I come from the Opium poppy plant and I relieve severe pain

Who or What or When Am I? History Review Game

I come from the Opium poppy plant and I relieve severe pain. Some people get to liking me too much.

I come from the night shade plant and I help relieve muscle spasms, especially smooth muscles. Donnagel comes from me.

I have been called the “Father of Medicine” because of my studies. I also started an oath of ethics for doctors over 2000 years ago.

Smallpox has practically disappeared completely because of my discovery.

There were great epidemics, such as the Bubonic plague (Black Death), during our days when convents and monasteries were the only ones practicing medicines and they left everything in God’s hands.

Computers, artificial kidneys, organ transplants, heart-lung machines, care for unborn fetus, are all advances during my time period.

Chloroform, ether, alcohol, choking, herbs, and nitrous oxide are all forms of me.

I named the fallopian tubes and vagina and invented the condom.

I invented the microscope by looking at scrapings from my teeth in glass that magnified.

I discovered that the heart is a pump and makes blood circulate all through the body.

I discovered that heating food (milk) kills bacteria that cause disease.

I discovered antiseptics would kill germs in surgery.

I discovered that mold could kill bacteria and thus penicillin was used to help fight infection.

Today’s stethoscopes “lay” around the “neck”, but my first one that I invented was wooden.

I was born and raised in Georgia and used ether to help anesthetize people for surgery.

I am the Pioneer of Nursing as I made nursing a respectable profession.

I founded the American Red Cross.

I was the first doctor to perform a heart transplant on humans.

I was the first woman to become a physician in the United States.

I invented the bifocals so I would not have to change glasses so often.

I discovered the vaccine for polio which prevented many people from having this debilitating disease.

I studied all about anthrax a long time before 9/ll. I’m known as the “Father of Microbiology”.

I discovered that hand washing prevented childbed fever thus saving many mothers and babies. Other doctors laughed at me in disbelief.

# 606 was the magic number that helped me find a treatment for syphilis.

Marie Curie discovered that I could treat cancer.

Chinese medicine using insertion of needles into many different body parts is a description of me.

I discovered a way to treat yellow fever so the Panama Canal could be built.

I have been around since early beginnings and come from a foxglove plant. I strengthen and slow the heart.

I’m the symbol of medical practice as it was once thought that yellow snakes licking a wound led to healing. The Greek god of healing, Asklepios, held a staff with only one snake on it.

I discovered the element oxygen was all around us and vital to our lives.

Names that you might want to connect with these times or persons or things.

Joseph Lister Gabrielle Fallopius Rene Laennec

Dark Ages Anesthesia Morphine

Elizabeth Blackwell William Harvey Belladonna

Ben Franklin Robert Koch Clara Barton

Alexander Fleming Crawford W Long Joseph Lister

Florence Nightingale Christian Barnard Jonas Salk

Edward Jenner Louis Pasteur Hippocrates

Ignaz Semmelweiss Radium Joseph Priestley

Digitalis Walter Reed Acupuncture

Caduceus Anton Leewenhoek 20th Century


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