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Canadian Heritage Alliance :: Articles :: Erik the Norseman :: A Nation Betrayed

Thursday, February 24, 2005





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Articles: Erik the Norseman

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A Nation Betrayed

By Erik the Norseman

Canadian Heritage News January 2003

Canada was a young nation, still in the process of defining its

unique cultural identity. This process was hijacked! Vested

interests inimical to Canadian interests decided multiculturalism, a

so-called cultural mosaic, was more profitable. Those acting on

behalf of these vested interests (elected officials) had no mandate

from the Canadian people nor did they tolerate dissent and indeed,

denied out of hand, any demands for a referendum or ANY public

input. They acted on the orders of their masters.

What about those of us who believed, and still believe in the

“Canadian Dream”? I refer to the dream that reached its culmination

in the 50’s and early 1960’s. This was the dream that many

Canadians fought and unfortunately, valiantly died for in two World

Wars and a UN Police action in Korea.

On May 1st, 1947, PM Mackenzie King eloquently articulated, in part,

this dream, in his statement on Canada’s long-term immigration


“Immigration is a matter of domestic policy and is subject to the

control of Parliament. Canada is perfectly within her rights in

securing the immigrants she wants. An alien has no ‘fundamental

human right’ to enter Canada. This is a privilege. … The people of

Canada do not wish to make a fundamental alteration in the character

of their population through mass immigration. The government is

therefore opposed to ‘large-scale immigration from the Orient’,

which would certainly give rise to social and economic problems,

which might lead to serious international difficulties.”

People of European descent created the Canada that we, the White

majority love. After WWII Canada invited more Europeans to share in

the heritage of this vibrant young nation. Many, including the

family of this writer accepted. These were selected emigrants,

qualifying on their merit, not refugees. That was the Canada this

writer volunteered to serve, and did serve as a soldier and Military

Policeman. The Canadian people and those European émigrés who came

here to share in this promised dream have been disinherited and

betrayed. It is apparent that no government of Canada has served

the interests of the Canadian people since PM Mackenzie King.

Now, having instilled, in the average White Canadian, a sense of

absolute impotence regarding his ability to influence the course of

events in his own nation, resulting in a state of almost total

apathy, the politician no longer seeks his vote. He (the

politician) doesn’t need them. He knows that fewer and fewer White

citizens will even bother to vote at all in the future, or if he

does, it will be for one of the establishment parties, all which

serve the same master.

To this master, whichever political party gains power is irrelevant

since they own them all. To the individual politician, however,

elected office is their ticket to the gravy train. To obtain a

berth they therefore toady up to the so-called “minority” vote.

These minorities, once naturalized, show up in droves to vote

because they know that the promises of special treatment and funding

for all sorts of goodies will be kept. Our politicians are using

the wealth created by Whites to buy minority votes and if Whites

complain about it, they are branded as politically incorrect

racists. There should no need to itemize all the strategies and

buffoonery used by the government to encourage more minorities to

continue colonizing Canada, eventually making Whites a minority. We

are all well aware of them. We may not like it, but at this time we

are given no choice. It is government policy imposed from on high

and the wishes of the majority are not relevant.

The White majority does have a chance, however, if it acts promptly.

This will be no easy task. A new political party, neither indebted

nor beholding to any outside agency or concern, made up of

incorruptible men and women who hold the interests of the nation and

the majority of its people as its mandate, must be created. Are

White Canadians up to this challenge? Can the usually laid back,

apathetic Canadian be motivated in sufficient numbers in time to

accomplish such a daunting task? Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

It is our only hope to avoid racial extinction! In the meantime,

its up to US, members of CHA and other organizations on the Freedom

Site, working cooperatively with similar fellow travelers on the

politically incorrect road, to start the ball rolling. WE must act

and we must act NOW! Let us all dedicate ourselves, to pledge our

honour, pride in race, and prepare to make the necessary personal

sacrifices to save ourselves and race, our culture, and our country,

a Canada to be – Our Home and Native Land!

The True North Strong and Free!

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