Week 1 of the First Quarter - Atlanta Public Schools

Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |1 | |

Instructional Unit Plan

Unit III Georgia Performance Standards

|M7N1a |Find the absolute value of a number and understand it as a distance from zero on a number line. |

|M7N1b |Compare and order rational numbers, including repreating decimals. |

|M7N1c |Add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive and negative numbers. |

|M7N1d |Solve problems using rational numbers. |

| | |

| | |

|Unit 3 Framework Enduring Understandings |Unit 3 Framework Essential Questions |

| | |

|Negative numbers are used to represent quantities that are less than zero such as temperature, |When are negative numbers used and why are they important? |

|scores in games or sports, and loss of income in business. | |

|Absolute value is useful in ordering and graphing positive and negative numbers. |Why is it useful for me to know the absolute value of a number? |

|Computation with positive and negative numbers is often necessary to determine relationships | |

|between quantities. | |

|Positive and negative numbers are often used to solve problems in everyday life. | |

| |Vocabulary |Literacy GPS |

|Unit III Assessments |Absolute value |ELA7R2 The student understands and acquires new |

| |Integers |vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and |

|GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, “Culminating Activity: A Poster,” pp. 31 - 35|Natural numbers |writing. |

|of 35. |Negative numbers | |

| |Opposite numbers |ELA7RC3 The student acquires new vocabulary in each |

| |Positive numbers |content area and uses it correctly. |

| |Sign | |

| |Whole numbers |ELA7RC4 The student establishes a context for |

| | |information acquired by reading across subject areas|

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |1 |

Georgia Performance Standards

|M7N1a |Find the absolute value of a number and understand it as a distance from zero on a number line. |

|M7N1b |Compare and order rational numbers, including repreating decimals. |

|M7N1c |Add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive and negative numbers. |

|M7N1d |Solve problems using rational numbers. |

| | |

| | |

|Unit 3 Framework Enduring Understandings |Unit 3 Framework Essential Questions |

| | |

|Negative numbers are used to represent quantities that are less than zero such as temperature, |When are negative numbers used and why are they important? |

|scores in games or sports, and loss of income in business. | |

|Absolute value is useful in ordering and graphing positive and negative numbers. |Why is it useful for me to know the absolute value of a number? |

|Computation with positive and negative numbers is often necessary to determine relationships | |

|between quantities. | |

|Positive and negative numbers are often used to solve problems in everyday life. | |

|. Vocabulary |Literacy GPS |

|Absolute value |ELA7R2 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and |

|Integers |writing. |

|Natural numbers | |

|Negative numbers |ELA7RC3 The student acquires new vocabulary in each content area and uses it correctly. |

|Opposite numbers | |

|Positive numbers |ELA7RC4 The student establishes a context for information acquired by reading across subject |

|Sign |areas |

|Whole numbers | |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |1 |

|Warm-Up / Quick Practice |Problem Solving |

|Write prime factorizations for numbers |Solve routine problems and a non-routine problem using the Make an Organized List Strategy |

| | |

| | |

|Use the distributive property to simplify numerical expressions | |

| | |

| | |

|Skill Mastery: Solve equations | |

|Focus Lessons |

|Ref# |State/District |Objectives |Resources |Materials |

| |Standards | | | |

|2.1.1 |M7N1a, b, d |Solve problems involving time zones |MIC: Operations, “What Time Is It There?,” Problems |Student Activity Sheet 1, MIC T. E. |

| | | |1 and 2, pp 1 - 2; “World Time Zones,” Problems 3 and|p. 75 |

| | | |4, pp. 3 - 4 |Scissors |

| | | | |Tape |

|2.1.2 |M7N1a, b, d |Use positive and negative numbers to solve problems |MIC: Operations, “Positive and Negative,” Problems 5|Student Activity Sheet 1, MIC T. E. |

| | |involving time change between different time zones |- 10, pp. 5 – 6 and “Additional Practice, Section A, |p. 75 |

| | | |p. 52 |MIC, pp. 5 - 6, and 52 |

|2.1.3 |M7N1a, b, c, d |Use positive and negative numbers to describe |GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, |Copies of tasks |

| | |elevation relative to the sea level |“Helicopters and Submarines,” pp. 10 - 12 of 35. | |

| | |Model combination of integers on a vertical number | | |

| | |line in a real-world context using concept of | | |

| | |absolute value | | |

| | | | | |

|2.1.4 |M7N1b, c, d |Compare and order positive and negative numbers on a|MIC: Operations, “Ordering the Numbers,” Problems 1 -|MIC, pp. 12 – 15 |

| | |number line |9, pp. | |

| | | |12 – 15 | |

| | |Use a vertical number line for elevation to add and | | |

| | |subtract integers | | |

|2.1.5 | |See Differentiated Instruction |

|Variety of Instructional Tasks |Homework |

| | |

|Weekly Focus: Solve problems involving integers and absolute value using Holt Mathematics Course 2, pp. 76 – 78. |Weekly Focus: Identify integers on a |

| |number line; compare and order integers |

|Maintenance: Solve problems involving the multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers with “Model Fraction Multiplication (and Division) and problems | |

|54-58 from Holt Mathematics Course 2, pp. 194 and 199. |Maintenance: Evaluate expressions |

| | |

|Maintenance: Solve two-step equations from Holt Mathematics Course 2, “Solving Two-Step Equations,” pp. 678- 680. |Skill: Solve equations |

| | |

|Exploration: Order numbers on a number line using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, “Using the Number Line,” pp. 12 - 14 of 35.Explore | |

|graphs using graphing calculators. | |

| | |

|Intervention: Include in reteaching representing the relationship between two variables in forms of a table, graph, and an equation using GPS Framework, | |

|Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, “Helicopters and Submarines,” pp. 10 - 12 of 35.. | |

|Reflection with Closure/Journal |

|Describe how to compare the following types of numbers when it comes to which is larger: two positive numbers (2) two negative numbers |

|(a) a positive and a negative number |

|Does it matter whether a number line is drawn vertically or horizontally when solving a problem? Explain your answer. |

|Create a real-life situation where absolute value can be applied. |

|Journal |

|Tell which number is greater and why -4,500 or =10,000. |

|Name the greatest negative integer and the least nonnegative integer. Then compare their absolute values of these integers. |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |2 |

