University and Community College System of Nevada

University and Community College System of Nevada

New Organization Unit


Campus: UNLV

Name of the Proposed New Unit: Center of Multicultural Education (Education Center Designation)

Proposed Director of New Unit: Dr. Porter Lee Troutman, Jr.

Brief Description and Propose of Unit (Summary):

The purposed new organizations unit in the College of Education is an outgrowth of an established entity supporting students and educators. The multicultural and diversity committee created in 1995 reinforces the idea that excellence in education cannot be achieved without education equity for all who enter our schools. This includes (but is not limited to) females, males, people of color, people who live in poverty, people who live alternative lifestyles, people with disabilities, people with a language background other than English, people of all ages, and people who have recently immigrated to the United States. Educational equity is defined by processes that work against marginalization and foster knowledge of and respect for the diverse nature of our population. A curriculum reflecting educational equity focuses on providing every individual with the sense that he or she is situated within a school community that values his or her current and potential contributions. Such a curriculum also reinforces the historical and contemporary role of people from diverse backgrounds, including multiple perspectives in relation to the teaching of core subject areas. It is in these regards that a new organizational center in the broadly defined category of an education centered is proposed. The new center will concentrate activity in the areas of multicultural education with activity structures including:

1. Research activities to improve practices related to race, ethnicity, SES, equity issues, intergroup relations, and the achievement of students of color.

2. Professional development support and technical assistance, resources for the Rural, CCSD, university students, faculty, staff and administrators with individual and systemic change for multicultural education.

3. Resource center for dissemination of research articles and materials.

Additionally, activity will focus on seeking external funding, securing grant and foundation support, developing an interactive database and Internet resources to promote effective education, and the sponsorship of a statewide annual conference bringing educators together to recognize good practice in Multicultural Education at the K-12 and University level. It is within these dimensions that our Education Center organization structure is most appropriate.

Estimate of Initial Resources Needed:

$9,000…………………. Office supplies per annum (copying, paper, brochures, ect)

$4,500………………….. Computer supplies for Initial Center Start-up

(1 desktop and monitor, 1 printer, 1 laptop)

Office space……………... designated office in College of Education

$10,500.00 +

Benefits………………… one annually recurring Graduate Research Assistant l


Note: Initial resources are requested through University, College, and state funding.

Projected Budget: 1st year _________________ 4th year: _________________

Signature of primary proposers, indicating full understanding that approval through the Academic Affairs Council and the Board of Regents does not imply the availability of funding:

_____________________________ _____________________

Name Date

Date Approved by Academic Affair Council: _____________________________

Goals, Objectives, and Organizational Structure:

The goals, objectives, and organizational structure of the Center for Multicultural Education are aligned with the mission of the University. Objectives of the Center are also aligned with NCATE (National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education) the mission of the College of Education mission to prepare scholar-practitioner professionals for a variety of leadership roles in Pre- K-12, postsecondary, and non-traditional educational settings. The proposed center is also supported by a growing number of inquiries from local, regional, and national professionals and community members regarding interest in the types of instructional programs, outreach services, and related research activities that the center will provide.

Specific objectives include:


1. Develop and identify curricula and experiences to help teacher education students understand the importance of diversity in teaching and learning and construct a frame of reference and inquiry to combat all forms of discrimination in schools and over society.

2. Assist students to develop and teach lessons that incorporate diversity and develop a classroom and school climate that values diversity.

3. Provide for, and create opportunities for reflection on, diverse fieldwork and school experiences involving faculty and students who represent diverse ethnic, racial, gender, language, exceptionality, and religious groups.

4. Develop self-awareness and different teaching and learning styles that are shaped by culture


1. Explore and conduct research on practices that will close the achievement gap of diverse students.

2. Promote research related to multicultural education instruction and school, university, and state policy.

3. Generate new knowledge through systematic inquiry in areas of multicultural education and explore an interdisciplinary approach to research with ethnic groups such as women’s studies, international student services, and minority services.

4. Encourage all researchers to consider the influence of culture on the design, data collection, analysis, reporting, and probable impact of their research.


1. Develop programs to meet the professional development needs of the College of Education faculty and staff as they relate to culture, class, ethnicity, gender, exceptionality, religion, language, age and other issues.

