How to scan multiple pages epson 2760


How to scan multiple pages epson 2760

Home > Scan > with scanner features You can scan multiple pages of a document, magazine, or newspaper and save them as a single PDF file on your computer. Epson Scan displays an edit page so you can view pages as you scan and modify, rotate, or delete them as needed. Place the original document or photo on the scanner. See the booklet for details. Start the Epson scan. See one of these instructions sections. You see the Epson scan window. Select the basic settings for the type of original(original) you're scanning, and then select the destination setting for how to use your picture(s). See Choose basic settings. Keep at the beginning: If you want to change the scan mode, see Change how you scan. If you're using Automatic Document Feeder (ADF), the ADF loads your first page of the document, and then Epson Scan preserts and displays it in the Preview window. The ADF then ejects your first page. Place the first page of the document at the top of the other pages, and then load the entire document (up to 30 pages) into the ADF. Click the Scan button. The File Save Settings window appears. Select the PDF as the Types setting. Below it, you'll see the current paper size setting, orientation, margin, and compression level. If you need to change any of the current PDF settings, click the Options button. You can see the Epson PDF add-in Settings window. Select the settings that match your document and click OK. You are returning to the File Save Settings window. When you're done selecting your file settings, click OK. Epson Scan scans your page and displays this window. If you scan multiple pages from the Automatic Document Reclamation Device (ADF), all pages on the ADF are automatically scanned. If you're scanning only one page of a document or don't need to edit pages, click Save File and go to step 12. If you want to scan multiple pages, click Add Page and reset documents on the document table or ADF and click Scan. When you're done, click Edit Page and go to step 10. Keep at the beginning: Repeating this step, you can scan up to 100 pages of your document at once. You see an Edit Pages window that displays thumbnails of each scanned page. The Edit Pages window displays thumbnails of each scanned page. You can use the tools below the Edit Pages window to select, rotate, rearx, and delete pages in a document. Click the Help button for details. If you want to include all pages of the document in the PDF file as they currently look, go to step 11. If you don't need to include some of the pages, click odd pages or even page icons, or click individual pages you don't need. Then click the delete icon to delete them. If you want to rotate pages, click pages, or use odd pages, even pages, or an icon for all pages to select pages. Click the left or right turn icon to rotate them. Keep at the beginning: The delete icon is not available when all pages of the document are selected. When you're done editing the document pages, click OK. Yours saves as a PDF file in the Pictures or My Pictures folder and you return to the Epson Scan window. Click Near Epson Scan Exit. The Reference Guide Index helps to shine security content with options/ Use documents to scan the AutoText document closer with the appropriate settings Scan two-seater documents Scan part of a document in pdf file Scan documents with the appropriate settings Follow the steps below to make the settings suitable for scanning documents in Office mode. Load the document in an automatic document feeder. Start the EPSON scan, and then choose Office Mode. For details on how to choose how to scan, see scanning mode. The following window appears. Specify destination settings that match your document. Document Source ADF-One-Sided Size Select the size of the scan area. Orientation Choose how to set up the document. Resolution Select the appropriate resolution from the resolution list. When you specify a high resolution, the number of pixels of the data increases and the scanned image becomes fine in texture. However, the increase in resolution causes the data size to increase. Specify the appropriate resolution according to the scanning purpose. The following table indicates the appropriate resolution for use according to the scanning purpose. Purpose Resolution Sending 96 to 150 dpi OCR (Optical Character Recognition) 300 dpi Print 300 dpi Submit 300 dpi Send Fax 200 dpi Click the Preview button to view images. Specify the size of the scan area as the size and, if necessary, specify the settings for the setup. Click Scan. EPSON Scan starts scanning. Scanned images are sent to the app or saved to the specified folder. Keep at the beginning: [Top] Scan two-way documents You don't need to use the preview feature when scanning an entire document or picture. The scanner automatically detects and scans the entire image. Follow the steps below to scan the picture or document. Keep on your fingers: Depending on the app, you may not be able to scan more pictures. Load the document in an automatic document feeder. Start the EPSON scan. Choose Office Mode or Professional Mode from the list box in the upper-right window position. We recommend Office Mode. In the MAIN EPSON Scans window, select the ADF-Double-sided for Document Source. Select the appropriate settings for scanning. Click Scan. [Top] Scan mixed-sized EPSON Scan allows you to easily scan documents of different sizes using an automatic document