Chapter 1: Answers to Quiz Questions

Answers to Quiz Questions

Chapter 1: Lawyers, Legal Assistants, and the Regulation of the Legal Profession

True/False Questions

1. False

2. True

3. False

4. False

5. True

6. True

7. False

8. False

9. True

10. True

Fill in the Blank Questions

1. the highest appellate court of a particular jurisdiction

2. take the multistate bar exam

3. rules of court

4. Alabama

5. The National Conference of Bar Examiners

6. 2002 and 2003

7. California (or New York)

8. the doctrine of immunity

9. a deposition from a civil lawsuit and to a grand jury

10. the Reasoning

Chapter 2: Paralegals and Their Profession

True/False Questions

1. T

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. T

6. F

7. T

8. F

9. T

10. F

Fill in the Blank Questions

1. Standing Committee on Paralegals (SCOP)

2. Lambda Epsilon Chi (LEX)

3. PACE, CLA (or CP)

4. much faster than average

5. orders the misconduct, ratifies the misconduct

6. injunction

7. professional, administrative

8. that paralegals are not exempt, except where highly-educated paralegals use their higher education in a different capacity in a law firm, such as an accountant working as a paralegal

9. no client contact (or no work done for former clients)

10. a sufficient level of education or working experience

Chapter 3: The Unauthorized Practice of Law

True/False Questions

1. F

2. T

3. F

4. F

5. F

6. T

7. T

8. F

9. T

10. T

Fill in the Blank Questions

1. unauthorized, unsupervised

2. no substantive work

3. giving legal advice, establishing the attorney-client relationship, establishing legal fees

4. Jailhouse lawyers

5. legal document assistants

6. the Immigration and Naturalization Service (there are also others)

7. misdemeanor (crime could also be an acceptable answer)


9. a lawyer

10. supervised

Chapter 4: Confidentiality

True/False Questions

1. F

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. T

6. F

7. T

8. F

9. T

10. T

Fill in the Blank Questions

1. information (all of it)

2. future

3. prospective

4. forever

5. the organization, the constituents (such as the Board or CEO)

6. confidential communications

7. work product rule

8. the attorney’s mental impressions, legal theories, or strategies

9. promptly notify the sender (but, perhaps, promptly notify the boss first)

10. the amount of protected information that has been disclosed, the length of time between disclosure and the sending party realizing its error, and methods taken by the sending party to protect against disclosure.

Chapter 5: Conflicts of Interest

True/False Questions

1. T

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. F

6. T

7. F

8. F

9. F

10. T

Fill in the Blank Questions

1. confidentiality, divided loyalties

2. directly adverse

3. neither

4. coercion (or duress), loss of objectivity

5. the same or substantially related

6. the case is concluded

7. imputed disqualification

8. shared confidences

9. the size of the firm, the level of departmentalization at the firm, the methods employed in the screen

10. possess confidential or privileged information

Chapter 6: Advertising and Solicitation

True/False Questions

1. T

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. T

6. F

7. F

8. T

9. T

10. T

Fill in the Blank Questions

1. Bates v. State Bar of Arizona

2. false, misleading

3. other lawyers

4. recommending

5. solicitation letter

6. Solicitation

7. their own business cards and also to be listed on law firm letterhead

8. barratry

9. the prospective client is another lawyer or family member or friend or former client, when the primary motive is not for financial gain, when client is being solicited for a class action, when the soliciting lawyer is not in private practice

10. “Advertising Material”

Chapter 7: Fees and Fee Sharing

True/False Questions

1. F

2. T

3. T

4. F

5. F

6. T

7. F

8. F

9. T

10. T

Fill in the Blank Questions

1. blended

2. fixed fee

3. not be unreasonable

4. retainer, advance

5. Double billing

6. a client trust account

7. 5.4

8. criminal, domestic relations

9. Missouri v. Jenkins

10. market

Chapter 8: Miscellaneous Ethics Issues

True/False Questions

1. F

2. F

3. F

4. F

5. F

6. T

7. T

8. T

9. T

10. T

Fill in the Blank Questions

1. directly controlling adverse legal authority, the other side has failed to do so

2. communication

3. during the proceeding

4. willful (or intentional)

5. exculpatory evidence

6. extrajudicial statements

7. was the proximate cause of the client’s loss

8. the unauthorized practice of law

9. 50

10. 24


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