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Grade 4, 5Lesson Title: TransformationsDate: April 2013Curriculum Expectations Grade 4 – identify and perform reflections, create and analyse symmetrical designs by reflecting a shape-identify and locate the location of an object using a grid systemGrade 5-compare grid systems using a number and grid system-identify perform and describe translations and-Create and analyse translations and reflections-cardinal directionsWhat do students need to know and be able to do? Students know:transformational language (words like up, down, left, right - to describe movement, reflection line)using a grid to show movementsingle transformations or multi-step slide (e.g. 4 up, 3 left)translated shape needs to be congruentLearning GoalsContent:The students will...move an object on a grid and describe precisely how they moved it using transformational languageProcess:The students will...communicate using language of transformational geometryrepresent movement on a grid with precisionLesson ComponentsAnticipated Student Responses and Teacher Prompts / QuestionsAction! Mrs. Baird wants to fit these five stations in the gym for fitness friends:HockeySoccerSkipping ropesScoopsBasketball Show the equipment near the gym door. Then move the equipment to space in the gym.Write the directions you took to get the equipment from the gym doors to its location in the gym. Be as specific as possible.You must use some translations and some reflections in your work. Remember that the centre line can be used as a mirror line.Ask what tools they might find helpful to use in this task. Create a list together. MirrasGridRulerstilesAnticipated Student Responses and Possible MisconceptionsTransformed image represented needs to be congruent to the original figureTranslations-left and right, up and down used accurately; use of cardinal directions-combination translations (first, then)-use of dots, lines or arrows to show the movementReflections-mirror line identified -image needs to be a “mirror image” of the original figure -spacing on either side of figure and mirror image is symmetricalSample Scaffolding Questions How else can you represent this?How are these ___the same or different?If I do ____, what will happen?How can you prove your answer or verify your estimate?How do you know?Have you found all the possibilities? How could you arrive at the same answer in a different way?Minds-On AFLReview transformation vocabualryHighlight tools to support transformationsWhat are we listening and looking for from the student conversation and responses?Translate (slide)Reflect (flip)Rotate (turn)Mirror lineLeft, right, up, downImageLesson ComponentAfter / Consolidation / Reflecting and ConnectingConsolidation Highlights and Summary(Uncover Learning Goal, Success Criteria)Work Sample 1 SharedTransformed images represented are congruent to the original figuresThe movement of the translation is shown using directional arrow (left, right, up and down)Work Sample 2 SharedStarting point of figure clearly shownleft and right, up and down used accurately; use of cardinal directionscombination translations use language “first” and “then” to show sequence of movmentreflection shown over mirror lineWork Sample 3 Sharedmirror line identifiedspacing on either side of figure and mirror image is symmetricaluse of a legend to identify all 5 original figuresNotes:Starting point shownWritten instructions - included "then", used it to show that there are more stepsLegend - very clear, communicated the meaning of each of the shapesTo show how much movement we used:numbers counting squaresarrowsMirror line/Reflection: Line dashed linelabeling it would be a good ideaWe added Cardinal Directions to the last sample. This group was confused with words “up, down, left and right” because they changed if they moved around the paper to work. “If you use directions instead of 4 to the right, you could say 4 to the north. It will not matter then what your position is.”Independent Practice:ReflectionStudent Next Steps (Small Group/Individual)Reflection:Groups of 2 students worked together to consider:If you were to do the same task again tomorrow, what would you do differently? How would you improve your work?Teacher Feedback given to each group. See samples below. Then students were given the chance to try the task again the next day. ................

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