Editable Scheme of Work for GCSE Linear Unit 1, Section 4

Practical support to help you deliver this Edexcel specification as a linear course

Following the announcement that from September 2012 GCSE specifications will move to linear assessment, this scheme of work has been adapted to help you implement the Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies Short Course or Full Course specification in a linear way. It can be used to deliver the teaching models presented in the Course Planner, but is not intended to be prescriptive and is provided in editable Word format to make adaptation as easy as possible.

Other course planning support

Course Planner

In addition to this revised Scheme of Work, we have produced an updated course planner that offers examples of possible models that you should feel free to adapt to meet your needs.

SPaG Guide

Following the announcement that SPaG would be introduced into the assessment of GCSE Religious Studies qualifications, we have produced a guide to show how these have been implemented in the Edexcel specification.

Other Edexcel teaching resources

Pearson produces a range of Edexcel resources for this specification, including:

• Student books — full colour textbooks for each examined unit of the specification, plus student books for six of the 12 Controlled Assessment topics.

• Teacher Guides – lesson plans and activity worksheets in print format and as editable files.

• ActiveTeach — digital teaching resources on an easy-to-use CD ROM.

• Exam Wizard — instant access to banks of GCSE questions from past papers.

Textbooks have also been produced by Hodder Education to support this specification.

Edexcel Additional Support

• Ask the Expert — puts you in direct email contact with over 200 of our senior subject experts.

Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies

Unit 1 Section 4 Religion and Community Cohesion

Edexcel scheme of work

|Content coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Topic 1: |To identify how attitudes to the roles of men and women |As a group, students discuss what the roles of men and |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 4.1 |

|How and why attitudes to the |have changed. |women are today. Teacher explains what the roles used to|could be used. |

|roles of men and women have |To discover why attitudes to the roles of men and women |be like (possibly showing a video). |A video about the suffragette movement or a TV programme about the |

|changed in the UK. |have changed. |Students discuss why and how attitudes have changed. |1970s (possibly Life on Mars) could be shown. |

| | |Students create posters about how attitudes have changed| |

| | |(perhaps ‘before’ and ‘after’ posters). | |

|Topic 2: |To identify how three Christian groups differ in the |Students draw and complete a table that includes a |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 4.2 |

|Different Christian attitudes to|roles they allow men and women to have within religion. |description of the three different Christian attitudes |provides useful information. |

|equal rights for men and women |To identify the reasons for the different Christian |towards the roles of men and women within religion, | |

|in religion, and the reasons for|attitudes to the roles of men and women within religion.|including the reasons for these attitudes. | |

|them. | |Students write three ‘agony aunt’ style letters to | |

| | |someone wanting to become a priest, one from each of the| |

| | |different Christian viewpoints. | |

|Topic 3: |To identify Muslim attitudes to the roles of men and |Students discuss Muslim attitudes to the roles of men |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 4.3 |

|Different attitudes to equal |women in religion. |and women in religion. |provides useful information. |

|rights for women in one religion|To identify the reasons for Muslim attitudes to the |Students make a list of reasons of reasons why Muslims | |

|other than Christianity, and the|roles of men and women in religion. |have these attitudes. | |

|reasons for them. | | | |

Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 1 Section 4: Religion and Community Cohesion Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012

|Content coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Topic 4: |To understand what it means that the UK is a |Students study the glossary definitions of the key words|The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 4.4 |

|The nature of the UK as a |multi-ethnic society and why the UK is a multi-ethnic |‘multi-ethnic’, ‘community cohesion’, ‘discrimination’, |provides useful information. |

|multi-ethnic society, including |society. |‘racial harmony’, ‘ethnic minority’ and ‘racism’. |See Edexcel specification, Appendix 4 for Key Words Glossary. |

|the problems of discrimination |To understand the problems of discrimination and racism.|Students draw a spider diagram showing all their ideas | |

|and racism. | |about a multi-ethnic society. | |

| | |Students discuss the problems discrimination and racism | |

| | |might cause in a society. | |

| | |Students design posters or adverts campaigning against | |

| | |discrimination and racism, highlighting the problems | |

| | |that these might cause. | |

|Topic 5: |To understand the different actions the government is |Students research what the government has done to |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 4.5 |

|Government action to promote |taking in order to improve community cohesion. |promote community cohesion, using up-to-date resources |provides useful information. |

|community cohesion in the UK, |To understand the laws put in place to ensure equal |on the internet. They specifically investigate laws |Further useful information can be found at: |

|including legislation on equal |rights for ethnic minorities and religions. |against discrimination. | |

