How to use Microsoft Planner as a dashboard to managing ...

How to use Microsoft Planner as a dashboard to m anaging rem ote w ork

March 2020

Tips and t ricks based on our experience on how t o use Planner t o:

1. Setup a proj ect dashboard 2. Define a structure of your plan 3. I nvite your team m em bers 4. Creat e your proj ect overview 5. Working wit h your proj ect dashboard on a daily basis

Please note: Microsoft Planner is a planning tool and shall not be used to collaborate on documents. No confidential information shall be shared on this tool. No external parties can be invited to this tool.

? 2020 Deloit t e Tax & Consult ing

Con fide n t ia l


1. Set- up a proj ect dashboard

? Go t o ht t ps: / / t asks. / deloit t e.onm icrosoft .com / or download t he Planner m obile app. ? Login wit h your Deloit t e credent ials. ? Click on New plan and define a nam e and privacy set t ings. We recom m end t o creat e a privat e board so

that it is not visible for everyone but only by your team m em bers.

An em pty dashboard will open for you to setup.

? 2020 Deloit t e Tax & Consult ing

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2. Define a structure of your plan Bu ck et s

The st andard view of t he board is com posed of different colum ns called Buck e t s. I f your team works on m ultiple proj ects, set up 1 bucket for each proj ect. I f your team works on only 1 proj ect, use buckets to define work packages. I t's best to keep all the work in one plan and not spread it out over m ultiple plans. Using m ult iple plans will m ake it very hard t o keep an overview during your weekly planning. By default a bucket " t o do" is creat ed. Renam e it . Alternatively you can organize the buckets by: proj ect phases, workflow, Kanban stages, business functions, topics.

Bu ck e t

? 2020 Deloit t e Tax & Consult ing

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2. Define a structure of your plan Task

Every bucket is com posed of different Ta sk ca r ds.

Use t hose cards for deliverables and assign t hem t o t heir owners ( one or m ultiple m em bers actively working on this deliv er able) .

You can add as m any t asks as needed. You can organize your tasks as: deliverables, m ilestones, actions etc. Based on experience deliverables works best.

Break down larger deliverables into sm aller ones, so that each deliverable ( and hence card) can be assigned to a single person. I n that case, you m ight want to consider setting up buckets for larger deliverables.

Add start and due dates if can. Based on dates ( start and due date) em ail notifications are send to the assigned m em bers raising for exam ple awareness when a deadline is upcom ing or late.

You can describe t he goal / key result of t he deliverable in t he notes and clearly define what " Done" m eans.

I f possible, break down the deliverable into steps in the checklist ( e.g. research, define content, draft, review)

You can at t ach docum ent s or links t o t he Sharepoint locat ion of your docum ents.

I n Progress you can define what is ongoing or com plet ed. Once t he Progress is put as " Com plet ed" , t he t ask will be archived and no longer visible on the dashboard, which explains why we would not recom m end this field to m onitor p r og r ess.

? 2020 Deloit t e Tax & Consult ing

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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