2. Design and implement retention and recruitment programs to attract students, faculty, and administrators from diverse populations for all programs offered in the College of Education.

3. Collaborate with the Community and Clark County School District in meeting the needs in diversity education.

4. Assist faculty with the infusion of diversity issues into the College of Education curriculum at all levels

5. Disseminate research materials and articles related to diversity

A proposed organizing structure:

Center for Multicultural Education – Director, Dr. Porter Lee Troutman Jr.

Supporting Staff:

The Diversity Committee of the College of Education will serve as an advisory committee to assist in the coordination of activities for multicultural education for the College. The Diversity Committee consists of two faculty members elected from each department in the College of Education.

Contact Among Affected Units:

The Center for Multicultural Education as proposed is unique to the University and Community College System of Nevada. It is not anticipated that proposed Center activities will draw from there existing academic programs or Center activities, wither internally or system-wide, nor will Center activities compete directly for service and outreach clientele with other Nevada system programs, nor will significant additional faculty or support staff resources be required give the current faculty/staff configuration of the existing Diversity Committee.

The College of Education through its teacher education program works directly with the Assessment & Evaluation Unit, College of Science, College of Applied Health Sciences, and College of Fine Arts..

Assessment Methods for Center Activities:

A variety of assessment methods will be implemented to closely monitor the relative effectiveness and productivity of the proposed Center in accordance with the designated activities. Methods include, but are not limited to:

1. Center programs formative and summative assessments in terms of professional and lay community impact and perceived quality control.

2. Clientele assessment in terms of their increased levels of competency in the respective instructional skills (professional practitioners) and communication instructional outreach and service activities.

3. Record keeping and archiving of referred presentation, publication, and professional organization activity as a result of the research efforts connected with the proposed center.

Centering Offering Summary:

The Center of Multicultural Education, as proposed, intends to develop and implement the following general activities:

1. Applied research into the principles of effective instruction in multicultural contexts.

2. Development and implementation of a variety of structured instruction and evaluation activities for professional practitioners at Pre-K-12, University and Community levels

3. Development and implementation of a statewide annual conference on Multicultural Education for professionals at K-12, University and Community levels.

4. Established a diversity databased of research resources, curriculum and media related to teaching, research and service.

5. Provide staff development programs for faculty and staff

Physical Location:

The Center for Multicultural Education will be housed in the College of Education in offices designated by the Dean. Currently, the Diversity Committee meets monthly to coordinate activities in available conference rooms. The Center, as proposed, will require permanent office space to fulfill its activities.

Resource Needs and Itemized Budget:

Resource needs include necessary GA allocation support, computer equipment, and office budget to ensure quality start-up of Center activities.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4


Director existing existing existing existing


Committee existing existing existing existing


1 GA Line $10,500 + $10,500 + $10,500 + $10,500

Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits

Center Operating Costs

Office Supply Budget $5000 $5000 $5000 $5000

Computer Hardware

(1 desktop + monitor, $4500 Funded Funded Funded

1 laptop)

Conference Planning $5000

and travel

Library and Information Sources

No additional revenue needs


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

$19000 $15000 $15000 $15000

Note: “existing” is defined as current COE staff devoting time and effort toward Center activities

Implemented Timeline:

Proposed implementation is to commence with the Fall 2004 academic semester. Current activities of the COE Diversity Committee will continue.

Appendices (Hard copy attachments):

A. Dean, College of Education statements of Implementation Support

B. Brief description of accomplishments of Diversity Committee

C. Example of Diversity Committee Newsletter

Brief Overview of COE-Diversity Committee Accomplishments

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

College of Education

Preparing Staff & Students for Pre-service Education

Embracing Diversity in COE

Porter Lee Troutman, Jr.

August 2, 1991 – February 10, 2004

1. Dean established COE-Diversity Committee, Mission and Goals -1991

2. COE-Diversity Committee established Tasks/Objectives -1991

3. COE Diversity Committee Goals

Goal #1: Diversity Programs to meet Professional Needs of Faculty.

Goal #2: Implement Retention/Recruitment Programs for Faculty and Students.

Goal #3: Collaborate with CCSD in Meeting Needs in Diversity Education.

