Kamran Asdar Ali

Kamran Asdar Ali.

Department of Anthropology, SAC 4.102

2201 Speedway, C3200

University of Texas, Austin, TX-78712



Academic Background

1997 Ph.D. Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University. Dissertation Title: Regulating Bodies, Organizing Selves: Planning the Family in Egypt

1991 M.A. Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University.

1987 M.B., B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery), Dow Medical College, University of Karachi, Pakistan.

Academic Experience

2017-2019 Professor and Dean, Mushtaq Ahmad Gurmani School of Humanities and Socieal Sciences, Lahore School of Management Sciences, Lahore Pakistan (on leave from UT, Austin)

2016 - Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin

2010-2017 Director, South Asia Institute, University of Texas, Austin

2005-2016 Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin.

2001-2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin.

1996-2001 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Rochester.

1995-1996 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Rochester.

1998-1999 Member, Institute for Advanced Study, School of Social Science, Princeton, NJ.

1989 Instructor and Teaching Assistant, Current Social Issues in Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University.

Academic Publications

Books and Edited Volumes

2015. Communism in Pakistan: Politics and Class Activism 1947-1972. I.B Tauris Publishers, London. 304 pages.

Runner-Up University of Texas at Austin Hamilton Book Awards.

2015. Surkh Salam: Communist Politics and Class Activism in Pakistan 1947-1972. South Asia edition, Communism in Pakistan: Politics and Class Activism 1947-1972. Oxford University Press, Karachi (title change for this edition only). 304 pages.

2015 Gender, Politics, and Performance in South Asia. Sheema Kirmani, Asif Aslam and Kamran Asdar Ali editors. Oxford University Press. 470 pages. Awarded the Council of Social Sciences, Pakistan’s Akhtar Hameed Khan Award for 2015. Published in India as, Centre Stage

Gender, Politics and Performance in South Asia. New Delhi: Women Unlimited Press (2016).


2009 Comparing Cities: Middle East and South Asia. Edited Volume, Kamran Asdar Ali and Martina Rieker Editors. Karachi and London: Oxford University Press. 372 pages.

2008 Urban Margins: Envisioning the Contemporary Global South. Kamran Asdar Ali and Martina Rieker, Editors. Guest Edited Journal, Social Text, Volume 26, Number 95. Duke University Press. 140 pages.  

2008 Gendering Urban Space in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. Martina Rieker and Kamran Asdar Ali Editors. Palgrave Press. 248 pages.

2002 Planning the Family in Egypt: New Bodies, New Selves. University of Texas Press. 249 pages

2003 Planning the Family in Egypt: New Bodies, New Selves, Middle East Edition, American University in Cairo Press. 249 pages.

Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

2013 Progressive, Punjab and Pakistan: The Early Years. In the Journal of South Asian History and Culture. Special Issue on State of Subversion: Radical Politics in Punjab (1900-1970). Issue Editors, Shalini Sharma and Virinder Kalra. 4/4. 483-502.

2012 Women, Work and Public Spaces: Conflict and Co-Existence in Karachi’s Poor Neighborhoods. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 36/3. 585-605.

2011 Progressives and “Perverts”: Partition Stories and Pakistan’s Future. Social Text. 29/3. 1-29.

2011 Communists in a Muslim Land: Cultural Debates in Pakistan’s Early Years. Modern Asian Studies. 45/3. 501-534.

2010: Voicing Difference: Gender and Civic Engagement among Karachi’s Poor. In Wenner Gren Symposium Series, Engaged Anthropology: Diversity and Dilemmas. Current Anthropology Volume 51, Supplement 2 (October): S313-S320.

2008 Introduction with Martina Rieker, Urban Visions of the Margins. In Urban Margins: Envisioning the Contemporary Global South, Special edition of Social Text. Volume 26/95.

2005 Strength of the State meets the Strength of the Street: The 1972 Labor Struggle in Karachi.” International Journal of Middle East Studies. #37, 83-107. Reprinted with permission in Beyond Crisis: Re-evaluating Pakistan. Naveeda Khan, Editor. Routledge India (2010). 210-244.

2004 “Pulp Fictions: Reading Pakistani Domesticity.” Social Text. 22/1. 123-145. Reprinted with permission in Gendering Urban Space in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. Kamran Asdar Ali and Martina Rieker Editors. Palgrave Press (2008). 71-100.

2003 “Myths, Lies and Impotence: Structural Adjustment and Male Voice in Egypt.” Comparative Studies in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. 23/1. 321-334

2002 “Faulty Deployments: Persuading Women and Constructing Choice in Egypt.” Comparative Studies in Society and History. 44/2. 370-394.

1998 “Global Processes and the Nation State.” Sex Roles. 39/7. 651-656.

1996 “The Politics of Family Planning in Egypt.” Anthropology Today,12/5. 14-19.

Peer Reviewed Book Chapters

Forthcoming (2020) Female Friendship and Forbidden Desire: Two Films from the 1960’s Pakistan. In Esha De and Elora Chowdhury edited, Transregional Filmscapes. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

2019 (forthcoming). On Female Friendships and Anger. In Vazira Zamindar, Asad Ali ed. Love, War, and Other Longings: Emergent Cinema in Pakistan. Karachi: OUP.

