| |

|Request |Response |

|FoI 636 – received 4 April 2013 |The Barnsley area formulary is available at the following link |

| |  The formulary is updated on a |

|Do you have or adhere to a: |regular basis when changes are made by the Area Prescribing |

| |Committee, the Committee meet on a monthly basis. |

|Formulary                                        | |

|Traffic Light List |I have also attached a copy of the traffic light list. |

| | |

|How often is this formulary updated? |The Barnsley formulary is a joint formulary across Barnsley |

| |CCG, BHNFT and the Barnsley Business Delivery Unit of SWYFT and|

|Please attach any relevant documents |all three organisations contribute to development of the |

| |formulary via the Area Prescribing Committee.   |

|Do you have any plans to develop a formulary or any of the other documents |[pic] |

|detailed above? | |

| | |

| When are the formulary/ other documents due to be published? | |

| | |

| Will you utilise any other organisation's formularies in developing this | |

|formulary? | |

|FoI 637 – received 4 April 2013 |Barnsley CCG holds no recorded information in relation to this |

|Q1 Has the CCG had any discussions with the local pharmaceutical committee |enquiry. |

|regarding the provision of health services by community pharmacies in your | |

|area? |Any discussions or meetings which have been held with LPC |

| |members have been informal and not minuted by the CCG. |

|(Please note, services may include smoking cessation, minor ailments, weight | |

|management, EHC, vascular risk checks, Chlamydia screening, vaccinations etc) | |

| | |

|Q2 Where such a discussion has been held, please could you give me the | |

|following details: | |

|a)The date of the meeting | |

|b)A full list of the services discussed | |

|c)A full list of the attendees | |

|d)A copy of the minutes of the meetings | |

|FoI 638 – received 8 April 2013 |[pic] |

| | |

|Are you familiar with the new NICE guidance published in December 2012 | |

|regarding the approved access to advanced skin cancer treatments ipilimumab | |

|(Yervoy) (TA268) and vemurafenib (Zelboraf) (TA269)? | |

|  | |

|Yes                   No | |

|  | |

|If so, how is it being adopted locally? | |

|  | |

|___________________________________________________________________________ | |

|  | |

|  | |

|Are you currently making ipilimumab and vemurafenib routinely available to | |

|those who need it following the publication of the guidance on 12th December | |

|2012? | |

|  | |

|Yes                   No | |

|  | |

|If not, why not? | |

| | |

|___________________________________________________________________________ | |

| | |

| | |

|If you answered “yes” to Question 2, did you make ipilimumab and vemurafenib | |

|routinely available to those who need it by 12th March 2013, the three month | |

|implementation deadline following the publication of NICE guidance? | |

| | |

|Yes                         No | |

| | |

|If not, what is the rationale for this? | |

| | |

|________________________________________________________________________ | |

| | |

| | |

|If you answered “yes” to Question 2, when exactly did you make ipilimumab and | |

|vemurafenib routinely available to those who need it? | |

| | |

|Before 1st January 2013 | |

|January 2013 | |

|February 2013 | |

|March 2013 | |

|April 2013 | |

|  | |

|Have ipilimumab and vemurafenib now been incorporated into your local | |

|formulary? | |

|  | |

|Yes                   No | |

|  | |

|If not, why not? | |

|___________________________________________________________________________ | |

|  | |

| | |

| Had ipilimumab and vemurafenib been incorporated into your local formulary by | |

|12th March 2013? | |

| | |

|Yes                         No | |

| | |

|If not, why not? | |

| | |

|________________________________________________________________________ | |

| | |

| | |

|Have relevant clinicians in your area been advised of the new NICE guidance on | |

|ipilimumab and vemurafenib? | |

|  | |

|Yes                   No | |

|  | |

|If not, why not? | |

|  | |

|___________________________________________________________________________ | |

|  | |

|  | |

|How many applications for funding through Independent Funding Requests (IFRs) | |

|for ipilimumab (Yervoy) have you received since 12th March 2013? | |

|________________________________________________________________________ | |

|  | |

|  | |

|Of these applications, have any been refused?  | |

|  | |

|Yes                   No | |

|  | |

|If so, how many and why? | |

|  | |

|________________________________________________________________________ | |

|  | |

|How many applications for funding through Independent Funding Requests (IFRs) | |

|for vemurafenib (Zelboraf) have you received since the publication of the NICE | |

|guidance (TA269) in December 2012 for the treatment of Melanoma (BRAF V600 | |

|mutation positive, unresectable metastatic)? | |

|  | |

|________________________________________________________________________ | |

|  | |

|Of these applications, have any been refused? | |

|  | |

|Yes                   No | |

|  | |

|If so, how many and why? | |

| | |

|___________________________________________________________________ | |

|  | |

| | |

|Following Sir David Nicholson’s letter to NHS Chief Executives in August 2012 | |

|confirming the 1st April 2013 deadline for the introduction of the NHS | |

|Compliance Regime for Technology Appraisals, are you planning to make | |

|information about the availability of ipilimumab and vemurafenib available? | |

| | |

|Yes                         No | |

| | |

|If so, when are you planning to publish it? | |

|  | |

|___________________________________________________________________________ | |

| | |

| | |

|Are you in the process of, or have you already carried out, a budgetary | |

|assessment relating to the impact of the positive guidance for the above | |

|treatments in your area? | |

| | |

|Yes                         No | |

| | |

|If so, do you have an estimated figure of the potential cost of the positive | |

