Meeks and Heit – Chapter One - Gustavus Adolphus College

Meeks and Heit CHAPTER 5 – Questions and Reflection

1. How can a teacher enhance the effectiveness of lecture when it is essential to use this technique?

2. Even when a teacher needs to present “facts”, what teaching strategies other than lecture can be used?

3. What are some situations when a teacher should not use role play in health education?

4. What techniques can a teacher use to improve effectiveness of small group work and brainstorming?

5. How can teachers improve the effectiveness of cooperative learning activities?

6. What are some examples of demonstrations that might be appropriate in health education?

7. What is a web quest and what are the purposes of a well-designed web quest?

Chapter Six Emotional and Mental Health

1. Differentiate between character and values and then explain how a teacher could help children understand “good character” without intruding on family values.

2. Compare self-esteem and self-efficacy.

3. The social-emotional environment we create for children in school affects learning andd mental health. What are several ways we can ensure a positive social-emotional environment within the classroom?

4. Most people actually are “addicted” to something. Review the criteria for an addiction and then explain four concepts we should teach children in grades 6-7 about addiction.

5. Compare affective, anxiety, and personality disorders.

6. Explain how you will teach the parts of an I-Message.

7. Write a paragraph that illustrates three active listening techniques.

8. Explain the difference between anger cues and anger triggers using examples.

9. Describe three anger management techniques that we should teach to children in grade 2.

10. Give two examples of Eustress and two examples of Distress a teacher could use with first grade students.

11. Explain the three stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome.

12. What are five symptoms of childhood depression and how is depression related to serotonin and genetics?

13. Why should teachers be very concerned about childhood depression?

14. How do antidepressants actually work to control depression?

15. What are five warning signs of suicide that might be evident in middle school age children and what are three skills YOU would teach kids to reduce the likelihood of suicide?

16. In children, what types of factors trigger grief and how can a teacher help children who are grieving?

*Mini-Teaching Begins

Chapter 7 Questions Family and Social Health

1. What are several social skills that promote healthy relationships?

2. Explain co-dependency and its features.

3. Know the six stages of divorce and explain why children should understand these stages.

4. If divorce should occur and the teacher is informed of the situation, what roles can the teacher play in helping the child?

5. When a family experiences major change, what skills could help the child to more effectively cope?

6. Explain three objectives of a lesson on healthy friendship designed for children in grade 5-6.

7. Explain a teaching technique you could use to help 7th graders understand how to properly use Conversation Keepers vs. Killers.

8. How could a health teacher actually teach kids about the 6 standards for dating?

9. K-8 sexuality education focuses on abstinence. Why is this appropriate?

10. Explain three ways we can help children practice resistance skills to reinforce an abstinence message.

11. Teachers need to help children recognize unhealthy relationships. There are ten harmful styles of relationships described within this chapter. Given that we want to be POSITIVE in teaching health education, rewrite the ten styles so that each describes a healthy way to relate to others.

12. Write a short scenario with two critical thinking questions that you would use with 5th graders to help them better understand how to cope with an unhealthy relationship.

13. Briefly describe the types of intimacy.

14. In a unit on why teen marriage is an unhealthy choice, explain three lesson objectives you would teach (grade 7).

15. Read the section on child abuse and then explain three objectives for a lesson on child abuse designed for grade 6.

16. Review table 7-3.


Chapter 8 – You have an assignment worth 20 points

Chapter eight contains important information about all the body systems, parts, and functions. Although this is important material we teach, I don’t like to just give a TEST on all this material. Instead, you will read the entire chapter very carefully and then for the assigned system, develop a fun enrichment activity sheet that will teach both parts and functions for the body system assigned. Your sheet should meet the following criteria:

Be age and grade appropriate

Be fun for students and educationally valuable

Have clear directions about how to complete the sheet and a place for student name

Assume students have a textbook with basic information to use as an aid

to complete the worksheet or that the teacher has spent some time going over material in class.

Include a vocabulary list of some type to help with spelling words.

Be creative; the enrichment activity sheet is NOT a crossword puzzle or word find

or some other boring “worksheet”…

Use a fun font for title and include an appropriate graphic

*please write your name on the top of the sheet in upper right hand corner.

Two classmates for suggestions. Once this feedback is received, partners may revise the activity sheet and resubmit for grading by Dr. Herman. At the end of the semester, you will send an electronic version of the activity sheet to Herman for inclusion in the class CD…so be sure you use MS Word to create this sheet.

Chapter 8 Enrichment Activity Sheet Assignments

Erin Skeletal System

Brittany Circulatory system

Chris Eye and Seeing

Andy Respiratory System

Sam Digestive System

Riley Muscular System

Vicky Central Nervous system

Shea Urinary and Excretory systems

Trystan Ear and Hearing


Chapter 9 –Nutrition -Questions and Computerized Dietary Choices and Physical Activity Assessment (MyPyramid Tracker)

1. What are the six major nutrients and purposes of each?

2. Explain the differences among: saturated fat, cholesterol, unsaturated fat.

3. Why are trans-fatty acids and hydrogenated products a health risk?

4. What information is required on the Nutrition Facts label?

5. What are percent daily values?

6. Why must all consumers understand the concept of “health claims” on food labels?

7. Study figure 9-2 and 9-3. Write a question or comment you will share in class.

8. What are the three major dietary guidelines for Americans and how can a teacher integrate these within nutrition education?