2018 The Enemy Within: Communism and the new Pakistani State. In Gyan Prakash, Nikhil Menon and Michael Laffan ed. Postcolonial Moment in South and Southeast Asia. pp.31-48. London: Bloomsbury Press.

2015 Cinema and Karachi in the 1960s: Cultural Wounds and National Cohesion. In Peter Vander Veer ed. Handbook of Religion in Asian Cities: Aspirations and Urbanization in the Twenty First Century. pp. 387-402. Berkeley: University of California Press.

2010 With Martina Rieker. Remaking Cairo, Revisioning Darb al –Ahmar. Farhad Daftary, Elizabeth Fernea and Azim Nanji eds. Living in Historic Cairo: Past and Present in an Islamic City. pp. 180-191. Museum Azimuth Editions, London, and Institute for Ismaili Studies.

2009. Introduction with Martina Rieker. In Comparing Cities: Middle East and South Asia. Edited Volume, Kamran Asdar Ali and Martina Rieker Editors. pp. ix-xix. Oxford University Press.

2009. Men and their “Problems”: Notes on Contemporary Karachi. In Comparing Cities: Middle East and South Asia. Edited Volume, Kamran Asdar Ali and Martina Rieker eds. Oxford University Press.

2008 Introduction with Martina Rieker, Gendering Urban Space in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. Martina Rieker and Kamran Asdar Ali Editors. pp. 1-16. Palgrave Press.

2000 “Making Responsible Men: Planning the Family in Egypt.” In Caroline Bledsoe, ed., Fertility and Male Life Cycle in the Era of Fertility Decline. pp.119-143. Oxford University Press.

Other Scholarly Articles and Book Chapters

Forthcoming (2020) Afterword. In Ali Khan and Ali Nobil edited volume, Film and Cinephilia. Karachi: Oxford University Press

2017 Afterword. In Nichola Khan edited volume, Cityscapes of Violence in Karachi

Publics and Counterpublics. London: Hurst.

2015 Reframing the Middle Eastern City. In Soraya Altorki edited A Companion to Middle East Anthropology. NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

2015 The Other Side of the “Tracks”: Sara Shagufta and the Politics of Gender and Class. In Sheema Kirmani, Asif Aslam and Kamran Asdar Ali edited volume, Gender, Politics, and Performance in South Asia. Karachi: Oxford University Press. Reprinted in India in Centre Stage: Gender, Politics and Performance in South Asia. New Delhi: Women Unlimited Press.

2014 “Mao in Muslim Land” Middle East Report, Number 270, pp.22-23

2013 Adab, Authority and Ashraf (Afterword). In Muslim Voices (Essays Celebrating the Work of Barbara Metcalf). Edited by Usha Sanyal, David Gilmartin and Sandra Freitag. New Delhi: Yoda Press.

2009 Foreword, Muhajirs and Nation: Bihar in the 1940s by Papiya Ghosh. Delhi: Routledge India

2008 The Fracturing of Pakistan (with Humiera Iqtidar). International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM) Review 21/1. Pp 42-43.

2007 Rounding Off our Space on Anthropologists and the Middle East. In Focus, Anthropology News, pp. 13-14. May 2007.

2005 "Population Planning and Policies: Arab States. The Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures General Editor Suad Joseph. Brill Online.

2005 “Courtesans in the Living Room.” International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM) Review 15/1. pp. 32-33.

2004 “Pakistani Islamists Gamble on the General.” Middle East Report, Number 231, pp. 2-7.

2004 “Pakistan’s Dilemma.” Reprinted in Roberto Gonzales ed. Anthropology Goes Public pp.192-196. University of Texas Press.

2002 “Mistake, Lies or Calamity: Pakistan and its Tryst with History.” In Kevin Moore and Eric Hershberg ed., Critical Views on September 11: Analyses From Around the World. pp.151-161, Social Science Research Council/The New Press.

2001 “Creating Bodies, Organizing Selves: Planning the Family in Egypt.” In Cynthia Nelson and Shahnaz Rouse ed., Situating Globalization: Views From Egypt. pp. 231-254, Bielfeld, Transcript Verlag 2000, and Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick.

1999 “Strength of the Street: Karachi 1972.” International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS) Newsletter, #20 p.16, Leiden, the Netherlands.

1998. “Rethinking Autonomy and Wage Work: Women in Rural Egypt.” In Nicholas Hopkins and Kersten Westergaard ed., Directions of Change in Rural Egypt. pp.166-183, American University in Cairo (AUC) Press.

1997 “Modernization and Family Planning Program in Egypt.” Middle East Report, Number 205, pp.40-44, December. (Recipient of Philip Shehadi Award for New Writers).

1996 “Rethinking Masculinities: An Egyptian Case.” In S. Zeidenstein and K. Moore ed., Learning About Sexuality. pp. 98-109, Population Council and International Women’s Health Coalition.

Reviews and Reports

2016 “The Language of Displacement”. Review of Rakhshanda Jalil’s translation of Intizar Husain’s novel, Aagey Samandar Hai — The Sea Lies Ahead —. Books and Authors, Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan. April 3.

2011 Pakistan’s Continuing Dilemma. In the Online Forum, 10 Years After September 11, Social Science Research Council (SSRC).

