep 17–PhDSofiia Zaichenko, poetry of Ouyang Jianghe 歐陽江河CoSep 13–May 17PhDQing-dynasty ci-poetry (Lin Yi-shao); Mudan ting (Ji Lingjuan 吉靈娟); Pre-Qin marriage system (Jin Fangting 金方廷); Ci-poetry of the Qing (Lin Yi-shao 林怡劭)PSSep 13–Aug 16MphilXin Qiji’s ci-poetry (Wang Shuang 王爽)PSSep 13–Jun 14MA5 theses on classical & modern Chinese literature & culturePSSep 12–Jun 13MA7 theses on classical & modern Chinese literatureCoSep 12–May 16PhDQing-dynasty ci-poetry (Lam Chuen Pan 林傳濱)PSMay 12–May 13BA (Hons)4 theses on classical & modern Chinese literaturePSSep 11–Jun 12MA5 theses on modern Chinese literaturePSMay 11–Apr 12BA (Hons)4 theses on classical & modern Chinese literatureCoSep 10–May 17PhDYuefu buti 樂府補題 (Yiu To Sang 姚道生)CoSep 10–Aug 12MphilPan Feisheng’s 潘飛聲 (1858–1934) ci-poetry (Lam Chuen Pan 林傳濱); Han yuefu poetry (Joseph Tingle)PSMay 10–Jun 11MA3 theses on modern Chinese literaturePSMay 10–Apr 11BA (Hons)5 theses on classical & modern Chinese literaturePSMay 09–Jun 10MA3 theses on classical & contemporary Chinese literaturePSMay 09–Apr 10BA (Hons)3 theses on classical Chinese literatureCoSep 08–Aug 10MPhilRen Fang’s life & literary works (Tong Tze Pan 唐梓彬)PSMay 08–Apr 09MA4 theses on classical Chinese poetry & a Hong Kong writerPSMay 08–Apr 09BA (Hons)8 theses on classical Chinese poetry & fictionCoSep 07–Aug 09MPhilSu Shi’s poetry (Ji Ling 吉凌)PSMay 07–Apr 08MA5 theses on classical Chinese poetry & poeticsPSMay 07–Apr 08BA (Hons)6 theses on classical poetry, narrative, dramaPSMay 06–Apr 07MA6 theses on Tang Song poetryPSMay 06– Apr 07BA (Hons)3 theses on Tang Song PoetryOther administrative dutiesPeriodTitleDutiesSep 16–pres.MA Programme DirectorManagement of the Programme of Master in Chinese Culture, Language, and Literature.Sep 06–Aug 11; Sep 13–Aug 18Library Coordinator, HKBU Library CommitteeManagement of HKBU Library matters. Chairing Arts Faculty’s Library Committee meetings (15–18).Jan–Dec 2015Organizer of “International Conference on Daoism and Literature”Managing organizing work of the conference.Sep 13–Aug 15Member of “Mission and Vision Statement” CommitteeDrafting and discussing the Faculty of Arts’ “Mission and Vision” statement.Sep 13–Aug 14Secretary for English documentsWriting and revising various English documents for Department of Chinese Language and Literature.Sep 12–Aug 14Member of Staff Consultative CommitteeDiscussing and giving advice to the university’s new policies, issues, etc.Sep 11–presFaculty of Arts Double Major AdvisorGiving advice to first-year Arts students on the Double Major program.Sep 11–Jun 13Faculty of Arts Academic AdvisorGiving advice to first-year Arts students on Major assignments, study schedule, university life, etc.Sep 11–Jun 13Secretary for the establishment of 2 HKBU unitsWriting proposals and applications for the establishment work of Mr. Simon and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute and Jao Tsung-I Academy of SinologyJun 09–Jun 12Member of Faculty of Arts 3+3+4 New Curriculum Task ForceRepresenting the Chinese Department in the Faculty of Arts’ planning for the new four-year curriculum implemented in 2012.Jun 08–Jun 13Secretary for Departmental Affairs 系務秘書Administering matters of the Chinese Department. Writing and revising various documents. Attending meetings on behalf of Head of DepartmentDec 07–presTranslatorTranslating abstracts of academic research papers accepted and scheduled to be published in Sino-Humanitas.Jun 07–Oct 11Event OrganizerOrganizing the yearly event, Lion Rock Classical Chinese Poetry Recital 有風傳雅韻獅子山古典詩歌朗誦會Jun 06–Sep 10; Jun 13–presLibrary Coordinator, Faculty of Arts and Dept of Chinese, HKBUCoordinating purchases of books and journals for the university library.Feb 2001–Dec 2007Lecturer. Appointment confirmed (i.e., “tenured” in North American parlance) 1 August 2003. Department of Chinese Studies, University of Sydney.Courses taughtCourse code and course titleSemester/YearStudentsCourse co-ordinator/sole instructorCHNS 1201: “Intermediate Chinese 1”S1, 01; S1, 02IntermediateneitherCHNS 1202: “Intermediate Chinese 2”S2, 01; S2, 02IntermediateneitherCHNS 1314: “Classical Chinese for Native Speakers 2”S2, 01; S2, 03Native Speakerssole CHNS 2101: “Second-Year Chinese I”S1, 02Non-backgroundneitherCHNS 2111: “Beginning Classical Chinese 1”S1, 01Non-backgroundsole CHNS 2202: “Senior Intermediate Chinese 2”S2, 02IntermediatecoordinatorCHNS 2203: “Senior Intermediate Chinese 1”S1, 03; S1, 04IntermediatecoordinatorCHNS 2204: “Senior Intermediate Chinese 1”S2, 03IntermediatecoordinatorCHNS 2211: “Introduction to Classical Chinese 1”S1, 01IntermediatesoleCHNS 3103: “Third-Year Chinese 1”S1, 01; S1, 02; S1, 03; S1, 04; S1, 05Non-backgroundcoordinatorCHNS 3104: “Third-Year Chinese 2”S2, 02; S2, 03; S2, 05Non-backgroundcoordinatorCHNS 3431: “Chinese-language Literature & CultureS1, 01IntermediatesoleCHNS 3441: “Classical Chinese Poetry”S2, 02Intermediate/ Non-backgroundsoleCHNS 3447: “Classical Chinese Prose”S1, 03Intermediate/ Non-backgroundsoleCHNS 3451: “Readings in Chinese Philosophy”S2, 01Intermediate/Non-backgroundsoleCHNS 3532: “The Novel in Pre-modern China” (Hongloumeng)S1, 04Intermediate/Native SpeakerssoleCHNS 3541: “Classical Chinese Poetry (Advanced )”S2, 02; S2, 05Native SpeakerssoleCHNS 3547: “Classical Chinese Prose (Advanced)”S1, 03Native SpeakerssoleCHNS 3548: “Readings in Pre-modern Chinese Drama”S1, 05Native SpeakerssoleCHNS 3551: “Readings in Chinese Philosophy” (Advanced)”S2, 01Native SpeakerssoleCHNS 6942: “Change & Innovation in Tang Poetry”S2, 03; S1, 04; S1, 05MA/HonourssoleCHNS 6998: “Supervised Reading in Chinese Studies 1” (Rulin waishi)S1, 01MAsoleCHNS 6998: “Supervised Reading in Chinese Studies 1” (Tang poetry)S2, 01MAsoleCHNS 6998: “Supervised Reading in Chinese Studies 1” (Yanzi chunqiu)S1, 02MAsoleCHNS 6999: “Supervised Reading in Chinese Studies 2” (Yuan drama)S2, 02MAsoleDegree Thesis SupervisionTitleSupervision periodDegreeThesis Topic/TitleAssociate SupervisorAug–Dec 05MA“A study of the “Guofeng” 國風 collection in Shijing” (Anthony Jones)Principal SupervisorMar–Dec 05Honours“The Adolescent and Mature Wang Wei 王維 on Tao Qian 陶潛” (Scheherazade Rogers)Principal SupervisorMar–Dec 05Honours“The Differences between Shi and Huajian 花間 ci Poetry” (Huang Ju-yin)Principal SupervisorMar 04–Mar 08PhD“Du Fu’s 杜甫 Symphony of Voices” (Tyler Pike)Principal SupervisorMar–Jul 04MA“A comparative study of the Sanguo yanyi 三國演義 and Lucan’s Civil War” (Clark Alejandrino)Associate SupervisorOct 02–Aug 03PhD “A Study of Six Dynasties Landscape poetry focusing on Xie Lingyun 謝靈運” (John Keenan)Principal SupervisorFeb 03–Nov 03Honours“Shi jing Interpretation during the Warring States Period” (Tyler Pike)Other administrative dutiesTitlePeriodDutiesLibrary CoordinatorFeb 01–Dec 05Coordinating purchases of books and journals for the East Asian CollectionSeminar ConvenerFeb 01–Jun 03Convening and chairing the bi-weekly Chinese seminars (invited lectures), Department of Chinese StudiesSep 1999–Jun 2000Visiting Assistant Professor. Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University.Courses taughtQuarter/YearCourse number and titleStudentsFall 99CHIN 601: “Classical Chinese I”U & GFall 99CHIN 800: “Chinese Bibliography & Research Methods”GWinter 00CHIN 602: “Classical Chinese II”U & GWinter 00CHIN 251: “Chinese Literature in Translation”USpring 00CHIN 603: “Classical Chinese III”U & GSpring 00CHIN 879: “Seminar on Tang Poetry”GApr 1999–Nov 2000Translator (part-time). Coloyano Whole Systems Biology, Boulder, Colorado. Translating Chinese articles on Chinese acupuncture and moxibustation into English for research purposes. Aug 1992–May 1999Graduate Part Time Instructor (50% appointment). Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures, University of Colorado at Boulder.Courses taughtSemester/YearPositionCourse number and titleSpring 99InstructorCHIN 4120: “Readings in Modern Chinese Literature II”Spring 98InstructorCHIN 3120: “Advanced Chinese II”Fall 97Teaching Assistant (TA)CHIN 3110: “Advanced Chinese I”Spring 97, Fall 92TACHIN 2110: “Intermediate Chinese II”Fall 96TACHIN 1010: “Beginning Chinese I”Spring 96, Spring 95TACHIN 3220: “Readings in Classical Chinese”Spring 94TACHIN 3220: “Readings in Classical Chinese”Fall 95, Fall 94, Fall 93TACHIN 3210: “Introduction to Classical ChineseSpring 93Curriculum AssistantCHIN 1010: “Beginning Chinese I”Jun 1996–May 1999Chinese Terminology Specialist (part-time). Sykes Enterprises Inc., Boulder, Colorado.English-Chinese translation, editorial and proofreading work for on-line and printed manuals of computing equipment and accessories. Other duties included inputting Chinese texts and coaching the recording of audio computer menus in spoken Mandarin Chinese.Oct 1993–Mar 1997Student Assistant (part-time). East Asiatic Library, Norlin Library, University of Colorado. Cataloging new acquisitions, filing catalogue cards, searching bibliographic records (CJK, OCLC, etc.), compiling book catalogues (OCLC), shelving books, and consultation.Jul–Aug 1996Credit Teacher. Concordia Language Villages, Moorhead, Minnesota. Teaching high school students Chinese language at summer camp. Duties included 3 hours of teaching per day, preparing and grading daily homework assignments, quizzes and tests, and oral presentations on selected topics on Chinese culture.Jul 1991–May 1992Office Assistant. University of California Center in China (at Peking University) (part-time). Managing miscellaneous affairs of the exchange students from the Education Abroad Program, University of California. Duties included tours, course rosters, housing, tutoring, and office work.V. PROFESSIONAL SERVICESNov 2016–Aug 2020Panel Member. Humanities and Social Sciences Panel, Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China.Coordinating panel work and assessing applications for General Research Funds (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS).Oct 2017–Sep 2019Member of Board of Governors. The Advanced Institute of Contemporary China Studies (ACCS), HKBU.Sep–Nov 2016Examiner of Ph.D thesis. The University of Hong KongThesis examined: Zhu Mengwen. “North and South: Re-mapping the Literary Landscape of the Late Sixth-Century China.”Sep 2014–Aug 2017; Sep 2008–Aug 2011. Executive Officer. American Oriental Society (Western Branch).Coordinating the Society’s business meetings, administrative matters and academic events.July 2014, June 2017Reviewer. University Grant Committee (UGC), Hong Kong Special Administration Region Government.Assessing applications for the Faculty Development Scheme for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector.July 2014Curriculum Consultant. Hang Seng Management CollegeVetting syllabuses for a newly established programme, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese.July 2013–June 2016Associate Editor. Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology 饒宗頤國學院院刊Editorial work for the manuscript accepted for publication in the journal.2000–pres.Peer-reviewer for publisher and academic journals.BooksThe Chinese University of Hong Kong Press (book ms.), Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biography (New York), History of Chinese Religious Literature 中國宗教文學史 (Wuhan University, PRC)JournalsT’oung Pao (Leiden and Paris), Journal of the American Oriental Society (USA), T’ang Studies (USA), Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (USA), Early Medieval China (USA), Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia (Sydney), Frontiers of Daoist Studies (Sichuan Univ.), Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London), Journal of Chinese Studies (Hong Kong), Journal of Oriental Studies (Hong Kong), Frontiers of Literary Studies in China (Brill), Sino-Humanitas (Hong Kong), Studies in Language and Literate (Canada), Religion and Literature (USA), Beacon 學燈 (Hong Kong and Beijing), Newsletter of Chinese Language (Hong Kong), etc.Dec 2013–Jan 2014Examiner of Ph.D thesis. Otago University.Thesis examined: Johannah Cook. “Fleeing the Dusty Net: Reclusive Ideology in the Poetry of the Wei-Jin Period.”2006–pres. Expert Assessor. Australian Research Council (ARC), Australia’s national authority for academic research.2012–pres. As Expert Assessor. Assessing ARC Discovery Projects.2013. As Expert Assessor for National Competitive Grants Programs (NCGP). Assessing NCGP proposals.2006–12. As Expert Assessor of International Standing (INTREADER). Assessing ARC Discovery Projects.Mar 2012–Aug 2015. Advisory Committee Member, Hong Kong Examination Assessment Authority.Giving advice on examination papers for Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE). Subject: Chinese literature.Sep 2007–Aug 2012. Advisory Committee Member, Hong Kong Examination Assessment Authority.Giving advice on examination papers for Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE). Subject: Chinese literature.Oct 2010. Advisory Committee Member, Hong Kong Shue Yan University.BA (Hons) Curriculum Advisory Committee, Department of Chinese Language and