9. How can we modify our diets to reduce risk of cancer?

10. Which nutrients are anti-oxidants and why are these particularly important?

11. When teaching 5-6th graders, what are five choices we should discuss to reduce adult cardiovascular disease?

12. Many children have food allergies. Explain common types.

13. Breakfast is an essential meal for all people. Explain three objectives of a middle school lesson regarding breakfast.

14. Study the data on the bottom of page 233. Then, based on that data, explain five topics we should teach in a nutrition education unit for grades 6-7.

15. Write three misconceptions that are corrected by the material on Nutrition and Sports in this chapter.

16. Many families eat out several times each week. Explain a teaching activity we could use with children in 6th grade to help them make healthier choices when eating out.

17. How can we teach children to reduce the risk of food-borne diseases?

18. Read the information on pages 310-311. Then write three misconceptions about weight and body composition addressed within these pages.

19. If one needs to lose weight, what are the healthy ways to do so?

20. Why do teachers need to be careful when teaching about weight loss and reducing fat in the diet?

21. Describe the person most at risk of an eating disorder.

22. What can teachers/schools do to help children improve body image?


Chapter 10 10 points Personal Health and Physical Activity

1. What are several reasons why parents should schedule a health exam for a child each year?

2. Know the types of vision problems and describe each.

3. In terms of ear care and hearing loss, what are three questions you would discuss with 4th graders?

4. Write three objectives for a dental health unit, grade 6, using the format:

Students should…

5. Write three objectives for a unit on skin and nail care for students in grade 5 using the format:

Students should…

6. Write five true or false questions for grade 6 that would help students better understand the risks due to sunbathing, risks associated with tanning booths, causes and care for acne and risks associated with piercings.

7. Middle school students often get inadequate amounts of sleep. What are three questions you would discuss with them regarding sleep?

8. What are major concerns associated with lack of physical activity?

9. For grade 5, write three objectives for a unit on physical fitness. Use the format: Students should…

10. Explain each of the following: muscular strength and endurance, FITT principles, flexibility, specificity, and overload.

11. What are three misconceptions addressed within pages 284-286 that kids should know.


Chapter 11 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

As you read chapter 11, complete this T/F or fill in the blank exercise.

1. Taking someone else’s prescription is an example of _________________.

2. Taking two ibuprofen for a headache is an example of _________________.

3. A reason why some drugs cannot be taken by mouth: _______________________.

4. Mrs. Kelly is 87 years old and takes several prescription drugs. What are three reasons she will need to work closely with her physician to determine correct dosage?

_______________________ ________________________ _______________________

5. In deciding whether to buy Equate aspirin or Bayer aspirin, the consumer must consider at least two factors: _______________________ and ___________________________.

6. “Do not take this OTC drug if you have high blood pressure.” This is an example of a __________________________ included on a drug label.

7. Write two objectives a teacher should accomplish in a 7th grade lesson on prescription and OTC drugs. ____________________________________________________________ and


8. T or F: If a person drinks light beer, he or she is less likely to become intoxicated.

9. If a breath test shows a drinker has a .13 alcohol level, the proper term for this is:


10. Kirstin and Len, age 23, are going to a party where alcohol will be served. What are three reasons why Kirsten must drink less than Len even if they weigh the same amount?

_______________________ _______________________ ________________________

11. T or F: Carbonated alcoholic beverages cause more rapid intoxication than noncarbonated alcoholic beverages.

12. Two reasons why the legal BAC limit for driving should be .08 or lower:

___________________________ _________________________________

13. Match the effect to the proper body system by drawing a line:

Increase in blood pressure reproductive system

Delayed menstruation immune system

Brittle bones cardiovascular system

Increased incidence of colds skeletal system

Liver failure nervous system

14. Three reasons why pregnant women should avoid alcohol:

_____________________ ___________________ ___________________

15. Write three objectives for a lesson on why teens should not drink alcohol:


16. Three ways nicotine causes continued use of tobacco products:

___________________, _____________________, _____________________

17. When teaching 6th graders about health effects of smoking or breathing second-hand smoke, write one effect you would teach for each category listed:

lung health _____________________________

cardiovascular health________________________


18. T or F: Cigarette smoke from a burning cigarette is mainstream smoke.

19. Three reasons why no one should chew tobacco:

_______________________, _______________________, ____________________

20. Two purposes of the Master Settlement Agreement: _____________________ and


21. Teachers play important roles in the comprehensive tobacco control program.

What is one role of a teacher for each of the following:

A. prevention of adolescent smoking ___________________________________

B. Helping teens quit _______________________________________________

C. Decreasing ETS_________________________________________________

D. Decreasing disparities in use_______________________________________

22. In middle school, some adolescents already smoke and often don’t know how to quit. What are three ways teachers can help?