2008 The Labour Movement in Pakistan by Zafar Shaheed. International Review of Social History. December. 53/3:528-530.

2008 Review of Desiring Arabs by Joseph Massad. Middle East Journal, Summer.

2008 A Letter Misaddressed. Review of Reconciliations: Islam, Democracy and the West. Review of Reconcilliation by Benazir Bhutto. Middle East Report, Number 246:38-39

2002 Review of Secluded Scholars by Gail Minault. International Journal of Middle East Studies, pp.168-170.

2000 Report, Conference on Labor in Pakistan. International Labor and Working Class History, Volume 58. pp. 314-317.

2000 Report on Conference on Labor in Pakistan. IIAS Newsletter#21.

1998 Review of A People of Migrants: Ethnicity, State and Religion in Karachi by Oskar Verkaik. American Ethnologist, pp. 528-529.

1997 Review of Gender Sickness and Healing in Rural Egypt by Soheir Morsy. American Ethnologist, pp.694-695.

Essays as Regular Contributor to Dawn (English Daily, Karachi), 3000-3500 words.

2014 A moment in Karachi’s History: A Poet’s Death Remembered. Essay in Books and Authors, Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan. November 30.

2014 Passion and Precarity, Essay in Books and Authors, Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan. September 28.

2014 On Female Friendships. Essay in Books and Authors, Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan. August 3.

2014 Women and Public Space. Essay in Books and Authors, Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan. June 2.

2014 Kolkata and Karachi: Thoughts on Violence and its Aftermath. Essay in Books and Authors, Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan. March 30.

2014 Pakistan and the Cold War: The Legacy of Hasan Nasir. Essay in Books and Authors, Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan. January 5.

2013 The Early Years of the Progressives. Essay in Books and Authors, Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan. October 27.

2013 Remembering Albert O. Hirschman. Essay in Books and Authors, Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan. September 1.

2013 “Respectability Has Many Forms: Remembering Sara Shagufta” Essay in Books and Authors, Dawn, Karachi. July 1.

2013 “Cinema and the City: The Ayub Years”. Essay in Books and Authors, Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan. May 5.

2012 “The Silent Past”. Essay in Books and Authors, Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan. December 16.

2012 “The Refusal to Return”. Essay in Books and Authors, Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan. October 7.

Media Articles/ Op-Eds

2019 “Exhibition: The Politice of Erasure and Recovery”. EOS, Sunday Magazine, Dawn, Karachi. September 1.

2019 “Tribute: Joan of Lahore”. EOS, Sunday Magazine, Dawn, Karachi. August 11.

2018 “Towards a Politics of Ethics”. EOS, Sunday Magazine, Dawn, Karachi. July 22.

2016 “Occupation of Campuses”. Article in The NEWS on Sunday, Lahore, Pakistan. March 13.

2012 “Populism and its Discontent”. Op-Ed article in Express Tribune, Karachi, Pakistan. January 13.

2011 “Learning from Labour”. Op-Ed article in Express Tribune, Karachi, Pakistan. June 17.

2011 “Of Communists, Couriers and Covert Action”. Op-Ed article in Express Tribune, Karachi, Pakistan. May 17.

2011 “Remembering an Erased Past-1971”. Op-Ed article in Express Tribune, Karachi, Pakistan. April 7.

2011 “Free and Fearless in Cairo”. Op-Ed article in Express Tribune, Karachi, Pakistan.

February 9.

2011 “Pakistan and the Berlin of 1919”. Op-Ed article in Express Tribune, Karachi, Pakistan. January 15.

2010 In Memoriam. Remembering Mansoor Saeed: Notes From Another Karachi. The NEWS on Sunday, (Kolachi Section), Karachi Daily, Karachi, Pakistan. June 6.

2009 “Pakistan’s Troubled “Paradise on Earth” Middle East Report Online (MERO). April 29.

2007 “A Country at Crossroads.” Austin American Statesman. November 9.

2002 “The Band Played On: Continued Military Rule in Pakistan.” Press Information Note (PIN) 95. MERIP, May 11.

2001 “A Tentative Recipe for Change.” Opinion Piece. Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan. November 29.

2001“Pakistan Military on Track to Repeating History.” Sunday Insight Section, Austin American-Statesman. September 30.

2001 “Pakistan’s Dilemma.” Press Information Notes (PIN) 69. MERIP. September 19.

1999 “Another Change in Pakistan: In Search for Social Justice.” Op-Ed Article.

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY. October 17.

Fellowship, Grants and Awards

External Fellowships and Grants

2016 PI Title VI Overseas Research Center Grant for American Institute of Pakistan Studies (AIPS). 2016-2020. US Department of Education $260,00

2016 PI American Institute of Pakistan Studies (AIPS) Annual Grant, Council of Overseas American Centers (CAORC) and Economic and Cultural Affairs (ECA), US Department of State. $127,000.

2015 PI Establishment of Three Year University Partnership between the University of Texas at Austin (South Asia Institute and Moody School of Communication) and the National College of Arts in Lahore, Pakistan Affairs Section, US Embassy Islamabad and Department of State. $993,378.

