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Week 3 Assignment 3 Chapter 92. Discuss the three types of multiple murders and give examples of each. The three types of multiple murders are serial murder, mass murder and spree murder. Serial murder is when victims are killed over a period of time in more than three incidents. An example of this type of multiple murders is for example the “Zodiac Killer” which to this day has not been caught and has been responsible for over 50 murders from 1955 until 1966 (Hagan, 2011). Mass murder is when and individual kills in a single incident and location four or more victims (Hagan, 2011). One of the most recent examples of mass murder is the Fort Hood shooting where 13 people were killed and 29 were wounded by a US soldier. Spree murder is when and individual kills in multiple locations with little or no time period (Hagan, 2011). One of the examples that the book gives is of a day trader, Mark Barton, who killed 9 people and his wife and two small children in two separate incidents (Hagan, 2011). 3. Discuss the nature and characteristics of workplace violence. The book describes workplace violence as the number two factor for deaths on the job for women. Of all the occupations with the highest rates of workplace violence law enforcement had the highest rate. The majority of the perpetrators were strangers. Leading professionals agree that this type of violence falls into four major categories:1. Acts by criminals not associated with work but commit a crime.2. Acts committed by people who receive services of that specific workplace. 3. Acts towards coworkers by present of past employees. 4. Act committed by someone with ties to an employee.(Hagan, 2011) 7. Discuss the “subculture of violence” thesis. Give some examples of countries, regions, and places where this is found. The “subculture of violence” theory discusses a culture within a culture and their actions toward violence. It basically states that a culture within a culture may be the use of violence as a necessity to resolve actions done to them by other individuals. These subcultures view the use of violence more favorably. One of the best examples where this is true is inner city gangs, they view the use of violence to save honor as a necessity and favor it. The cultures around it view as an attack on community. The book brings up the court system in Brazil which at one time or another refused to convict husbands for the murder of wives which had been unfaithful. (Hagan, 2011)9. Discuss some of the findings of Wright and Decker with respect to armed robbers.Wright and Decker conducted a study of uncaught robbers. In this study they found that they did this bay making victim believe that they would die if cooperation was not received. They also found that the biggest target was local criminals specifically drug dealers. When bystanders were chosen the robber would observe the potential victim to see if he or she likely protest to being robbed (Hagan, 2011). 10. What patterns do you see in our international comparisons of murder, robbery, and rape? What do you think explains these differences?The patterns that I see compare to international comparisons to murder, robbery and rape are that event thought we lead the pack for high rates of murder and crime other countries rates are rising. For example in 1996 Brazil’s murder rate was 53.3 per 100,000 in the city of Rio de Janeiro when DC rate was at 64.1 per 100, 000. In Saudia Arabia there were 103 executions by beheading in 1999 which compared to the US was just one over what were executed in the same year. Other figures state that our homicide rate is much lower for example in 2004 it was at 5.5 as opposed to countries like Bahamas 27.1, Jamaica 43.7 and Russia 22.4 has significantly higher rates (Hagan, 2011). What explains the differences is probably the report rated, how statistics are gathered and the infrastructure that we have set up. For example our medical system, transportations and police services may have a better response (Hagan, 2011).Chapter 091. Compare and contrast occasional property criminals with conventional property criminals.Occasional property criminals have little to no history conducting crimes. They have very little knowledge to techniques of crime. They do differ with conventional property criminals in that they survive of other means and look at what they do as non criminal (Hagan, 2011). The conventional property criminals are more active and their skills are more polished though are basic. Most begin their career at a young age and diversify in other crimes. These individual are arrested more often due to their lack of skill (Hagan, 2011). 2. What are some different types of shoplifting? What are some trends in shoplifting? Different types of shoplifting are professional shoplifters or boosters and amateur shoplifters or snitches. Some trends in shoplifting are that the majority of shoplifters are snitches which are mostly women. These snitches don’t believe that they are criminals. There are more adult shoplifters and shoplifting increases during Christmas season. The book stated that stores near colleges had higher rates of shoplifting than neighborhood stores (Hagan, 2011). 3. What are the three types of vandals and how do they differ in their motivations?Three types of vandals are wanton, predatory and vindictive. They differ in their motivations in that wanton destroy for no purpose or gain. Predatory vandals destroy for a gain and vindictive vandals destroy due to hate for that particular business due to usually their race or ethnicity (Hagan, 2011). 4. What are some trends and patterns in auto theft both nationally and internationally? Some trends and patterns in auto theft both nationally and internationally are nationally the West had the highest vehicle theft rate with 632.1 and Midwest had lowest with 332.6. As far as internationally Australia led the pack with 726 and Japan was in the low of 49. Over 90 percent of vehicle thefts are reported, the book states that this is due to the mandatory use of police report by auto insurance agencies for reimbursement (Hagan, 2011). 5. Discuss international patterns in burglary. Why do you think property crimes are declining in the U.S.?According to our book the highest rates of burglary are found in Australia 2280.8 the lowest is the Bahamas 173.9. One does see that US has higher rates than Europe. This is due to the fact that UN puts all theft in one category and defines burglary much different that US (Hagan, 2011). The decline may be due to better security measures and technology, credit cards which allow individuals to get more things, and because there are more profitable ways to obtain item through other methods of crime such as identity theft (Hagan, 2011). 6. What are some trends and new wrinkles in the criminal field of “paper hanging”? Some trends and new wrinkles in the criminal field of “paper hanging” are the old counterfeiting method due to the new technology. Methods such as washing where bills are bleached and then reprinted as a higher bill the creation of super dollar by Iran. Other trends are the counterfeiting of credit cards, records, tapes and spare parts. Another new trend is the sale of clean credit to individuals with bad credit (Hagan, 2011). 7. How do the operations of professional robbers differ from those of amateurs? Operations of professional robbers differ from those of amateurs in that they are more likely using threats and will use force. Robbers for example with get together for a specific job and then disband. The biggest difference is the target which they decide to hit. Professional robbers tend to hit commercial targets more often than to amateurs which tend to go for individuals (Hagan, 2011). 8. What are “affinity frauds” and how do they operate? Affinity frauds target individuals of specific groups such as ethnicity or religion. They claim to provide help and build trust. They operate by gaining trust and claim to assist the victims. They can pretend to invest money and pretend to use the money to help less fortunate. They then take the money for their own purpose (Hagan, 2011).9. Distinguish between boosters and snitches. Snitches are individuals that have less skill and talent and are viewed in the bottom of criminal ladder. Boosters on the other hand conduct careful planning and ensure that items can be sold. Snitches commit their crimes with little and no planning, use the items for their use and sell their item for very low prices. Booster use equipment tailored for their task that provides inconspicuousness as opposed to the snitches which may conduct hit and run thefts (Hagan, 2011). 10. Discuss the operations of professional burglars. What are some of their critical connections and typical operations?Operations of professional burglars work in groups that have good connections with individuals such as tipsters, fixers and fences. They often practice to upgrade their skills and prey on very unusual ways of theft. The Tipsters provide the burglar with information on potential targets, the fixers provide the burglar with methods to ward of the courts and the fences provides the buyers and the movement of the merchandise that they steal (Hagan, 2011). Works CitedHagan, F. E. (2011). Introduction to Criminology: Theories, Methods, and Criminal Behavior, Seventh Edition. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc. . ................

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