Skyline Sports Medicine

Strength & ConditioningGoals:Reduce InjuryInjury RehabilitationTerminology ReviewAntagonist:Agonist:Hypertrophy: Atrophy: Isometric Contraction: Isotonic Contraction: Eccentric Contraction:Anaerobic:Aerobic:New Terminology: FITT principle: key components of training programFrequencyIntensityTimeTypeAthletic Trainers & Strength CoachesCooperate in an effort to minimize __________and maximize ____________Both need knowledge of flexibility, strength and cardiorespiratory enduranceATs certified through…Strength coach/personal trainers certified through....National Strength and Conditioning AssociationAT may review program/make suggestionsRehabilitation of injuries is responsibility of _________________________ only!Principles of Training and ConditioningSafetyATs ____________ Gradual introduction to new exerciseEnvironmental safetyEquipment safetyProper ______________When to push through vs back offWarm up/Cool downOvertrainingWarm UpUsed to combat unnecessary ____________ and _______________May improve certain aspects of performancePrepares body ___________________ for physical workStimulates ___________________ system—improving circulation and blood flow to musclesIncreases metabolic processes, core temp, muscle elasticityStart with ___________ minutes of light joggingIncreases core temp=>reduce injuryLight sweat No evidence to show _____________ stretching is effective at reducing injuryNo evidence it’s harmful either___________ minutesContinuous motion to prepare bodyExamples: Enhances coordination, motor ability & stimulates______________ systemPrepares muscles/joints in _________________________ mannerRequires focus and concentrationShould include all _________________________ groupsActivity immediately followingCool-Down_____________________ part of workoutBring body back to resting state__________ minutesOften ignored due to timeProper cool down can decrease _______________Examples: MotivationGenerally athletes are highly motivated to work hardVary program Incorporate techniques of periodizationKeep program fun and not boring!OverloadTo improve, individual must work _____________ than they are accustomed to workingSAID principleS____________ A________________ to I_____________ D_____________“When the body is subjected to stresses and overloads of varying intensities, it will gradually adapt over time to overcome whatever demands are placed on it” Ex: increasing weight progressively= muscle adapts by increasing in size and efficiencyStress must NOT be so great that it causes damage or __________ before body is able to _____________ to demandsConsistency & ProgressionMust do conditioning program regularly for it to be ______________Increase intensity of conditioning program gradually and within individual’s ability to ____________IntensityIntensity > QuantityWorking ___________ does not have to equal working for_________ periodsIncrease tempo or workload rather than length of timeTired athlete = ________________________________Specificity & IndividualitySpecific ____________for conditioning programAddress specific components of fitness relative to activity athlete participates inStrength, flexibility, cardiorespiratory enduranceNeeds of individuals varies considerablyAdjust or accommodate for each individualMinimal StressExpect athletes to train close to _____________________Push athletes as far as possible But consider other life stressorsRest and recover mentally and physically Cardiorespiratory EnduranceAbility to perform _____________ body activities for _________________ period of timeFour Components:HeartBlood VesselsImprovements in endurance are result of improvements in those 4 componentsAerobic Capacity/greatest rate at which ________ can be taken in and used during exercise=______________Increases in _______________ require higher levels of O2 consumptionMore active you are=higher capacityAverage VO2 Max=45-60 ml O2/min/kgThree factors that impact capacity:_____________________Respiration (lung function)Gas Transport (cardiovascular system)___________________ Respiration (use of O2 to produce energy)Effects on HeartHeart needs to pump _____________ blood to deliver more oxygen to musclesIncrease exercise=increased O2 demands=increased heart pumpingHeart must gradually _________________________ but will reach steady state after ~2-3 minutes of trainingHeart is able to adapt through increases in ______ and ______which will enhance cardiac outputSV=stroke volume: Training results in increased ________________At a given intensity SV will _________________ while HR is ______________Cardiac functioning becomes more efficient Heart hypertrophies Cardiac output=_____________________________Cardio endurance ____________________ resistance to fatigue4168551104498600Training Energy SystemsTo train effectively need to establish training zonesMHR= ________________To gain ________________ fitness, exercise should be ______________ of MHR 220-16=204Aerobic training threshold between 122-163 HRAnaerobic training threshold between 163-204Training to Improve Cardiorespiratory EnduranceLevel of improvement will depend on initial levelsAerobic Training___________________: at least 3 times/week; <6_______________: 70% MHR; most critical factor____________: at least 20 minutes__________: Aerobic____________ Training (work & active recovery)Work at _______________ for short period, followed by active recovery at 35-40% MHR___________ and ___________ can be greaterMost sports look like this (FB, Basketball, Soccer, Tennis)Example: Soccer player runs ten 100 yard sprints with a 45 second walking recovery period between sprintsDuring sprints HR at ____________ MHRDuring recovery period _____________ MHRMuscular Strength, Power and Endurance_________________: ability to generate force against resistancePower: the relationship between strength and time—ability to generate ___________rapidlyEndurance: ability to perform ______________ muscular contractions against some resistanceFactors that Determine Muscular StrengthHypertrophy vs AtrophySize of MuscleNeuromuscular EfficiencyBiomechanical FactorsOvertraining (psychological and physiological)ReversibilityExplanation of Muscle Hypertrophy3 theories about why muscles hypertrophy in response to strength training:Increased number of muscle ___________Infusion of blood—transient hypertrophyIncrease in ______________________ numbers and sizePROVENImproved Neuromuscular EfficiencyEarly gains in strength _______________hypertrophyEnhanced efficiency due to improved ____________functionOther physiological Adaptations to Resistance TrainingIncreased strength of _________________ tissue (tendons and ligaments), increased bone ______________ content, aerobic/anaerobic enzymes, enhanced _____ uptakeBiomechanical FactorsBones, muscles, tendons create ____________and _____________that generate force against external objectsParticular ______________________ of muscles on bones will determine how much force can be generatedOvertrainingCan result in psychological and physiological _____________resulting in injury, fatigue and illnessTraining appropriately, eating right, and getting appropriate amounts of rest are critical for preventionReversibilityGains in strength resulting from resistance training can be _____________Declines in training or stopping will result in_____________ decreases in strengthPeriodizationAchieve peak performance Decrease injuries and overtrainingProgram that spans various seasonsModify program based on athlete’s needsPeriodization PeriodsMacrocyclesComplete training cycle—generally _________________ yearSeasonal approach—in-season, off-season and pre-season Changes in intensity, volume, specificity of training occur in order to achieve peak levels of fitness for competitionBroken into _______________Last weeks or monthsWhich further break down into ______________37378344945500Typically 1 week—but can be up to 4 weeksMatveyev’s ModelPreparatory First TransitionCompetitiveSecond TransitionNovice athlete _________ intensity/ _________Volume _______ intensity/____volumeAdvanced athlete High intensity and volumePreparatory PeriodOccurs during time of year when there are ________________ and only limited sport-specific skill practicesOff seasonLongest periodGoal: establish base level of conditioning, increase tolerance for more intense trainingActivities: _______ intensity, _________ VolumeLong-distance running/swimming, high reps/light resistance, technique training3 Phases of Preparatory Period_________________________Low-Mod intensity (50-75% 1 RM)High- Mod volume (3-6 sets of 10-20 reps)Basic StrengthHigh Intensity (80-90% 1 RM)_______________ Volume (3-5 sets/4-8 reps)Strength/PowerHigh Intensity (85-95% 1 RM)Low Volume (3-5 sets/2-5 reps)Each lasts on average 3-4 weeks, but can be 1-6 wksFirst Transition Period Between _________________ and ____________________ periodsGoal: Break between high volume and high intensity periodsActivities: ________ intensity/_______ volumeCompetition Period1-3 weeks OR entire competitive season for organized sportsGoal: ____________strength and power by increasing training intensity and decreasing volumeMaintenance Program (long season)_____________ Intensity, _____________ Volume80-85% 1 RM/2-3 sets of 6-8 reps Second TransitionBetween competitive season and next preparatory phaseGoal: Activities: Unstructured, non-sport specific recreational activities_________ intensity and volumeSports Seasons and Periodization PeriodsOff-SeasonMost of ______________________ phasePre-SeasonLate stages of preparatory phase and first transition periodIn-Season_______________ periodPostseasonAfter final contest______________________ period ................

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