2015 PI American Institute of Pakistan Studies (AIPS) Annual Grant, Council of Overseas American Centers (CAORC) and Economic and Cultural Affairs (ECA), US Department of State. $127,000.

2014-2018 Multi Year Grant. Title VI NRC (South Asia Institute) and FLAS. Department of Education, Washington DC. $2,476,000.

2014 Pilot Project Award (Endangered Archives Program). Retrieval and Cataloguing and Photographic Imaging of Rare Manuscripts, Baluchistan, Pakistan. British Library. 12,275 British Pounds.

2014 PI American Institute of Pakistan Studies (AIPS) Annual Grant, Council of Overseas American Centers (CAORC) and Economic and Cultural Affairs (ECA), US Department of State. $127,000.

2013 PI Establishment of Three Year University Partnership between the University of Texas at Austin (Butler School of Music and SAI) and the National Academy of the Performing Arts in Karachi, Pakistan Affairs Section, US Embassy Islamabad and Department of State. $956,908.

2012 PI American Institute of Pakistan Studies (AIPS) Four Year Title VI Grant, US Department of Education. $260,000.

2012 PI Multiyear Grant for American Institute of Pakistan Studies (AIPS)’ administrative expenditure (five years) and academic exchange program (two years). Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Islamabad and Department of State. $1.9 million.

2012 PI for Three Year Partnership between Fatima Jinnah Women’s University in Pakistan and UT, Austin’s South Asia Institute with Focus on Academic Exchange. Public Affairs Section, US Embassy Islamabad and Department of State. $999,600.

2012 PI American Institute of Pakistan Studies (AIPS) Annual Grant, Council of Overseas American Centers (CAORC) and Economic and Cultural Affairs (ECA), US Department of State. $145,000.

2008 Fellowship, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Institute of Advanced Study). 2010-2011.

2005 Population Council, Cairo. Co-Recipient (with Martina Rieker) for workshop on Urban Landscapes on the Margins: Khartoum and Karachi. Khartoum, Sudan June 24-25.

2004 Visiting Fellowship, International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM), Leiden, the Netherlands. Feb-Aug, 2005.

2003 Sephis, The South-South Exchange Programme for Research on the History of Development (The Netherlands). Co-Recipient of Grant to organize conference on Urban Social Histories, Lahore, April 2004.

2003 International Collaborative Research Grant, SSRC. Co-Recipient of Grant to organize conference on the Public Spheres, Istanbul, January 2004.

2003 Fulbright Fellowship (Lecture and Research) 2003-2004, for Pakistan. Program Suspended by the United States, Department of State. (Deferred until Spring 2004). Re-awarded as Research Grant (8 months) to supplement ISIM 2004 Visiting Fellowship in the Netherlands.

1999 Fellowship, Project on Tourism, The Mediterranean Program. Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute, Florence, Italy. 1999-2001.

1999 Funding to Organize Workshop on Labor and Trade Union Politics in Pakistan. From the Program on Changing Labour Relations in Asia (IIAS/IISH), The Netherlands..

1998-99 Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. Member.

1998 Senior Visiting Fellowship, International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Leiden, The Netherlands. Project on Labor and Ethnicity in Karachi, Pakistan..

1996 Philip Shehadi New Writer's Award, Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP) Publishers of Middle East Report.

1996. Susan B. Anthony Institute for Women's Studies, University of Rochester Faculty Research Grant.

University of Texas Fellowships

2010-2011 Faculty Research Assignment. University of Texas, Austin.

2009 Humanities Center, University of Texas. Fall 2009.

2005-2006 Faculty Research Assignment. University of Texas, Austin.

2004 Dean’s Fellowship, University of Texas, Austin, School of Liberal Arts.

2003 Humanities Center, University of Texas. Fall 2003.

2003 Meyerson Faculty Award for Summer Research, South Asia Institute.

2002 Population Research Center University of Texas, Austin. Mellon Fellowship for Faculty Research.

2002 Summer Research Assignment Award, University of Texas, Austin.

Fellowships During Graduate Studies

1995 Dean’s Student Teaching Fellowship. Johns Hopkins University (declined).

1994-95. Graduate Fellowship, Department of Anthropology, The Johns Hopkins University.

1990 Population Council Fellowship. Doctoral research in Egypt.

1989 Graduate Student Fellowship, Smithsonian Institution.

1988 Research Grant, The Program in Atlantic History and Society, The Johns Hopkins University. Summer Fieldwork in Mexico.

1987-1990 Graduate Fellowship, Department of Anthropology, The Johns Hopkins University.

Doctoral Supervision.

Omer Ozcan (PhD 2017): Anthropology (Co-Chair with Katie Stewart): “Waiting as a Way of Life in a Kurdish Border Town in Turkey”.

Kiran Nazir Ahmed (PhD 2016): Anthropology (Chair): “Attachment, Articulation and Agency: A Glimpse into the World of Women Digest Writers in Pakistan.” Assistant Professor, Women and Gender Studies. Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad. 2016-

Abdul Haque Chang (PhD 2015): Anthropology (Chair): “The Ecology of Exception: A Ethnography of Environment in the Indus Delta, Sindh, Pakistan.” Instructor Huston Tillotson University, Austin Texas, Spring 2016. Assistant Professor, Social Science Progarm, Institute of Buisness Studies, Karachi, Pakistan, 2018-

Noman Baig (PhD 2014): Anthropology (Chair): “God and Greed: Money and Meditation in Karachi’s Marketplace.” Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute, Gottingen, Germany. 2014-2015. Assistant Professor, Habib University, Karachi, Pakistan. 2015-.

