STL Ocarina Radio One Pager - Juliet Cruz

The Ocarina: Ancient instrument offers music for everyone

With roots in dawn of history, the ocarina is enjoying resurgent popularity

thanks to a video game and a St. Louis company

The ocarina (say O-ca-reena) is so easy to play many people can pick out simple tunes soon after first picking one up. These beautiful and intriguing little wind instruments date back thousands of years and have been unearthed in ancient cultures around the world. They were once popularized in America by troops in the first and second World Wars who carried them in combat. More recently, the video game “The Legend of Zelda” has spurred new interest in the ocarina. Video gamers, amateur and professional musicians, and parents seeking an easy and economical way to introduce their kids to music are all discovering the ocarina. St. Louis-based STL Ocarina is helping to meet that growing demand.

Suggested Intro: People all over the world are rediscovering the ocarina, a pocket-sized pottery wind instrument with ancient roots. With us today is music educator and accomplished ocarina performer Juliet Cruz of STL Ocarina. The St. Louis company is dedicated to reviving the art of ocarina playing. Learn more at . Welcome, Juliet. Tell us about the ocarina and why it is a good first instrument for people of all ages.


• Music Education – Juliet provides tips for getting kids interested in playing a musical instrument from her experience teaching students improvisation and other skills.

• Benefits of Music Education for Kids – Juliet discusses how learning to play musical instruments helps kids learn discipline, patience, problem-solving skills, confidence and responsibility.

• DIY Music – The ocarina's affordability, portability and user-friendliness have made it a hit worldwide. Juliet explains how the instrument's versatility makes it ideal for DIY music at home.

• A pocket-sized history – Juliet discusses the ocarina's worldwide origins, from ancient China and India to the Mayan, Aztec and Inca cultures of Central and South America.

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Suggested QUESTIONS for Juliet Cruz:

1. What makes the ocarina so easy and fun to play?

2. What kind of music is the instrument used for?

3. How much do ocarinas cost?

4. What makes the ocarina a good first instrument for adults and kids?

5. How old is the instrument and what are its origins in ancient cultures?

6. How has the video game “The Legend of Zelda” spurred renewed interest in the ocarina?

7. What tips do you have for parents to help their child choose a first instrument?

8. What are some of the academic benefits kids get from learning a musical instrument?

9. How can parents best encourage their children's interest in music?

10. You specialize in flute and have played as principal flutist of the St. Louis Philharmonic. How does the learning the ocarina compare to learning other instruments?

11. With school systems cutting back on music and art education, how can instruments like the ocarina be used to help students get a well-rounded education?

12. Can you demonstrate some of the songs that are easy to learn on the ocarina?


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