Georgia Performance Standards

|M7N1a |Find the absolute value of a number and understand it as a distance from zero on a number line. |

|M7N1c |Add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive and negative numbers. |

|M7N1d |Solve problems using rational numbers. |

| | |

| | |

|Unit 3 Framework Enduring Understandings |Unit 3 Framework Essential Questions |

| | |

|Computation with positive and negative numbers is often necessary to determine relationships |What strategies are most useful in helping me develop algorithms for adding, subtracting, |

|between quantities. |multiplying and dividing positive and negative numbers? |

|Models, diagrams, manipulatives and patterns are useful in developing and remembering algorithms | |

|for computing with positive and negative numbers. | |

|Positive and negative numbers are often used to solve problems in everyday life. | |

| |Literacy GPS |

|Vocabulary | |

| |ELA7RC3 The student acquires new vocabulary in each content area and uses it correctly. |

|Integers | |

|Negative numbers |ELA7RC4 The student establishes a context for information acquired by reading across subject |

|Opposite numbers |areas |

|Positive numbers | |

|Sign | |

| | |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |2 |

|Warm-Up / Quick Practice |Problem Solving |

|Mental Math: Multiply two digit factors working left to right (for example for 23 x 45, think 20 x|Solve routine problems and a non-routine problem using the Make a Table Strategy Refer to Holt |

|40 = 800, then 3 x 10 = 120 for 920, then 5 x 20 = 100 for 1020, and finally 3 x 5 = 15 for a |Mathematics Course 2, Problem Solving Handbook. |

|final product of 1035) | |

|Compare and order integers | |

|Perform the given transformation | |

|SM: Multiply and divide decimals | |

|Focus Lessons |

|Ref# |State/District |Objectives |Resources |Materials |

| |Standards | | | |

|2.2.6 |M7N1c, d |Model the relationship between adding and subtracting|MIC: Operations, “Ronnie the Robot,” Problems 10 - |MIC, pp. 12 – 15 |

| | |integers |15, pp. 16 – 19; Activity, p. 18 |Colored tape or rope or long string |

| | | | |Cards with positive and negative |

| | | | |Numbers |

|2.2.7 |M7N1c, d |Practice adding and subtracting integers with a |MIC: Operations, “Adding and Subtracting,” Problems 1|MIC, pp. 22 – 25 |

| | |number line and arithmetic trees |- 7, pp. 22 – 25 |Student Activity Sheet 2, p. 76 |

|2.2.8 |M7N1c, d |Continue to practice adding and subtracting with |MIC: Operations, “Adding and Subtracting,” Problems 8|MIC, pp. 22 – 25 |

| | |integers using the Integer Game and using arithmetic |- 11, pp. 26, 27, and 55 |Student Activity Sheet 2, p. 76 |

| | |trees |Additional Practice, Section C, Problem 3 |MIC T. E., p. 55T |

|2.2.9 |M7N1a, c, d |Add and subtract integers using two-colored counters |Holt Mathematics Course 2, “Model Integer Addition,” |Two color counters |

| | | |pp. 80- 85 and “Model Integer Subtraction,” pp. | |

| | | |86-91. | |

|2.2.10 | |See Differentiated Instruction |

|Variety of Instructional Tasks |Homework |

| | |

|Weekly Focus: Model subtraction of integers with “Hands On Lab” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, pp. 86-87. |Weekly Focus: Add and subtract integers |

| | |

|Maintenance: Order numbers on a number line using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, “Using the Number Line,” pp. 12 - 14 of 35. Choose |Maintenance: Compare and order integers |

|additional sets of rational numbers for students to order on a number line. | |

| |Skill: Multiply and divide decimals |

|Maintenance: Model and solve problems involving the division of fractions and mixed numbers with “Model Fraction (Multiplication and Division) and | |

|Industrial Arts Link from Holt Mathematics Course 2, pp. 194 and 203. | |

| | |

|Exploration: Explore misleading graphs using Holt Mathematics Course 2, “Misleading Graphs,” pp. 422 - 425. | |

| | |

|Intervention: Plot coordinate points using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, “Connect the Dots,” pp. 7 - 9 of 35. Include the | |

|reteaching of comparing and ordering negative and positive integers. | |

|Reflection with Closure |

|Draw pictures to model the addition problem -3 + 5 = ___ using three different strategies. Which strategy do you prefer and why? |

|When adding two integers, how can one determine if the sum will be positive, negative, or zero? |

|How are zero pairs used in the modeling of addition and subtraction of integers? |

|Journal |

|Compare the method used to add integers with like signs and the method used to add integers with different signs. |

|Tell whether you can reverse the order of integers when you are subtracting and still get the same answer. Why or why not. |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |3 |

Georgia Performance Standards

|M7N1c |Add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive and negative numbers. |

|M7N1d |Solve problems using rational numbers. |

| | |

|Unit 3 Framework Enduring Understandings |Unit 3 Framework Essential Questions |

| | |

|Negative numbers are used to represent quantities that are less than zero such as temperature, |When are negative numbers used and why are they important? |

|scores in games or sports, and loss of income in business. |What strategies are most useful in helping me develop algorithms for adding, subtracting, |

|Computation with positive and negative numbers is often necessary to determine relationships |multiplying and dividing positive and negative numbers? |

|between quantities. | |

|Models, diagrams, manipulatives and patterns are useful in developing and remembering algorithms | |

|for computing with positive and negative numbers. | |

|Positive and negative numbers are often used to solve problems in everyday life. | |

| |Literacy GPS |

|Vocabulary | |

| |ELA7RC3 The student acquires new vocabulary in each content area and uses it correctly. |

|Integers | |

|Negative numbers |ELA7RC4 The student establishes a context for information acquired by reading across subject |

|Opposite numbers |areas |

|Positive numbers | |

|Sign | |

| | |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |3 |

|Warm-Up / Quick Practice |Problem Solving |

|Mental Math: Add fractions when one addend contains the common denominator (for example, for ½ + |Select and apply the appropriate operations to solve single and multi-step word problems involving|

|3/8 = , think ½ = 4/8 and 4/8 + 3/8 = 7/8) |mixed numbers or decimals |

|Use two-colored counters to model addition and subtraction of integers | |

|Write decimals in words | |

|SM: Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers | |

|Focus Lessons |

|Ref# |State/District |Objectives |Resources |Materials |

| |Standards | | | |

|2.3.11 |M7N1c, d |Find the mean of a data set that contains negative |MIC: Operations, “Temperatures and Altitudes,” |MIC, pp. 28 – 30 |