Tessa Farmer (PhD 2014): Anthropology (Chair): “Cairo Ecologies: Water in Social and Material Cycles.” Assistant Professor, Whittier College, Whittier, CA. 2014-2016. Assistant Professor Middle East Studies, University of Virginia, 2016-

Hafeez Jamali (PhD 2014): Anthropology (Chair): “A Harbor in Tempest: Megaprojects, Identity and the Politics of Place in Gwadar, Pakistan.” Director, Baluchistan Archives, Quetta. Pakistan. 2013-2015. Assistant Professor, Habib University, Karachi, Pakistan. 2015-.

Ruken Sengul (PhD 2014): Anthropology (Chair): Broken (His)tories Inside Restored Walls: Kurds, Armenians and the Cultural Politics of Reconstruction in Urban Diyarbakir, Turkey. Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Michigan 2014-2015. Post Doctoral Fellow, UCLA, 2017-

Alex Dodson (PhD 2013): Anthropology (Chair): Bangladesh’s Forest NGOscape: Visions of Mandi Indigneity, Competing Eco-Imaginaries, and Faltering Entrepreneurs in the Climate of Suspicion. Entered an MA program in Psychiatric Nursing.

Emily Lynch (PhD 2013): Anthropology (Chair). Immobilized Life: Humanitarianism and the Everyday in a Refugee Camp. One year teaching position at Sewanee, the University of the South, 2014-2015. Visiting Assistant Professor, Franklin and Marshal College, 2015-2016. Assistant Professor, Marquette University, 2016-

Mubbashir Rizvi (PhD 2013):Anthropology (Chair): Masters not Friends: Land, Labor and the Politics of Place in Pakistan. Assistant Professor, Georgetown University, Washington DC. 2013-

Aun Ali (PhD (2012): Sociology (Co-Chair with Mounira Charrad): Assistant Professor, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore. 2014-2015

Alisa Perkins (PhD 2012): Anthropology (Chair): From the Mosque to the Municipality: The Ethics of Muslim Space in a Midwestern City". Assistant Professor, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo 2013-

Can Aciksoz (PhD 2011) Anthropology (Chair): Disabled Veterans, Masculinity and Nationalist Politics in Turkey. Post Doctoral Fellow, College of William and Mary 2012-2013. Assistant Professor, Middle East Studies, University of Arizona 2013-2016, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, UCLA, 2016-

Hisyar Oszoy (PhD 2010): Anthropology (Chair): Fighting over Corpses: Tracing Histories of Competing Necropolitics and Sovereignties in the Kurdish Conflict in Turkey. ACLS Fellow, 2010-2011. Assistant Professor, University of Michigan, Flint, 2011- 2016. Elected Member of the Turkish National Parliament.

Christine Labuski (PhD 2008): Anthropology (Co-Chair with Pauline Strong):”It Hurts Down There”: An Ethnographic Exploration of Genital Pain Syndrome. Post-Doc, The Center for Study of Women, Gender and Sexuality, Rice University, Houston. 2008-2010.Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas, 2010-2011. Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech University, 2012-

Mark Westmoreland (PhD 2008): Anthropology (Chair): Crisis of Representation: Experimental Documentary in Post-war Lebanon. Assistant Professor, Anthropology, American University in Cairo 2008-2014. Post-Doc, University of Stockholm 2013-2015. Assistant Professor, University of Leiden Department of Anthropology, 2015-

Hulya Yildiz (PhD 2008): Comparative Literature (Co-Chair with Ann Cvetkovich): Literature as Public Sphere: Gender and Sexuality in Ottoman Turkish Novels and Journals. Assistant Professor, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 2008-

Presentations at Invited International Conferences

2018 On Female Freindships and Other Taboos: Pakistani Cenima in the 1960s. Paper Presented at the Session: Pakistan Desires: Queer Futurities of the Urban. Invited Panel. 25th European Conference on South Asian Studies. Paris, 24-27 July, 2018.

2017 Toward a People’s Literature: Soviet Cultural Politics and the Progressive Writers Movement in South Asia. Presented at Workshop, The Russian Revolution in the Long Twentieth Century. Slavic and Euroasian Research Center, Haikkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. December 7-8, 2017..

2017 New Lands, New Freedoms: Cultural Readings of an Early Pakistan. Presented at Workshop organized by Cornell University on Migration and Discrimination. Berlin Technical University/Center for Metropolitan Studies, September 23.

2016 On Female Friendships: Saheli and Sexual Politics in 1960s Cinema. Presented at Workshop, Cinema and Transnationalism in Pakistan and South Asia: Regional Histories. September 1-2. LUMS, Lahore.

2016 From Bandar Road to Brecht: Notes on Progressive Theatre in Pakistan. Presented at the Workshop, Forms of the Left: Activist Art and Left Wing Aesthetics in Post-Colonial South Asia. University of Edinburgh. June 28-29.