Goal #4: Assist Faculty with Infusion of Diversity Issues into COE Curriculum.

4. President Harter’s Mission Statement: Premier Urban University: A Public Agenda for the Decade 1996-2005.

Goal #1: Become more student focused.

Goal #2: Hire motivate, and reward superior faculty.

Goal #3: Increase research, scholarly activity, and national recognition.

Goal #4: Grow selectively, serve the region and achieve distinction.

Goal #5: Create an inclusive and just campus environment.

Goal #6: Develop a service-oriented, responsive, accountable administration.

Goal #7: Communicate and collaborate more effectively.

5. President’s Task Force on Campus Culture, Equity and Environment Subcommittees:

1. Recruitment and retention

2. Awareness of diversity, disability, and public safety

3. Curriculum

4. Affirmative action office

6. UNLV/CCSD Outline of Projects Completed

- Dean established Diversity Committee ‘91

- Diversity awareness workshops-COE ‘91

- UNLV/CCSD MCE workshops for bus drivers and teachers 2,565 ‘93

- The cultural diversity bridge to academic success ATE National Award ‘93

- MCE curriculum reform ’93 -‘97

- National Interactive Videoconference-MCE: Valuing Diversity in the Classroom ‘96

- Cultural diversity panel discussion-Chinn, Cortez, Gay, Gollnick, Grant, King, and Sleeter ‘96

- President TFCCEE ‘96, UNLV/CCSD consortium ‘96/mentoring Program

- The annual Regional MCE Conference ‘97/NvNAME chapter ‘98

- The COE-DC proposal-$50,000/$3,600/$29,000/REACH ‘97 and ‘98

Most Recent & Future

- Core Curriculum Requirement - Diversity

- COE Diversity Newsletter - Ongoing

- Superintendents Diversity Committee - Recommendations 9/2000

- NAME 11th Annual International Multicultural Education Conference - 11/01

- Endowed Chair Proposal-5/2003

- 1st Year Teacher Panel Presentation- February 7, 2003

- Diversity & Equity Education, NAME Annual Diversity Conference

November 20-22, 2003

- MCE Summer Institute Proposal – 2004*

- Proposal for Center for Multicultural Education 2004*

- Endowed Chair for MCE 2004*

- MCE Institute 2004*

- Submitted PIA Proposal for Center for Multicultural Education 2004*

*Future projects




| |

|1.Develop and identify curricula, online resources and experiences to help students in teacher education to understand the |

|importance of diversity in teaching and learning and construct a frame of reference and inquiry to combat all forms of |

|discrimination in schools and our society. |

|2.Assist students to develop and teach lessons that incorporate diversity and develop a classroom and school climate that values |

|diversity. |

|3.Provide for, and create opportunities for reflection on, diverse fieldwork and school experiences involving faculty and students |

|who represents diverse ethnic, racial, gender, language, exceptionality and religious groups. |

|4.Assist student development self -awareness concerning different teaching and learning styles that are shaped by culture. |


|TASKS | | | | |

|1.Establish a COE wide Doc. |Lori Navarrete |Sept. 29, 03 | | |

|Emphasis Area | | | | |

|in Diversity | | | | |

|2.Cross listing |Lori Navarrete |Sept. 29, 03 | | |

|courses with other units | | | | |

| | | | | |

|3.Teaching |Jian Wang |Sept. 29, 03 | | |

|International Course | | | | |

| | | | | |

|4. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|5. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|6. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|7. | | | | |

| | | | | |


| |

|1.Explore and conduct research on practices that will close the achievement gap of diverse students. |

|2.Promote research related to multicultural education instruction and school, university and state policy. |

|3.Generate new knowledge through systematic inquiry in areas of multicultural education and explore an interdisciplinary approach |

|to research with ethnic groups such as women’s studies, international student services, and minority services. |

|4.Encourage all researchers to consider the influence of culture on the design, |

|data collection, analysis, reporting, and probable impact of their research. |


|TASKS | | | | |

|1. MCE survey for teacher |Troutman Eunsook |May, 2003 | | |

|education majors |Carli Kyle | | | |

|2. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|3. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|4. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|5. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|6. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|7. | | | | |

| | | | | |


| |

|1.Develop programs to meet the professional development needs of the COE faculty and staff as they relate to culture, class, |