____________________________, _________________________, ____________________

23. Fill out the drug chart below based on pages 382-390:

THREE bonus points if you use a source other than the book to complete the column entitled, “Other Important Information” for each drug.

|Drug Name |Category |Two Effects |Two Dangers |Other Important Info |

| | | | |(use second source) |

|Crack | | | | |

|Methamphetamine | | | | |

|Ecstasy | | | | |

| | | | | |

|GHB | | | | |

|Heroin | | | | |

| | | | | |

|PCP | | | | |

|THC-Marijuana | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Gas or Amyl Nitrite | | | | |

List web site used for right hand column:

24. What are three ways a third grade teacher can help children “reduce vulnerability” to drug use and “promote resiliency?” __________________________, ________________________,

and _____________________________.

25. After reading about risk factors, explain WHY some kids use alcohol while others do not?

26. You are a middle school teacher trying to help 7th graders understand dependency. Write three questions you would have them think about to decide if someone they know may be chemically dependent?



and ___________________________________________________________________.

27. Match the role to the proper example: Chemically Dependent Family

Latisha has low esteem and often gets in trouble at school Enabler

Husband of alcoholic wife makes excuses for her absences from work Hero

Child is very quiet and withdrawn Scapegoat

Child gets straight A’s in school Lost Child

28. Why do peers pressure peers?

29. Write a one paragraph role play scenario you would use with 4th graders to help them learn how to handle peer pressure:

30. In teaching 6th graders about why they should be drug-free, what are two lesson objectives?

_________________________________________, __________________________________

31. What are three ways drug use relates to an increase in HIV transmission?

_____________________________, ______________________, _______________________

32. Describe one technique you could use to help kids understand “intervention?”


Chapter 12 Communicable and Chronic Disease

You have two charts to complete as you read through this chapter.

Then write five unit goals for an 8th grade unit on Communicable and Chronic Disease.

Chart One:

3 Bonus Points: Use another source to find treatment for each of the diseases listed below…

|Disease |Description |Symptoms |Risks |Treatment |

|Asthma | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|CFS | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|CF | | | | |

| | | | | |

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|Epilepsy | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|MD | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Sickle Cell A. | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|SLE | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

List URL of source here:

Chart Two:

|Disease |Pathogen |Mode of Transmission |Symptoms |Treatment |Prevention |

|FLU | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|STREP | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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| | | | | | |

|PNEUMONIA | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|CHLAMYDIA | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|HERPES | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|GONORRHEA | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|VIRAL HEPATITIS | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

To conclude chapter 12, now write five unit goals for an 8th grade unit on Communicable and Chronic Disease.







Chapter 13 Questions Consumer and Community Health

1. What are three important health goals regarding consumer health that we should teach by grade 8?

2. What are the four consumer rights and the importance of this concept?

3. Differentiate between fraud and quackery.

4. What are the roles of the FDA, FTC, and CPSC?

5. What are some questions we can help children ask to evaluate advertising and learn money management skills?

6. Write three objectives of a lesson for grade 10 on money and time management.

7. Carefully read pages 367-372 and then describe five concepts regarding health care consumerism we should teach to students in grade 7.

8. How could we help middle school students learn about health careers in a fun, interactive way?

9. Given the health crises in southern Asia and other regions of the world, explain three objectives of a lesson or short unit on international health problems and a teaching activity you would use to promote understanding of world health.


We will not read chapter 14 since this is typically covered in science.

Chapter 15 , Injury Prevention, questions and complete the scenarios listed below.

1. What are three health goals associated with safety?

2. Describe several common causes of death during the childhood years.

3. Write three objectives for a unit on weather safety designed for grade 5.

4. What are some of the risk factors for being a victim or perpetrator of violence?

5. Define protective factors against violence and give some examples.

6. Differentiate among passive, aggressive, and assertive behaviors.

7. Explain “moral code” and the three questions we want kids to remember when evaluating a decision.

8. Write three objectives for a 7th grade lesson on safety while walking or bike riding alone.

9. Explain a teaching activity we could use to help children learn why bullying is harmful and how to cope with a bully.

10. What are some warning signs of an unhealthy dating relationship that 7th graders should know, and then explain three rules you would want kids to remember to reduce relationship risks.

11. As an educator, explain three concepts you learned about gangs that you feel children should understand to help keep them safe.

12. Know the purposes of the Good Samaritin Law.

13. What are five universal precautions every teacher should know?

14. When checking an unconscious victim, what do we check?

15. Review all first aid procedures discussed in the book. You took HES 126, First Aid and CPR, and should be fully certified in both skills.

16. Explain appropriate first aid for: bleeding, shock, a knocked out tooth, bee sting, poison ivy, tick removal, first and second degree burns, fractures and sprains, severe seizures, heat exhaustion and heat stroke, frostbite and hypothermia.



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