| | |and positive numbers. |Problems 12 - 18, pp. 28 - 30 | |

|2.3.12 |M7N1c, d |Solve problems involving elevation and temperature |MIC: Operations, “Higher and Higher,” Problems 19 - |MIC, pp. 30 – 33 |

| | |changes |26, pp. 30 - 33 | |

|2.3.13 |M7N1c, d |Multiply with positive and negative numbers |MIC: Operations, “Calculations Using Differences,” |MIC, pp. 30 – 33 |

| | | |Problems 1 - 7, pp. 36 - 39 | |

|2.3.14 |M7N1c, d |Explore a pattern to support the rules for |MIC: Operations, “Multiplication with Positive and |MIC, pp. 36 – 41 |

| | |multiplying integers and complete arithmetic trees |Negative Numbers,” Problems 8 - 13, pp. 36 - 41 |Student Activity Sheet 3, p. 77 |

| | |for integers | | |

|2.3.15 | |See Differentiated Instruction |

|Variety of Instructional Tasks |Homework |

| | |

|Weekly Focus: Model integer multiplication and division using Holt Mathematics Course 2, “Model Integer Multiplication and Division, Hands-On Lab,” pp. 92 |Weekly Focus: Multiply integers |

|– 93. | |

| |Maintenance: Model the addition and |

|Maintenance: Order numbers on a number line using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, “Using the Number Line,” pp. 12 - 14 of 35. Choose |subtraction of integers |

|additional sets of rational numbers for students to order on a number line. | |

| |Skill: Add and subtract fractions and |

|Maintenance: Adding and Multiplying rational numbers using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, “Sums and Products,” pp. 14 - 19 of 35. |mixed numbers |

| | |

|Exploration: Explore misleading graphs using Holt Mathematics Course 2, “Misleading Graphs,” pp. 424 - 425. | |

| | |

|Intervention: Include the reteaching of adding and subtracting integers using various strategies using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational | |

|Reasoning, “Always, Sometimes, Never,” pp. 20 - 22 of 35.. | |

|Reflection with Closure |

| |

|Write a strategy for multiplying two integers. Be sure to include all possible combinations—positive integers, negative integers, and zero. Verify your strategy with examples. |

|Design a table to show rules for multiplying integers. Be sure to include all possible combinations of positive integers, negative integers, and zero. |

|Is it possible to have a data set with a negative mean? If possible give an example of the data set and determine its mean. |

|Journal |

|List at least four different multiplication examples that have 24 as their product. Use both negative and positive integers. |

|Explain how the signs of two integers affect their product and their quotient |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |4 |

Georgia Performance Standards

|M7N1c |Add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive and negative numbers. |

|M7N1d |Solve problems using rational numbers. |

|M7A1a |Translate verbal phrases to algebraic expressions. |

|M7A1b |Simplify and evaluate algebraic expressions, using commutative, associative, and distributive properties as appropriate. |

|M7A1c |Add and subtract linear expressions. |

|M7A2a |Given a problem, define a variable, write an equation, solve the equation, and interpret the solution. |

|M7A2b |Use the addition and multiplication properties of equality to solve one- and two-step equations. |

|Unit 3 Framework Enduring Understandings |Unit 3 Framework Essential Questions |

| | |

|Negative numbers are used to represent quantities that are less than zero such as temperature, |When are negative numbers used and why are they important? |

|scores in games or sports, and loss of income in business. |Why is it useful for me to know the absolute value of a number? |

|Absolute value is useful in ordering and graphing positive and negative numbers. |What strategies are most useful in helping me develop algorithms for adding, subtracting, |

|Computation with positive and negative numbers is often necessary to determine relationships |multiplying and dividing positive and negative numbers? |

|between quantities. |What properties and conversions do I need to understand in order to simplify and evaluate |

|Models, diagrams, manipulatives and patterns are useful in developing and remembering algorithms |algebraic expressions? |

|for computing with positive and negative numbers. | |

|Properties of real numbers hold for all rational numbers. | |

|Positive and negative numbers are often used to solve problems in everyday life. | |

|Vocabulary |Literacy GPS |

|Absolute value |ELA7R2 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and |

|Associative property |writing. |

|Commutative property | |

|Distributive property |ELA7RC3 The student acquires new vocabulary in each content area and uses it correctly. |

|Integers | |

|Natural numbers |ELA7RC4 The student establishes a context for information acquired by reading across subject |

|Negative numbers |areas |

|Opposite numbers | |

|Positive numbers | |

|Rational numbers | |

|Sign | |

|Whole numbers | |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |4 |

|Warm-Up / Quick Practice |Problem Solving |

|Mental Math: Add fractions when one addend contains the common denominator. |Solve non-routine problems involving the Work Backwards or Look for a Pattern strategy |

|Add and subtract integers |Refer to Holt Mathematics Course 2, Problem Solving Handbook. |

|Find the mean, mode, median, and range of a data set | |

|SM: Compare and order integers | |

|Focus Lessons |

|Ref# |State/District |Objectives |Resources |Materials |

| |Standards | | | |

|2.4.16 |M7N1c, d |Divide integers |Holt Mathematics Course 2, “Multiplying and Dividing |Two-color counters |

| | | |Integers,” pp. 94-96. | |

|2.4.17 |M7N1c, d |Demonstrate an understanding of even and odd numbers|GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, |Copies of tasks |

| |M7A1a, c |using algebraic expressions |“Working with Integers,” pp. 25 - 31 of 35. | |

| |M7A2a | | | |

| | |Use knowledge of consecutive integers to solve | | |

| | |problems | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|2.4.18 |M7N1a, b, c, d |Compare and order rational numbers |GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, |Posters |

| |M7A1a, b, c |Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers |“Culminating Activity: A Poster,” pp. 31 - 35 of 35. |Access to supplies—markers, rulers, |

| |M7A2a b |Create and solve problems involving rational numbers|Class presentations of assignment on the following |crayons, textbooks, etc. |

| | |Demonstrate an understand of properties of real |Monday. | |

| | |numbers | | |

|2.4.19 |M7N1a, b, c, d |Create and solve problems involving rational numbers|GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, |Posters |

| |M7A1a, b, c | |“Culminating Activity: A Poster,” pp. 31 - 35 of 35. |Access to supplies—markers, rulers, |

| |M7A2a b |Demonstrate an understand of |Continue to work on culminating activity. |crayons, textbooks, etc. |