Literature. Giving advice on the Department’s curriculum.2002, 2003, 2005Board member of the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) 漢語水平考試 anizing HSK examinations in the Sydney area.2002, 2003, 2005Board member of the organizing committee; Head Coach of the University of Sydney Team. The 1st, 2nd, and 4th Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students“漢語橋”世界大學生中文比賽, Sydney regional competition.Selecting one representative from Sydney to participate in the final round of the competition held in China. The event is organized by the National Office of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, P.R.C. The Sydney organizing bodies include the Education Department of the Chinese Consulate and representatives from six universities in Sydney.May/Jun 2003, May/Jun 2004, May/Jun 2005Principal Judge. The 2003, 2004, 2005 National Chinese Eisteddfod 全澳中文朗誦比賽. Organized by the Chinese Language Education Council of NSW Inc. and Sing Tao Daily Newspaper.Ages of contestants: 4–20. Contest groups: native speakers of Mandarin, non-native speakers of Mandarin, and native speakers of Cantonese. Average number of contestants: over 3,000 each year.Apr–Sep 2001Coach-Cum-Team Leader for the University’s Mandarin Debating Team. School of European, Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies, University of Sydney.Training and coaching the University Debate Team participating in the International Varsity Debates 2001 (Mandarin), organized by Media Corporation of Singapore and China Central Television, held in Singapore from 26 August to 2 September 2001. Oct–Dec 2000Examiner of Ph.D thesis. University of Sydney. Thesis examined: Ping Wang. “Sturdy Steeds, Autumn Wind, Apricot Flowers, Spring Rain: A Literary Stylistic Approach to Li Yu and Li Qingzhao’s Ci-Poetry.”1989–91Editorial board member. Institute for Research of Classical Texts, Ji’nan University. Editing Jindai shige jianshang cidian 近代詩歌鑒賞辭典 (Hefei: Anhui jiaoyu chubanshe, 1997).VI. GRANTS, FELLOWSHIPS, PRIZES, AFFILIATIONSGrantsYearGrantGranter13, 18General Research Grant (GRF)Research Grant Council, Hong Kong SAR Government 15Significant Project. National Social Science Foundation 國家社科基金重大項目. Anthology and Study of Literary Texts in Chinese bamboo strips “中華簡帛文學文獻集成及綜合研究”. Branch topic: Literary and Textual Studies of Mythological Fiction in Bamboo Strips and Silk Inscriptions 子課題:神話小說類簡帛文學文獻研究National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science 全國哲學社會科學規劃辦公室, PRC15HKBU Conference GrantResearch Committee, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)14T’ang Studies research travel grantT’ang Studies Society (USA)12, 13, 16, 17Incentive Grant for GRFFaculty of Arts, HKBU18, 17, 13, 12, 10, 09Faculty Research Grant (category I)Faculty of Arts, HKBU16, 12, 07Faculty Research Grant (category II)Faculty of Arts, HKBU06SLC Research Funding School of Languages and Cultures (SLC), University of Sydney (USYD)05SLC fund for project in the pipelineSLC, USYD05, 04, 01Research Seed Funding Scheme 2005Faculty of Arts, USYD05, 04, 03CHASS Overseas Conference Travel GrantCollege of Humanities & Social Sciences, USYD05China National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Visiting Program for Foreign Scholars of Sinology to China 外国汉学研究学者访华计划China National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language 中国国家对外汉语教学领导小组办公室04Special Study Program Travel GrantFaculty of Arts, USYD02Sesqui New Staff Support SchemeResearch Office, USYD01Research SupportNational Library of Australia98Dissertation Research Support Travel GrantHarvard-Yenching Library, Harvard University97, 98Travel Grant (conference trip)College of Arts & Sciences, University of Colorado97Research GrantPacific Cultural Foundation 太平洋文化基金會, R.O.C.98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93Travel Grant (conference trip)Graduate School, University of Colorado96, 95Graduate School Dean’s Small Grant AwardGraduate School, University of ColoradoFellowshipsYearFellowshipGranter98Emerson/Lowe Dissertation FellowshipCollege of Arts & Sciences, University of Colorado89–92Government Fellowship for graduate workNational Committee on Education, P.R.C.89Admission to MPhil program & Teaching AssistantshipThe Chinese University of Hong Kong (N.B. offer declined)PrizesYearPrize/AwardGranter86–89Five Academic Achievement AwardsJi’nan University, Guangzhou, P.R.C.88, 87Youth Literature Awards青年文學獎1988: literary criticism1987: creative writingYouth Literature Awards Association, University of Hong Kong and Chinese University of Hong Kong83Competition on Academic Work for Hong Kong Youths 全港青年學藝比賽 (creative writing)Bureau on Education, Hong Kong GovernmentAcademic AffiliationsPeriodPositionInstitution AffiliatedSep 14–Jan 15Visiting ScholarDepartment of Asian Languages and Literature, University of WashingtonJul 10Visiting ScholarDepartment of Chinese Studies, University of TokyoJul–Dec 04Visiting ScholarDepartment of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard UniversityVII. CERTIFICATESApr 2004Three-day Program: “Principles and Practice of University Teaching and Learning.” Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Sydney.Mar 1998Teaching Certificate. Graduate Teacher Program, University of Colorado. Requirements include: a) 20 workshops on pedagogy; b) training series for international TAs; c) test on spoken English; d) training sessions for TAs conducted by home department; e) TA mentor’s observation, discussion, consultation, and evaluation of classes; f) videotaping of classes followed by consultation conducted by the Graduate Teacher Program; g) teaching portfolio.Jul 1996Multi-Village Orientation Certificate. Concordia Language Village, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota. Workshops on foreign language teaching, language learning philosophy and principles, counseling skills, and health and safety.VIII. INVITED LECTURESDateLecture title, languageInviterJun 2019“Mount Jade Capital: A New Realm for Poetry on Roaming to Transcendence” 玉京山——遊仙文學的一個新景點 (Chinese)Chinese Academy of Social Science, BeijingJun 2019“The Poetics of Space and Time as Observed in Li Bai’s and Li He’s Myths of the Sun” 從李白和李賀的太陽神話書寫探討其“時空詩學”思想 (Chinese)Wuhan University, WuhanApr 2019“Wherever the Dao is Preserved: The Teaching and Learning of Pre-modern Chinese Culture” 道之所存:中國古代文化在境外的傳習 (Chinese)Ji’nan University, Ji’nan, ShandongApr 2018“The Meditative Thought and Literary Theory in the Realized Scripture of the Great Grotto of Most