Multi-Genre Research Paper Assignment Sheet


What is a Multi-Genre Project?

A multi-genre project is just what the term suggests: it is a non-traditional project using many different genres, depending on what the specific subject, facts, or audience calls for.

Why aren’t we writing a traditional personal narrative?

Multi-genre projects allows students to communicate in ways they don’t usually do. This is your chance to think outside the box and possibly experiment with types of writing you may never have tried. You can write in multiple voices, compare, contrast, analyze, or argue multiple points of view. Multi-genre projects challenge you to think in different ways, and hopefully it will be fun as well. Plus, the world we live in today is a multi-genre one, and you will need practice in communicating in ways beyond just the traditional.

So…What’s a Genre?

A genre is category of composition distinguished by distinctive style, form and content. This is just a short list of examples of genres you could use for your project.

You may also use another genre if you get approval from me!

|Group 1: Print Media |Group 2: Visual with Words |Group 3: Visual Display |

|Newspaper Article |Poster |Picture/Photograph |

|Obituary/Eulogy |Advertisement |Graph |

|Editorial |Brochure |Map |

|Letter to the Editor |Greeting Card |Recipe |

|Advice Column |Cartoon |Collage |

|Magazine Article | | |

|Group 4: Informational |Group 5: Creative Writing |Group 6: Structured |

|Interview |Skit |Essay (Persuasive/Autobiography/etc.) |

|Survey/Questionnaire |Song |Report |

|Trivia Game |Poem |Book Review |

|Timeline |Short Story |Letter |

|Directions |Personal Narrative |Speech |

|Idea Web |Conversation/Monologue |Song Analysis |

|Resume |Diary Entry | |

|Encyclopedia entry |Letter to a Character | |

Why are we doing this project?

The main reason why you are doing this project is so you can explore what interests you. This project will help you to become more creative, resourceful, communicative, and it will force you to take initiative. The choice is yours as to what you want to do. I am absolutely here to help you throughout; however, being that you’re seniors means that you need to take control of your academic career. This means no more hand holding. It’s all on you. All you need to do is follow the five requirements that must be included in the project, which are below.


1. At least 10 COHESIVE pieces that form the focus of your narrative:

You must include 10 different genres above (unless you plan a conference with me discussing the feasibility of choosing different genres). If you would benefit from including more than just the 10 pieces, that would be just fine. NOTE: These pieces must all go together in some way. If this is not readily apparent, you MUST explain how they fit together in your Project Map (explained below).

2. A Project Map:

This piece will be the first piece that is read so it needs to be at the beginning. It is meant to tell the reader how to go about reading your project. The Project Map is meant to fill in all of the blanks that might show up in your project. This piece is as long as you need it to be, in order to fulfill the assignment and fully explain the four things below. You must include these things in this map:

1) The order in which to ‘read’ your pieces.

2) Why each piece is placed in its particular order. (How do they all connect?)

3) Why did you choose your topic?

4) An overall reflection that encompasses what you’ve learned through completing this project.

3. Work Cited/Annotations

You need at least 7 annotations along with citations. Being that you’re picking something that interests you probably means that you know quite a bit about it already. However, this doesn’t mean you know everything about it. This is why during your research you need to annotate your findings with citations. Some annotations might fit with multiple genres, which is fine. Don’t double annotate. That’s unnecessary. Put this portion at the end.

4. Organization

Everything needs to be presented neatly. Do not hand me a stack of papers. I will not accept it. How you want to do this is up to you.

5. Due Dates

First 3 pieces- 9/27

Second 3 pieces-10/30

Last 4 pieces- 11/27

Turning these in on time will count as a speaking & listening grade. I will not be grading its content until you turn it all in on 12/13.

Have fun with this assignment. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE get creative! Risk-taking is one of the key things I am looking for

with this project. Impress me.

Think WAY outside of the box!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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