| | |properties of real numbers | | |

|2.4.20 | |See Differentiated Instruction |

|Variety of Instructional Tasks |Homework |

| | |

|Weekly Focus: Evaluate expressions using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, “Working with Integers,” pp. 25 - 31of 35. |Weekly Focus: Solve problems involving |

| |rational numbers |

|Maintenance: Extend patterns with “Find a Pattern in Sequences” Problems 8 – 15 and “Combine Science Link” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, pp. 232-234. | |

| |Maintenance: Write equations to describe |

|Maintenance: Interpret graphs using Holt Mathematics Course 2, “Interpreting Graphs,” pp. 232 – 234. |real-life situations |

| | |

|Exploration: Use logical reasoning to create puzzles with “Reaching All Learners” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, pp. 53 and 57. |Skill: Compare and order integers |

| | |

|Intervention: Include the reteaching of addition and subtraction of integers without modeling. | |

|Reflection with Closure |

|Create a set of rules for comparing negative and positive numbers. |

|When subtracting two negative numbers, do you always get a negative number? Why or why not? Give examples to justify your answer. |

|Journal |

|Explain how to find the quotient of two integers. |

|How is division of integers related to multiplication of integers? Draw a model to justify your answer. |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |5 |

Georgia Performance Standards

|M7A1a |Translate verbal phrases to algebraic expressions. |

|M7A2a |Given a problem, define a variable, write an equation, solve the equation, and interpret the solution. |

|M7A2b |Use the addition and multiplication properties of equality to solve one- and two-step equations. |

|M7N1a |Find the absolute value of a number and understand it as a distance from zero on a number line. |

|M7N1b |Compare and order rational numbers, including repreating decimals. |

|M7N1c |Add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive and negative numbers. |

|M7N1d |Solve problems using rational numbers. |

|M7A3a |Plot points on a coordinate plane. |

|M7A3b |Represent, describe, and analyze relations from tables, graphs, and formulas. |

|M7A3c |Describe how change in one variable affects the other variable. |

|Unit 3 Framework Enduring Understandings |Unit 3 Framework Essential Questions |

| | |

|Negative numbers are used to represent quantities that are less than zero such as temperature, |When are negative numbers used and why are they important? |

|scores in games or sports, and loss of income in business. |Why is it useful for me to know the absolute value of a number? |

|Absolute value is useful in ordering and graphing positive and negative numbers. |What strategies are most useful in helping me develop algorithms for adding, subtracting, |

|Computation with positive and negative numbers is often necessary to determine relationships |multiplying and dividing positive and negative numbers? |

|between quantities. |What properties and conversions do I need to understand in order to simplify and evaluate |

|Models, diagrams, manipulatives and patterns are useful in developing and remembering algorithms |algebraic expressions? |

|for computing with positive and negative numbers. | |

|Properties of real numbers hold for all rational numbers. | |

|Positive and negative numbers are often used to solve problems in everyday life. | |

| |Literacy GPS |

|Vocabulary |ELA7R2 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and |

|Absolute value |writing. |

|Associative property | |

|Commutative property |ELA7RC3 The student acquires new vocabulary in each content area and uses it correctly. |

|Distributive property | |

|Integers | |

|Rational numbers | |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |5 |

|Warm-Up / Quick Practice |Problem Solving |

| |Select and apply the appropriate operations to solve single and multi-step word problems involving|

|Mental Math: Subtract fractions when one addend contains the common denominator (for example, with|positive and negative integers |

|2/3 – 1/6 =, think 2/3 = 4/6 and 4/6 – 1/6 = 3/6 or ½) | |

|Compare and order integers | |

|Sketch a graph of a narrative | |

|SM: Divide fractions and mixed numbers | |

|Focus Lessons |

|Ref# |State/District |Objectives |Resources |Materials |

| |Standards | | | |

|2.5.21 |M7N1a, b, c, d |Compare and order rational numbers |GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, |Culminating Activity Posters |

| |M7A1a, b, c |Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers |“Culminating Activity: A Poster,” pp. 31 - 35 of 35. | |

| |M7A2a b |Demonstrate an understanding of properties of real |Class presentations | |

| | |numbers | | |

|2.5.22 |M7N1a, b, c, d |Compare and order rational numbers |GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, |Culminating Activity Posters |

| |M7A1a, b, c |Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers |“Culminating Activity: A Poster,” pp. 31 - 35 of 35. |Access to supplies—markers, rulers, |

| |M7A2a b |Create and solve problems involving rational numbers|Final touches to culminating activity. Students are |crayons, textbooks, etc. |

| | | |to make appropriate changes to culminating activity | |

| | | |as suggested during presentations. | |

|2.5.23 |M7A3a, b, c |Plot and label points on a coordinate system |MIC: Operations, “Changing Shapes,” Problems 5 - 13, |MIC, pp. 46 – 48 |

| | | |pp. 46 - 48 |Copies o f Student Activity Sheet 4, |

| | |Predict what will happen to a figure when the | |p. 78 |

| | |coordinates are changed | |Rulers |

|2.5.24 |M7A3a, b, c |Reflect on the effect of a negative number on the |MIC: Operations, “Changing Shapes,” Problems 14 - 19,|MIC, pp. 46 – 48 |

| | |shape of a figure in the coordinate plane |pp. 46 - 48 |Copies o f Student Activity Sheet 4, |

| | |Investigate the effect of multiplication on the | |p. 78 |

| | |coordinates of given figures | |Rulers |

|2.5.25 | |See Differentiated Instruction |

|Variety of Instructional Tasks |Homework |

| | |

|Weekly Focus: Solve equations involving integers with “Model Integer Equations” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, pp. 98-99. |Weekly Focus: Add, subtract, multiply, |

| |and divide integers |

|Maintenance: Extend patterns with “Find a Pattern in Sequences” Problem 8 – 15 and “Computer Science Link” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, pp. 244-245. | |

| |Maintenance: Determine central tendencies|

|Maintenance: Interpret graphs using Holt Mathematics Course 2, “Interpreting Graphs,” pp. 232 – 234. |of data |

| | |

|Exploration: Use logical reasoning to create equality puzzles with “Reaching All Learners” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, pp 53 and 57. |Skill: Divide fractions and mixed numbers|

| | |

|Intervention: Include the reteaching of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers. | |

|Reflection with Closure |

|Why is there not a Commutative Property of Subtraction? Explain with examples. |

|Illustrate how the Commutative Property of Addition holds for all rational numbers. |