2016 Karachi’s Past and Present: Two Moments in its History. Presented at the the Workshop on Politics and Democracy in Our Time: Technologies, Genealogies, Conjunctures. Emory University, April 15-16.

2015 The Enemy Within: Communism and the new Pakistani State. Presented at the Workshop on The Postcolonial Moment in South and South-East Asia, Princeton University, November 13-14.

2015 On Female Friendships: Homosociality and Desire in Pakistani Cinema. Presented at the Workshop, New Directions in Pakistan Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. April 4.

2014 Keynote Address, 2nd Annual Karachi Conference, Art Council Karachi. November 22.

2014 Karachi and 1960s Cinema: Cultural Wounds and the Production of Sameness. Presented at the Conference on the Legacy of the Orangi Pilot Project and the Architect Perween Rehman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), April 12.

2013 Presentation in the Panel on “Home”. Princeton-Fung Global Forum, Conference, The Future of the City. Shanghai January 30-February 1.

2013 Cinema and the City. Conference, Rethinking the Urban in Pakistan. NED University, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Karachi. January 1-2.

2012 The Other Side of the Tracks: Sara Shagufta and the Politics of Gender and Class. Conference, What is the Pakistani Public. Lahore University of Management Sciences, December 26-28.

2011 Public Safety Acts to Pogroms: Another History of the Pakistani State. States and

Violence/Violence and the State Conference, De Paul University, Chicago. October 7.

2011 Which side are you on: Communist Politics and the Question of Bangladesh in Pakistan. Workshop,

Pakistan/Bangladesh/India: Building a field of scholarship and dialogue on 1971. BRAC Development Institute. March 16-17.

2010 Paper Presentation. Transcending Binaries: Islam and Politics. BRAC Development Institute, BRAC University, Dhaka. December 18-19.

2010 Perverts and Puritans: How Manto and Sara Shagufta Question the Moral Order. Tees Aur Aik Saal:A Conference to Celebrate 31 Years of Tehrik-e-Niswan, Oxford University Press, Karachi. December 24-26.

2010 Progressives and “Perverts”: Partition Stories and Pakistan’s Future. Workshop, From Subjects to Citizens: society and the everyday state in North India and Pakistan, 1947-1964. London. September, 9-10.

2009 Men and Their Problems: Notes from Contemporary Karachi. Workshop on Rethinking Popular Practice in South Asian Cities. University of Amsterdam June, 10-12.

2009 Conflict and Cooperation: Gender and Ethnicity among Karachi’s Poor. Workshop, Neoliberal Lifeworlds: Gender, Mobility, Desire. Institute of Gender and Women’s Studies, AUC, Egypt. May, 19-21.

2008 Religion in Pakistani Culture: A Contingent Presence in the 1950s. Workshop,

State Management of Religion in Pakistan Rylands Room, King's College, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

October 10.

2008 Invited Speaker. The Alliance of Civilizations and Latin America: New Approaches to Dialogue. San Jose, Costa Rica. September 30.

2008 Partition, Perverts and Progressives: Cultural Debates in Pakistan’s Early Years. Urdu Fest, University of Virginia. Charlottesville, September 12-13.

2008 Men and Their “Problems”: A Tale of Two Cities (Cairo, Karachi). Paper presented at the Workshop on Visualizing the Urban, IGWS, American University in Cairo. May 26-27.

2008 Women, Work and Public Spaces: Conflict and Coexistence among Karachi’s Poor. Workshop, Informalization and Representation in South Asia. Institute of Comparative Modernities, Cornell University. May 6-7.

2008 Courtesans in the Living Room: Fantasy and Lived Experience. Workshop, New Research on Sexuality in South Asia, University of Texas, Austin. May 2-3.

2008 Difference, Tolerance and Intervention: The Politics of Ambivalence. Workshop, The Anthropologist as Social Critic: Working towards a More Engaged Anthropology. Wenner Gren Foundation, Organized by Sally Merry and Setha Low. January, 22-25.

2007 Cosmopolitanism in the 1950s: Changes in Urban Pakistan. Workshop on Contemporary Muslim Cosmopolitanisms, Cambridge UK. October 19-20.

2007 The Nationalities Question Continues: Baluchistan after Bangladesh. Pre Conference Pakistan/Bangladesh/India Building a field of scholarship and dialogue on 1971. South Asia Conference, Madison Wisconsin. October 11.

2007 Women Work and Public Spaces: Karachi’s Working Class. Workshop, Gender and Empire II, Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies. American University in Cairo May 13-14.

2007 Secular vs Religious Nationalism. Conference, Contested Spaces, Competing Narratives: Towards Human Rights and Democracy in Pakistan. Tufts & Harvard University. April 6-7.

2006 Courtesans in the Living Room: Public Space, Women and Politics of Sexuality in Contemporary

Pakistan. International Workshop Between State Ideology and Popular Culture: Urdu Literature and Urdu

Media in Contemporary Pakistan. IWH Heidelberg University. July 20-22.

2006 Presentation at Pembroke Center Roundtable on Gender and Politics of “Traditional” Muslim Practices. Pembroke Center for Women Studies, Brown University. April 14-15.

