Resume Grading Rubric - Cathlena

Resume Grading Rubric

50 Points  


Student Name:  ___________________________

|Skill |Outstanding |Good |Needs Improvement |Unsatisfactory |Total |

|PRESENTATION/ |  |  |  |  |  |

|FORMAT |♣ Margins are balanced with |♣ Margins are balanced with |♣ Margins are balanced with |♣ Margins are balanced with | |

| |even tab margins and spacing |some uneven tab margins and |some uneven tab margins and |many uneven tab margins and | |

| |between lines/ sections. |spacing between lines/ |spacing between lines/ |spacing between lines/ | |

| |♣ Uses capitalization and bold |sections. |sections. |sections. | |

| |to highlight headings |Uses capitalization and bold to|♣ Uses capitalization and bold |♣ Does not use capitalization | |

| |consistently. |highlight headings |to highlight headings |and bold to highlight headings.| |

| |Appropriate font and point |consistently. |inconsistently. |♣ Font and point size distract | |

| |size. |Appropriate font, but heading |♣ Appropriate font, but too |from readability. | |

| |Strongest experiences and |information is too small to |small for easy readability. |Difficult to discern strongest | |

| |strengths are listed in the top|easily read. |Strongest experiences and |experiences & strengths. | |

| |2/3 of the page. |Strongest experiences and |strengths could be better |♣ Resume extends beyond length | |

| |Resume length is appropriate |strengths are listed in the top|positioned to the top of the |guidelines for experience. | |

| |(typically 1 page or 2 pages |2/3 of the page. |page. | | |

| |with 5+ years of experience). |♣ Resume length is appropriate |Resume extends beyond length | | |

| | |(typically 1 page or 2 pages |guidelines for experience. | | |

| | |with 5+ years of experience). | | | |

|Ranking Points |10 |9 |8 |7 |  |

|HEADER, EDUCATION, | | | | |  |

|SKILLS, |♣ Header information is |♣ Header information is |♣ 1-2 pieces of header |♣ 1-2 pieces of header | |

|ACTIVITIES, & HONORS |complete/ font size is easy to |complete/ font size is small |information are missing/ font |information are missing/ font | |

|SECTIONS |read. |(less than 10 pt). |size is easy to read. |size is small (less than 10 | |

| |♣ Degree and major are |♣ Degree and major are |♣ Degree and/ or major are |pt). | |

| |identified correctly. |identified correctly. |identified incorrectly. |♣ Degree and/ or major are | |

| |♣ 6+ skills specific to |♣ 3-5 skills specific to |♣ 1-2 skills specific to |identified incorrectly or | |

| |major/job area are identified |major/job area are identified |major/job area are identified |missing. | |

| |with personal attributes. |with personal attributes. |with personal attributes. |♣ No skills specific to | |

| |♣ Activities and/or honors |♣ Activities and/or honors |♣ Activities and/or honors |major/job area are identified | |

| |within school and the community|within school and the community|within school and the community|with personal attributes. | |

| |are noted. |are noted. |are noted. |♣ Activities and/or honors | |

| | | | |within school and the community| |

| | | | |are noted. | |

|Ranking Points |15 |13 |11 |9 |  |

|EXPERIENCE SECTION |  |  |  |  | |

| |♣ Employer, city, state, |♣ Employer, city, state, |♣ 1-2 pieces of employment |♣ 3+ pieces of employment | |

| |position and dates of |position and dates of |information are missing. |information are missing. | |

| |employment are listed. |employment are listed. |♣ Job duties could be more |♣ Job duties are not | |

| |♣ Statements paint clear |♣ Statements paint clear |descriptive. |descriptive. | |

| |picture of job duties. |picture of job duties. |♣ Transferable skills are not |♣ Transferable skills are not | |

| |♣ Action statements demonstrate|♣ Transferable skills are not |clearly demonstrated. |clearly demonstrated. | |

| |transferable skills. |clearly demonstrated. |♣ Statements could do a better |♣ Statements could do a better | |

| |♣ Action statements define |♣ Statements could do a better |job of defining results of |job of defining results of | |

| |actions and results. |job of defining results of |actions. |actions. | |

| |♣ A variety of verbs is used. |actions. |♣ The same verb is used 2-3 |♣ The same verb is used | |

| | |♣ A variety of verbs is used. |times. |multiple times. | |

|Ranking Points |15 |13 |11 |9 |  |

|SPELLING & GRAMMAR |  |  |  |  |  |

| |♣ No spelling errors |♣ 1-2 spelling errors |♣ 3-4 spelling errors |♣ 5-6 spelling errors | |

| |♣ No grammar errors |♣ 1-2 grammar errors |3-4 grammar errors |5-6 grammar errors | |

| |♣ Appropriate verb tense |♣ 1-2 verb tense errors |♣ 3-4 verb tense errors |♣ 5-6 verb tense errors | |

| |♣ No personal pronouns |♣ One personal pronoun is used.|♣ Multiple personal pronouns |♣ Multiple personal pronouns | |

| | | |are used. |are used. | |

|Ranking Points |10 |8 |6 |4 |  |

| | | | |TOTAL SCORE | |


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