|ethnicity, gender, exceptionality, religion, language, age and other issues. |

|2.Design and implement retention and recruitment programs to attract student’s faculty and administrators from diverse populations |

|for all programs offered in the College of Education. |

|3.To collaborate with the Clark County School District in meeting the needs in diversity education. |

|4.To assist faculty with the infusion of diversity issues into the COE curriculum at all levels. |

| |


|TASKS | | | | |

|1. Establish a MCE |Jennifer Fabbi |Sept. 29, 03 | | |

|electronic online and a |Karla Kingsley | | | |

|materials resource center |Porter Troutman | | | |

|for faculty and students |Kyle Higgins | | | |

| |Nancy Sileo | | | |

| |RR Apache | | | |

| |Committee | | | |

|2. Bring COE Diversity |Jennifer Fabbi |Sept. 29, 03 | | |

|Newsletter Online |Karla Kingsley | | | |

|3. Post MCE |Jennifer Fabbi |Sept. 29, 03 | | |

|news and innovative |Porter Troutman | | | |

|strategies online in News | | | | |

|and Announcement section | | | | |

|of website | | | | |

|4. CCSD Administrators |RR Apache |Oct. 27, 2003 | | |

|Panel on Diversity | | | | |

|5. Parents and Community | | | | |

|Panel on Diversity | | | | |

|6. CCSD, UNLV Diversity |Troutman |Sept. 29, 03 | | |

|Conf. | | | | |

|7. Minority recruitment | | | | |

|8. Identify Resources | | | | |

|9. COE Report |Troutman |Sept.29, 03 | | |

| | | | | |

COE-DC 1st Year Teacher Panel Presentation on Diversity

College of Education Diversity Committee Members

Porter Lee Troutman, Jr.

Nancy Gallavan

John Filler

Steven Grubaugh

Jennifer Fabbi

Kyle Higgins

Amie Govett

Jean Henry

Lisa Bendixen

Cecilia Maldonado

Steve McCafferty

Maria G. Ramirez

Nancy Sileo

Deborah Romero

Most Recent & Future Activities & Events

UNLV Core Curriculum requires all students take (1) course in MCE

NAME 2001 11th Annual International Multicultural Conference

Licensed Employee Appraisal Report – Clark County School District

(Performance Domains: MCE is required in Planning and Preparation and Assessment of Student Achievement)

Superintendent’s Diversity Committee

CCSD/UNLV MCE Partnership (CCSD Equity and Diversity Education teaching staff)

Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter

CCSD/NAME/COE-DC - Equity and Diversity Conference, Oct 2,3 & 4, 2003 - $30,000 appropriated by CCSD to host and plan.

Standard 4: Diversity

The unit designs, implements, and evaluates curriculum and experiences for candidates to acquire and apply the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. These experiences include working with diverse higher education and school faculty, diverse candidates, and diverse students in P-12 schools

Standard 4 Broad Categories

1. Design, implementation and evaluation of curriculum experiences;

2. Experiences working with diverse faculty;

3. Experiences working with diverse candidates;

4. Experiences working with diverse students in P-12 schools

Supporting Explanations:


America’s classrooms are becoming increasingly diverse.

More than 1/3 of the students in P-12 classrooms are from minority groups.

The families of an increasing numbers of students are immigrants, many with native language other than English.

Growing number of students are classified as having disabilities.

Diverse teachers are less than 5% of the teaching force.


CCSD is the 6th largest school district with 250,000 plus students.

Over 53% of CCSD students are diverse.

40,000 ELL students

Fastest growing city in the nation


Dr. Cecilia Maldonado

Diversity Panel Members

Cathy Cabrea – Elementary Education

Chelsea Moss - Secondary Education

Dee’ Anne Millwood – Special Education

Developing Collaboration towards Greater Multicultural Education

Description and Rationale

The goal of this program is to develop a three-pronged approach to setting the stage for successful collaborative efforts towards greater multicultural education experiences. The three components of the program include: (1) a Diversity Speakers Bureau, (2) developing Cultural Institutes, and (3) the creation of Guides to Recommended Resources & Research Strategies in Diversity. The College of Education (COE) Multicultural and Diversity Committee (MDC) proposes and supports this program. The MDC consists of two elected members from each of the five academic departments in the COE as well as a representative from the Curriculum Materials Library. The committee has been in existence since 1991. This collaborative effort between the COE and the UNLV Libraries is in recognition of the need for centralizing, coordinating and expanding the multicultural education components not only for the students and staff at UNLV but also the greater Las Vegas area. With the implementation of the proposed program, the MDC believes that the foundation for an eventual Center for Multicultural Education will take on the charge for continuation of these programs into the future.