feeder. Identifies each size of the source documents and then scans them while retaining their original sizes. Keep in place: If you view documents without choosing a document size, all different sizes are scanned in A3 size. Depending on the app, you may not be able to scan multiple images. You can mix documents with the same width; for example, A3 and length A4 or B4 and length B5 are possible. If document sizes are mixed, all edges of document documents harmonised at the entrance to the documents. This feature is available only in the following situations: in Office mode: AutoDiscover must be selected for the document size, and scans must be performed without review. In professional mode: Scanning must be performed without review. Load documents in an automatic document feeder. Start the EPSON scan. Choose Office Mode or Professional Mode from the list box in the upper-right window position. We recommend Office Mode. In the MAIN EPSON Scan window, verify that ADF-one-sided or ADF-Double-sided is selected from the list of document sources. Select the appropriate settings for scanning. Click Scan. [Top] Part of the document To scan only part of the document, follow the steps below. Load the document in an automatic document feeder. Start the EPSON scan. Choose Office Mode or Professional Mode from the list box in the upper-right window position. We recommend Office Mode. In the MAIN EPSON Scan window, verify that ADF-one-sided or ADF-Double-sided is selected from the list of document sources. Click the Review button. The document is ejected after review. Keep on at the beginning: The second page will be fed immediately after scanning the first page, and then ejected without scanning. Draw a marquee (frame around part of the document) to define the part of the picture you want to scan by dragging the mouse pointer over the area. Set up documents, including ejected documents, to be scanned in an automatic document feeder. Select the settings, and then click the Scan button. [Top] Scan into a PDF file Using the ADF, you can scan multiple pages of a document and save them as a single PDF file on your computer. EPSON Scan displays the editing page so you can view pages while you scan them and reshooting, rotating, or deleting them as needed. You can also scan one page at a time on a table of documents and save it as a PDF file. Note: If you scan from Adobe Acrobat 7 on the Macintosh system, you may not be able to use ADF to scan multiple pages. Use the document table to scan your pages individually or scan multiple pages using EPSON scans as described below. Load the document in an automatic document feeder. If you're scanning from a document table, see Set up documents and photos on a scanner. Do the following to run epson scan: Windows: Double-click the EPSON Scan icon on your desktop. Or choose or > all programs or programs > EPSON Scan > EPSON Scan. Mac OS X: Open the Apps folder and click the EPSON Scan icon. If the mode setting in the upper-right position of the EPSON scan window is not set to Office mode, click the arrow in the box and choose Office Mode. Select ADF - One-Sided or ADF - unilaterally as the document source setting. If you scan one page on a table Select Document Table. Select the appropriate document source, size, and orientation. Click the arrow next to the resolution list and select the number of dots per inch you want to scan. See See table below for some guidance: What to do with the scanned image Suggested scan resolution Send via e-mail, upload to the web, see only on screen 96 to 150 dpi Print, convert to editable text (OCR) 300 dpi Fax 200 dpi Click the Scan button to scan the pages of the document. The File Save Settings window appears: Select PDF as the file type setting. Below it, you'll see the current paper size, orientation, margin, and compression setting. . If you need to change any of the current PDF settings, click the Options button. See EPSON PDF Settings window: Select the settings that match your document and click OK. You are returning to the File Save Settings window. When you're done selecting your file settings, click OK. EPSON Scan scans your pages and displays this window: If you have finished scanning your document and want to view thumbnails of scanned pages, click Edit Page. If you need to load or set up multiple scanning pages, click Add Page. Then load or set the originals and click Scan. When you're done, click Edit Page. If you have finished scanning and want to save the file without editing the pages, click Save File and go to step 14. You see an Edit Pages window that displays miniature images of each scanned page: If you want to include all pages of a document in a PDF file as they currently look, go to step 13. If you want to include only some of the pages, click odd pages or even page icons, or click the individual pages that you want to include. If you want to rotate or delete pages, click the pages or use odd pages, even pages or an icon for all pages to select pages. Then click the left or right turn icon to rotate them, or the delete icon to delete them. Keep at the beginning: The delete icon is not available when all pages of the document are selected. When you're done editing the document pages, click OK. The document is saved to a PDF file in the selected location. Click Near exit EPSON Scan. [Top] Previous next version 1.00E, Copyright ? 2003, SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION

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