Multiplication games 4th grade printable - Weebly


Multiplication games 4th grade printable

Fourth grade math is full of new and important concepts. Fractions become more important, decimals show up for the first time, and division problems might have remainders! Make all the fourth grade common core math skills more fun with this roundup of free math games. 1. Make division fun with Remainders Wanted. Fourth grade math students learn to divide larger numbers, often with remainders. In this game, the remainder is the goal! For each turn, students place a counter over a number on the board, then roll the die to see what number they'll be dividing it by. The remainder is their score for that turn! Learn more: Teacher Scout Mom 2. Give them a heads up with Factor Frenzy Headbands. Kids use dollar store headbands to hold cards showing multiplication products to their foreheads. Their partners try to get them to guess the number by telling them the factors, without saying the number itself. Learn more: Teaching With a Mountain View 3. Strategize to win the Factor Game. Write the numbers from 1 to 30 as shown. The first player marks a number (their score for that round). The second player then marks all the remaining factors of that number (which add up to their score for that round). Play continues until all numbers are marked. Learn more: Cognitive Cardio 4. Introduce patterns by asking "What Do You Notice?" Lay out a pattern problem and ask students to write down what they notice about it on sticky notes. Collect and talk about the notes to see which are helpful in finding the right number to fit the pattern. Award points to correct answers, if you like. Learn more: Family Math Night 5. Guess then deduce with Number Pattern Solver. Draw a circle and set a number range, then tell fourth grade math students you have a pattern in mind. As they begin guessing numbers, write them inside the circle if they fit the pattern, and outside if they don't. At first they'll just be guessing, but eventually they'll start to see a pattern emerge. Learn more: 6. Roll to win Place Value Yahtzee. These free printable Place Value Yahtzee boards include differentiated versions for various skill levels. Add some dice and you're ready to play! Learn more: Games 4 Gains 7. Use playing cards to practice decimal place values. Fourth grade math students take turns drawing cards, competing to build the highest possible number to the thousandths place. Learn more: Games 4 Gains 8. Stack cards to learn expanded form. Grab the free printable cards, then have kids roll the dice and choose a card that matches. They build the numbers on the included worksheet to get the total. For extra practice, have them write out the word names too. Learn more: Kids Activities Blog 9. Have a rounding practice snowball fight. Up for a little controlled chaos in the classroom? Write one number on each sheet of paper, underlining the place it should be rounded to. Pass out a few sheets per student, and have them crumple them up into "snowballs." Allow a 30-second safe "snowball fight," then have each student pick up a snowball and read the number out loud, rounding it correctly. Repeat! Learn more: Tales From a Fourth Grade Math Nut 10. Multiply large numbers to get Three In a Row. Fourth grade math students work on multi-digit multiplication by choosing one number from box A and one from box B. They multiply them together, while their partner checks their answer on a calculator. If they get it right, they place a marker on the free printable board. The goal is to get three spots in a row. (Savvy players will use rounding to determine which numbers to pick next!) Learn more: The Polka-Dotted Teacher 11. Hold a Quotient Tournament. Division problems go head-to-head to see which has the larger quotient. Students use the answer for each to complete the bracket for the next round. Learn more: 12. Give Spoons an equivalent fraction twist. Spoons is a classic and beloved card game where players race to match four-of-a-kind and grab a spoon in each round. In this version, they're racing to match equivalent fractions (get some free printable cards to use at the link). Learn more: Games 4 Gains 13. Get those fractions in order. Students draw fraction cards, swapping them out to build a series of four in ascending order. Learn how it works at the link. Learn more: Math Geek Mama 14. Declare a fraction war with dominoes. Each student draws a domino and positions it as a fraction. Then they compare the two to see whose is larger. The winning student keeps both dominoes. (See more cool ways to use dominoes for fraction games at the link.) Learn more: Runde's Room 15. Line kids up for decimal practice. Get fourth grade math students up and moving by assigning them numbers. Draw a six-digit number card, and have another student help them line up by saying things like, "The 9 is in the hundreds place." Once they're in line, ask some follow-up questions to confirm understanding. Learn more at the link. Learn more: Two Sisters Teach 16. Use plastic eggs to match up fractions and decimals. Snag some plastic eggs from the dollar store and write fractions on one half, with equivalent decimals on the other. Kids work to match them up. Learn more: Meg Mac/Pinterest 17. Battle with area and perimeter to fill a graph page. Roll the dice to see the dimensions of your next rectangle, then mark it on the board. Try to fill your page completely before your partner does! (Have students write the area and perimeter in each block for practice along the way.) Learn more: Unschooling Conversations 18. Go on a measurement scavenger hunt. Arm kids with measurement tools, then send them off to find objects that match the free printable challenge cards. Once they find it, they also need to convert the measurement within the same system (such as inches to feet). Learn more: 123Homeschool4Me 19. Play geometry bingo. Fourth grade math students are learning terms like line, ray, and types of angles. This free printable bingo game is a fun way to do it! Learn more: You've Got This Math 20. Tape off your tables for protractor practice. Use dry erase markers and masking tape to give students lots of angles to explore and measure! If you can't write on your tables, try using a big piece of butcher paper instead. Learn more: Cursive and Crayons/Instagram 21. Fold shapes to discover symmetry. Break