|guidance? | |

|  | |

|___________________________________________________________________________ | |

|FoI 639 – received 11 April 2013 |Kirsty Waknell, Communications and Engagement Manager, |

| |email:kirstywaknell@ |

|Could you please supply the names and email addresses of your staff operating | |

|under job titles such as Head of Marketing & Communications, Communications | |

|Manager or Officer, Account Manager - Communications etc., ideally anybody in | |

|the Communications unit. | |

|FoI 640 – received 12 April 2013 |There is only one commissioning team for the Continuing |

| |Healthcare Team in Barnsley which is:- |

|I would like the contact details for each of the 5 continuing healthcare |  |

|commissioning teams within the Barnsley area. |Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group |

| |c/o Hillder House |

| |49-51 Gawber Road |

| |Barnsley |

| |South Yorkshire |

| |S75 2PY |

| |Telephone: 01226 433756 |

|FoI 641 – received 12 April 2013 |[pic] |

| | |

|Please can you email me an Organisation Chart for the finance and accountancy | |

|function at the CCG. | |

|FoI 642 – received 16 April 2013 |[pic] |

| | |

|Q1 - Please detail all new measures your CCG has put in place for 2013/14 to | |

|limit GP referrals for any procedures deemed non-urgent or “low-clinical | |

|priority”. Please explain the rationale for making each of these changes. | |

|Q2 - Please state how much money the CCG estimates the measures outlined in the| |

|response to Q1 will save in 2013/14. | |

|Q3 - Please detail any specific changes the CCG has made for 2013/14 to the | |

|criteria for referring patients for any of the following  procedures or | |

|treatments: | |

|Knee surgery/replacements | |

|Hip impingement/replacements/resurfacing | |

|Cataract surgery | |

|Tonsillectomies | |

|Bariatric surgery | |

|In vitro fertilisation (IVF) | |

|Open MRI scans | |

|Carpal tunnel syndrome | |

|Dupuytren’s contracture | |

|FoI 643 – received 19 April 2013 |[pic] |

|1) Please could you provide me with a copy of the current diabetes guidelines | |

|(as of 12 April 2013) that are being utilised by the CCG | |

|2) Where there is a current Local Enhanced Service (LES) for diabetes for the | |

|CCG, please can you provide a copy. | |

|3) Please can you provide a copy or link to the current formulary being | |

|utilised by the CCG (as of 12 April 2013) | |

|4) Please can you provide details of any prescribing targets or incentive | |

|schemes specific to diabetes  or diabetes products for the year 2013 -2014 | |

|5) Please could you provide a copy or link to the commissioning plan for the | |

|CCG for year 2013 – 2014 | |

|If this address is not the appropriate address for a FOI enquiry  - please | |

|could you acknowledge and forward to the appropriate contact. | |

|FoI 644 – received 23 April 2013 |Q1.   West and South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw CSU |

|Please advise which commissioning support unit (if any) you are receiving | |

|commissioning support services from. Please detail all commissioning support |Q2.   Business Intelligence |

|services you are receiving from the commissioning support unit, along with |      Business Support |

|contract details for each service e.g. start date, end date, and value of |      Procurement |

|contract. |      Finance |

| |      Corporate Governance |

| |      Communications and Engagement |

| |      Human Resources |

| |      Organisational Health |

| |      CHC / FNC |

| |      Individual Funding Reviews |

| |      Equality and Diversity |

| | |

| |Q3.   The start date for the contracts is 1 April 2013 and the |

| |end date of    31 March 2014.  Unfortunately the value of the |

| |contract is exempt     under the Public authority’s own |

| |commercial activities. |

|FoI 645 – received 23 April 2013 |Barnsley CCG does not have a specific Commissioning Manager for|

|I’m currently updating our records and contact details and was hoping you could|Dermatology.  |

|assist me with the name and email address of the current commissioning Manager | |

|of dermatology for the Barnsley CCG please. |All our Acute Contracts have Contract Managers assigned to |

| |them.  Therefore if an issue arises with Dermatology at a |

| |specific hospital then this would be picked up by the |

| |appropriate Contract Manager.  This is the way that we do our |

| |business and it is all part of a wider team the contact in the |

| |first instance would be |

|FoI 646 – received 23 April 2013 |[pic] |

| | |

|[pic] | |

|FoI 647 – received 24 April 2013 |[pic] |

| | |

|[pic] | |

|FoI 648 – received 30 April 2013 |Dr Rob Farmer |

|I require the name, position and any contact details of the people who are |GP Clinical Lead and Elected Member of the CCG Governing Body |

|functioning as the Diabetes Clinical Lead and/or Long Term Conditions Lead for | |

|the Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group that has recently been formed. |Robert.farmer@ |

|FoI 649 – received 30 April 2013 |Do you currently have a registered nurse in post on your |

|Do you currently have a registered nurse in post on your governing body as one |governing body as one of the two clinical members required by |

|of the two clinical members required by legislation? |legislation? Yes |

|  |  |

|If yes, when was the post holder appointed? Is it currently a substantive or an|If yes, when was the post holder appointed? Is it currently a |

|interim appointment? |substantive or an interim appointment? January 2013 full time |

|  |substantive Chief Nurse |

|Have you appointed any other nurses or someone with a nursing background to |  |

|your executive team, for example as a director of nursing, chief nurse or other|Have you appointed any other nurses or someone with a nursing |

|role? |background to your executive team, for example as a director of|

| |nursing, chief nurse or other role? As above full time |

| |substantive Chief Nurse |


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