
Rijksmuseum042862505000625Za 12 NovemberAmsterdamIn the weekend I went to the Rijksmuseum together with my parents and my sister because we won free tickets. Summary:We had a guide that led us through the museum. She showed us many paintings including the famous Nachtwacht but also other artwork including some wooden ships. The painting I am going to focus on during this report is the Nachtwacht.The Nachtwacht is of course a very famous painting here in the Rijksmuseum and it also shows a few very powerful men of the Golden Age. In the centre of the painting, Frans Banninck Cocq can be spotted. He was the leader and captain of this painted group. Next to him, Willem van Ruytenburch can be seen and he was the lieutenant. Purpose:The main purpose of the Nachtwacht for Rembrandt was of course to earn money and to show his skills and capabilities to the world in this huge painting. But the purpose of the ‘Doelengebouw’ was to show off its wealth and power. The ‘Doelengebouw’ was a place where the Dutch civic guards would come together and this place ordered this painting to be made. This painting was hung in one of the big rooms of the Doelengebouw.Means:27432001111885The paintings in the Rijksmuseum are very detailed and full of colour. One of the most famous paintings there is the Nachtwacht, made by Rembrandt van Rijn. This painting shows the style of claire-obscure and this means that it is painted so that the most important people stand out by the use of light.The painting is called the Nachtwacht because everyonethinks that it shows these people during the night because of the dark colours. But this painting is actually meant to be painted during the day but with the style claire-obscure it looks like it’s during the night.2971800941070The museum itself holds a lot of paintings that are from the Golden Age of de Netherlands. Those paintings are very special and all attention must me pointed at those paintings. The museum does this by the use of colours and lighting. The walls and floor of the museum are very plain and boring so that they will not distract the visitors. The wallsare painted in dark purple so thatthe paintings will stand out. Although the floor and walls are boring, the ceiling and some pillars of the museum are in the style of the Golden Age. This makes that the atmosphere of themuseum reflects on the Golden Age and it makes the visitor feel like they might be in that certain time. So, the museum tried to make the building in a Golden Age theme but not too much so that the attention would fade from the artwork. The lighting mostly points at the artwork and this also helps in aiming the attention of the visitors on the art.Source: Context:This painting has a big relation to historical context. Of course this museum has a big relation to history as it holds a lot of historical Dutch arts. Rijksmuseum has paintings, portraits, statues, ships, porcelain and many more artworks that date from 1500-1900. Many famous Dutch artists have their work here like Rembrandt van Rijn, Johannes Vermeer en Frans Hals. The Nachtwacht also has a relation to the historical context of course because of multiple reasons. The painting was created in 1642 and the style Rembrandt used back then is not so commonly used today in paintings anymore.Source: : “Goed. Zonder meer. ”Beoordeeld op 11 januari 2017?via mobiele applicatie 3/5 sterrenEen must see als je in Amsterdam bent. Prachtig gebouw ook. Erg vriendelijk personeel. Maar indeling van museum zelf is niet zo duidelijk. Zijn paar keer verloren gelopen.. En buiten de Rembrandt zaal, vond ik er niet zo erg veel aan.Bezocht Januari, 2017, tripadvisorI could not find a review of the Nachtwacht so I used one of the museum itself.I partly agree with this review because I also thought that the building was beautiful, especially from the outside. I on the other hand did thought that it was clear where to go and I didn’t get lost in the museum but this might have also been the case as I had a guide.The second thing I do not agree on is that it was not interested besides the Rembrandt paintings. I personally also liked the ships and some other paintings. Conclusion:I am not really fund of museums but the Rijksmuseum was not that bad. This might be the case as I am quite interested in the Golden Age and the museum had a lot of art of the Golden Age. Although I kind of liked it, I do not want to visit the Rijksmuseum again because I think that I already went there for like five times, that is enough.About the Nachtwacht, I thought the painting was really beautiful, too bad that a about one-fifth of the painting got lost during moving it.Words: 846Words without review: 777 ................

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