Parent’s information


Bronze Training Weekend 18 - 19 May 2019

Please refer to the group list when reading this information

Transport – Ridgewood students to arrive from 7:30am for an 8:00am depart

Campsmount students to arrive from 8:00am for an 8:30am depart

They need to go to the correct Bus Bay and sign in with the staff

|Transport |Groups |

|Campsmount Minibus |20 & 22 |

|Campsmount Coach B |12, 21, 23 & 24 |

|Ridgewood Coach B |13, 14, 15, 16 & 18 |

|Ridgewood Coach A |1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17 & 19 |

|Ridgewood Minibus |5 |

The arrival time back at each school will be approximately 5:00pm. We will post more accurate information on both the website and on Facebook as we leave Peat Rigg. All ETA are approximate and does depend on traffic.

Late home procedure. - If we are going to be late home then you will be contacted by your son / daughter who will give you a more accurate time. We will endeavour to give you at least 45 minutes notice prior to the above time. Please make sure we have some way of contacting you and I will need to know this before we go. You can sign up for alerts from the School Blog / Facebook page.

Equipment – The collection dates are as follows: -

Groups 1 – 12 Wednesday 15th May 6:00 – 7:30

Groups 13 – 24 Thursday 16th May 6:00 – 7:30

The arrangements for me are difficult enough so please stick to your day. The stores is located at Askern Boat House (a link is on the website) Please bear in mind there will be over 70 people each night collecting kit we will try and get through this as quickly as we can, but THERE will be some delays!!

We are asking for a £20.00 deposit this year again as last year we had no end of trouble getting kit back and on time.

We will NOT be giving Tents or Trangia’s out so there is no need to book these out. If you require gas please purchase this via the Kit Request page, however if this is all you need I am happy to give this out to your child @ Peat Rigg to save you the time of coming out to Askern – please tick the box to indicate that you want it to be issued at Peat Rigg so I know what is happening.

There is no need to redo the Kit Booking if you completed the main form, if you didn’t please do so ASAP and purchase gas if needed

The link to Kit Booking Page should be on both our Website forms and also on the C and R DofE Parents Facebook group page

Return of Equipment – All kit is to be returned to Askern Boat House

Groups 1 – 12 there is no need to return the equipment as they will be going out again in June. However, I will need back on Monday 24th June between 6:00 – 7:30pm ready for the next cohort.

Groups 13 – 24 the return date for equipment is 22nd May 2019 between 6:00 – 7:30pm.

Please follow the T&C (issued at the time of kit given out) of borrowing equipment and ensure you follow the cleaning guide to ensure your deposit is returned.

Following last year’s expeditions and the number of Blisters we had to deal with can I ask that you send your Son/Daughter with a packet of Compeed Blister Mix (Pack of 5) these are available from Boots at £5.99. This is an essential part of their First Aid Kit so please make sure they have them. We are more than happy to assist with blisters but we cannot keep up with the amount of Compeed Blister Plasters needed.

You will need to make sure that you are ready to start walking as soon as they get off the Bus and this includes water for the day.

Rucksacks are getting heavier and heavier – please ensure you check the weather and only pack what is absolutely necessary and ensure only take the food that is needed. A packing guide can be found on the Bronze page of the Website

Food for the Expedition – each young person will need to have enough food to last them throughout the Expedition, there are no shops and as such there will be no access to buy dairy products – if you have any concerns over this please ring me to discuss.

Contact with Parents / Guardian – due to the problems that were encountered on previous practice expedition we are trying to make each young person self sufficient and this means no contact with parents or friends will be allowed. It has been known that a candidate has been failed in other groups for contacting home by any method. Should the need arise I will contact you myself.

The issue of Mobile Phones is always a contentious one – we have decided to restrict the use of mobile phones during the Expedition; however, the Students can bring one with them for the journey. At the start of the expedition the phone will be turned off and placed in a sealed bag for the entirety of the Expedition and at the end of the Expedition the leaders will check the seal to make sure it hasn’t been broken and used – Please note we will not be allowing the removal of SIM cards and then using the phone for music / photos. If they want to take photos they need to have another means to take them.

Failure to comply with this Policy could mean the whole group is deferred on the Expedition in line with the DofE 20 Conditions of the Expedition.

Emergency procedure – The emergency contact for the weekend is as follows

Kirstie Lee for the Campsmount Students – 07703306042

Philippa Wilde for the Ridgewood Students – 07442507335

I would like to take this opportunity to advise parents that in the unlikely event that your son / daughter should become unwell on the Expedition you will be asked to fetch them from the campsite. I’m sorry I have to take this approach, but with the limited VOLUNTEER staff I have, these are best employed looking after the remaining young people who are still out walking rather than two transporting the sick person home.

Supervision on campsite – Leaders will be on the same Campsite as the students. During the day the groups will been seen at certain points during their route, however they are Satellite Tracked throughout the day with the Clubs tracking system.

Leaders on the expedition - Phil Hulbert - Trip Leader

Adrian Werrett & Jodie Birkinshaw - Assistant Trip Leaders

There will be a further 26 leaders helping over the weekend.

If you have any concerns or would like to know any further information please contact me on either my Home Number 780688 or mobile 07860117399.

Phil Hulbert.

DofE Coordinator


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