High Clarity” 《上清大洞真經》的修煉思想與文學理論 (Chinese)Confucius Institute of Hong KongJun 2017“Jade powder, flowing aurora, transcendent peach, and sesame: Consumption in a Different Spatio-temporal Dimension: An Aspect of Early Chinese Literature on Otherworldly Adventures” 瓊爢流霞和仙桃胡麻:中國早期他界文學中的異度時空服食 (Chinese)Dōkyō bunkakai 道教文化研究會 (Japan)Jun 2017“Consumption in a Different Spatio-temporal Dimension: An Aspect of Early Chinese Literature on Otherworldly Adventures” 異度時空服食——中國早期他界文學的一個側面 (Chinese)Sun Yat-sen University, GuangzhouFeb 2017“The Peng Bird and Mt. Penglai: the Transcendence Backgrounds of Li Bai’s Going to Chang’an on an Imperial Summon 大鵬與蓬萊——李白奉詔入長安的仙道意蘊 (Chinese)Centre for the Studies of Daoist Culture, Chinese University of Hong KongMar 2016“Romance of the Grotto: Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi on Awakening” (English)Arizona State UniversityJun 2014“The Four Elites of the Early Tang and the Frontier” 初唐四傑與邊塞 (Chinese)School of Continuing and Professional Studies, Chinese University of Hong KongAug 2013“As the Crickets Stridulate: Textile and Textual Weaving in the ‘Ballad of Mulan’” 促織何唧唧:《木蘭詩》中的機杼之聲與異文穿梭 (Chinese)Kansai UniversityMay 2013“Flowing Aurora, Peach, and Sesame: Eating and Spatiotemporal Displacement in Six-dynasties Fiction” 流霞、仙桃與胡麻──六朝小說中的時空轉移與飲食 (Chinese)Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture and Hong Kong Baptist universityFeb 2013“Magical Food and Spatiotemporal Displacement in Early Medieval Chinese Narratives” (English)Princeton UniversityFeb 2013“Magical Food and Spatiotemporal Displacement in Early Medieval Chinese Narratives” (English)University of PennsylvaniaMay 2012“The Buddhist Meditation in Xie Lingyun’s Landscape Poetry” 謝靈運山水詩的佛理思辨 (Chinese)Chinese Cultural Heritage Center, Hong Kong Baptist UniversityOct 2011“The Stone Cliff Vihāra and the Solitary Islet in the River: Xie Lingyun’s Instantaneous Enlightening Landscape” 石壁精舍﹐江中孤嶼──謝靈運的頓悟山水 (Chinese)Shue Yan UniversityApr 2011 “Written in the East, Read in the West: Tang Poetry in the Vision of Westerners” 東寫西讀──洋人視角下的唐詩 (Chinese)Hong Kong Central Library and Centre for Chinese Culture, Hong Kong Baptist UniversityOct–Nov 2010“Teaching Chinese in the United States and Australia” 美國﹑澳洲的中文教學雜談 (Chinese)“How is Tang Poetry Read in the West?” 唐詩的西洋讀法舉隅 (Chinese)“Reclusion, Death, Eternity: the Poet Tao Yuanming and His Literary Works” 隱逸?死亡?永恆—詩人陶淵明及其文學 (Chinese)City University of Hong KongJul 2010“Meditation, Picture, Text: The Literary Representation of the Dadong zhenjing” 存思?圖像?文字──《大洞真經》的文學經驗 (Chinese)University of TokyoJun 2007“A Tale of Two Worlds: Thematic Changes in the Late Tang Poetic Presentation of The Romance of the Peach Blossom Font” (English)University of SydneyJan 2007“From Prosodic to Aesthetic: How to Read Classical Chinese Poetry” 古典詩賞析 (Chinese)Hong Kong Central Library & Faculty of Arts, Hong Kong Baptist UniversityFeb 2006“‘Jade Flower’ and the Motif of Mystic Excursion in Early Religious Daoist Poetry” (English)UCLAAug 2005“Impregnability and Immortality: Du Fu on Two Palaces” (English)University of SydneyJan 2005“Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in the United States and Australia” 美國和澳大利亞的中文教學 (Chinese)Shannxi Normal UniversityMar 2004“Audio-Visual Landscape in Early Chinese Literary Texts” (English)Art Gallery of New South WalesApr 2003“The Craft of ‘Worm Carving’: The Artifice of Bao Zhao’s (d. 466) Poetry” (English)University of SydneyMar 2002“A Pilgrim and The Mirage City: The Physical and Spiritual Journeys of Wang Bo” (English)University of SydneyMar 2000“In Search of Jade: Anthologization and the Origins of the Putative ‘Period Characteristics’ of Early Tang Poetry” (English)Princeton UniversityFeb 2000“In Search of Jade: Anthologization and the Origins of the Putative ‘Period Characteristics’ of Early Tang Poetry” (English)Ohio State UniversityFeb 2000“Poetic Features of the Shijing Poetry” (English)Colby CollegeDec 1999“Du Fu’s Comments on the ‘Four Elites of the Early Tang’” (English)San Francisco State UniversityMar 1998“Literary Criticism and the Ethics of Poetry: The ‘Four Elites of the Early Tang’ and Pei Xingjian” (English)UC-BerkeleyIX. PRESENTATIONS AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGSDatePaper presented, languageConferenceHostOct 2019“When the ‘Unique Object’ Meets the ‘Curious Mind’: On Bao Zhao’s Poems Composed on Outings in Attendance 「殊物」與「奇心」的交會——鮑照「從遊」詩的題材風格 (Chinese)Movement: Meeting in the Fifth Century 移動:交會於五世紀 學術研討會Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia SinicaOct 2019“On the Road and on My Departure: Wang Yi’s Exegesis of the ‘Lisao’” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyUniversity of California, DavisJun 2019“Exploring a New Transcendent Realm: Mount Jade Capital in Rituals for Pacing the Void and in Early Tang Poetry” 新仙境的開發:從步虛科儀到初盛唐詩中的玉京山 (Chinese)“Tribes, Cultures, Literature, and Pictures of Ancient China” 古代中國的族群、文化、文學與圖像Wuhan UniversityDec 2018“‘Space-time Poetics’ Observed in Li Bai’s and Li He’s Poetry on Myths of the Sun” 詩仙詩鬼的太陽神話書寫的「時空詩學」 (Chinese)An International Conference on the New Horizon of the Studies of Chinese Poetics 中國詩學硏究新視野國際學術硏討會Hong Kong Baptist UniversityNov 2018“Li He’s Rewritten Versions of the Myths of the Sun” 李賀詩中的太陽神話改編及其意義 (Chinese)Creative Transformation of Chinese Tradition: An International Conference of Chinese Literature 中國傳統的創造性轉化:中國文學國際研討會Heng Sang Management CollegeOct 2018“A Hagiography in Parallel Prose and Hepta-syllabic Verse: ‘An Encomium on Guanyin’ Attributed to Wang Bo (650–76)” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyStanford UniversityOct 2018Wang Bo’s (650–76) Commentarial and Compilation Work on the Confucian Canon (English)The Third Biennial Conference of the World Consortium for Research in Confucian Cultures第三屆世界儒學文化研究聯合會雙年會Hong Kong Polytechnic University Aug 2018“Liulong suoshe anzai zai? Li Bai ‘Richuru xing’ de shikongguan” “六龍所舍安在哉?”