The Henry Hive

Communication through MusicFor our research project, we’ll be looking at music through the ages. You will be choosing a music genre that has been a tool for communication over time.In this project, you’ll be learning the steps of the research process:1. Topic development2. Goal Setting3. Research4. Organizing5. Goal evaluation6. Creating a productYour first task is topic development. In topic development, you brainstorm some possible research topics, investigate them, and then choose one. During topic development, your topic can change, so be open and come up with several ideas. *Classical*Blues*Opera*Country*Hip-Hop*Jazz *Rock *R&B/SoulYou want to choose a topic that you are really interested in, will be unique, and also that you’ll be able to research with ease. You’ll be looking into 3 different MAIN IDEAS with your research:1. The origin1 of this music style2. The progression and advances of this music through the years3. The contemporary2 influences of this music stylePossible genres (topic):A. ______________________________________B. ______________________________________C. ______________________________________Where the music came from; where it started; it’s beginningPresent day; currentGoal SettingResearch needs FOCUS – you need to know what details you are looking for to make your research complete!Here are THREE of your main ideas you will be researching details to support;Music originAdvances or changes in the music style/genre throughout the yearsHow the current time period is influenced by the music style/genreYou need to come up with ONE more main idea of your choosing. Here are some possibilities;_____ characteristics of the style of music_____ how the time period of the music influenced the style_____ popular artists_____ top 10 hits of the genreYour own Main Ideas:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Generating QuestionsAfter you have chosen your final main topic, come up with at least ONE question based on your main topics. From that question, come up with key words or search words that you might use when you do your research online.Use these key words to help you formulate your questions….WhoCanWhatWhichWouldWhyIsWhenWillWhereDidHowMain Topic #1 Music OriginQuestion ____________________________________________________________________Key Words____________________________________________________________________Main Topic #2 Advances/changes in the music style/genre throughout the yearsQuestion ____________________________________________________________________Key Words____________________________________________________________________Main Topic #3 How the current time period is influenced by the music style/genreQuestion ____________________________________________________________________Key Words____________________________________________________________________Main Topic #4 ___________________________Question ____________________________________________________________________Key Words____________________________________________________________________ ................

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