Saidat - Music, Movement - Motivation: SAFE Schools ...

Music, Movement Motivation

SAFE Schools Initiative & Violence Prevention Program

I would like to take this time to inform you of a new program that is affecting change in schools all over South Western Ontario. Violence prevention is a real issue in today’s schools. My name is Saidat (sign-det), and I believe my program Music, Movement & Motivation can help bring hope to children of all ages. It is my belief that “One Person Can Make A Difference, Together We Can Change The World!”


Please visit my website, for more information.


Music, Movement & Motivation is a high-energy presentation using rap, hip-hop dance and drama to bring a message of hope. As well as making presentations to thousands of students in over 450 schools and community events, I have worked with the Good Life Kids Foundation promoting physical fitness, and Not to Kids, a campaign that discourages adults from providing cigarettes to underage kids. Last summer I opened for Fergie at the Sarnia Bayfest. Music, Movement & Motivation has been featured on London’s A-Channel Morning Show, and I have performed to an audience of over 10,000 at North America’s largest anti-bullying rally in Hamilton. The Thames Valley District School Board’s Safe School program has approved Music, Movement & Motivation and I have worked with them over the past 5+ years. I am passionate about the anti-bullying message and I am eager to work with students of all ages (primary through high school) who need positivie reinforcement and good role models in order to become strong, positive young adults.

I encourage students to embrace their unique style and personality. I call this F.L.A.V.A.- Focus, Love, Attitude, Vocalize, Affirm. Teaching each student to embrace his or her FLAVA inspires students to use their talents, style and personality, this building character and eliminating all forms of bullying. My current programs are:


Super Me (JK-Gr. 3)

“Super Me” is a presentation that will help your students believe that no matter how small you are, each person possesses BIG powers to help change the “climate” of the school. This is a real boost for self-esteem.


Make Some Noise (Gr.4- Gr. 8 or Gr. 9- Gr.12)

“Make Some Noise” will motivate your students to find their own “voice” in the world. This presentation is designed to help students believe that One Person Can Make A Difference, Together We Can Change The World. SO make some noise!


This One’s for the Girls

Imagine a workshop where the female student body can come together in one place that is safe and they can be themselves and meet new people. In one day your entire female student body could be changed. This program will be centered on issues that girls deal with on a daily basis and will also be in accordance with the board mandates. The school can either bring in lunch for the day or the students can just bring their own.


I would welcome the opportunity to reinforce the message you are seeking to bring to your students. Music, Movement & Motivation allows me to do so using culturally diverse performing arts through music the students love with lyrics they need to hear. Their self-esteem and respect for themselves and other will grow as I create a positive and exciting learning experience, promoting physical fitness and creativity. I provide follow-up curriculum for teachers and take home materials for the students. These materials plus activities on my website allow me to communicate with the parents as well.

My performances can also be found on YouTube. If you have any questions please contact us.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Music, Movement & Motivation

"One Person Can Make A Difference, Together, We Can Change The World"


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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