——李白《日出入行》的時空觀 (“Where Do the Six Dragons Lodge?”: Spacetime in Li Bai’s “Rising and Setting of the Sun”) (Chinese)The 19th Biennial Meeting of the Association for Tang Literature in Conjunction with the International Conference on Tang Literature 中國唐代文學學會第十九屆年會暨唐代文學國際學術研討會Fudan UniversityApr 2018“‘Where Do the Six Dragons Lodge?’: Li Bo on Stopping the Elapse of Time” (English)Philology and the Study of Classical Chinese Literature: An International Symposium on the Future of Sinology in the 21st CenturyUniversity of Colorado, BoulderNov 2017“Lu Ji ‘Lingxiao fu’ de youxi xing yu jingdian xing” 陸機《陵霄賦》的遊戲性與經典性 (The playful manner and classic status of Lu Ji’s “Fu on Ascending to the Ethereal”) (Chinese)The First International Conference on the Study of the Classics 首屆古典學國際學術會議Peking UniversityOct 2017“The Art and Craft of Losing Weight: Lu Ji’s ‘Fu on Ascending to the Ethereal’” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyArizona State UniversityJul 2017“Judging the Ancients and Judgement by Later Generations” in Early Tang Political and Poetical Discourse (English)Biennial Meeting of the Chinese Studies Association of AustraliaMacquarie UniversityDec 2016“The Secular Landscape of the Trysts between Human and Goddesses: A Reading of Wang Bo’s ‘Fu on the Seventh of the Seventh Month” 人神會合的人間圖景——王勃《七夕賦》解讀 (Chinese)An International Conference on “Religious Practices and Literary Creation cum the Writing of A History of Chinese Religious Literature “宗教实践与文学创作暨《中国宗教文学史》编撰”国际学术研讨会Wuhan UniversityOct 2016“I Seek Transcendence in this Grotto”: A Quest for “The Nymph by the River” in Three Dunhuang Songs (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyPortland State University & Lewis and Clark CollegeSep 2016“I Seek Transcendence in this Grotto”: A Motif Archetype in Some Dunhuang Lyrics 「我於此洞求仙」 敦煌曲子詞中的一個母題原型 (Chinese)The 18th Biennial Meeting of the Association for Tang Literature in Conjunction with the International Conference on Tang Literature 中國唐代文學學會第十八屆年會暨唐代文學國際學術研討會Southeast Jiaotong UniversityAug 2016“Exploring New Poetic Forms: Convention and Innovation in Wang Bo’s Music Bureau Poetry” 發揮新體:王勃樂府詩的復變 (Chinese)A Symposium on Classical Chinese Prosody 中國古典詩歌韻律研究專題研討會Capital Normal University & Peking UniversityFeb 2016Writing Fu in the Form of Shi: Wang Bo’s New Prosody in his ‘Rhapsody on Spring Yearnings’” (English)Forum on Fu Poetics 辭賦詩學論壇Hong Kong Baptist UniversityDec 2015“The ‘Exiled Transcendent’ in Search of Transcendence: Li Bai and Mt. Tiantai 詩仙求仙――李白與天台山 (Chinese)宗教生命關懷國際學術研討會Cheng Shiu University 正修科技大學Dec 2015“The Confucian Students Met the Fairies: the Saga of Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao in the Yuan Dynasty” 儒生遇仙——劉晨阮肇傳說在元朝語境中的時代意義 (Chinese)International Conference on Religious Daoism and Literature 道教與文學國際學術研討會Hong Kong Baptist UniversityOct 2015“Remembrance of the Grotto: The Romantic Poetics of Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyUniversity of Colorado, BoulderNov 2014“Drawing Snake’s Legs? Li Bai On Mt. Tiantai” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyStanford UniversityJun 2014“Paradoxically Plausible Paradise: Liu Yuxi’s Peach Blossom Spring” (English)International Interdisciplinary Conference on Middle Period China, 800–1400Harvard UniversityMay 2014“‘Looking Back Now’ and ‘Looking Back in the Future’: Time and Space in Wang Bo’s Prefaces” 「今之視昔」與「後之視今」――王勃詩序中的時空意識 (Chinese)Looking Both Ways: An International Conference on Classical and Modern Literature 「今古齊觀:中國文學的古典與現代」國際學術研討會.Chinese University of Hong Kong.Mar 2014 “From the Phoenix Perching on a Paulownia Tree to the Solitary Duck at the River’s Nook: the Form and Theme of Wang Bo’s Fu Written on His Journey to Shu” 從寒梧棲鳳到江曲孤鳧——王勃入蜀賦的題材和體裁 (Chinese)“Keju Examination and Rhapsody”: An International Symposium on the Study of Rhapsody “科舉與辭賦”:國際賦學研討會University of Hong KongOct 2013“Another Day in Paradise: The Peach Blossom Spring in Liu Yuxi’s Poems” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyUniversity of VictoriaFeb 2013“Ruan Ji on Pristine Thoughts and Divine Visions” (English)New Perspectives on Medieval Chinese Poetry: A Conference in Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the UCB Department of Asian Languages and CivilizationsUniversity of Colorado, BoulderNov 2012“The Intertexts of ‘Songs of Mulan’” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyArizona State UniversityAug 2012“The Bookish Student and the Campaigner: The Imagery of the Frontier by Four Elites of the Early Tang” 書生與征夫——初唐四傑的邊塞書寫 (Chinese)The 16th Biennial Meeting of the Association of Tang Literature of China in Conjunction of the International Conference on Tang Literature 中國唐代文學學會第十六屆年會暨唐代文學國際學術研討會Xinjiang Normal UniversityJun 2012“Notes on Tang Poetry Scholarship in Sinology” 漢學之唐詩學管見 (Chinese)“Reflection on the Internal Study of Classical Chinese Literature” 古典文學內部研究之反思.Peking UniversityMay 2012“Songs of the Grotto Goddess Sending Master Ruan Home: Feminine Lovesickness in Ouyang Xiu’s Ci-poetry” 洞仙歌送阮郎歸——歐陽修詞閨情淺探 (Chinese)International Conference on Literature and Religions of the Song and Yuan Dynasties 宋元文學與宗教國際研討會Hong Kong Baptist UniversityDec 2011“Peach, Sesame, Goat Jerky, and Beef: A Meal for Spatiotemporal Displacement in a Medieval Chinese Narrative” (English)Legacies of Taste: An International Conference on Food Narratives in China 百般滋味話珍饈:中華飲食與文學國際研討會University of Hong KongJun 2011“Shennü youxin: Aodexiusi yu Liu Chen Ruan Zhao yanyu gushi yiyun de bijiao yanjiu” 神女有心──奧德修斯與劉晨阮肇豔遇故事意蘊的比較研究 (The Fairy in Love: A Comparative Study of Odysseus’s Romance and Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao’s).A Symposium on New Visions in Classics and Literature, Shensi University 山西大學「經典與文學研究新視野」學術研討會.Shensi UniversityOct 2010“‘Utterly Wonderful, Lovely Words’: A New Solution for an Enigmatic Riddle” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyUniversity of ColoradoOct 2010“How Would It Be Merely about the Hidden Palace, Narrow Alleys, on the Crossroad, and amidst Mulberry Trees?” The Self-referencing Representation in Wang Bo’s “Rhapsody on Spring Thought” 「豈徒幽宫狹路﹐陌上桑間?」——王勃〈春思賦〉中的自喻 (Chinese)The Fifteenth International Biennial Meeting of the Association of Tang Literature of China 中國唐代文學學會第十五屆年會暨唐代文學國際學術研討會Nankai UniversityMay 2010“Picture, Text: Imagery in the Dadong zhenjing” 圖像?