Diversity Speakers Bureau

The Speakers Bureau will entail bringing in local and regional administrators who work directly with minority issues and diversity in its broadest dimensions to present roundtable educational forums for faculty and staff in the various colleges. Academic units across campus will be provided an opportunity to have these speakers present at college faculty meetings or other faculty and staff gatherings. The teaching of multicultural issues crosses all academic units and majors, and having speakers available through a centralized point of contact will assist all units in selecting appropriate speakers. Speakers will be recruited from the Clark County School District, City of Las Vegas, Clark County Government and UNLV. Collaborative efforts will be established with the World Affairs Counsel to include broader contexts to diversity, especially in our present global climate. A nationally recognized proponent of multicultural education, Jacqueline Jordan Irvine, will be invited to campus to provide a presentation to a large gathering of faculty, staff, students and administrators. Through collaborative efforts with KLVX Channel 10, the presentation will be recorded for replay and videotaped for dissemination to individuals and groups seeking information on multicultural education. Videotapes will be cataloged through the UNLV Libraries and made available to all UNLV constituents and rural entities.

Cultural Institutes

The second component will consist of creating Cultural Institutes in collaboration with CCSD and the National Association for Multicultural Education and offered through the UNLV Division of Educational Outreach. Essentially, this involves developing a series of weekend seminars to offer in-depth training and reinforcement toward effective multicultural education not only in the school setting but also in the administrative and corporate areas. Through the support and guidance of Educational Outreach, professional development credit can be provided to the attendees for a nominal charge. These Cultural Institute training sessions will then be videotaped and archived for use by UNLV faculty and CCSD groups. “Providing training for effective instructional methodologies” and “strategies and environmental supports for an inclusive worksite” are examples of institute themes. Other possible themes include: “Closing the achievement gap,” “Implementing diversity education in the classroom,” and “Assessing the impact of diversity education.”

Creation of Guides to Recommended Resources & Research Strategies in Diversity

The third component of this program will include collaboration with UNLV Libraries, particularly the Curriculum Materials Library (CML), to create guides to recommended resources and research strategies in diversity, course transformation and other multicultural undertakings. These guides and online resources will be hosted on the UNLV Libraries’ web server, specifically on the CML website. The CML is a branch library that is located in the College of Education to support the needs of pre-service and in-service teachers locally and in rural areas.


The College of Education by its pure nature directly impacts the community in various ways. Teachers (classroom and physical education) interact with public school students and parents, school principals and administrators shape policy and workforce education staff involves adults in meaningful activities in our community. Therefore any program that prepares students for positive interaction and professional careers requires a major component of multicultural education. Through the prescribed activities this program may very well serve as a model for other communities and universities.

Projects will include:

(1) Searching the Internet for websites in specific diversity-related areas (gender, ethnicity, etc.)

(2) Evaluation and assessment of these websites for appropriate content utilizing specified selection criteria

(3) Organization of websites into logical categories for all academic disciplines

(4) Collaboration with members of the COE Multicultural and Diversity Committee in implementing links to selected sites from the CML website

(5) Creation of accompanying web pathfinders to aid the UNLV community in finding materials within the University Libraries to support their research on diversity and improve classroom instruction regardless of discipline. Because of its presence on the Internet, the resource will be available globally and hence provide greater recognition for UNLV.

(6) Developing a digital document cultural repository for faculty, staff, administrators, teachers, students, and workforce educators in collaboration with several organizations.