|Illustrate how the Associative Property of Addition holds for all rational numbers. |

| Journal |

|Explain whether point (4, 5) is the same as point (5, 4). |

|Suppose the equator represents the x-axis on a map of the Earth and the prime meridian which passes through England represents the y-axis. Starting at the origin, which of these directions, east, |

|south, north, and west are positive? And which are negative? |

| |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |6 |

Instructional Unit Plan

Unit IV Georgia Performance Standards

|M7G2a |Demonstrate understanding of translations, dilations, rotations, refelctionbs, and relate symmetry to appropriate transformations. |

|M7G2b |Given a figure in the coordinate plane, determine the coordinates resulting from a translation, dilation, rotation, or reflection. |

| | |

| | |

|Unit 4 Framework Enduring Understandings |Unit 4 Framework Essential Questions |

| | |

|Reflections, translations, and rotations are actions that produce congruent geometric objects. |How can the coordinate plane help me understand properties of reflections, translations, and |

| |rotations? |

| |What is the relationship between reflections, translations, and rotations? |

| | | |

|Unit IV Assessment |Vocabulary |Literacy GPS |

|GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and Turn, “Culminating Activity: ‘Instructing |Transformation | |

|Constructing,” pp. 61 - 62 of 62 |Reflection |ELA7R2 The student understands and acquires new |

| |Translation |vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and |

| |Rotation |writing. |

| |Reflection line | |

| |Symmetry |ELA7RC3 The student acquires new vocabulary in each |

| |Reflection Symmetry |content area and uses it correctly. |

| | | |

| | |ELA7RC4 The student establishes a context for |

| | |information acquired by reading across subject areas|

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |6 |

Georgia Performance Standards

|M7G2a |Demonstrate understanding of translations, dilations, rotations, refelctionbs, and relate symmetry to appropriate transformations. |

|M7G2b |Given a figure in the coordinate plane, determine the coordinates resulting from a translation, dilation, rotation, or reflection. |

| | |

| | |

|Unit 4 Framework Enduring Understandings |Unit 4 Framework Essential Questions |

| | |

|Reflections, translations, and rotations are actions that produce congruent geometric objects. |How can the coordinate plane help me understand properties of reflections, translations, and |

| |rotations? |

| |What is the relationship between reflections, translations, and rotations? |

| | |

|Vocabulary |Literacy GPS |

|Transformation | |

|Reflection |ELA7R2 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and |

|Translation |writing. |

|Rotation | |

|Reflection line |ELA7RC3 The student acquires new vocabulary in each content area and uses it correctly. |

|Symmetry | |

|Reflection Symmetry |ELA7RC4 The student establishes a context for information acquired by reading across subject |

| |areas |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |6 |

|Warm-Up / Quick Practice |Problem Solving |

|Mental Math: Subtract fractions when one addend contains the common denominator |Solve non-routine problems involving the Logical Reasoning or Draw a Model strategy |

|Find the range, mean, median, and mode of a set of data |Refer to Holt Mathematics Course 2, Problem Solving Handbook |

|Write equivalent fractions and decimals | |

|SM: Convert metric units of length, capacity, and mass | |

|Focus Lessons |

|Ref# |State/District |Objectives |Resources |Materials |

| |Standards | | | |

|2.6.26 |M7G2a |Investigate translations, rotations, and reflections|MIC: Triangles and Beyond, “Stamps and Stencils,” |MIC, pp. 35 – 38 |

| | |in a simple drawing |Problems 1 - 5, pp. 35 - 38 |Copies of monkeys |

| | | | |Scissors / Plain paper /Tracing paper |

| | |Investigate reflections and rotations by folding |“Stencil Transformed Activity” may be carried over to|Congruent triangles |

| | |paper and making cutouts |next day. |Overhead projector |

|2.6.27 |M7G2a |Identify lines of symmetry in a drawing |MIC: Triangles and Beyond, “Line Symmetry,” Problems |MIC, pp. 39 – 41 |

| | | |6 - 9, pp. 39 - 41 |Tracing paper |

| | |Solve problems involving lines of symmetry | |Graph paper |

| | | | |Hand-held mirrors |

|2.6.28 |M7G2a, b |Develop the understanding that reflections preserve |GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and |Copies of tasks |

| | |the properties of figures |Turn, “Mirrored Mappings,” pp. 8 - 12 of 62 |Graph or grid paper |

| | |Draw reflections of figures | | |

| | |Name the coordinates of both the original and | | |

| | |reflected image | | |

|2.6.29 |M7G2a |Explore reflection symmetry informally |Holt Mathematics Course 2, “Symmetry,” pp. 494- 498. |Optional: Magazine pictures or real objects that show|

| | | | |symmetry |

| | |Use tracing paper to analyze designs to determine | | |

| | |symmetry | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Design shapes that have specified symmetries | | |

|2.6.30 | |See Differentiated Instruction |

|Variety of Instructional Tasks |Homework |

| | |

|Weekly Focus: Review terminology and basic skills relating to lines with “Building Blocks of Geometry” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, p. 444. |Weekly Focus: Solve problems involving |

| |lines of symmetry |

|Maintenance: Multiply and add integers using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, “Sums and Products,” pp. 14 - 19 of 35. | |

| |Maintenance: Display and interpret data |

|Maintenance: Estimate solutions to fraction computations with “Estimate with Fractions” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, pp. 182-183. | |

| |Skill: Convert metric units of length, |

|Exploration: Explore solving for variables in terms of other variables with “Extension Solving for a Variable” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, pp. 710-711.|capacity, and mass |

| | |

|Intervention: Introduce Reflections using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and Turn, “Introduction to Reflections,” pp. 7 - 8 of 35. | |

|Include the reteaching of simplifying expressions with negative and positive rational numbers. | |

|Reflection with Closure |

| |

|How can you determine whether a figure has reflection symmetry? |

|Create a list of five words that are symmetrical. |

|Do all circles represent translations, reflections, and rotations? Give an example and explain if not. |

| Journal |

|Describe a classroom situation that illustrates translation. |

|Explain how a figure skater might perform a translation and a rotation at the same time. |

|Determine whether an equilateral triangle has rotational symmetry. If so, tell how many times it shows rotational symmetry within one full rotation. |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |7 |

