Mark E. Moore

Chapters 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 – BV 201 Review

Chapter 2, Appendix A

1. Evaluate the Validity of Each Statement relative to the Market Approach to Valuation

A. Multiples derived from the transaction prices of similar companies can be used to calculate an indication for the value of the subject company’s stock.

B. Merger and acquisition transactions provide a more accurate indication of a business value than other valuation methods.

C. Multiples derived from the stock prices of publicly traded companies are always more reliable than multiples from mergers and acquisitions.

D. Interpreting market transactions requires less judgment on the part of the valuation analyst than the income approach.

Chapter 15-1

2. What is the fundamental economic principle underlying the market approach known as?

Chapter 8-2.

3. Price/earnings multiples: - how do they work (tear apart formula)

I. Are the inverse of earnings discount rates

II. Are the inverse of earnings capitalization rates

III. Reflect expected earnings growth rates

IV. Assume no growth in earnings

Chapter 11-7

4. What is a primary advantage of the guideline public company method?

Chapter 8-3

5. What is a main disadvantage of the guideline public company method?

Chapter 11-8

6. Which of the following may an appraiser adjust the historical earnings of both the subject and guideline companies? Why?

A. Discontinued operations

B. Nonrecurring events

C. Different inventory accounting methods

D. Ongoing officers’ compensation

Chapter 10-1

7. Assume that inventory is reported on an LIFO basis and you want to adjust it to more closely represent current values. Given the following facts, calculate the net effect on retained earnings of this adjustment.

Assume the adjustment is tax-affected.

Tax rate 30%

LIFO reserve $800

Ending FIFO inventory $2,400

A. ($560)

B. $240

C. $560

D. $720

E. $1,680

Chapter 10-2

8. Relative to the guideline companies, the subject company’s:

• Net profit margin is higher than the median,

• Total asset turnover is higher than the median, and

• Return on equity is lower than the median.

What does fact pattern indicates regarding the subject company’s relative position (compared to the median firm)?

Chapters 7 and 10 Analysis

9. Using the guideline public company method, you are valuing a control position in a privately held company. Which of the following are possible adjustments to the subject company (and why might this happen)?

A. Adjust owner compensation.

B. Remove excess assets from the operating balance sheet for separate consideration.

C. Eliminate nonrecurring income and expense.

D. Adjust from straight-line depreciation to accelerated depreciation.

Chapter 7-11

10. Valuation multiples should correctly match a market value indication in the numerator with an income statement indication in the denominator.

Evaluate which of the following multiples represent valid matching of the numerator and denominator? Why do you conclude this?

A. Stock price/EBIT

B. MVIC/Net income

C. MVIC/Sales

D. Stock price/Sales

Chapter 11-2

11. Which of the following are valid multiples (and why)?

A. MVIC/Earnings before interest and taxes

B. MVIC/Net operating profit after tax

C. MVIC/Pre-tax income

D. MVIC/Invested capital net cash flow

Chapter 11-2

12. Explain which market multiple will be useful if the guideline companies’ depreciation and effective tax rates are similar? (why) Which are limited?

A. Price/Net income

B. Price/Sales

C. Price/Book value

D. Price/Gross profit


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