Multicultural society


1. Can you give any examples of countries with multicultural society?

2. Do you think Slovakia is multicultural country? Why?

3. What are common problems of immigrants?

A multicultural society is a society where many different cultures live together. They try to preserve[1] their customs, habits[2] and traditions and other people should respect it. A typical example is the USA where immigrants preserve their own culture but also become Americans. Lack of[3] understanding of native[4] people can cause isolation of minorities[5]. This can lead to xenophobia[6] or racism.

In 2004 Slovakia joined the EU and many Slovaks decided to leave for work or study. Many of them got married there and created bicultural families. Practicing the traditions and habits of both cultures in the family can be very beneficial for the couple as well as for children. Student who decide to study abroad also learn cultures, habits and traditions in their host country. In additions they make friend with people of different opinions[7], race or social background[8].

Slovakia is also a multicultural country. The majority of Slovak population is Slovak. But there are also some minorities. The biggest are Hungarians, Roma, Ruthenians and Ukrainians. The Roma population is often a victim[9] of racist attacks.


Public holidays in Great Britain are called “bank holidays”. All the banks, offices, schools and shops are closed. Bank holidays also include[10] Easter and Christmas.

Easter is a typical spring holiday. Christians commemorate[11] the Christ’s crucifixion and his resurrection[12]. On Good Friday, people eat cross buns and on Sunday people give each other chocolate eggs. In Slovakia boys whip[13] girls with willow canes[14] and splash cold water over them. The girls, in return, give the boys painted eggs. The boys are also served with cakes and alcohol. A traditional Easter food in Slovakia is ham and potato salad. In USA children like this holiday very much because the Easter bunny comes with coloured eggs and candies.

At Christmas time, houses, shops and streets are decorated with coloured lights, Christmas trees ivy[15] or mistletoe[16]. People sing Christmas carols[17]. In Slovakia carol singers mostly sing in the villages. People buy, wrap[18] presents and send Christmas cards to their relatives and friends. In Slovakia people unwrap their presents which they find under the Christmas tree on 24th December. In Britain children hang their stockings at the foot of the bed or above the fireplace for Santa Claus to fill them. In the morning on Christmas Day, 25th December, children get up early to unwrap their presents. Christmas dinner is very special. In Britain it is stuffed[19] turkey and Christmas pudding. In Slovakia it is sauerkraut and as the main course fish, usually carp, with potato salad. The following day in Britain is called Boxing Day (26th December) when many people visit their relatives. So do people in Slovakia.

New Year’s Eve (December 31st) is neither a public holiday in Slovakia, nor in England. People go to work as usual. But on New Year’s Eve most Slovaks and English stay up till midnight to see the New Year coming. Many go to parties. In England New Year’s Day is a bank holiday. People make resolutions[20] and promises to change their future lives.

Halloween in GB, the USA

It is on 31st October. Hundreds of years ago people believed that bad spirits, like ghosts came in the winter. People made fires outside and curved out pumpkins [21]to scare bad spirits.

Now children dress up like witches [22]and ghosts and go to the houses around where they live. They knock on the door and ask: „Trick or treat? “ meaning „if you don’t give me a treat I’ll trick you“.

People decorate their houses with pumpkins and decorations which are usually black and orange.

There is similar holiday in Slovakia called All Saints´ Day (November 1st). On this day cemeteries are visited and we commemorate our relatives and friends who passed away (died).

Thanksgiving Day in the USA

It is on the fourth Thursday in November. It is celebrated in the whole USA to commemorate the arrival of a small group of new colonists. They were also called Pilgrim Fathers. The first winter was difficult and they had little to eat. A lot of Pilgrims died. In the spring Indians helped them to grow food and in the autumn they celebrated the first harvest. The Pilgrims wanted to give thanks and invited Indians for dinner. Now Americans have roast turkey and vegetables for Thanksgiving.

Answer these questions:

1. Do you see any advantages of multiculturalism?

2. Do you see any disadvantages of multiculturalism?

3. How do Slovaks treat minorities?

4. What are the most important holidays in the USA?

5. How do Slovaks celebrate Christmas and Easter? What about the USA and GB?

6. How would your parents behave if you wanted to marry a person of different race or religion?

7. Would you like to spend a year in New York or London? Why?



[1] Udr~[pic]iavae[pic], zachovávae[pic]

[2] zvyky

[3] Nedostatok


[4] Rodný, domáci

[5] Mena[pic]iny (sing. minority)

[6] [zinofeubia]


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