Georgia Performance Standards

| | |

|M7G1a |Perform basic constructions using both compass and straight edge, and appropriate technology. Constructions should include copying a segment, copying an angle, bisecting a segment, |

| |bisecting an angle, constructing perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular bisector of a line segment, and constructing a line parallel to a given line through a point not on |

| |the line. |

|M7G1b |Recognize that many constructions are based on the creation of congruent triangles. |

|M7G2a |Demonstrate understanding of translations, dilations, rotations, refelctionbs, and relate symmetry to appropriate transformations. |

|Unit 4 Framework Enduring Understandings |Unit 4 Framework Essential Questions |

| | |

|Reflections, translations, and rotations are actions that produce congruent geometric objects. |How can the coordinate plane help me understand properties of reflections, translations, and |

| |rotations? |

| |What is the relationship between reflections, translations, and rotations? |

|Vocabulary |Literacy GPS |

|Reflection | |

|Reflection line |ELA7R2 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and |

|Bisector |writing. |

|Parallel line | |

|Perpendicular line |ELA7RC3 The student acquires new vocabulary in each content area and uses it correctly. |

|Congruent | |

|Point |ELA7RC4 The student establishes a context for information acquired by reading across subject |

|Line |areas |

|Line segment or segment | |

|Endpoints | |

|Intersection | |

|Ray | |

|Angle | |

|Parallelogram | |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |7 |

|Warm-Up / Quick Practice |Problem Solving |

|Mental Math: Subtract fractions from whole numbers (for example, for 3 – 1/4, think 1 – ¼ = ¾ so |Select and apply the appropriate operations to solve single and multi-step word problems involving|

|this answer is 2 ¾) |percents and ratios |

|Identify the performed transformation | |

|Find the mean of a set of data including rational numbers | |

|SM: Compare and order rational numbers | |

|Focus Lessons |

|Ref# |State/District |Objectives |Resources |Materials |

| |Standards | | | |

|2.7.31 |M7G1a |Construct a line segment |GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and |Copies of tasks |

| |M7G2a | |Turn, “A Second Challenge: Can you copy any line |Compass |

| | |Copy an angle |segment?,” p. 14 of 62 and “A New Challenge: Can you |Straightedges |

| | | |copy an angle?,” pp. 34 – 35 of 62 | |

|2.7.32 |M7G1a |Bisect a line segment |GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and |Copies of tasks |

| |M7G2a | |Turn, “Battle of the Triangles,” pp. 21 - 23 of 62 |Compass |

| | |Construct a reflection over a line |and “A True Challenge: Constructing a Reflection,” |Straightedges |

| | | |pp. 23 – 27 of 62 | |

|2.7.33 |M7G1a, b |Construct parallel lines |MIC Triangles and Beyond, “Constructing Parallel |MIC, pp. 42 – 46 |

| |M7G2a | |Lines,” Problems 1- 7, pp. 42 – 46 |Straightedges |

| | |Solve problems involving parallel lines and angles | |Triangle template or one cutout from |

| | |formed by lines that intersect parallel lines |Lesson may continue to next day. |strong cardboard |

| | | | |Transparency sheets |

| | |Construct a set of parallelograms and describe their | |Scissors |

| | |similarities and difference | | |

|2.7.34 |M7G1a |Construct parallel lines with a compass and |GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and |Copies of task |

| | |straightedge |Turn, “Constructing Parallel Lines,” pp. 36 - 43 of |Compass |

| | | |62 |Straightedge |

| | |Construct a perpendicular line | | |

|2.7.35 | |See Differentiated Instruction |

|Variety of Instructional Tasks |Homework |

| | |

| |Weekly Focus: Solve problems involving |

|Weekly Focus: GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and Turn, “Constructing Translations,” pp. 44 - 48 of 62. |parallel lines and angles formed by lines|

| |that intersect parallel lines |

|Maintenance: Multiply and add integers using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, “Sums and Products,” pp. 14 - 19 of 35. | |

| |Maintenance: Reflect an image across a |

|Maintenance: Estimate solutions to fraction computations with “Estimate with Fractions” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, pp. 182-183. |line |

| | |

|Exploration: Explore solving for variables in terms of other variables with “Extension Solving for a Variable” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, pp. 710-711.|Skill: Compare and order rational numbers|

| | |

|Intervention: Introduce Translations using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and Turn, “Introduction to Translations,” pp. 31 - 32 of 35. | |

|Include the reteaching of reflecting an image across a coordinate plane. | |

|Reflection with Closure |

| |

|Describe the steps you take to reflect an image over a line. Draw pictures to illustrate your steps. |

|Compare constructing a perpendicular line to a line to constructing a line parallel to a line. How is it alike? How is it different? |

| Journal |

|Ask students to explain which type of lines—parallel, perpendicular, or skew they find most interesting and why. |

|Ask students to draw a design and describe transformations that they see. |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |8 |

Georgia Performance Standards

|M7G1a |Perform basic constructions using both compass and straight edge, and appropriate technology. Constructions should include copying a segment, copying an angle, bisecting a segment, |

| |bisecting an angle, constructing perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular bisector of a line segment, and constructing a line parallel to a given line through a point not on |

| |the line. |

|M7G1b |Recognize that many constructions are based on the creation of congruent triangles. |

|M7G2a |Demonstrate understanding of translations, dilations, rotations, refelctionbs, and relate symmetry to appropriate transformations. |

|M7G2b |Given a figure in the coordinate plane, determine the coordinates resulting from a translation, dilation, rotation, or reflection. |

|M7A3a |Plot points on a coordinate plane. |

|M7A3b |Represent, describe, and analyze relations from tables, graphs, and formulas. |

|      |           |

|Unit 4 Framework Enduring Understandings |Unit 4 Framework Essential Questions |

| | |

|Coordinate geometry can be a useful tool for understanding geometric shapes and transformations. |How can the coordinate plane help me understand properties of reflections, translations, and |

|Reflections, translations, and rotations are actions that produce congruent geometric objects. |rotations? |

|Many geometric constructions are based upon congruent triangles. |What is the relationship between reflections, translations, and rotations? |

| |Why is the definition of a circle a foundation for geometric constructions? |

| |In what ways can I use congruent triangles to justify many geometric constructions? |

|Vocabulary |Literacy GPS |

| | |

|Transformation |ELA7R2 The student understands and acquires new vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and |

|Reflection Reflection line |writing. |

|Translation Rotation | |

|Bisector Parallel line |ELA7RC3 The student acquires new vocabulary in each content area and uses it correctly. |

|Perpendicular line | |

|Congruent Point |ELA7RC4 The student establishes a context for information acquired by reading across subject |