This program directly relates to two of UNLV’s seven institutional goals. Goal #5 Continue to foster a campus environment that respects diversity and free expression: With the ever-changing cultural make-up of the Las Vegas area and its resulting integration of students from every possible cultural background, it is imperative that our UNLV graduates be prepared to interact successfully in a multicultural world. Universities are considered major players in the social change in communities, and in this respect, UNLV has the opportunity to be at the forefront. This program will support the efforts of the academic units in their preparation of students whether in education, business or the sciences. Goal #7 Communicate and collaborate more effectively: Bringing together groups of people from UNLV, CSSD, City of Las Vegas, City of Henderson, City of North Las Vegas, and Clark County and the local media will assist in making a seamless transition for our graduates toward the successful acceptance, understanding and celebration of multicultural differences that make our community great. This program will allow the COE Multicultural and Diversity Committee to harness the experience, expertise and resources of various agencies to provide multicultural education in its broadest terms to the citizens of this community.


Developing Collaboration towards Greater Multicultural Education will enhance the academic preparation of undergraduates and graduates from across campus to work, teach and interact in a culturally rich environment. The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education recently reported a projected an increased high school graduation percentage (21 percent) by Hispanic students over the next 4 years. This is one example of how the educational environment must be strengthened to adequately prepare our graduates for a changing community. Through support of this program, the MDC will be able to lay the foundation for the creation of the Center for Multicultural Education and in turn become a national model for integrating multicultural education throughout the academic curriculum.

The Speakers Bureau will help develop collaboration between UNLV academic units and the previously discussed local entities. Members of the local and regional professional community participating in the cultural institutes will have the opportunity to accumulate required professional development credits. With continuation of these cultural institutes, ongoing generation of funds will support the program in future years.

The resource portion of this program has multiple service and research possibilities for faculty and graduate students. With maintenance of the resource website, UNLV may become nationally recognized for its activities as these resources are reviewed and utilized by the global population.

Major benefits from the project include: 1) Diversity Speakers Bureau will be available to faculty, staff, students, CCSD, the workforce and the community at large; 2) Cultural Institutes will be videotaped and disseminated to rural and local CCSD school sites for impact in closing the academic achievement gap; 3) Specific Guides to Recommended Resources and Research Strategies in Diversity will influence course transformation and research opportunities for faculty, staff and doctoral students

Procedures of Project

The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive multi-dimensional approach to enhancing multicultural education across the academic landscape and corporate workplace. The COE Multicultural and Diversity Committee will solicit speakers with expertise and experience in a variety of areas and their related multicultural issues (i.e. academics, sports, workplace environments, business, science, and administration). The committee will then develop working groups of two to four speakers with a similar theme. A portfolio will be created explaining the topics within each theme, and a biographical sketch of each speaker along with a short description of the focus of this theme. Announcements of these thematic groups will be distributed across campus for colleges and academic departments to consider for their faculty meetings or other functions. Speakers will be provided a small honorarium ($50) for their efforts. We are hoping to make inquiries to all academic units on campus about their interest and possible scheduling. We estimate that a response from eight units with up to four speakers each will cost $1600. A list of potential speakers and topics will be maintained and specialized thematic groups developed as needed by individual academic units or agencies. Additionally, each session can be videotaped and archived for use by members of the UNLV community and by members of local and regional entities desiring information on multicultural education. A nationally recognized proponent of multicultural education will be brought to campus for a presentation with all members of all academic units invited. The presentation will be recorded so that Channel 10 may air the segment at a time convenient for their programming. The University Libraries will make videotapes of the presentation available to faculty, staff and students. The estimated cost for bringing a national speaker is $3000.00 to cover honorarium, travel, hotel and per diem.

The Cultural Institutes will be developed along specific themes with speakers selected as appropriate. A registration fee will be charged to participants for professional development credits. Consultation with the UNLV Division of Educational Outreach will be undertaken to establish exact costs for these institutes. However, we estimate the cost for each institute to be approximately $800. Four institutes will be planned for the academic year 2004/05. As these will be local speakers no added cost for hotel, travel or per diem is requested.

The collaboration between the College of Education and University Libraries is a smart intersection at the point of research, instruction and diversity. A graduate assistant will be required with duties outlined and supervised by MDC. The regular cost for a graduate assistant with benefits is requested.

