Create a 3-dimensional model of either a plant cell …

Cell Projects - choose oneProject Choice 1:Cell ModelCreate a 3-dimensional model of either a plant cell OR an animal cell OR 4 different organelles of your choice (*you must see me if you choice this option). Your model must be neat and attractive. It must include all the organelles of the cell type (plant or animal) that you select. (Remember, neither cell type contains all the organelles we studied.)Because of food and mold allergies, no food or food products are allowed.?Be sure that each organelle in your model looks different and is clearly visible. For example, vacuoles may be blue in your model while lysosomes are orange. In addition, your model must have a clearly labeled key that identifies all the organelles and describes their functions. The key must be typed or NEATLY written in ink. The key must contain 3 columns (see example below). The first column contains the name of an organelle. The second column describes its function in the cell. The third column contains a sketch of the organelle as it appears in your model. Using the example from the first paragraph, your key would contain a sketch of a blue vacuole and an orange lysosome.You will be graded on the following:1. Quality of the model (Neatness and appearance count!)2. inclusion of all appropriate organelles3. Quality of the key (Grammar and spelling count. Be sure that all organelle descriptions are complete.)Example of KeyName of organelleFunctionIllustrationNucleusThe nucleus is responsible for .....(Insert sketch here)Project Choice 2:The Acme Board Game ChallengeToday is your lucky day! After working for years in a dead end job at the Acme Toy Company, you’ve been presented with an incredible challenge. It seems that the bosses at Acme want to get into the educational toy market and have asked you to design a game based on the cell. They’ve left most of the details up to you but there are a few requirements:1. You are to create a board game that centers on the cell. The board must be neat, colorful and somewhat challenging. There might be forks in the road, lose a turn spaces, jump forward, move backward spaces, etc.2. You are to write a set of rules that are neat, complete and easy to understand. They must be grammatically correct and must include the number of players, the object of the game, equipment, and rules.3. Your game must include a minimum of 20 “trivia” cards that contain questions and answers from the cell. transport and heredity notes. You are to decide when and how the cards will be used and what happens when given answers are either correct or incorrect.Your game will be graded on the following:1. Neatness: Are the directions, trivia cards and game board neat?2. Interest: Does the game hold your interest? Does the game incorporate “twists” such as forward jumps, backward bumps, etc.?3. Quality of directions: Are the directions clear and complete? Are the directions grammatically correct? (This includes spelling!)4. Quality/Quantity of trivia cards: Are there sufficient cards? Is the information correct? Are there grammatical/spelling errors? Are the questions “just right” – that is, do they avoid being too hard or too easy? Is there color? Would a student want to play this game?Project Choice 3 YouTube SensationsCreate a video about cells. This can be a song/a short “film” /”movie”, an educational presentation video or any similar video creation. Your video must include one cell type (prokaryotic, eukaryotic- plant, or eukaryotic-animal). ALL organelles, their structure and function MUST be included in the video. DO NOT POST ANY VIDEOS TO WITHOUT YOUR PARENTS PERMISSION!!!!!!!! Submission must be on a jump drive.You will be graded on the following:Quality of the model presentation (how much work was put in)Inclusion of all appropriate organelles and their functionsCitationsCreativity and originality of the video (MUST be your own video, not one found on the internet or borrowed.) Have fun with this!Script of your videoProject choice 4PowerPoint PresentationYou may create your OWN PowerPoint on one cell type (prokaryotic, eukaryotic- plant, or eukaryotic-animal). ALL organelles, their structure and function MUST be included in the PowerPoint. There must be pictures and diagrams of the cell you are presenting. You must include citations for borrowed pictures and websites you use for information. Submission is on a jump drive.You will be graded on the following:Quality of the PowerPoint (Neatness and Appearance Count)Inclusion of all appropriate organelles, functions, and structures.Additional Elements: Pictures, diagrams, interesting facts, ect. Citations Project Choice 5Artist’s ChoiceYou may choose to create the cell as you see it through your artistic eyes (not a model, but a sculpture is ok). You may do this in any way you desire. However, pictures drawn on plain copy paper, notebook paper or craft paper will not be accepted. You may use poster board, canvas, or any other materials you desire. You must choose one cell (prokaryotic, eukaryotic- plant, or eukaryotic-animal). You must include a clearly labeled key that identifies ALL organelles, their structure and function. The key must be neatly written in ink or typed. See KEY Format above. You will be graded on the following:Quality of the Art ( NEATNESS and APPERANCE count)Inclusion of all appropriate organellesQuality of the key ( All organelles, structures – as they appear in the art are sketched and complete function descriptions are included)Originality and creativity – You are an artist, this is YOUR art!Project Choice 6 Musician’s MasterpieceWrite a song about one of the cell types (prokaryotic, eukaryotic- plant, or eukaryotic-animal). The song must be your ORIGINAL work. It MUST include ALL of the organelles, their structure and functions. Lyrics must be CLEAN (free of profanity and school appropriate). Presentation of the song can be as follows:Provide back ground music (theme music, or lyric free versions of a popular hit that goes with your lyrics) the “tune” or “beat” if you will. Also include the lyrics on a jump drive. OR you can have someone “RECORD” your song or you can “RECORD” Yourself singing your song with the music, or you can proved the lyrics on a flash drive and the pre-recorded back ground music for the class to sing along to. Song lyrics MUST be approved prior to the Due date.You will be graded on the following:Quality of the work (appropriate lyrics, accurate information)Inclusion of all appropriate organelles, structures and functionsQuality of the lyricsOriginality and creativity (YOU are the artist, this is your song!)Example of KeyName of organelleFunctionIllustrationNucleusThe nucleus is responsible for .....(Insert sketch here)ALL PROJECTS ARE DUE Friday November 18, 2016 (25 days from today!!) (LATE PROJECTS RECEIVE 10% per day late until a grade of 0 is earned)All work must be your OWN, ORIGINAL work. If you use outside references in your work (internet, books, magazines,ect.) you MUST cite them. (I will check) You must do this project on your own. This will be a SUMMATIVE grade (just like a test). The amount of time to work on this in class will be limited; the majority of work should be done at home. If you do not have access to the tools you need or need to schedule time to come in and work on this project, see Mrs. Foster and will help work this out. Part of your grade is the parent acknowledgement form. It must be signed and returned no later than October 28th (THIS FRIDAY). Any plagiarism, cheating, copying of other’s work OR failure to do this project will result in a zero. If you know you are NOT going to participate in this project see Mrs. Foster immediately for an alternative assignment. DUE DATE: Friday, November18, 2016 – Entire cell projectOctober 28th- parent acknowledgement formOctober 28th- project choice with description and cell type and materials listNovember 4- product update and key outlineNovember 18- projects and key due (projects turned in after the bell rings at the start of class are late)I have received the 2016 cell unit project guidelines, due dates and parent acknowledgement form. I understand the guidelines and due dates for this project. Date Signature printed name period ................

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