|Line Plane |areas |

|Line segment or segment | |

|Endpoints Intersection | |

|Ray Angle | |

|Corresponding sides | |

|Corresponding angles | |

|Angle of Rotation | |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |8 |

|Warm-Up / Quick Practice |Problem Solving |

|Mental Math: Subtract fractions from whole numbers |Solve non-routine problems involving the Guess and Check or Work Backwards strategy |

|Evaluate an expression with rational numbers |Refer to Holt Mathematics Course 2, Problem Solving Handbook |

|Interpret data from a table | |

|SM: Add and subtract integers | |

|Focus Lessons |

|Ref# |State/District |Objectives |Resources |Materials |

| |Standards | | | |

|2.8.36 |M7G1a, b |Review bisect of a line |Holt Mathematics Course 2, “Hands-On Lab 8-3: |Text, pp. 456 – 457 |

| | | |Construct Bisectors and Congruent Angles,” pp. 456 – |Straightedges |

| | |Bisect an angle |457 and |Compasses |

| | | |GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and | |

| | |Construct a regular octagon |Turn, “A Final Challenge: Constructing a Regular | |

| | | |Octagon,” pp. 28 - 30 of 62 | |

|2.8.37 |M7G2a, b |Model transformations on a coordinate plane |GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and |Grid paper |

| |M7A3a | |Turn, “Coordinating Rotations,” pp. 50 - 52 of 62 |Optional: Tracing paper or wax paper |

|2.8.38 |M7G2a, b |Develop appropriate language to describe rigid |Holt Mathematics Course 2, “Translations, |Grid paper |

| |M7A3a, b |motions |Reflections, and Rotations,” pp. 488-491. | |

| | |Perform three rigid transformations: reflections, | | |

| | |translations, and rotations | | |

|2.8.39 |M7G2a, b |Write rules for rotations |MIC Triangles and Beyond, “Transformations,” pp. 37 –| |

| |M7A3a, b | |38 | |

|2.8.40 | |See Differentiated Instruction |

|Variety of Instructional Tasks |Homework |

| | |

|Weekly Focus: Perform translations on a coordinate plane using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and Turn, “Coordinating Translations,” pp. 32 -|Weekly Focus: Perform three rigid |

|34 of 62. |transformations: reflections, |

| |translations, and rotations |

|Maintenance: Demonstrate an understanding of math properties using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, “Always, Sometimes, Never,” pp. 20 | |

|- 22 of 35. |Maintenance: Construct a line segment; |

| |bisect a line segment; construct parallel|

|Maintenance: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers with “Solving Equations Containing Integers” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, p. 102-103. |lines; and draw a perpendicular line |

| |through a line. |

|Exploration: Extend algebraic reasoning skills with “Flapjacks” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, p. 712. | |

| |Skill: Add and subtract integers |

|Intervention: Introduce Translations using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and Turn, “Introduction to Reflections,” pp. 31 -32 of 35. | |

|Include the reteaching of constructing congruent line segments and parallel lines. | |

|Reflection with Closure |

|What is meant by a bisector? Draw three examples of bisectors and describe what you have drawn. |

|Are all similar triangles congruent? Explain. |

|Are all congruent triangles similar? Explain. |

|Can two figures on a coordinate plane with unlike coordinates be congruent? Explain and give an example if possible. |

|Journal |

|Have students draw examples of congruent figures and explain why they are congruent. |

|Ask students to think of five real-world places where they see different triangles and to describe these in their journal. |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |9 |

Georgia Performance Standards

|M7G1a |Perform basic constructions using both compass and straight edge, and appropriate technology. Constructions should include copying a segment, copying an angle, bisecting a segment, |

| |bisecting an angle, constructing perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular bisector of a line segment, and constructing a line parallel to a given line through a point not on |

| |the line. |

|M7G1b |Recognize that many constructions are based on the creation of congruent triangles. |

|M7G2a |Demonstrate understanding of translations, dilations, rotations, refelctionbs, and relate symmetry to appropriate transformations. |

|M7G2b |Given a figure in the coordinate plane, determine the coordinates resulting from a translation, dilation, rotation, or reflection. |

|      | |

| |Unit 4 Framework Essential Questions |

|Unit 4 Framework Enduring Understandings | |

| |How can the coordinate plane help me understand properties of reflections, translations, and |

|Coordinate geometry can be a useful tool for understanding geometric shapes and transformations. |rotations? |

|Reflections, translations, and rotations are actions that produce congruent geometric objects. |What is the relationship between reflections, translations, and rotations? |

|Many geometric constructions are based upon congruent triangles. |Why is the definition of a circle a foundation for geometric constructions? |

| |In what ways can I use congruent triangles to justify many geometric constructions? |

|Unit IV Assessment |Vocabulary |Literacy GPS |

|GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and Turn, “Culminating Activity: ‘Instructing | | |

|Constructing,” pp. 61 - 62 of 62 |Transformation |ELA7R2 The student understands and acquires new |

| |Reflection Reflection line |vocabulary and uses it correctly in reading and |

| |Translation Rotation |writing. |

| |Bisector Parallel line | |

| |Perpendicular line |ELA7RC3 The student acquires new vocabulary in each |

| |Congruent Point |content area and uses it correctly. |

| |Line Plane | |

| |Line segment or segment |ELA7RC4 The student establishes a context for |

| |Endpoints Intersection |information acquired by reading across subject areas|

| |Ray Angle | |

| |Corresponding sides | |

| |Corresponding angles | |

| |Angle of Rotation | |

|Atlanta Public Schools Teaching Plans |Seventh Grade |Quarter: |2 |Week: |9 |

|Warm-Up / Quick Practice |Problem Solving |

|Mental Math: Subtract mixed numbers from whole numbers, starting with the whole number amounts |Select and apply the appropriate operations to solve single and multi-step word problems involving|

|(for example, for 5 – 35/6 =, think 5 – 3 = 2, and 2 – 5/6 = 1 1/6) |measurement units. |

|Translate a figure on a coordinate plane | |

|Solve one- and two-step equations | |

|SM: Multiply and divide integers | |

|Focus Lessons |

|Ref# |State/District |Objectives |Resources |Materials |

| |Standards | | | |

|2.9.41 |M7G1a, b |Relate mathematics to other content areas |GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and |Computers |

| |M7G2a, b |Demonstrate an understanding of basic constructions |Turn, “Culminating Activity: ‘Analyzing Quilts,” pp. |Access to supplies |