文字——《大洞真經》的形象思維 (Chinese)International Conference on Chinese Literary Criticism詮釋、比較與建構:中國古代文學理論國際學術研討會Chinese University of Hong KongOct 2009“A Search Method for Drowned Bodies since Early Medieval Chin” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyUCLAOct 2008“The Quest of Lord of the Great Dao: Textual and Literary Exegeses of a Shangqing ‘Register’” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyPortland State UniversityOct 2007 “The Frustration of the Fisherman and the Wood Gatherer in Early Chinese Literature” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyUC-IrvineSep 2007“From Accidental Discovery to Guided Conversion: New Thematic Changes in a Zaju Play ‘Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao’s Visit to Mount Tiantai” 從誤入到導入:《劉阮天台》雜劇的主題新變 (Chinese)International Conference on Chinese Drama and Religions 中國戲曲與宗教國際學術研討會 Hong Kong Baptist UniversityJun 2007“The Making of Maiden Cao, the Filial Daughter” (English)Biennial Conference of the Chinese Studies Association of AustraliaGriffith UniversityJan 2006“The Image of ‘Jade Flower’ in Early Daoist Scriptures.” (English)International Conference on the World of Thought in Early Medieval ChinaNational University of SingaporeNov 2005“Ante Mortem Poetry in Early Medieval China” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyArizona State UniversityOct 2004“‘Vernal Grasses Growing in the Pond’: The Mahāyāna Buddhist Landscape in Xie Lingyun’s Poetry” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyPortland State UniversityDec 2003“The Dao Cannot be Compared with Spirit: The Course of Creation, Ruination and Resurrection in Ruan Ji’s Literary Works” 道不若神:阮籍的生滅循環論 (Chinese)International Conference on Literature and Religions of the Han-Wei and the Six Dynasties Periods 漢魏六朝文學與宗教國際研討會Hong Kong Baptist UniversityOct 2003“Cosmogonic and Apocalyptic Discourses in the Literary Works of Ruan Ji” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyUC-Berkeley.Jul 2003“Summoning the Soul: Wang Yi and the Chuci Hermeneutics and Polemics” (English)Biennial Conference of the Chinese Studies Association of AustraliaUniversity of New South WalesOct 2002“‘What Can be Said about My Death?’: Tao Qian’s Self-dedicated Dirges” (English)Reading and Society in the Chinese-Speaking World: Biography and AutobiographyAustralian National UniversityNov 2000“Dedicator or Dedicatee: The Role of Wang Bo in His ‘Preface to the Gallery of Prince Teng’” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyArizona State UniversityMar 1999“Chen Ziang’s 陳子昂 ‘Ganyu’: Questions on the Formation of a Poetic Genre” (English)National Meeting of the Association for Asian StudiesAAS (Boston)Oct 1998“Reconsideration of Chen Ziang and his ‘Manifesto of Poetic Reform’” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyUniversity of WashingtonMar 1998“Frivolous, Shallow, Bombastic, and Impetuous: Contemporaneous Comments on the ‘Four Elites of the Early Tang’” (English)National Meeting of the Association for Asian StudiesAAS (Washington DC)Oct 1997“Pei Xingjian 裴行儉, The Evaluator of the ‘Four Elites of the Early Tang’” (English)Western Conference of the Association for Asian StudiesUniversity of ColoradoOct 1997“A Poem on Daoist Esoteric and Exoteric Practices by Chen Ziang” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyUniversity of ColoradoOct 1996“The Jing/zhuan 經傳 Structure of the Chuci 楚辭 Anthology: A New Approach to the Authorship of Some Chuci Poems” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyArizona State UniversityOct 1995“A Discussion of the Concept of Shen 神 in Ruan Ji’s 阮籍 Writings” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyUCLAOct 1994“On Yan Yu’s 嚴羽 Sobriquet” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyPortland State UniversityOct 1993“A Discussion of Fang Hui’s 方回 ‘Transforming Style’ (Bianti 變體) for Regulated Verse” (English)Western Branch Meeting of the American Oriental SocietyUC-BerkeleyX. MEMBERSHIP IN SCHOLARLY ORGANIZATIONSYearOrganizationCountry16–presEarly Medieval China GroupU.S.A.03–10Chinese Language Teachers AssociationU.S.A.01–presThe Chinese Studies Association of AustraliaAustralia01–07Oriental Society of AustraliaAustralia95–presT’ang Studies SocietyU.S.A.95–14Association for Asian StudiesU.S.A.94–presAmerican Oriental SocietyU.S.A.XI. PUBLICATIONSBooksYearBook TitlePublication Details2014Han Tang wenxue de lishi wenhua kaocha 漢唐文學的歷史文化考察 (Examination of the literature of Han through Tang Times from Historical and Cultural Perspectives). Pp. 2+3+17+423.Nanjing: Fenghuang chubanshe, 2014.2012Considering the End: Mortality in Early Medieval Chinese Literary Representation. Pp. xii+240.Leiden: Brill, 2012.Edited VolumesYearVolume TitlePublisher2018Daojiao xiulian yu keyi de wenxue tiyan 道教修煉與科儀的文學體驗. Pp. 2 + 2 + 2 + 689. Editor.Nanjing: Fenghuang chubanshe, 2018.2016Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology 饒宗頤國學院院刊. Volume 3. Pp. ii + 391. Associate Editor.Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. (HK) Ltd.2015Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology. Volume 2. Pp. ii + 435. Associate Editor.Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. (HK) Ltd.2014Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology. Volume 1. Pp. vi + 479. Associate Editor.Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. (HK) Ltd.2009A Festschrift in Honor of Professor Paul W. Kroll on His Sixtieth Birthday. T’ang Studies 26 (2008). Pp. iv + 173. Guest Editor.Leeds: Maney Publishing.Book ChaptersYearChapter TitlePublication Details2019a“Renshen huihe de renjian tujing: Wang Bo ‘Qixi fu’ jiedu 人神會合的人間圖景——王勃《七夕賦》解讀 (“The manifestation of the tryst of the divinity and mortal: A new reading of Wang Bo’s ‘Fu on the Seventh of the Seventh Month’”)Wu Guangzheng, ed. Zongjiao shijiao yu wenxue chuangzuo 宗教實踐與文學創作. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, forthcoming.2019b“The Transcendent of Poetry’s Quest for Transcendence: Li Bai on the Tiantai Mountain”Thomas Jülch, ed. Buddhism and Daoism on the Holy Mountains of China. Leiden: Brill, in press.2019c“Yuefu and Fu: Wang Bo’s New Prosody for ‘Spring Longings.’” Nicholas Morrow Williams, ed. The Rhapsodic Imagination. Forthcoming.2018a“Shibi jingshe, jiangzhong guyu: Xie Lingyun de dunwu shanshui” 石壁精舍,江中孤嶼——謝靈運的頓悟山水 (The Vihara on Mt. Stone Cliff and the Islet in the River: Xie Lingyun’s Landscape on Instantaneous Enlightenment).Lau Chor Wah, ed. Zhongguo wenxue fengjing 中國文學風景. Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing Ltd., pp. 80–93.2018b“Tangshi zai Xiyang de jiaoyan juyu” 唐詩在西洋的教研舉隅 (Tang Poetry in Western Classroom and Sinology).Lau Chor Wah, ed. Zhongguo wenxue fengjing 中國文學風景. Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing Ltd., pp. 108–22.2016“Cong Wang Bo ‘Chunsi fu’ kan chu Tang shifu hudong de wenti chuangxin” 從王勃《春思賦》看初唐詩賦互動的文體創新 (Wang Bo’s “Fu on My Spring Longings” and the Innovation of Literary Genres through the Interaction of Shi and Fu)Liu Ning and Li Pengfei, eds. Gudian wenxue de neibu yanjiu 古典文學的內部研究. Beijing: Beijing chubanshe, 2016, pp. 50–64.2015“Dongxiang e song Ruanlang gui: Ou ci guiqing qiantan” 洞仙歌送阮郎歸——歐詞閨情淺探 (Songs of the Grotto Goddess Sending Master Ruan Home: Feminine Lovesickness in Ouyang Xiu’s Ci-poetry) Zhang Hongsheng, ed. Song Yuan wenxue yu zongjiao 宋元文學與宗教. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, pp. 329–51.2014a“Beyond Border and Boudoir: The Frontier in the Poetry of the Four Elites of Early Tang.”Paul W. Kroll, ed. Reading Medieval Chinese Poetry: Studies in Text, Context, and Culture. Leiden: Brill, 2014, pp. 130–68.2014b“As the Crickets Stridulate: Texts and Textual Weaving in the ‘Ballad of Mulan’.”Shirley Chan, Barbara Hendrischke and Sue Wiles, eds. Willow Catkins: Festschrift for Dr Lily Xiao Hong Lee on the Occasion of Her 75th Birthday. Sydney: The Oriental Society of Australia, 2014, pp. 3–37. 2010“‘Jade Flower’ and the Motif of Mystic Excursion in Early Religious Daoist Poetry.”Alan K. L. Chan and Y. K. Lo, eds. Interpretation and Literature in Early Medieval China. New York: State University of New York Press, pp. 165–87.2005“‘Dao buruo shen’: Ruan Ji de yuzhou shengmie xunhuan lun” 道不若神—阮籍的宇宙生滅循環論 (The Dao cannot be compared with Spirit”: Ruan Ji on Cosmogony and Cosmic Destruction).Ge Xiaoyin 葛曉音, ed. Han Wei Liuchao wenxue yu zongjiao 漢魏六朝文學與宗教 (Literature and Religions of the Han, Wei and the Six Dynasties Periods). Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, pp. 215–44.ArticlesYearArticle titleJournal/volume/pages2019aEngulfing and Embracing the Vast Earth: Li Bai’s Cosmology in His “Ballad on the Sun Rising and Setting”Tang Studies 37 (2019): 1–30.2019b“Li He shizhong de taiyang shenhua gaibian jiqi yiyi” 李賀詩中的太陽神話改編及其意義 (“Li He’s Innovation in Rewriting Traditional Myths of the Sun”)Wuhan daxue xuebao (zhexue shehuikexue ban) 武漢大學學報(哲學社會科學版) 72.2 (2019): 1–9.2019c“Lu Ji ‘Lingxiao fu’ de youxixing yu jingdianxing” 陸機《陵霄賦》的遊戲性與經典性 (“The playful nature and classic status of Lu Ji’s ‘Fu on Ascending the Ethereal’”)Zhongguo gudianxue 中國古典學 (Peking University) 1 (2019): 309–23.2018a“Rusheng yuxian: Liu Chen Ruan Zhao chuanshuo zai Yuan Ming yujing zhong de shidai yiyi” 儒生遇仙——劉晨阮肇傳說在元明語境中的時代意義(“The Confucian Students Met the Fairies: the Saga of Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao in the Contexts of Yuan-Ming Dynasties”)Journal of Chinese Studies 中國文化研究所學報 67 (2018): 41–62.2018b“Fahui xinti: Wang Bo yuefushi de fubian” 發揮新體:王勃樂府詩的復變 (“Exploring New Poetic Forms: Convention and Innovation in Wang Bo’s Music Bureau Poetry”)Journal of Oriental Studies 東方文化 50.1 (2018): 1–21.2018c“Honkō niokeru kinnen no Tōhō kenkyū gaikyō” 香港における近年の杜甫研究概況 (“Recent Du Fu Scholarship in Hong Kong) (co-authored with Lü Chia-hui 呂家慧; translated into Japanese by Katō Satoshi 加藤聰)Tōhō kenkyū nenpō 杜甫研究年報 1 (2018), 60–72.2016“Cong hanwu qi feng dao jiangqu gufu: Wang Bo ru Shu qianhou de futi chuangzuo” 從寒梧棲鳳到江曲孤鳧——王勃入蜀前後的賦體創作 (“From Phoenix to Duck: the Fu of Wang Bo Written before and on His Journey to Shu”)Tsing-hua Journal of Chinese Studies 清華學報 46.3: 457–93.2014“Shennü youxin: Aodexiusi yu Liu Chen Ruan Zhao yanyu gushi yiyun de bijiao yanjiu” 神女有心──奧德修斯與劉晨阮肇艷遇故事意蘊的比較研究 (“The Nymph in Love: A Comparative Study of Odysseus’ and Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao’s Romance”).Guoxue xinsheng 國學新聲 5 (Taiyuan: San Jin chubanshe, 2014), 239–306.2013a“A New Reading of an Early Medieval Riddle: ‘Utterly Wonderful, Lovely Words’?”T’oung Pao 99: 53–87.2013b“Xunyuan lü zaokong: Chu Tang Sijie de biansai shuxie” 尋源屢鑿空:初唐四傑的邊塞書寫 (Rewriting the Campaign: Frontier Poetry of the Four Elites of the Early Tang).Journal of Chinese Studies 57: 23–47.2011a“‘Qitu yougong xialu, moshang sangjian?’: Wang Bo zai qi ‘Chunsi fu’ zhong de zhuanxi liuli” “豈徒幽宮狹路,陌上桑間?”——王勃在其〈春思賦〉中的轉徙流離 (“How Would It Be Merely about the Hidden Palace, Narrow Alleys, on the Crossroad, and amidst Mulberry Trees?”: Wang Bo’s Sojourn and Wandering in His “Chunsi fu”).Wenxue yu wenhua 文學與文化 7 (Tianjin: Nankai University Press, 2011), 32–42.2011b“Yixiang feixiang: Shangqing Dadong zhenjing suoshu zhi cunsi xiulian” 意象飛翔﹕《上清大洞真經》所述之存思修煉 (Imagery in Flight: The Meditative Discourse in Realized Scripture on the Great Grotto of the School of Highest Clarity).Journal of Chinese Studies 53: 217–48.2009a“Searching for the Bodies of the Drowned: A Folk Tradition of Early China Recovered.”Journal of The American Oriental Society 129.3: 385–401.2009b“Cong wuru dao daoru: ‘Liu Ruan Tiantai’ zaju zhuti de xinbian 從誤入到導入:〈劉阮天台〉雜劇主題的新變 (From Accidental Discovery to Guided Conversion: New Thematic Changes in a Zaju Play “Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao’s Visit to Mount Tiantai”).A revised version is published in Zhan Shichuan 詹石窗, ed., Bainian Daoxue jinghua jicheng 百年道學精華集成, ser 9: Wenyi shenmei 文藝審美. Shanghai: Shangai kexue jishu wenxian chubanshe, 2018.Daojia wenhua yanjiu 道家文化研究 24: 438–61.Also appears in:Xue deng 學燈 (Beacon, an electronic journal) 26 (2013).2009c“The Quest of Lord of the Great Dao: Textual and Literary Exegeses of a Shangqing ‘Register’ (HY 1378).”T’ang Studies 26 (2008), 143–73.2008a“A Tale of Two Worlds: The Late Tang Poetic Presentation of The Romance of the Peach Blossom Font.”T’oung Pao 94: 209–45.2008b“Wall Carvings, Elixir, and the Celestial King: An Exegetic Exercise on Du Fu’s Poems on Two Palaces.”Journal of The American Oriental Society 127.4: 471–89.2007“Shi cong Bao Zhao shige de xincihui kan qi ‘bu bi wei ze’de chuangxin tige” 試從鮑照詩歌的新詞彙看其「不避危仄」的創新體格 (“Not Evading the Risky and Untoward”: Bao Zhao’s Neologisms and Poetic Style).Tang yanjiu 唐研究 13 (2007): 437–61.2005a“A Reevaluation of Chen Ziang’s ‘Manifesto of a Poetic Reform.”Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia 36 (2004–05): 56–85.2005b“Fang Hui shilun qiantan” 方回詩論淺探 (On Fang Hui’s Poetics).Kertas Pengajian Tionghoa Papers on Chinese Studies 馬來亞大學中文系學術論文集 7 (2005): 91–120.2004a“Restoration of a Poetry Anthology by Wang Bo.”Journal of the American Oriental Society 124.3 (2004): 493–515.2004b“Wang Bo zhushu kao lu” 王勃著述考錄 (A Critical Bibliographic Study of the Literary and Scholarly Writings of Wang Bo).Shu-mu chi-k’an 書目季刊 (Bibliography Quarterly) 38.1: 71–92.2002“Dedication and Identification in Wang Bo’s Compositions on the Gallery of Prince Teng.”Monumenta Serica 50: 215–55.2001a“Wang Bo ‘Tengwangge xu’ jiaoding, jiantan Ricang juanziben Wang Bo Shixu” 王勃〈滕王閣序〉校訂—兼談日藏卷子本王勃《詩序》(Collation of Wang Bo’s “Preface to A Collection of Poems on the Gallery of Prince Teng”, with notes on the Manuscript Edition of Wang Bo’s Prefaces to Poetry Preserved in Japan).Shu-mu chi-k’an 書目季刊 (Bibliography Quarterly) 35.3: 65–88.2001b“The ‘Ganyu’ of Chen Ziang: Questions on the Formation of a Poetic