2006 Pulp Fictions: Rethinking Pakistani Domesticity. Workshop, Beyond Crisis: A Critical Second Look at the Pakistan. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. April 1-2.

2005 Of Women, Work and the Public Sphere: Some thoughts on Karachi’s Urban Poor. Workshop on Urban Landscapes on the Margins: Khartoum and Karachi. Khartoum, Sudan. June 24-25.

2005 Could the Men Move: Women Workers and the Changing Public Sphere in Pakistan. Workshop on Gendering Urban Space in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia, American University in Cairo, Egypt.

February 26-27, 2005.

Other Presentations

2017 The Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case. Conspiracy and Democracy Reading Group, CRASSH, Cambridge University. May 24. 

2017 Of Communists and Conspiracy: The Rawalpindi Case in Pakistan. South Asia Series Talks, British Library, London. May 22.

2017 The Enemy Within: Communism and the New Pakistani State. Presented at the Center for India and South Asia, UCLA. February 27.

2016 Presenter, Round Table, The Left in South Asia: Whither Revolution? South Asia Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. October 23.

2016 On Female Friendships: Saheli and Sexual Politics in 1960s Cinema. Center for Contemporary South Asia, Brown University. October 7.

2016 Surkh Salam (Red Greetings): Communists in a Muslim Land. Presented at Center for South Asia and Middle East Studies (CSAMES), University of Illinois, Urbana. October 5.

2016 Women's Non-Public Voices: Mobility, Transgressions and Various Pleasures

in Karachi. Presented in the panel, Locality, narratives and experiences: Muslim past and present in South Asia. The ECSAS (European Conference on South Asian Studies), Warsaw, July 27-30

2014 The Chronicle of a Martyr Foretold: Hasan Nasir and the History of the Pakistani Left. Presented in the Panel, Counter-Histories of South Asia: Corpses, Sites, Refugees and Rebels at the South Asia Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. October 19.

2014 Karachi and 1960s Cinema: Cultural Wounds and the Production of Sameness. Lecture at the South Asia Center, University of Pennsylvania. September 25.

2014 Karachi and 1960s Cinema: Cultural Wounds and the Production of Sameness. Annual Lecture, Center for the Study of Pakistan, SOAS (University of London). May 6.

2012 Women, Work and Public Spaces: Conflict and Co-Existence in Karachi’s Poor Neighborhood. PSTC, Brown University. March 22.

2011 Progressives and 'Perverts': Partition Stories and Pakistan's Future. South Asia Initiative, Harvard University. October 5.

2011 Women, Work and Public Spaces: Conflict and Co-Existence in Karachi’s Poor Neighborhood. ZMO, Berlin, May 26.

2011 Women, Work and Public Spaces: Conflict and Co-Existence in Karachi’s Poor Neighborhood. Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity Gottingen April 14.

2011 Progressives and "Perverts": Partition Stories and Pakistan's Future. Seminar Presentation at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. April 5.

2009 Partition, Progressives and “Perverts”: Cultural Debates in Pakistan’s Early Years. Paper presented in the panel “Ethnographic Pasts and the Historical Present: Towards a Vernacular History of Pakistan. South Asia Conference. Madison, October 22-25.

2008 Difference, Tolerance and Intervention: The Politics of Ambivalence. In the panel on The Anthropologist as Social Critic: Toward an Engaged Anthropology. American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting. San Francisco, November 19-23.

2007 Gender, Politics and History. Paper Presented in the Panel on Gender: Still a Useful Category of Historical Analysis. University of Texas, Austin. September 14.

2005 Of Women, Work and Public Space: Some thoughts on Karachi’s Poor. University of Manchester, Dept. of Sociology and Women’s Studies. Manchester, UK. October 20.

2005 Of Women, Work and Public Space: Some thoughts on Karachi’s Poor. Cambridge University, South Asia Center. October 19.

2005 Of Women, Work and Public Space: Some thoughts on Karachi’s Poor. University of Sussex, Department of Social Anthropology. October 18.

2005 Pulp Fiction: Reading Pakistani Domesticity. Oxford University, Department of Anthropology. October 17.

2005 Of Women, Work and Public Space: Some thoughts on Karachi’s Poor. Seminar at the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. September 27.

Conferences/Workshops/Panels Organized

2016 Co-Organizer (with William Glover), The City in South Asia. Karachi. January 3-6, 2016.

2011 Co-Organizer (with Yasmin Saikia, Willem Schendel, Dina Siddiqi and Shelley Feldman),Workshop, Pakistan/Bangladesh/India: Building a field of scholarship and dialogue on 1971. BRAC Development Institute. March 16-17.

2010 Organizer and Co-Leader, American Institute of Pakistan Studies sponsored dissertation workshop for graduate students in Pakistani Universities. Islamabad. May17-19.

2007 Co-Organizer (with Martina Rieker and Humeira Iqtidar), Workshop, Contemporary Muslim Cosmopolitanisms. Cambridge, UK. October19-20

2007 Co-Organizer (with Yasmin Saikia, Willem Schendel, and Dina Siddiqi) Pre Conference Pakistan/Bangladesh/India Building a field of scholarship and dialogue on 1971. South Asia Conference, Madison Wisconsin. October 11.