students into groups and hand out a series of paper shapes. Challenge each group to experiment with folding their shapes to see which are symmetrical, and how many lines of symmetry they have. Learn more: Teacher Trap Need some additional fourth grade ideas? Check out the Best 4th Grade Science Experiments and Activities. Looking for even more? Try these 50 Ideas, Tricks, and Tips for Teaching Fourth Grade. Multiplication: Word Problems (Part One)Multiplication: Word Problems (Part One)Solve word problems using one of the following strategies: draw an array, draw equal groups, skip count forward, repeated addition, or multiplication sentences. Welcome to the our Math Games 4th Grade for Kids. Here you will find a wide range of free printable Math Games to help your child learn their Math facts and practice their skills at 4th grade level. Using games is a great way to learn Math facts and develop mental calculation skills in a fun and easy way. Children will pick up a whole range of skills through playing games naturally and informally. Encouraging your child to play math games and puzzles like sodoku and chess will also help develop their logical reasoning. Using these math games below will help your child to develop their Math fact skills as well as their strategic thinking and memory skills. Have fun using these free Math Games 4th Grade...we hope you enjoy them! Our 4th Grade Math Games e-booklet contains our entire selection of printable math games for 4th grade. There are a total of 26 games designed for specially for 4th graders. All the games on this page are included, plus many extra games that have been specially created for the booklet. There is a wide selection of games to develop a range of math concepts from place value to addition, subtraction and multiplication to geometry, money and strategic thinking. Classify It Game #5 is a great game for getting children to develop their understanding of different math vocabulary such as multiple, factor and divisible. It also helps to develop quick recall of addition facts of 4 small numbers. Classify It! Game #5 Countdown to Zero is a Math game 4th grade that develops an understanding of counting back in decimals (tenths). It is a simple game to play, but one that can be played at many levels. It is a strategic game and more able mathematicians can get a lot out of trying to find winning strategies for the game. Countdown to Zero Grade: 4th Grade and upwards Number of players: 2 Calculator needed. Learning: this game develops subtraction of decimals in tenths and also strategic thinking skills. Captain's Cool 4 Dice Game is an interesting game that involves probability and chance, and making decisions about whether or not to re-roll dice to improve your score. The aim of the game is to get the highest score possible from your roll. Captain's Cool 4 Dice Game Grade: 4th Grade and upwards Number of players: 1-4 Learning: adding up decimals to 20. The Salamander Rounding Game is a strategic game designed to test rounding skills to the nearest 10, 50 or 100. The aim of the game is to get 4 counters in a row. Salamander Rounding Game Grade: 4th Grade and upwards Number of players: 2 Learning: rounding to the nearest 10, 50 or 100. Race to the Moon is one of our Math Games 4th Grade that develops rapid recall of Math facts. The aim of the game is to be the first player to complete an unbroken path of counters from the Earth to the Moon. It is a simple game to play, and only requires different colored counters. Grade: 4th Grade and upwards Number of players: 2 Learning: times tables up to 12x12 The Salamander Big Multiplication Game is a strategic game designed to practice multiplying by multiples of 10. The aim of the game is to get 4 counters in a row. Salamander Big Multiplication Game Grade: 4th Grade and upwards Number of players: 2 Learning: multiplying by multiples of 10. 2D Shape Grabber is a Geometry game which involves matching a shape to its properties. It is a great game to help children become more familiar with classifying and recognising 2d shapes. The aim of the game is to correctly match the most shapes to their properties. For this game you will need a dice, and possibly a mirror and/or a protractor to test the lines of symmetry and angles. 2D Shape Grabber v3 If these Math games 4th grade are too challenging, then why not try our selection of 3rd grade math games. The games in this section are at a simpler level than those on this page. If you are looking for some more challenging math games, why not try our 5th grade math games. The games in this section are more challenging than those on this page. Take a look at some more of our worksheets similar to these. Playing games is a great way to learn your Math facts in a fun way. These games are all designed to support children with learning their addition, subtraction, mulitplication and division facts. Most of the games will also help develop children's logic and strategic thinking skills at the same time (as well as being fun!) Negative Numbers Games Take a look at our collection of negative numbers games. We have a range of games of varying levels of difficulty. Our games include: counting backwards along a number line (easiest) comparing and sequencing negative numbers subtracting with negative answers using all 4 operations to get a negative target number (hardest) Our 4th Grade Math Games e-booklet contains our entire selection of printable math games for 4th grade. There are a total of 26 games designed for specially for 4th graders. All the games on this page are included, plus many extra games that have been specially created for the booklet. There is a wide selection of games to develop a range of math concepts from place value to addition, subtraction and multiplication to geometry, money and strategic thinking. How to Print or Save these sheets Need help with printing or saving? Follow these 3 easy steps to get your worksheets printed out perfectly! How to Print or Save these sheets Need help with printing or saving? Follow these 3 easy steps to get your worksheets printed out perfectly! The Math Salamanders hope you enjoy using these free printable Math worksheets and all our other Math games and resources. We welcome any comments about our site or worksheets on the Facebook comments box at the bottom of every page.

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