|rights for ethnic minorities and| |Students produce a booklet explaining the actions that | – search for the document |

|religions. | |the government has taken to promote community cohesion. |Guidance on the Duty to Promote Community Cohesion |

| | | |

| | | |il/Page1/DCSF-00598-2007 |

| | | |

| | | |lang=en |

|Topic 6: |To study Christian teachings about racial harmony. |Teacher explains different Christian teachings on racial|The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 4.6 |

|Why Christians should help to |To understand the reasons why Christians should promote |harmony. |provides useful information and suggests teachings that could be |

|promote racial harmony. |racial harmony. |Students divide into groups, with each group taking a |used. |

| | |different teaching and explaining why it is important to|See also |

| | |racial harmony. They produce a presentation for the | |

| | |class about the teaching (possibly using PowerPoint). | |

Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 1 Section 4: Religion and Community Cohesion Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012

|Content coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Topic 7: |To study Muslim teachings on racial harmony. |Students discuss the different Muslim teachings about |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 4.7 |

|Why the followers of one |To understand the importance of Muslim teachings on |racial harmony. |provides useful information. |

|religion other than Christianity|racial harmony. |They produce a list of reasons why Muslims might have | |

|should help to promote racial | |these different attitudes. | |

|harmony. | | | |

|Topic 8: |To understand why the UK has become a multi-faith |Teacher explains the reasons why the UK has become a |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 4.8 |

|The UK as a multi-faith society,|society. |multi-faith society. |provides useful information. |

|including the benefits of living|To learn the benefits of living in a multi-faith |Class holds a discussion to identify a list of benefits |See also bbc.co.uk and on the Church of England website, |

|in a multi-faith society. |society. |of living in a multi-faith society. |cofe. |

| | |Students design posters or adverts about living in the | |

| | |UK as a multi-faith society (this must be about faith | |

| | |rather than anything to do with culture or race). | |

|Topic 9: |To understand the issues raised for religion because the|Students study the glossary definitions of the key words|The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 4.9 |

|Issues raised for religion by a |UK is a multi-faith society. |‘multi-faith society’ and ‘interfaith marriage’. |provides useful information. |

|multi-faith society – |To learn why a multi-faith society might bring problems |They hold a discussion to identify a list of problems | |

|conversion, bringing up |in the form of conversion, raising children and |that living in a multi-faith society might bring to | |

|children, interfaith marriages. |interfaith marriages. |religious people. | |

| | |Students write a letter as the parent of a child who is | |

| | |going out with a person of a different faith, expressing| |

| | |concerns but also acknowledging some of the benefits. | |

|Topic 10: |To understand the ways that religions work to promote |Students discuss the different ways that religions can |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 4.10 |

|Ways in which religions work to |community cohesion in the UK. |encourage their followers to promote community cohesion |provides useful information. |

|promote community cohesion in | |on an individual level, a community level, a local area | |

|the UK. | |level and possibly a national level through the | |

| | |organisations that people of faith may belong to. | |

| | |Students produce a poster to show all the different ways| |

| | |that religions encourage community cohesion. | |

Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 1 Section 4: Religion and Community Cohesion Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012

|Content coverage |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|Topic 11: |To understand how an issue connected to community |Students watch a film or TV programme that contains |The Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies 1A Student Book, Section 4.11 |

|How an issue arising from |cohesion has been shown in the media. |reference to both religion and an issue that is linked |provides programme suggestions, or try Bend it Like Beckham, My |

|religion and community cohesion |To identify whether the treatment of religious people or|to community cohesion. |Beautiful Laundrette, Shrek, East is East. |

|has been presented in one form |religion was fair in the media coverage chosen. |Students produce a list of reason why the way it shows | |

|of the media. | |religion and religious people might be seen as a) fair | |

|For example, in a television or | |and b) unfair. | |

|radio programme, in a film, or | | | |

|in the national daily press; | | | |

|including whether the treatment | | | |

|was fair to religious beliefs | | | |

|and religious people. | | | |

Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 1 Section 4: Religion and Community Cohesion Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012

This grid is for you to create your own scheme of work if needed.

|Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Exemplar resources |

|key questions | | | |

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| | | | |

Edexcel GCSE in Religious Studies — Unit 1 Section 4: Religion and Community Cohesion Scheme of Work © Pearson 2012


Content coverage

Week by week content coverage

Exemplar resources

Learning outcomes

We are happy to provide this scheme of work for you to amend and adapt to suit your teaching purposes.

We hope you find this useful.

Editable scheme of work

Edexcel GCSE Linear Religious Studies Unit 1 Section 4: Religion and Community Cohesion


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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