| | |and transformations |60 - 62 of 62 | |

| | | |This activity is part of a four-day assignment | |

|2.9.42 |M7G1a, b |Demonstrate an understanding of basic constructions |GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and |Computers |

| |M7G2a, b |and transformations |Turn, “Culminating Activity: ‘Instructing |Access to supplies |

| | | |Constructing,” pp. 61 - 62 of 62 | |

| | | |Students’ presentations will begin on third day of | |

| | | |this assignment. | |

|2.9.43 |M7G1a, b |Demonstrate an understanding of basic constructions |GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and |Access to supplies |

| |M7G2a, b |and transformations |Turn, “Culminating Activity: ‘Instructing | |

| | | |Constructing,” pp. 61 - 62 of 62 | |

|2.9.44 |M7G1a, b |Demonstrate an understanding of basic constructions |GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and |Access to supplies |

| |M7G2a, b |and transformations |Turn, “Culminating Activity: ‘Instructing | |

| | | |Constructing,” pp. 61 - 62 of 62 | |

| | | |Students may begin presentations. | |

|2.9.45 | |See Differentiated Instruction |

|Variety of Instructional Tasks |Homework |

| | |

|Weekly Focus: Analyze real world situations involving transformations with “Social Studies Link” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, p. 492. |Weekly Focus: Demonstrate an |

| |understanding of basic constructions and |

|Maintenance: Demonstrate an understanding of math properties using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, “Always, Sometimes, Never,” pp. 20 |transformations |

|- 22 of 35. | |

| |Maintenance: Identify and perform |

|Maintenance: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers with “Solving Equations Containing Integers” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, pp. 102 – 103. |transformations |

| | |

|Exploration: Extend algebraic reasoning skills with “Flapjacks” from Holt Mathematics Course 2, p. 712. |Skill: Multiply and divide integers |

| | |

|Intervention: Introduce Rotations using GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and Turn, “Introduction to Rotations,” pp. 48 - 49 of 35. | |

|Include the reteaching of bisecting an angle. | |

|Reflection with Closure |

|What does it mean for shapes to be congruent? How can you determine whether or not shapes are congruent? |

|Create a design that has reflectional symmetry, rotational symmetry, and an image that is translated. |

|Journal |

|Have students to invent their own typefaces using a variety of polygons. Ask students to create capital and lowercase letters and the numerals from 0 to 9. |

|Ask students to describe what is meant by symmetry and why they think it is so pleasing to the eye. |


Evidence of Learning (Assessments)

Weekly Focus: Teacher-selected assessment items including MIC: Operations Section A

Skill Mastery: Solve equations.

(1) 2m = 24 (2) 416 = 4c (3) 3s + 8 = 26 (4) 92 – 16t = 12

Performance Tasks:

Culminating Activities:

Evidence of Learning (Assessments)

Weekly Focus: Teacher-selected assessment items including MIC: Operations Section B and C

Skill Mastery: Multiply and divide decimals

(1) 200 x 0.004 = (2) 4.3 x 2.8 = (3) 380 x 0.125 (4) 0.01 ÷ 100 = (5) 85 ÷ 0.5 = (6) 4.416 ÷ 19.2 =

Performance Tasks:

Culminating Activity:

Evidence of Learning (Assessments)

Weekly Focus: Teacher-selected assessment items including MIC: Operations Sections C and D items

Skill Mastery: Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers.

(1) 3 ¼ + 7 5/8 = (2) 34 4/5 + 72 1/3 = (3) 56 ½ - 38 ¾ = (4) 67 2/3 - 56 ¾ = (5) 101 2/5 + 128 ¾ + 175 2/3 =

Performance Tasks:

Culminating Activity:

Evidence of Learning (Assessments)

Weekly Focus: Teacher-selected assessment items

Skill Mastery: Compare and order integers

(1) Arrange the integers in order from least to greatest. -1 0 5 -5 -2 1 -10 7

Compare using , or =. (2) -10 -5 (3) 2 -7 (4) -110 10

(5) 52 5 (6) -34 -14

Performance Tasks:

Culminating Activity:

Evidence of Learning (Assessments)

Weekly Focus: Teacher-selected assessment items including MIC: Operations Section E items

Skill Mastery: Divide fractions and mixed numbers.

(1) 3/4 ÷ 1/2 = (2) 4/9 ÷ 2 = (3) 2/3 ÷ 2 1/2 = (4) 5 ÷ 1 1/3 = (5) 1 1/4 ÷ 3 1/2 =

Performance Tasks:

Culminating Activity: GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 3, Rational Reasoning, “Culminating Activity: A Poster,” pp. 31 - 35 of 35.

Evidence of Learning (Assessments)

Weekly Focus: Teacher-selected assessment items including MIC: Triangles and Beyond Section E items.

Skill Mastery: Convert metric units of length, capacity, and mass. Write the equivalence.

(1) 3,850 m = _____ km (2) 0.08 L = _____ mL (3) 84.2 kg = _____ g (4) 0.9 cm = _____ mm

(5) 4.5 g = _____ mg (6) 6,700mL = _____ L

Performance Tasks:

Culminating Activity:

Evidence of Learning (Assessments)

Weekly Focus: Teacher-selected assessment items including MIC: Triangles and Beyond Section F items

Skill Mastery: Compare and order rational numbers. List in order from least to greatest.

(1) 4.2 4 1/3 4.022 4 2/5 4.3 (2) 5 3 ½ 6.6 4 3/5 ¾ (3) 2.5 ¾ 1 1/6 9/8 2.

Performance Tasks:

Culminating Activity:

Evidence of Learning (Assessments)

Weekly Focus: Teacher-selected assessment items from Holt Mathematics Course 2 Chapter 8.

Skill Mastery: Add and subtract integers

(1) -78 + -37 = (2) 765 + -129 = (3) -708 + 329 = (4) 681 – 932 = (5) -32 – (-23) =

Performance Tasks:

Culminating Activity:

Evidence of Learning (Assessments)

Weekly Focus: Teacher-selected assessment items

Skill Mastery: Multiply and divide integers.

(1) -42 x 53 = (2) -35 x 123 = (3) -132 x -56 = (4) -144 ÷ -12 = (5) 692 ÷ -4 =

Performance Tasks:

Culminating Activity: GPS Framework, Grade 7, Unit 4, Flip, Slide, and Turn, “Culminating Activity: ‘Instructing Constructing,” pp. 61 - 62 of 62


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