Evaluation of Project

The COE Multicultural and Diversity Committee will evaluate the effectiveness and presentation value of each institute and Speakers Bureau event by surveying the attendees. The MDC and project director will work with the COE’s Assessment and Evaluation unit to determine whether these institutes have met professional development requirements and to identify potential changes to enhance their effectiveness. Summarized reports will be distributed to the Deans of the College of Education, the University Libraries and other interested groups. This program presents a tremendous opportunity for research in regard to the effectiveness of multicultural education and its impact on daily interactions, educational constraints or supports and workplace environments. The number and types of research projects generated is also a type of program evaluation. Additionally, an advisory committee made up of representatives from various academic units will help provide guidance for the MDC on this program.


Speakers Bureau

Honorarium ($50 each for 24 speakers) $1600.00

Honorarium for National Speaker $2000.00

Travel, hotel, per diem for National Speaker $1000.00

Cultural Institutes

Speaker Honorarium ($800.00 each institute) $3200.00

Guides to Recommended Resources & Research Strategies

Graduate Assistant + Benefits $10,500.00

Reference Materials $1500.00

Newsletter (4 issues) & Telemedia Services

Production and Dissemination of Newsletter $1000.00

Video recording (labor and materials) $1000.00

Program Total $21,800.00

Budget Narrative

Speakers Bureau: Academic units across the campus will be recruited to have speakers present multicultural issues of relevance to their faculty and staff at departmental or college level meetings. The number of speakers at each presentation depends on the topic and amount of time allocated for the presentation. As a token honorarium for their services, we wish to offer $50 for each presentation done on our behalf. A nationally recognized proponent of multicultural education will be the major thrust of this portion of the proposed program. Honorarium, travel, hotel and per diem for this speaker will be $3000.

Cultural Institutes: Speakers providing educational seminars at these institutes will be offered a small honorarium for their services. The institutes will be run like small conferences with half-day and full-day programs. An allocation of $800 for each institute to cover honoraria and workshop supplies is requested to allow the greatest flexibility in scheduling and arranging program and speakers. As the speakers will be local, there is no request for hotel, travel or per diem support.

Guides to Recommend Resources & Research Strategies: We have requested $1500 for library reference materials (books and videos) not already owned by the Libraries to provide resource support for faculty and students specifically related to multicultural and diversity issues.

Newsletter & Telemedia Services: To reach the greatest number of individuals across the region and state, a newsletter will be developed to discuss relevant topics and provide information on the Speakers Bureau, Cultural Institutes and resources available to assist with multicultural and diversity education. Four editions of the newsletter will be produced and disseminated. Funding at the rate of $1000 is requested to cover the cost of copying and disseminating the newsletters and pamphlets describing the Speakers Bureau and Cultural Institutes. Video recording of presentations and materials for their dissemination will cost approximately $1000.

Graduate Student Support. The services of a graduate assistant are requested. For the graduate assistant selected, the opportunity to work in web content development relating directly to curriculum, multiculturalism and diversity will provide a skill that is increasingly desired by employers and may also transition into a substantial research endeavor. The graduate assistant will help with all components of this program and will be provided workspace and computer resources at the Curriculum Materials Library. As describe within the document, a graduate assistant is requested to help coordinate the activities of this program from developing the resource guides to assisting with the implementation of the Cultural Institutes and scheduling of the speakers and will be supervised by the MDC. Customary support and benefits (tuition remission and regular benefits) are requested for this graduate assistant.

Developing Collaboration towards Greater Multicultural Education


An awareness of and understanding for multicultural and diversity issues is a required component of all individuals young and old in order to successfully interact in our increasingly diverse communities. Universities by their standing are key players in issues of societal change. To better prepare our students to become more successful in the working environment it is encumbered upon our institution to promote greater multicultural education and how it relates to every facet of daily life. The proposed program aims at the first step in unifying various constituents to develop opportunities for increasing multicultural education. The proposal describes a three-prong approach toward this end: 1) creating a Diversity Speakers Bureau on topics covering the range of multicultural issues, 2) developing Cultural Institutes to provide in-depth educational forums to advance services being provided by the many organizations across the community, and 3) creating guides and resource references to aid researchers and students increase knowledge in diversity and multicultural issues. This program will also attempt to collaborate with all academic units on campus to strengthen their multicultural infusion programs and thus prepare students in all disciplines for a diverse community.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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