2007 Co-Organizer, Engaging with East Pakistan-Bangladesh 1971: Building a Field of Scholarship and Dialogue. Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad. January 4-6, 2007.

2006 Co-Organizer (with Itty Abraham and Willem Schendel). The Long 1950s in South Asia. Pre-Conference Session, South Asia Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. October 19.

2006 Organized Urban Geographies of Conflict. University of Texas, Austin, February 26.

Administrative and Committee Service

Member, Search Committee. Department of Anthropology, Senior Hire. 2016

Member, Search Committee. Department of Anthropology and Latin American Studies. 2014

Chair Social Cultural Anthropology Graduate Studies Committee. 2014-

Director South Asia Institute, Summer, 2010. 2010- (on leave 2010-2011)

Member, Committee for Committees. University of Texas Faculty Council. 2009-2011

Member FLAS Committee, Center for Middle Eastern Studies. University of Texas, Austin. 2009

Acting Director South Asia Institute. University of Texas, Austin. Spring-Summer 2009.

Member Steering Committee, Rappaport Center for Human Rights and Justice, University of Texas Law School. 2009-

Chair, Search Committee, Middle East Anthropology. Department of Anthropology. University of Texas, Austin. 2008-2009

Member, Search Committee. Folklore and Public Culture. Department of Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin. 2008-09

Member Curriculum Committee, College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas, Austin. 2007-2009

Member, Search Committee. Folklore and Public Culture. Department of Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin. 2007-08

Member, Search Committee. Asian American Studies and Anthropology. University of Texas, Austin. 2007-08

Elected Chair, Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin. 2007-2010

Elected Member Faculty Council (university wide elections), University of Texas, Austin. 2006-2008

Member, University Library Committee, University of Texas, Austin. 2006-2008.

Elected Member, Executive Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin. 2007-2009

Chair, Environmental Studies and South Asia Search Committee. University of Texas, Austin. 2005-2006

Undergraduate Honors Thesis Advisor, Department of Anthropology. University of Texas, Austin. 2005-2010.

Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin. 2005-2007

Member Latin American Anthropology Search Committee. University of Texas, Austin. 2005-2006.

Member Calendar Committee, University of Texas, Austin. 2004-2006

Member Search Committee, Joint Appointment in Departments of Government and Asian Studies; South Asian Politics and Security Studies. University of Texas, Austin. 2004

Member Steering Committee, Women and Gender Studies, University of Texas, Austin. 2004-2006

Member Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin. 2001-.

UT Affiliations

Associate, Humanities Institute, University of Texas, Austin. 2001- present

Associate, Middle East Studies Center, University of Texas, Austin. 2001- present

Associate, Center for Women and Gender Studies, University of Texas. Austin. 2001- present

Associate, South Asia Institute, University of Texas, Austin. 2001- present

Associate, Population Research Center, University of Texas, Austin. 2001- present

Professional and Public Service

Elected Member-At-Large on the Executive Committee, Council of Overseas American Research Centers (CAORC), Washington DC. 2015-

Member Dean of Social Science and Humanities Search Committee, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). 2014.

Editorial Committee, Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP), Publishers of Middle East Report 2011-

President, American Institute of Pakistan Studies. October 2011-2014; Re-elected 2014-2017

Member Evaluation Team for Humanities and Social Sciences, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), December 20-23, 2010. 2013-

Secretary, Middle East Section. American Anthropological Association, 2010-2013.

Vice President (elected), American Institute of Pakistan Studies, 2010-2013.

Reviewer of Proposals for Workshops. School of Advanced Research (formerly, School of American Research), Santa Fe, NM. 2007.

Editorial Board International. Institute for the Study of Islam (ISIM) and University of Amsterdam book series. 2006-

Editorial Collective. Cultural Dynamics. 2005-2012

Elected Member American Anthropological Association, Committee on Human Rights. 2004-2007

Co-Coordinator, The Shehr Network: Comparative Urban Landscapes and their Subaltern

Citizen-Subjects in North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia.

Editorial Committee, Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP), Publishers of Middle East Report 2002-2008

H-Shehr, List Editor 2005-

Review of Manuscripts for Journals and Book Publishers (ad hoc since 1997: )

Manuscripts: University of Texas Press, Routledge, Indiana University Press, Stanford University Press, University of North Carolina Press, Harvard University Press, Woodrow Wilson International Center Press, University of Pennsylvania Press.

Reviewed Articles: Comparative Studies in Society and History, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Social Science and Medicine, Meridians, Cultural Anthropology, Alif, Journal of International Sociology, Journal of Development Studies, Cultural Dynamics, Feminist Studies, GLQ, Pakistan Perspectives, Comparative Literature, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.

Professional Affiliations

Middle East Section of American Anthropological Association 1997-2015

American Anthropological Association 1995- present

American Ethnological Society 1995- present

Society for Cultural Anthropology 1995- present

Other Employment Experience

Consultant, Alliance for Civilization, United Nations. May-August, 2006.

Human Rights Human Rights/Forensic Monitor for ONUSAL, United Nations Mission in El-Salvador. August 1991-June 1992.

Consultant, The Pakistan Integrated Household Survey, The World Bank. Designed and field tested the Community Questionnaire. September 1990-December 1990.


Urdu, Spanish and Egyptian Arabic.


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