Neopost is-200 series user guide - Weebly


Neopost is-200 series user guide

View and Download Neopost IN-360 user manual online. IN-360 Postal Equipment pdf manual download.IN-360 Postage Meter. The IN-360 is the ideal mailing and shipping solution for growing businesses. For a limited time new customers can get up to $200 off when they switch from their current lease to the Neopost IN-360. Click below to see if your business qualifies! Get Up

to $200 Off.Feb 09, 2018 SP-300 SP-500. Download Instructions IS-200/240/280/280C/290i AutoStamp2TM Download Instructions - PDF (Direct Internet Connection) Download Instructions - PDF (Connection via Computer - PC Meter Link only).How do I clear a `PSD locked' message on my machine?Please click here to chat to Nina, our Virtual assistant who can help you clear a

PSD locked message on your machine.Paying a Royal Mail Surcharge/Entering an amount manuallyPlease click here to chat to Nina, our Virtual assistant who can help you to pay a Royal Mail surcharge.Rate Selection Click here for more information on franking your post, including sending items internationally, using Special and Recorded delivery and how to post your franked

mail.Changing to a LAN connection Please click here to chat to Nina, our Virtual assistant who can help you change your machine connection type.Weighing issues Click here for more information on weighing issues.Machine displays 'No Services' / 'S' / 'E'Click here for more information on machine displays.Connecting errors Please click here to chat to Nina, our Virtual assistant

who can help solve connection errors on your franking machine.Printing & Ink Cartridge problemsPlease click here to chat to Nina, our Virtual assistant who can help you with ink cartridge problems on your franking machine.How do I recredit my franking machine?Please click here to chat to Nina, our Virtual assistant who can help you top up your franking machine with more

postage credit.How do I use the envelope sealer on my IS-480?You can find information on how to use the IS-480 envelope sealer here. To find more information about this product you can use the search function on the web page.User Guide for specific modelYou can find all kinds of useful information, including a user guide on the information page.What is my administrator

password?Your administrator password is specific to the computer that you're using. Your IT department should be able to help you out with this.What is the minimum amount of credit I can load onto my franking machine?There is no minimum amount when you make a payment into your Credifon account but the credit will then need to be downloaded onto your franking

machine.If your machine is one of the following models, the minimum recrediting amount is ?10: IJ25, IS-200 series (IS-240, IS-280), Autostamp and all Mailmark machines.For all other machine models the minimum recrediting amount is ?50. You can then increase this in increments of ?10, for example ?60, ?70, etc.Where can I find my machine PIN?Please click here to chat to

Nina, our Virtual Assistant who can help you obtain your PIN.How do I complete a generic call on my franking machine?Please click here for information on how to complete a generic call.How do I change the printed date?In order to date advance your mail, please follow the steps below. Please note, post must be sent on the date printed. If you are using an IS/IN range machine

please select 'Menu' from the home screen. Choose the option for Imprint and then select 'Date'. You can now choose how many days ahead you want to go, then press the home button and frank your items. If you are using an IJ25 please press 'Menu' and scroll to 'Date'. Press 'OK' and choose the date you wish to frank, press 'OK' again then frank. If you are using a different IJ

machine please select 'Imprint' in the menu and the choose the date you want, you may need to select the option for 'List' and then the date.How do I clear a 'pass through not printing' message?If your machine is displaying a 'pass through not printing' message this can usually be resolved by rebooting the machine. To do this please switch the machine off at the plug socket for at

least 30 seconds and then switch the machine back on.Weighing feature threshold reachedThis message means that the item is too heavy for your weighing platform. Please weigh the item separately to find the weight of the item in grams and enter the weight manually on the machine by selecting 'Menu', then 'Batch settings' and then weighing type. You will see the option for

manual weight entry, you can then enter the weight of the item into the machine in grams. Please press 'Ok' to confirm and the home button and you can frank.Meter Reset ForbiddenA 'Meter reset forbidden' message usually means that your machine has had a connection error when recrediting. To clear this please try again to recredit your machine.How do I clear a 'memory limit

reached' message on my machine?Memory limit reached appears when it is time to upload the data from your machine onto our server, freeing up some memory. To do this please make sure that your franking machine is connected to the telephone line. Press 'Menu', scroll to 'Online services' and then choose 'Upload stats'. Once this connection has completed your machine

should be ready to use.How do I clear a 'warning, inspection required' message on my machine?Your IJ range franking machine will need to make a connection to our server every 90 days, when this is due your machine will display a message stating 'Warning, inspection required'. To clear this, please make sure your machine is connected to the phone line. Press the money bag

button and enter the amount to add as zero, once the connection has completed your machine will be ready to use.My machine is displaying a 'server call' message how do I fix this?If your machine is displaying a 'server call' message and seems to be frozen on this screen, please unplug the machine from the power supply and leave for one minute before plugging back in.Why

does the date change at 5pm on my Mailmark franking machine?The date on your Mailmark machine will change to the next day at 5pm every evening. This is a requirement from Royal Mail. You will still be able to post your franked mail as usual because the exact date and time is included within the 2D bar code on the frank. DOWNLOAD FILE FILE AVAILABLE Last

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File Converter Mp3 Search Faster, Better & Smarter Here! Find Music File Converter Mp3 Mp3 converter Merge And Convert Files Into PDFs For Free With EasyPDFCombine App! The Neopost IS200 series of franking machines was and still is one of the game changers within the Post OfficeTM industry. Not only are small

offices finally able to have a one stop solution for mailing and shipping their products, they can finally improve their cost control and create a productive environment for their co-workers. Although the devices are built for simplicity, hassle free usage and easy management, they are not flawless, and we saw several of our users stumbling upon issues which can be solved easily

with a few basic troubleshooting steps, or just going through the Neopost IS 200 series PDF manual and checking for the most common issues. PDF User Manual for the Neopost IS-200, IS-240, IS-280, IS-280C and IS-290i As of now, the Neopost IS200 series is covering five different models, the IS-200, IS-240, IS-280, IS-280C and the IS-290i, in case you're having trouble with

either of them, you can fix it with one universal Neopost IS200 series PDF manual, since they have almost similar troubleshooting steps. But before you start your internet hunt for the best solution on how to solve your franking machine problem, be sure to first re-start your device manually, if it didn't help then try to plug it in to a different power outlet to see if there are any power

plug problems, if that also didn't help, then do a check up on the phone/internet line which is plugged in to the device. Sometimes the router can play crazy on them, and a solution is just a plug and unplug away. Once you cleared that step and are sure that the problem is within something else, then feel free to consult the manual. As already mentioned, this user manual will cover

all five devices, so you don't have to download a Neopost IS-200 PDF manual, Neopost IS-240 PDF manual, Neopost IS-280 PDF manual, Neopost IS-280C PDF manual or the Neopost IS-290i PDF manual separately, they share almost all of the problems and solutions. The Neopost IS 200 user guide can be downloaded here:

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