Biology 218 – Human Anatomy - RIDDELL

Student Author Name: Michelle Arredondo Team Members Name(S): Rasheedah JohnsonBoshra Alzaghloul Student Author ID #: 0344394Team Members ID #’(s):01231870251378Lab Assignment #: 3Team Name: Gun’s n RosesLab Assignment Title: CV Stress 85/125Date: 2017-03-30Background AssumptionsThat people who are younger and smaller in weight have better vital signsBlood pressure may varies from age, weight, gender, and race. We will be able to see if these assumptions hold up in theory. We used a BMI calculator, sphygmomanometer, and stethoscope, manually took a radial pulse, and observed respirations for 30 seconds. Everyone’s baseline is different. Purpose / Objective(s):To stress our Cardiovascular system by running two laps around the quad. To compare the baseline vital signs with a physically stressed activity workout. To compare the data with our peak and our resting points. To explore whether or not we have demonstrated evidence consistent with evidence our theories.To measure vital signs of both male and female within different age groups. To measure students’ current physical condition when stressed. Hypothesis (ese):Younger people have better vital signs compared to people of older age.A person that exercises frequently returns their baseline vitals signs quickly.If someone is more athletic they are healthier than someone who has a sedentary lifestyle. It’s often thought that men have less fat and more muscle. Females have more body fat and less muscle mass.Subjects:The following table characterizes the study populationTable 1 Subject Means ranges are Materials:Alcohol swabs and hand sanitizer were used for managing sanitation in a large groupInstrumentationThe following list of instruments were used to record the metabolic response to stressWatch with second-hand/timerSphygmomanometerStethoscopeHydrostatic BP Cuff, standard and wrist versionsBody Mass Index (BMI) calculator from the internet Weight scaleProcedures:Calculated the body mass using a BMI calculator. We took each subject’s radial pulse, BP, and respirations manually for one minute, while sitting to collect our baseline data.Each member of the group ran two laps around the quad. Vital signs taken to measure peak BP, heart rate, and respiratory rate for one minute.Vital signs retaken at three minutes, six minutes, and ten minutes.Collected the data and input it into excel created charts and graphs accordingly.Results / Data:Table 2 – 4 characterize the response measurements for both individual subjects as well as the mean for each condition.???Where are 3 and 4?Table 2 Mean Heart Rate for Subject GroupsAnalysis / Discussion:In table #1 it indicates that all groups, males and females, with their height, weight, and BMI data.In table #1 we noticed that the male group had a higher BMI than the female group.In table #1 we noticed that the female group are older than the male group.In table #2 indicates that heart rate in the female group is higher throughout the whole process.Chart #1 females have a higher heart rate than the males.Subject: KAN compared to all females had a lower heart rate.Subject: KAN compared to males had a lower heart rate.Chart #2 states the heavier the weight the higher the BMI. For Females???Chart #3 indicates that the male are heavier in weight and higher in BMI. Than what / who? How can we see this? List the data points that we should take note ofChart #4 show the females have an elevated BMI thus the greater heart rate.Chart #5 show the males have an elevated BMI thus the greater heart rate.Chart #6 BP Systolic in six conditions females had a lower Systolic rate compared to the male. Chart #7 BP Systolic male in six condition Eugene’s systolic rate was the highest, but drastically dropped at his sixth condition compared to his group.Chart #8 the female BP Systolic rate in six conditions subject RR started the lowest out of all females Chart #8 the female BP Systolic rate in six conditions subject RR by the third condition she reached the highest out of all females.Chart #8 the female BP Systolic rate in six conditions subject HW had the lowest HT rate at all six conditions.Conclusions / Further Considerations: Through the collection of our data for both males and females we found the more pounds a person weighs the higher the BMI. There’s also a correlation between the weight and the heart rate. The heavier the subject the greater the work load for the heart. However, one female subject had a low body mass compared to the other females, but a higher heart rate. Also, in the male group the youngest male in age had the lowest body mass, but had the highest heart rate in his third condition. This tells us that the relation between heart rate and BMI is irrelevant. To advance our knowledge in collecting this kind of data we will need to do more experiments to obtain more accurate results. Chart # 1 Mean Group in 6 Conditions What are the six conditions? Not 1-6???Chart # 2 Female BMI vs WeightChart # 3 Male BMI vs WeightChart #4 BMI vs Elevated Heart Rate FemalesChart # 5 BMI vs Elevated Heart Rate MalesChart #6 BP Systolic 6 Condition Mean Makes NO SenseChart #7 BP Systolic Male in Six Conditions What six conditions?Chart #8 BP Systolic Female in Six Conditions What six conditions?Photos Titles? Numbers???References / Literature Cited: Medical Practice uses APA Standards for Citations.BMI calculator Group member’s images that were taken during group activity while gathering data. ................

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