Genre.” T’oung Pao 87: 14–42.1999“Literary Criticism and the Ethics of Poetry: the ‘Four Elites of the Early Tang’ and Pei Xingjian.” T’ang Studies 15–16 (1997–98): 157–82.1998a“The Jing/zhuan Structure of the Chuci Anthology: A New Approach to the Authorship of Some Chuci Poems.”T’oung Pao 84: 293–327.1998b“Liang Pan de liangpian ‘Anshiliu fu’ jiaoding” 兩潘的兩篇《安石榴賦》校訂 (Collation Notes on the Two “Rhapsodies on Pomegranate” by Pan Yue and Pan Ni). Shu-mu chi-k’an (Bibliography Quarterly) 書目季刊 32.1: 18–22.1997“Yan Yu zihao ‘Canglang Buke’ kaobian” 嚴羽自號「滄浪逋客」考辨 (An Examination of Yan Yu’s Giving Himself the Sobriquet of “Fugitive of Canglang”). Tsinghua hsüeh-pao (Tsinghua Journal of Chinese Studies) 清華學報 n.s. 27.2: 217–38.1996“Ruan Ji’s and Xi Kang’s Visits to Two ‘Immortals.’”Monumenta Serica 44: 141–65.1992“Cong Liu Song wangchao he Xieshi jiazu de guanxi kan Xie Lingyun de zhengzhi beiju” 從劉宋王朝和謝氏家族的關係看謝靈運的政治悲劇 (Xie Lingyun’s political tragedy and the relationship between his family and the Liu Song royal house).Beijing daxue xuebao 北京大學學報 150: 76–82, 102.1991a“Ruan Ji fang Sun Deng bianyi” 阮籍訪孫登辨疑 (An Examination of Ruan Ji’s Visits to Sun Deng).Xueshu yuekan 學術月刊 269: 64–65.1991b“Bao Zhao ‘Wucheng fu’ xiezuo shijian kaoding ji bushuo” 鮑照《蕪城賦》寫作時間考定及補說 (On the Composition Date of Bao Zhao’s “Rhapsody on the Ruined City”).Beijing daxue yanjiusheng xuekan 北京大學研究生學刊 23: 80–81.Contributions to Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, etc.YearEntry, page numberEditor, book title, publisher2014Li Ye 李冶 (8th Century).Lily Xiao Hong Lee & Sue Wiles, eds. Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: Tang through Ming 618–1644. New York: M. E. Sharpe, pp. 230–32.2009Bo Juyi 白居易 (772–846), pp. 185–86;Chuci 楚辭, pp. 394–95;Li Bai 李白 (70162), pp. 1309–10;Quan Tangshi 全唐詩, pp. 1859–60;Sima Xiangru 司馬相如 (179–117 BC); 1983–84;Wang Wei 王維 (701–61), pp. 2405–6.Linsun Cheng, ed. Berkshire Encyclopedia of China. Great Barrington, Massachusetts: Berkshire Publishing.2002a) Chuci 楚辭, p. 82;b) Du Fu 杜甫 (71270), p. 305;c) Li Bai 李白 (70162), p. 469;d) Quan Tangshi 全唐詩, pp. 36–37;e) Shijing 詩經, pp. 179–80.David Levinson and Karen Christensen, eds., Encyclopedia of Modern Asia. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.19973 poems by Deng Fulun 鄧輔綸 (1828–93), pp. 371–76; 3 poems by Yi Peishen 易佩紳 (ca. 1858), pp. 360–62.Mao Qingqi 毛慶耆, ed. Jindai shige jianshang cidian 近代詩歌鑒賞辭典. Hefei: Anhui jiaoyu chubanshe, 1997.1992 “Yanzi fu” 燕子賦 (Dunhuang manuscript, Tang dynasty), pp. 798–807; “Yanzi fu” 晏子賦 (Dunhuang manuscript, Tang dynasty), pp. 808–10; Fang Xiaoru 方孝孺 (1357–1402), “Youyunxuan fu” 友筠軒賦, pp. 995–99; Wang Zhong 汪中 (1745–94), “Ai yanchuan wen” 哀鹽船文, pp. 1190–95.Huo Xudong 霍旭東, ed. Lidai cifu jianshang cidian 歷代辭賦鑒賞辭典. Hefei: Anhui wenyi chubanshe, 1992. Reprinted edition: Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan, 2011.ReviewsYearBook ReviewedJournal/volume/pages2020Zornica Kirkova. Roaming into the Beyond: Representations of Xia Immortality in Early Medieval Chinese Verse. Leiden: Brill, 2016.Journal of the American Oriental Society, forthcoming.2015Sanping Chen. Multicultural China in the Early Middle Ages. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012.Asian Studies Review 39.2: 332–33.2005Ding Xiang Warner. A Wild Deer amid Soaring Phoenixes: The Opposition Poetics of Wang Ji. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2003.Asian Studies Review 29.2: 207–8.2004Burton Watson. The Selected Poems of Du Fu. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002.Asian Studies Review 28.3: 313–14.2003Cai Zong-qi. Configurations of Comparative Poetics: Three Perspectives on Western and Chinese Literary Criticism. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2001.China Review International 10.1: 107–13.1995Li Jui-ch’ing 李銳清. Ts’ang-lang shih-hua te shih-ko li-lun yen-chiu 《滄浪詩話》的詩歌理論研究. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1992.Journal of the American Oriental Society 115.3: 512–14.Other PublicationsYearNumber/Year/Publication detailsBook, Serial, Issue2017aEssay: “Bird catching” 捕鳥記Xianggang Jinhui daxue Zhongwenxi xiqing jinian wenji (chuangzuo juan) 香港浸會大學中文系系慶紀念文集(創作卷)(Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. (HK) Ltd., 2017), pp. 207–10.2017bEssay: “A literature scholar and a philosopher” 文學家與哲學家Xianggang Jinhui daxue Zhongwenxi xiqing jinian wenji (chuangzuo juan), pp. 211–14.200910 poems in ancient styleJingshan yuxie sanbian 荊山玉屑三編, ed. Dung Chau Hung 董就雄. Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing Ltd., 2009.1990–9917 poems in ancient styleShici 詩詞 (Guangzhou) 164 (1990), 167 (1991), 171 (1991), 177 (1991), 268 (1995), 306 (1996), 311 (1997), 349 (1998), 357 (1999)19961 poem in ancient styleXianggang wenxue bao 香港文學報 8199213 poems in ancient styleJi’nan daxue 暨南大學 1041989Essay: “Lu Xun yu Wusi” 魯迅與五四Nianqingren zhoubao 年青人週報Translations2016–1731 articles translated from Chinese into English. “The Splendid Chinese Culture” 燦爛的中國文明. The Academy of Chinese Culture: . ON-GOING RESEARCH PROJECTSYearProject Type, TitleDetails / Progress2018–20Book Project:Tentative title: “Tangdai de wuma, xiandao yu shifu” 唐代的舞馬、仙道與詩賦:柯睿自選集 (The Dancing Horses, Transcendence, and Poetry of the Tang: Selected Essays of Paul W. Kroll) Editor of a translation project involving 11 translators. Contract signed with Nanjing University Press.2017–19Book Project:“Ou Mei xuezhe lun Zhongguo Daojiao wenxue” 歐美學者論中國道教文學 (Studies of Chinese Daoist Literature by European and US Scholars)A translation project in collaboration with Wu Guangzheng 吳光正 (Wuhan University), translating 30 articles published in English & French.2020–23Book Project:“Wang Bo de xueshu yu wenxue yanjiu” 王勃的學術與文學研究 (Studies of Wang Bo’s Intellectual and Literary Works)6 of the 8 planned chapters are published articles, of which 2 need to be translated into Chinese and 3 need to be written as new chapters.2013–21Book Project:“The Time-Travel of Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao: The Wonderland Romance and Its Variations in Medieval Chinese Literature.”Funded by HKBU’s Faculty Research Grant category II (2012–15) and Hong Kong Government’s General Research Fund (GRF, 2013–15). 5 of 8 chapters written.2011–24Book Project:Wang Bo jibuzhu huijiao 王勃集補注會校 (A collated, annotated edition of Wang Bo’s collected works).The project is Beijing Zhonghua shuju’s publication plan.4 of the 20 fascicles completed. ................

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